ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Believed to Have Been Killed, According to Report

The ONLY reason that Dimms and the MSM don’t like Trump tweeting is because they want to be the Gatekeepers of the information.

They want to keep you in the dark and feed you shit.

With a Trump tweeting, it makes it difficult. He pushes back on the lies.

For example.....Russia collusion was a FUCKING LIE.

Bingo. Exactly correct. The Media is unable to lie with impunity against Trump like they were against others in the past. Any lies get immediately shot down on Twitter by the President. Further, Twitter allows Mr. Trump to return fire at any time, day or night, against his adversaries. They have to stay on defense.
The pathetic Dems are already saying it’s not an accomplishment because the guy detonated his own suicide vest.

At least the Cvnts are consistently ridiculous. :21:
Wouldn't it have been nice if we got Baghdadi a lot sooner than that.
What is it with you people and needing someone to take credit for things? We’re not even discussing the security this should add to the region and the world bevsuse were too busy arguing over who gets credit or who did it better. You people are pathetic.

Upstairs is retarded. :thup:
No nice peaceful burial for this asshole either. The President insulted him by saying he “died like a dog”, whimpering and crying. The Hussein probably would had said a prayer for him.
Wow is there something trump can’t do?
Win an election without Russian assistance.

Form a compete sentence without help from a writing staff?

Tell the truth for 5 minutes straight?

Admit he was wrong ?

Build a wall?

Hell, I'm not sure he can wipe his own, orange, ass.
What is it with you people and needing someone to take credit for things? We’re not even discussing the security this should add to the region and the world bevsuse were too busy arguing over who gets credit or who did it better. You people are pathetic.

Upstairs is retarded. :thup:
I know, I don’t know why I still post up here sometimes but it’s just that nagging feeling that maybe just maybe, THIS will be the post that gets someone to wake the hell up :lol:
Kudos to all involved.

Obama and Hillary created ISIS, Trump is taking them out.

....and many of you idiots blindly trust the CIA. :21:
Ok ..............he just said we are taking the ..........for payment of all the money we spent in the region.

Not sure what to think of that. Said securing until.................hmmmm........

Either way ..........a Scumbag is dead which is good news.
The pathetic Dems are already saying it’s not an accomplishment because the guy detonated his own suicide vest.

At least the Cvnts are consistently ridiculous. :21:
Wouldn't it have been nice if we got Baghdadi a lot sooner than that.

The problem was we had obama in office for 8 years......Trump had to clean up his mess and then move on to killing bad guys......
We should take the oil. That’s what you do when you win regime change wars. You take their natural resources.

I am being facetious, I’d like to see us out of the region completely...but we also need to make sure we stay safe here.

This is another ground for impeachment......Trump ordered the raid but did not order that the guy be given his Miranda Rights........a clear violation of the something........
Don't be an idiot.

No, I leave that to you and the other left wing asshats...

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