ISIS kills in Berlin, but Merkel 24/7 demands to punish Putin for fighting ISIS!

Those troops are there by invitation.

Like the Soviet troops were "by the invitation" of the SED in the DDR.

That said, I do agree it's time Germany and our other "allies" grow up and defend their own nations.

"Grow up" is a stupid expression.

Nato was created to "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down,"
(Hastings Ismay, first Secretary General of NATO from 1952 to 1957)

Hastings Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay - Wikipedia

After the collapse of the East Block and the Warsaw Treaty, there was no justification for NATO and for keeping Germany down any more.

We need to withdraw from Germany at a rate that allows Germany to increase the size of their military to balance the withdrawal.

The new confrontation with Russia was created artificially, to justify the going on with "keeping Germany down".

The real threat comes not from Russia, but from the Islamic World, and to prevent this threat you have to protect your boarders, not to increase your military.
What I post can be verified, the proven liar is you.
Awesome, Bleip!
1) Prove the US used gas in Syria.

2) Prove I'm an al-Qaeda supporter.

3) Prove I'm a lawyer for al-Qaeda.

That's just for starters. Once you prove those, I'll come back with all of your other lies "posts".
ISIS kills in Berlin, but Merkel 24/7 demands to punish Putin for fighting ISIS!
You're evading answering which means you are being dishonest.

How does pasting a link to page 2 of this this thread prove the US used gas in Syria? That I'm both an al-Qaeda lawyer and supporter?

Obviously, Bleip, you don't have the spine to admit you are wrong in those false accusations. No need to answer since I'm sure all honest readers of this forum will recognize what I've posted is truthful.
Those troops are there by invitation.

Like the Soviet troops were "by the invitation" of the SED in the DDR.

That said, I do agree it's time Germany and our other "allies" grow up and defend their own nations.

"Grow up" is a stupid expression.

Nato was created to "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down,"
(Hastings Ismay, first Secretary General of NATO from 1952 to 1957)

Hastings Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay - Wikipedia

After the collapse of the East Block and the Warsaw Treaty, there was no justification for NATO and for keeping Germany down any more.

We need to withdraw from Germany at a rate that allows Germany to increase the size of their military to balance the withdrawal.

The new confrontation with Russia was created artificially, to justify the going on with "keeping Germany down".

The real threat comes not from Russia, but from the Islamic World, and to prevent this threat you have to protect your boarders, not to increase your military.
Your view of history is biased and full of half-truths.

As a kid, I remember having a 16mm camera marked "Made in occupied Germany", the four year period between the end of WWII and the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany. Let's not forget who occupied the other half of Germany until German reunification in 1990. Funny how the Russophiles love to skip over the actions of the Soviet Union and the new Russian efforts to rebuild it.
If Putin and Assad were solely killing ISIS, people would support them. But Assad is killing people just because they disagree with him.

According to what conspiracy theories?

Many of the people Assad and Putin are killing are not ISIS members and aren't even terrorist.

Can you be more specific?
Or do you mean collateral damage?

This is what you conservatives aren't getting. Assad is no better than ISIS and Putin is asssiting Assad with commiting war crimes.

Assad is a western educated European looking man, and he has more support in the Syrian population, than Obama had in the USA.
Putin is also supported by his voters, your crazy conspiracy theories do not hold any water.

Assad is a freaking dictator. Always has been. Now he's gotten out of control because he has the help of a resourceful western nation ( Russia).

If he was a dictator, then the foreign terrorists, supported by Mossad and western powers would have an easy job to replace him.

But Putin and Assad have a huge support in their countries, that is why all these thugs, supported by foreign powers, do not have big chances in Syria.
What I post can be verified, the proven liar is you.
Awesome, Bleip!
1) Prove the US used gas in Syria.

2) Prove I'm an al-Qaeda supporter.

3) Prove I'm a lawyer for al-Qaeda.

That's just for starters. Once you prove those, I'll come back with all of your other lies "posts".
ISIS kills in Berlin, but Merkel 24/7 demands to punish Putin for fighting ISIS!
You're evading answering which means you are being dishonest.

How does pasting a link to page 2 of this this thread prove the US used gas in Syria? That I'm both an al-Qaeda lawyer and supporter?

Obviously, Bleip, you don't have the spine to admit you are wrong in those false accusations. No need to answer since I'm sure all honest readers of this forum will recognize what I've posted is truthful.
Your propaganda is not believed and most here are lucky this ends on January 20.
Your view of history is biased and full of half-truths.

As a kid, I remember having a 16mm camera marked "Made in occupied Germany", the four year period between the end of WWII and the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany. Let's not forget who occupied the other half of Germany until German reunification in 1990.

Stalin and his western allies dismembered Germany into occupation zones.
In the West Zones they tried to implement the murderous Morgenthau Plan, which was called JCS 1067.

Morgenthau had been able to wield considerable influence over Joint Chiefs of Staff Directive 1067. JCS 1067 was a basis for U.S. occupation policy until July 1947, and like the Morgenthau Plan, was intended to reduce German living standards.
Morgenthau Plan - Wikipedia

German civilians were treated like enemies.

Germany will not be occupied for the purpose of liberation but as a defeated enemy nation.
You will strongly discourage fraternization with the German officials and population.

German children were dying, though the occupying forces had enough food, but the GI were prohibited from sharing food with dying German children.

They tried to reduced the German population to about 20 Millions in the West Zones, and transform Germany into a pastoral state. Children were dying, because they were prevented from getting medicine and food that was sent by the Red Cross and by other humanitarian organisations.

But without Germany European economy was dead, and Stalin was not treating the German civilians in his occupied zone as enemies, German civilians were not starving in Eastern Zone, and if the artificial famine in West Zones continued, Germans would support Communism.

That is why they had to kick out the Morgenthau Boys from their office and abandon their murderous Morgenthau Plan.

Funny how the Russophiles love to skip over the actions of the Soviet Union and the new Russian efforts to rebuild it.

Soviet Union was not Russia, most Soviet leaders were not Russians. Stalin was a Georgian, who tried to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church, and most of his Commie cronies, like Kaganovich, were neither Christians, nor Russians.

Khrushchev was a Ukrainian who "sold" Russian Crimean peninsula to his Ukrainian Commie cronies, without asking the Russian population of this region.

So if you refer to the reunification of Crimean Peninsula with the Mother Russia, this has nothing to do with rebuilding the Soviet Union, they are rebuilding the pre-soviet Russia.
Last edited:
If Putin and Assad were solely killing ISIS, people would support them. But Assad is killing people just because they disagree with him.

According to what conspiracy theories?

Many of the people Assad and Putin are killing are not ISIS members and aren't even terrorist.

Can you be more specific?
Or do you mean collateral damage?

there are lots of Syrians in the USA-----lots and lots-----who fled Syria in the
1970s ----ask them about the assads

This is what you conservatives aren't getting. Assad is no better than ISIS and Putin is asssiting Assad with commiting war crimes.

Assad is a western educated European looking man, and he has more support in the Syrian population, than Obama had in the USA.
Putin is also supported by his voters, your crazy conspiracy theories do not hold any water.

Assad is a freaking dictator. Always has been. Now he's gotten out of control because he has the help of a resourceful western nation ( Russia).

If he was a dictator, then the foreign terrorists, supported by Mossad and western powers would have an easy job to replace him.

But Putin and Assad have a huge support in their countries, that is why all these thugs, supported by foreign powers, do not have big chances in Syria.
Your propaganda is not believed and most here are lucky this ends on January 20.
ROFLMAO. Dude, I don't expect idiots to be able to see past their own bullshit. You forget this forum has hundreds of members, many of them more readers than posters.

What idiots, dick-sucking dictator supporters and other anti-American assholes believe is up to them. I'm more focused upon revealing to the majority people on this forum the true nature of people like you.
....Soviet Union was not Russia, most Soviet leaders were not Russians. Stalin was a Georgian, who tried to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church, and most of his Commie cronies, like Kaganovich, were neither Christians, nor Russians.

Khrushchev was a Ukrainian who "sold" Russian Crimean peninsula to his Ukrainian Commie cronies, without asking the Russian population of this region.

So if you refer to the reunification of Crimean Peninsula with the Mother Russia, this has nothing to do with rebuilding the Soviet Union, they are rebuilding the pre-soviet Russia.
Interesting, long-winded reply to a remark about Russophiles. Are you a Russophile or simply Russian?
Your propaganda is not believed and most here are lucky this ends on January 20.
ROFLMAO. Dude, I don't expect idiots to be able to see past their own bullshit. You forget this forum has hundreds of members, many of them more readers than posters.

What idiots, dick-sucking dictator supporters and other anti-American assholes believe is up to them. I'm more focused upon revealing to the majority people on this forum the true nature of people like you.
Talk yourself into it. Maybe it becomes true, then (it won´t).
Those troops are there by invitation.

Like the Soviet troops were "by the invitation" of the SED in the DDR.

That said, I do agree it's time Germany and our other "allies" grow up and defend their own nations.

"Grow up" is a stupid expression.

Nato was created to "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down,"
(Hastings Ismay, first Secretary General of NATO from 1952 to 1957)

Hastings Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay - Wikipedia

After the collapse of the East Block and the Warsaw Treaty, there was no justification for NATO and for keeping Germany down any more.

We need to withdraw from Germany at a rate that allows Germany to increase the size of their military to balance the withdrawal.

The new confrontation with Russia was created artificially, to justify the going on with "keeping Germany down".

The real threat comes not from Russia, but from the Islamic World, and to prevent this threat you have to protect your boarders, not to increase your military.

both ---borders and military. The threat from the Islamic "world" is multipronged
-----and multifocal. Today the MOST significant focus of Islamic related threat is
the AXIS----Iran, Russia and all of the world's SHIITES ----(there are Shiites just about anywhere there are sunnis-------usually---but not always a minority-----an
overwhelming majority in Iran)
Talk yourself into it. Maybe it becomes true, then (it won´t).
No need to. I'm content to let the majority decide. See, that's how we do it in places where freedom and liberty are cherished to the point we'll fight for it. Assholes who want to dictate to others how to live and what to believe wouldn't survive in this country.

What is funny about you is the hypocrisy of someone who uses the benefits and freedoms of a First World country while advocating the values and horror of a Third World dictatorship. I hope Germany deports your ass back to Syria.
Today the MOST significant focus of Islamic related threat is
the AXIS----Iran, Russia and all of the world's SHIITES ---...

No, Saudi Arabia is the source of Islamism, and this backward country happens to be a good friend of Israel and the West. Saudis even donated money to Hillary, and the same Saudis are supporting ISIS.

Russia is fighting Islamism, like ISIS.

Assad is not an Islamist, and Syria was de facto a secular country.
Is Merkel already secret Muslim convert ( like many German politically correct 'politicians' ) Supports she ISIS? Where is the logic? Why Merkel non-stop 24/7 curses Putin and demand his punishment for fighting ISIS in Syria, but does nothing to prevent ISIS terror in Germany and imports hundred of thousands IS-fighters as 'refuges'?
While I agree with you, you might want to work on your grammar.
Today the MOST significant focus of Islamic related threat is
the AXIS----Iran, Russia and all of the world's SHIITES ---...

No, Saudi Arabia is the source of Islamism, and this backward country happens to be a good friend of Israel and the West. Saudis even donated money to Hillary, and the same Saudis are supporting ISIS.

Russia is fighting Islamism, like ISIS.

Assad is not an Islamist, and Syria was de facto a secular country.

Assad is a Baathist-----like the mass murderer Saddam Hussein-----Baathist is just another form of islamist------ islamist = islamo Nazi = Shiite shit = irano-nazi
Russia is fighting Islamism, like ISIS.

Assad is not an Islamist, and Syria was de facto a secular country.
Bullshit. You're either a Russian apologist or a fucking moron. Russia is supporting Assad. If ISIS attacks Assad, Russia attacks them. If ISIS attacks Iraq, Turkey or anyone else, Russia does nothing.

Fuck Putin. He's a tin-plated dictator.
Talk yourself into it. Maybe it becomes true, then (it won´t).
No need to. I'm content to let the majority decide. See, that's how we do it in places where freedom and liberty are cherished to the point we'll fight for it. Assholes who want to dictate to others how to live and what to believe wouldn't survive in this country.

What is funny about you is the hypocrisy of someone who uses the benefits and freedoms of a First World country while advocating the values and horror of a Third World dictatorship. I hope Germany deports your ass back to Syria.
You are very confused. The western countries do not grant the people any political power in reality. Party-dynasties rule the countries, instead while in Syria, the people can apply for MP and are directly elected into the People´s Assembly, of which the half must be workers and farmers according to the constitution.

people celebrate in aleppo street
You are very confused. The western countries do not grant the people any political power in reality. Party-dynasties rule the countries, instead while in Syria, the people can apply for MP and are directly elected into the People´s Assembly, of which the half must be workers and farmers according to the constitution.
Since you hate Western nations and are a fan of Islamic dictators like Bashar al-Assad, you should understand why you're not given any credence by Americans, Bleip.
You are very confused. The western countries do not grant the people any political power in reality. Party-dynasties rule the countries, instead while in Syria, the people can apply for MP and are directly elected into the People´s Assembly, of which the half must be workers and farmers according to the constitution.
Since you hate Western nations and are a fan of Islamic dictators like Bashar al-Assad, you should understand why you're not given any credence by Americans, Bleip.
Since you are lying each time you open your mouth, you could save your breath as well. I don´t hate any nation and Assad is a secular President. Your Islamic dictator Obama, on the other hand, is going out and with Trump entering office you parrot will change your attitude. Can´t wait for that day. Will watch ya transforming from Islamist terrorist supporter to warrior against terrorism.

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