ISIS is the newest Boogeyman

Sex as a cure for the world's ills? Whatever. Meanwhile in the here and now, the real world, ISIS is approaching Baghdad. And they advertize themselves to be the most deadly bunch of extremist religious fanatics since the Inquisition. And you don't have to take their word for it. Take a look at a few of the videos they have posted on the www.

The US has a new Nye Committee is appears. I know who the military contact is, no need to remind me.:eusa_whistle:
I am cheering for team Sunni ......... :thup:

I usually stay out of these kind of threads....But when 9/11 happened, quite a few American Muslims like yourself were killed in the twin towers.

A young Muslim boy who lost his father was asked about Al Qaeda....."Do you think Al Qaeda regrets killing your father?"

The kid answered...."No...they don't care if we're Muslim....all they care about is that we are Americans. If you're American....they want you dead."

Something to keep in mind Sunni Man.
Collateral damage.......isn't that what the U.S. government calls it?? .. :cool:

I think its Boston. That area. Now I'm a born again. I know I don't sound like it many times. But I have always known where my fellows lie. Boston area.
Sex as a cure for the world's ills? Whatever. Meanwhile in the here and now, the real world, ISIS is approaching Baghdad. And they advertize themselves to be the most deadly bunch of extremist religious fanatics since the Inquisition. And you don't have to take their word for it. Take a look at a few of the videos they have posted on the www.

We have a serious problem here. Whoa geeze.
Sex as a cure for the world's ills? Whatever. Meanwhile in the here and now, the real world, ISIS is approaching Baghdad. And they advertize themselves to be the most deadly bunch of extremist religious fanatics since the Inquisition. And you don't have to take their word for it. Take a look at a few of the videos they have posted on the www.

We have a serious problem here. Whoa geeze.

Going home to the Combat Zone anytime soon?:D Look up The Nye Committee Southie, Republicans that did not want to aid the Allies, FDR had to face them down. The rabid right is turning again, as the Mesa Verde heads to the area.
I laughed when I started hearing about ISIS: the more violent than Al-Qaeda terrorist group. Seriously guys? First there was VD then HIV, then when HIV became somewhat less-than-lethal and people started enjoying sex again they invented super AIDS. AIDS was mutating and now back to being deadly again. Have you ever actually met someone with super AIDS? Or a terrorist for that matter? Now that we've gotten over being afraid of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and the wars in Iraq and Afganistan are all but over, look out! A new threat has popped into existence, ISIS! Or, Super Al-Qaeda. ...Groan.

Fearful people are easier to control. A public in fear of the Boogeyman will GIVE power and authroity to their governments to protect them. A public with nothing to fear wont stomach a corrupt or evil government. The Summer of Love in the 60s put an end to the war in Vietnam because everyone was busy having sex. And as Prescott et al. showed in the 70s, a sexually satisfied individual is relaxed, passive, and their brains incapable of being aggressive and violent. Just as with cannabis users. Hence why it's been illegal up until recently. Cannabis AND sexual pleasure represent a massive threat to the military industrial complex and ISIS and upcoming threats to global peace and security are the response.

Conspiracy nut? Pothead? Lunatic? Nope, just someone with more free time to think and notice this stuff. But those labels are how those who don't want this stuff talked about marginalize those that do.

There is no looming invasion by the Russians, Muslims, or even aliens. We were invaded and taken over long ago. And the result is a self-perpetuating flawed thinking that enables it to continue unabated.


Labels are the true enemy. Be it Christian or MUslim, black or white, democrat or republican; labels separate us into 'us' and 'them' categories. 'Us' or 'we' is the right side, and 'them' or 'they' is the wrong/bad side. Since invariably there's then always more than one side it's very easy to promote a sense of fear and stress which benefits those who provide both sides with the means to alleviate that stress. Whether a government promising security and safety, or a corporation selling some feel-good remedy. But what if we did away with labels and categories for people? What if we were all simply human beings who need the same basic things to live and prosper? If instead of over 200 countries on this one planet we were simply one unified planet and people? No more us vs them, no more right vs wrong, no more false threats from the 'them' so 'we' give more and more power to those promising to make us safe.

All labels and definitions for people are inherently wrong. By dividing ourselves into categories we marginalize people so the ones not part of that group are better or worse.

Corporations are largely to blame, as are governments, but ultimately they too are simply made up of individual people. I think therefore there isn't any one united threat or cause for our problems but rather a self-perpetuating flaw with how we think. Maybe way back someone noticed that if you break societies up into us vs them categories they're much easier to control. Our tribe vs their tribe maybe. Our tribe is the good peaceful tribe, and their tribe wants to destroy our tribe, take our things, and live where we live. And so it began. That first tribe was made fearful of the Others, and so when their leadership wanted to take the other tribe's resources (and in fact are the actual 'bad' ones) their people went along with it willingly because they became convinced the other trobe was the actual enemy. But in point of fact, it was their own leaders who needed to secure resources for their tribe who became the real enemy. Because th'good' tribe's needs were unsustainable with food, living space, etc. the other tribe's resources became more attractive than reducing consumption at home to allow a more sustainable existence. And so it is with us now in modern times. Rather than cutting back consumption, we let ourselves become convinced by our leaders that in order to go on living how we've always lived we need to wage war with others to take their energy, food, water, and living space to enable us to continue our comfortable lifestyles. But since most everyone is inherently good, and theft and murder wouldn't be agreeable, we need to be convinced of looming threats and sneak attacks. But it isn't simply enough to talk up an enemy separated by an ocean. An entire slew of threats has to be perpetuated so everyone is fearful and trusts their leaders.

Anyone who watches the news be it CNN, MSNBC, Fox, or someone else is being conditioned like one of Pavlov's dogs to be fearful of many different things. Disease is good. First there was VD, then, HIV, then when HIV became a somewhat chronic condition instead of death sentence, then invented super AIDS. Now sex is scary again, so instead of pleasuring one another with sex we abstain from sexual pleasure which in turn makes us more violent as Prescotts' research in the 70s showed. A sexually pleasuring person has all the violent neural impulse disabled, and vice-versa. It's one or the other, and a sexually satisfied person is very passive and relaxed. Whereas a sexually frustrated person is very aggressive and tense - the perfect candidate for fear inducing propaganda and recruitment into the next war.

Someone please tell me if you can find anything correct in this massive pile of poppycock. I can't. I mean really.

Dude, aside from all the chic left talking points you've been dining on, you have a relatively small but formidable Islamic lunatic force, with lots of money, and hundreds of formerly US tanks and other weaponry, in position to take over a country with the world's largest oil reserves$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (which, in turn, will put them in position to possess a nuclear arsenal) Do you know know how BAD that is ?
Sex as a cure for the world's ills? Whatever. Meanwhile in the here and now, the real world, ISIS is approaching Baghdad. And they advertize themselves to be the most deadly bunch of extremist religious fanatics since the Inquisition. And you don't have to take their word for it. Take a look at a few of the videos they have posted on the www.

We have a serious problem here. Whoa geeze.

Going home to the Combat Zone anytime soon?:D Look up The Nye Committee Southie, Republicans that did not want to aid the Allies, FDR had to face them down. The rabid right is turning again, as the Mesa Verde heads to the area.

Too much style. Too little content. Translation please.
I'm on Shia websites. Anyone else laughing away here?

Actual Shiite websites do not have chatrooms, I read one, every so often. I studied Sufism undergrad, you might have heard of the place; off Mass. Ave., across from the Coop, Brigham's and near a lot of other interesting relics.
I am cheering for both sides (sunni and shia) to kill each other off. That'd solve most of that region's problems right there.

And if the Sunnis (ISIS) wins ? Then we have nuclear annihilation (of AMERICA) on the drawing board. Then we'll have a bad cold turned into deadly pneumonia.
From where would they get nuclear weapons?? .. :cool:

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, ill-guarded nukes in former Soviet satellite countries have been available ion the black market to anyone with very large amounts of money. Right now, ISIS appears to be # 1 in the world for fitting that profile, and getting richer every day. If acquiring Iraq's oil wealth, acquiring nukes will be just a matter of time, and maybe not much time, at that.

Then there's the possibility of a Pakistan connection. Same one that helped North Korea, Iran, and Libya with their nuke programs. And Pakistan themselves were aided in their nuclear buildup by agents in the US and Canada.

You got the money. You got the commodity. You can bet on it. Sources available on request.
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I am cheering for team Sunni ......... :thup:

I am cheering for both sides (sunni and shia) to kill each other off. That'd solve most of that region's problems right there.

And if the Sunnis (ISIS) wins ? Then we have nuclear annihilation (of AMERICA) on the drawing board. Then we'll have a bad cold turned into deadly pneumonia.

I'm worried. I'm being honest here. I'm really worried. Cripes I can kill fish with my bare hands jump a sturgeon and take down a deer if I have to. Prefer not to. I do love my chicken in a box.

And my pork chops in a package. Not thinking about the darlings that died for me. But this one has me really worried.
I don't like to think that some maniac in the middle east is going to be the way we are going down.
And if the Sunnis (ISIS) wins ? Then we have nuclear annihilation (of AMERICA) on the drawing board. Then we'll have a bad cold turned into deadly pneumonia.
From where would they get nuclear weapons?? .. :cool:

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, ill-guarded nukes in former Soviet satellite countries have been available ion the black market to anyone with very large amounts of money. Right now, ISIS appears to be # 1 in the world for fitting that profile, and getting richer every day. If acquiring Iraq's oil wealth, acquiring nukes will be just a matter of time, and maybe not much time, at that.

Then there's the possibility of a Pakistan connection. Same one that helped North Korea, Iran, and Libya with their nuke programs. And Pakistan themselves were aided in their nuclear buildup by agents in the US and Canada.

You got the money. You got the commodity. You can bet on it. Sources available on request.

Out of Mosul they grabbed 400 million plus. They get to Baghdad aye carumba! I understand why people are going let them kill each other but holy toledo. They get to plunder Baghdad? OMG. People aren't thinking straight. If ISIS grabs Baghdad we're toast.

I cannot speak in military terms. But I think we're toast covers it.
From where would they get nuclear weapons?? .. :cool:

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, ill-guarded nukes in former Soviet satellite countries have been available ion the black market to anyone with very large amounts of money. Right now, ISIS appears to be # 1 in the world for fitting that profile, and getting richer every day. If acquiring Iraq's oil wealth, acquiring nukes will be just a matter of time, and maybe not much time, at that.

Then there's the possibility of a Pakistan connection. Same one that helped North Korea, Iran, and Libya with their nuke programs. And Pakistan themselves were aided in their nuclear buildup by agents in the US and Canada.

You got the money. You got the commodity. You can bet on it. Sources available on request.

Out of Mosul they grabbed 400 million plus. They get to Baghdad aye carumba! I understand why people are going let them kill each other but holy toledo. They get to plunder Baghdad? OMG. People aren't thinking straight. If ISIS grabs Baghdad we're toast.

I cannot speak in military terms. But I think we're toast covers it.

When did you start channeling Bart Simpson?

I am cheering for team Sunni ......... :thup:

I usually stay out of these kind of threads....But when 9/11 happened, quite a few American Muslims like yourself were killed in the twin towers.

A young Muslim boy who lost his father was asked about Al Qaeda....."Do you think Al Qaeda regrets killing your father?"

The kid answered...."No...they don't care if we're Muslim....all they care about is that we are Americans. If you're American....they want you dead."

Something to keep in mind Sunni Man.
Collateral damage.......isn't that what the U.S. government calls it?? .. :cool:

Fucking sunni man, you trying to stir up a shit storm again.......:lol:

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