ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Believed to Have Been Killed, According to Report

One less Muslim shitbag on the planet.

Congrats Trump and good job to our Military men and women involved.

Fake news. Where's the proof? Just another Trump distraction.

Oh REALLY... you believed the kenyan killed OBL without EVER SEEING A BODY.

What's so different now?

OOOoooooh... that's right... you leftist bubble heads swallow EVERYTHING your democrat propaganda wing says like it's fresh jizz, but if it's something good being said about TRUMP, your TDS kicks in and you have a BRAIN ANEURYSM.

Trump set this whole thing up with his recent withdraw of troops. He lured them into a false sense of security and then squashed Baghdadi like a bug. Another great move by our great President. Thank you Mr. Trump.
And all he had to do was allow our Kurdish allies to be destroyed and turn the whole region over to the Russians.

So this means ISIS is dead right?
Come on, Qdog. Shake yourself. ISIS will never be dead regardless of if we stay or leave. ISIS is an ideology that can't be destroyed with guns and bombs. Can you comprehend that or are you just a warmonger?
Trump set this whole thing up with his recent withdraw of troops. He lured them into a false sense of security and then squashed Baghdadi like a bug. Another great move by our great President. Thank you Mr. Trump.
And all he had to do was allow our Kurdish allies to be destroyed and turn the whole region over to the Russians.

So this means ISIS is dead right?
Come on, Qdog. Shake yourself. ISIS will never be dead regardless of if we stay or leave. ISIS is an ideology that can't be destroyed with guns and bombs. Can you comprehend that or are you just a warmonger?
So how do we destroy it?
Great news.

Does this mean that ISIS is no longer a threat?
How many leaders of ISIS have we killed? They're like the Borg; they'll put someone in his place and resume festivities. In the past, when we've killed the leader of ISIS, it's been no biggie on the news. Now it's being made into a Major Event to assure people that Trump isn't as big a military jellyhead as he appears. That's all. If nothing else, Trump needs to stop bitching about the media, because they are very obediently making it a big deal, just for him.

This ain't the taking out of bin Laden, folks. ISIS isn't going anywhere, unfortunately.

One less Muslim shitbag on the planet.

Congrats Trump and good job to our Military men and women involved.

Other enemies of President Trump should take note.

The liberal leader of the Islamic State disrespected the President one too many times, so he got his ass whacked.

Donald J. Trump waits for the appropriate opportunity and then takes decisive action. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Trump had already destroyed the Islamic State army, the military force that was deemed to be invincible by the American Intelligence Establishment. But of course, Trump- a military school alumni- knew there has never been an invincible army and never will be.
On the radio this a.m. I heard the guy and his wife offed themselves when the Americans surrounded them. Suicide vests. They're DNA testing the bits now.
The Invisible Sheikh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia

"In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, contemporaries of al-Baghdadi describe him in his youth as being shy, unimpressive, a religious scholar, and a man who eschewed violence.

"For more than a decade, until 2004, he lived in a room attached to a small local mosque in Tobchi, a poor neighbourhood on the western fringes of Baghdad, inhabited by both Shia and Sunni Muslims.[31]

"Ahmed al-Dabash, the leader of the Islamic Army of Iraq and a contemporary of al-Baghdadi who fought against the allied invasion in 2003, gave a description of al-Baghdadi that matched that of the Tobchi residents:

"'I was with Baghdadi at the Islamic University. We studied the same course, but he wasn't a friend. He was quiet, and retiring. He spent time alone ... I used to know all the leaders (of the insurgency) personally. Zarqawi (the former leader of al-Qaeda) was closer than a brother to me ... But I didn't know Baghdadi. He was insignificant. He used to lead prayer in a mosque near my area. No one really noticed him.[31]'"

"'They [the US and Iraqi Governments] know physically who this guy is, but his backstory is just myth', said Patrick Skinner of the Soufan Group, a security consulting firm. 'He's managed this secret persona extremely well, and it's enhanced his group's prestige', said Patrick Johnston of the RAND Corporation, adding, 'Young people are really attracted to that.'[43]

"Being mostly unrecognized, even in his own organization, Baghdadi was known to be nicknamed at some time about 2015, as 'the invisible sheikh'.[7]"
Well, how the fake news media will spin this should be interesting. They have spent the last few weeks hyping an ISIS return and the dangers of ISIS. I suppose now they will spin ISIS as irrelevant and killing the leader of ISIS is not really a big deal.
Well, how the fake news media will spin this should be interesting. They have spent the last few weeks hyping an ISIS return and the dangers of ISIS. I suppose now they will spin ISIS as irrelevant and killing the leader of ISIS is not really a big deal.

I expect the Media to label this a Trump "war crime" as Baghdadi wasn't read his rights and Trump should have known that he was a suicide risk. This death will be used to demand restrictions on firearms to prevent senseless suicides of combat veterans. Baghdadi will be diagnosed post-mortem with PTSD.
Trump continues his winning streak.
I'm sure that Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will keep the string going with indictments of the deep state coup plotters.
I thought we had pulled out of the Turkey Syria area. Looks like some liberals owe Trump an apology. Let's see if any of them are man (or woman) enough to do it.

Word on the street is that he actually killed himself by blowing up his own suicide vest. Coward!!! That's all those son of a bitches are is cowards. They won't go down with a fight, as soon as they know they're about to die they commit suicide.

It's ok. We'll literally pick up the pieces and go about our lives! :113:

Trump just said he detonated his vest in the back of a dead end tunnel killing himself and 3 of his kids. The tunnel caved in on him when he did that too. So killed and buried in one step. Works for me!
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Wow is there something trump can’t do?
Shut his fucking trap on Twitter long enough for the Interwebs to fucking breath for a minute.
Just like a typical leftist shit bag... don't agree with what someone says, you want to SHUT THEM THE FUCK UP.

How NAZI of you...
You misunderstand. I'm not a leftist. I appreciate jitlers contribution to USMB. And you. It would be Hugely Greatly Wonderful, if DJT would just STFU on twitter.
We need air here in USMB chat rooms.
Easily solved. Don't come here for a while.

Stop trying to control others and just control the only person you CAN control.

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