ISIS kills in Berlin, but Merkel 24/7 demands to punish Putin for fighting ISIS!

Is Merkel already secret Muslim convert ( like many German politically correct 'politicians' ) Supports she ISIS? Where is the logic? Why Merkel non-stop 24/7 curses Putin and demand his punishment for fighting ISIS in Syria, but does nothing to prevent ISIS terror in Germany and imports hundred of thousands IS-fighters as 'refuges'?

Merkel has blood in her hands and she knows it.

There is a special place in Hell for her.
Is Merkel already secret Muslim convert ( like many German politically correct 'politicians' ) Supports she ISIS? Where is the logic? Why Merkel non-stop 24/7 curses Putin and demand his punishment for fighting ISIS in Syria, but does nothing to prevent ISIS terror in Germany and imports hundred of thousands IS-fighters as 'refuges'?

Putin's not fighting ISIS. In fact, he seems to have totally missed ISIS in his campaigns.
Agreed. His main mission seems to be supporting the Assad regime against Syrian Freedom Fighters. ISIS is a side war....which is also involved in areas outside of Syria. Places where Putin doesn't give a shit what ISIS does.
Merkel has blood in her hands and she knows it.

There is a special place in Hell for her.
How? For being so left she tries to hug murderous thugs and offers appeasement because that's what LWers do? Sorry, I don't see Hell for her. Unemployment? Yes. A footnote in history like British PM Neville Chamberlain? Yes. Thought of as an idiotic sucker who's attitude of peace, love, dove cost hundreds, if not thousands of lives? Yes. Evil Muslim cocksucking bitch? No.
Merkel has blood in her hands and she knows it.

There is a special place in Hell for her.
How? For being so left she tries to hug murderous thugs and offers appeasement because that's what LWers do? Sorry, I don't see Hell for her. Unemployment? Yes. A footnote in history like British PM Neville Chamberlain? Yes. Thought of as an idiotic sucker who's attitude of peace, love, dove cost hundreds, if not thousands of lives? Yes. Evil Muslim cocksucking bitch? No.

if you don't get this I have nothing more to say to you.

if you don't get this I have nothing more to say to you.

Your choice if you don't want to talk to me.

1) Your meme is wrong. It isn't "millions". It's over a million, which is a shitload.
2) One attack out of a million is slim odds.
3) That said, I'm a strong believer in the strategy of fixing why there are refugees rather than accepting refugees AKA immigrants en masse from war-torn countries.

Refugees plead with Germans: don't suspect all of us
The influx of more than a million migrants into Germany this year and last, mainly Muslims fleeing countries such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, has hardened public views on immigration and weakened support for the chancellor, Angela Merkel. It has also fuelled xenophobia. Authorities in Berlin say they recorded 59 attacks on refugee shelters in the city last year and 48 so far this year.

“We have nothing to do with this crime,” said Ammar
Is Merkel already secret Muslim convert ( like many German politically correct 'politicians' ) Supports she ISIS? Where is the logic? Why Merkel non-stop 24/7 curses Putin and demand his punishment for fighting ISIS in Syria, but does nothing to prevent ISIS terror in Germany and imports hundred of thousands IS-fighters as 'refuges'?

Merkel has blood in her hands and she knows it.

There is a special place in Hell for her.

Not fare away from Judas, Lenin and Mao.
Sorry, I don't see Hell for her. .

Merkel is a satanist NWO traitor who kills own folk and replace it by foreign one.
She is guilty on carrying out fare-left communist agenda which already cost millions of lifes ( unborn babies too ).
The place for Merkel can be only Hell.

Read more about here:
The Truth About Hell

Sorry, I don't see Hell for her. .

Merkel is a satanist NWO traitor who kills own folk and replace it by foreign one.
She is guilty on carrying out fare-left communist agenda which already cost millions of lifes ( unborn babies too ).
The place for Merkel can be only Hell.

Read more about here:
The Truth About Hell

Wow, that's a lot of hate wrapped up on a short post. Are you a Christian? If so, tell me "the Truth about Heaven" and what Jesus says are our two greatest commandments. If you aren't a Christian, the please carry on with your attack.
Is Merkel already secret Muslim convert ( like many German politically correct 'politicians' ) Supports she ISIS? Where is the logic? Why Merkel non-stop 24/7 curses Putin and demand his punishment for fighting ISIS in Syria, but does nothing to prevent ISIS terror in Germany and imports hundred of thousands IS-fighters as 'refuges'?

She is just a puppet of the self proclaimed "World Government", she has to promote the agenda of globalists, or else....
Is Merkel already secret Muslim convert ( like many German politically correct 'politicians' ) Supports she ISIS?...
No, she isn't, but a few more attacks like this without a solid response from her may see her looking for a new job.

Bleipriester, was the killer a friend of yours?

Maybe she can get a job as a test dummy at the VW plant.
...Assad is by no means the greatest leader of men the world has ever known but he is better than the alternative. That being destabilizing the region even more than we already have. A process that's already begun.
ISIS isn't better than Assad, so I'd say it's a push. Assad gassed thousands of his own people. He's a butcher. I'd rather see a stable constitutional republic in it's place. Something difficult to ask from a Muslim nation.
Zionist al-Qaeda propaganda.

Here´s the truth:

Is Merkel already secret Muslim convert ( like many German politically correct 'politicians' ) Supports she ISIS?...
No, she isn't, but a few more attacks like this without a solid response from her may see her looking for a new job.

Bleipriester, was the killer a friend of yours?

Maybe she can get a job as a test dummy at the VW plant.
Sucking on tailpipes as a human emissions tester? I hear they need improvement in that area.
Is Merkel already secret Muslim convert ( like many German politically correct 'politicians' ) Supports she ISIS? Where is the logic? Why Merkel non-stop 24/7 curses Putin and demand his punishment for fighting ISIS in Syria, but does nothing to prevent ISIS terror in Germany and imports hundred of thousands IS-fighters as 'refuges'?

Putin's not fighting ISIS. In fact, he seems to have totally missed ISIS in his campaigns.
Big lie. And of course, solving frontiers against al-Qaeda frees more soldiers and airpower to fight ISIS.
...Assad is by no means the greatest leader of men the world has ever known but he is better than the alternative. That being destabilizing the region even more than we already have. A process that's already begun.
ISIS isn't better than Assad, so I'd say it's a push. Assad gassed thousands of his own people. He's a butcher. I'd rather see a stable constitutional republic in it's place. Something difficult to ask from a Muslim nation.
Zionist al-Qaeda propaganda.

Here´s the truth:

Funny how your "truth" never has any links for verification. My guess is you are hiding something. Dishonest scumbags always hide the truth.
Unfortunately Germans are too stupid and too coward to do something.
Merkel will 100 % 'elected' to chancellor again, only Trump can help to demolish DDR 2.0 and its socialist Big Sister.

Germany can hardly be called a souvereign country, there are still foreign troops on German territory.

So if Trump grants souveteinty to Germany, then Germans will be like Brits and you will see a Gexit.
...Assad is by no means the greatest leader of men the world has ever known but he is better than the alternative. That being destabilizing the region even more than we already have. A process that's already begun.
ISIS isn't better than Assad, so I'd say it's a push. Assad gassed thousands of his own people. He's a butcher. I'd rather see a stable constitutional republic in it's place. Something difficult to ask from a Muslim nation.
Zionist al-Qaeda propaganda.

Here´s the truth:

Funny how your "truth" never has any links for verification. My guess is you are hiding something. Dishonest scumbags always hide the truth.
The stink gets his link:
Obama lied about Syrian chemical attack, ‘cherry-picked’ intelligence: report
Germany can hardly be called a souvereign country, there are still foreign troops on German territory.

So if Trump grants souveteinty to Germany, then Germans will be like Brits and you will see a Gexit.
Those troops are there by invitation. That said, I do agree it's time Germany and our other "allies" grow up and defend their own nations. We need to withdraw from Germany at a rate that allows Germany to increase the size of their military to balance the withdrawal.
Maybe Angela Merkel is scared for the 2017 election. She would like to be the new Chancellor for the fourth time :uhh:
That's why she's acting like that I guess :eusa_think:
Agreed politicians are always running for reelection, but if terrorists keep killing Germans and she does nothing but invite more refugees ME immigrants to live in Germany, she will become unemployed.

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