ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Yeah, the muslims and Guatemalans will take care of our homo problem post haste.
Yep, that's soooo Christian of you.
You dumbass. We protected your stupid dyke ass, and like the mentally ill retard you are, you are doing everything you can to cut our legs out from under us.
Here's your own damning words:

Yeah, the muslims and Guatemalans will take care of our homo problem post haste.

You are a problem. You subvert the constitution in order to grant yourselves special rights at the expense of the rights of others. You seem to think you'll get a special pass when you manage to eliminate all façade of liberty and freedom from this country, and replace it with perversion.

It doesn't work that way.
Every time Allie and others like her talk about "special rights" they get asked what those special rights are. Oddly, there never is an answer forthcoming.
You are ignoring what your bigoted pal wrote.
You're an idiot. You are reading what you want her to have said into what she actually said.

It was a statement of fact, the Muslims will throw your slug-trailing, carpet muncher ass off rooftops if they gained power here.

They'd probably rape you first. If you aren't a butch dyke, they may even make you their sex slave.
Another moooslim fellow traveler.
They'd do the same to you, Warrior Princess.
Nope...only in your snuff fantasies.
I dare you to go to Iraq or Syria and prove they won't.

Why should I go to their country. I am an American citizen and am quite satisfied staying here, making sure that christer sharia law doesn't take hold.
Laughing....or feeding your own obsession with gays. Whatever turns your crank.
Poor faggot loving liberal, it hurts his po' wittle heart that not everybody loves filthy degenerates like he does.

Oh, folks like you are one of the major reasons why the majority of folks support gays, gay marriage, and gay adoption. On one side there's gays and lesbians, getting married, holding jobs, raising their families, just being folks.

On the other there's your ilk spewing nonsense about 'filthy degenerates' and 'the demise of homosexuals'. Your hateful silliness didn't match the experience that most people have had with gays. And so most folks just stopped listening to you and people like you.

Ah, progress.
No, I'm part of the group that actually tolerated them and now see what they are doing and hate their guts for it.

You're part of the group that insists that gays are 'filthy degenerate', babbles about the 'demise of gays' and calls them 'faggots'.

And your ilk are being winnowed by the slow attrition of time. While support for gays and gays rights among millennials tops 80%. And is growing. While your ilk shuffle off this mortal coil with inevitable dirt naps.

Gays won.....because the experience that most people have with gays doesn't match your hateful nonsense.

Get used to the idea.
Get used to right wing death squads tossing leftists, that includes fags...from helicopters in the not so distant future.
Only in your snuff fantasies, little boy.
I see the dykes are in full armor today. Which one of you dropped your chain wallet.
I bet Bodee is kick starting the vibrator for Dhara, while Dhara is at the table rolling up her own tampons.
^ has more lesbian sexual fantasies than lesbians do. Could be a lesbian trapped in a male "body".
Damn bode--

Two of us and we're a "brigade".
There's two of us....they are outnumbered. They will soon be breaking out their con-federate flag crying towels.

You're an idiot. You are reading what you want her to have said into what she actually said.

It was a statement of fact, the Muslims will throw your slug-trailing, carpet muncher ass off rooftops if they gained power here.

They'd probably rape you first. If you aren't a butch dyke, they may even make you their sex slave.
Another moooslim fellow traveler.
They'd do the same to you, Warrior Princess.
Nope...only in your snuff fantasies.
I dare you to go to Iraq or Syria and prove they won't.

Why should I go to their country. I am an American citizen and am quite satisfied staying here, making sure that christer sharia law doesn't take hold.
Lol! Just like I thought. You're a mullet-headed, chicken shit bull dyke. All bark, no bite.
Funny, these Republicans so much like Isis in their hatred for gays. But they think they are good and Isis is bad.
I see the dykes are in full armor today. Which one of you dropped your chain wallet.
I bet Bodee is kick starting the vibrator for Dhara, while Dhara is at the table rolling up her own tampons.
^ has more lesbian sexual fantasies than lesbians do. Could be a lesbian trapped in a male "body".
Damn bode--

Two of us and we're a "brigade".
There's two of us....they are outnumbered. They will soon be breaking out their con-federate flag crying towels.

Another moooslim fellow traveler.
They'd do the same to you, Warrior Princess.
Nope...only in your snuff fantasies.
I dare you to go to Iraq or Syria and prove they won't.

Why should I go to their country. I am an American citizen and am quite satisfied staying here, making sure that christer sharia law doesn't take hold.
Lol! Just like I thought. You're a mullet-headed, chicken shit bull dyke. All bark, no bite.

I served my country overseas already. I do more good as a skilled retiree at home. Fundie christers and their sharia law ideas are a more immediate concern.

When did YOU serve?
I see the dykes are in full armor today. Which one of you dropped your chain wallet.
I bet Bodee is kick starting the vibrator for Dhara, while Dhara is at the table rolling up her own tampons.
^ has more lesbian sexual fantasies than lesbians do. Could be a lesbian trapped in a male "body".
Damn bode--

Two of us and we're a "brigade".
There's two of us....they are outnumbered. They will soon be breaking out their con-federate flag crying towels.

They'd do the same to you, Warrior Princess.
Nope...only in your snuff fantasies.
I dare you to go to Iraq or Syria and prove they won't.

Why should I go to their country. I am an American citizen and am quite satisfied staying here, making sure that christer sharia law doesn't take hold.
Lol! Just like I thought. You're a mullet-headed, chicken shit bull dyke. All bark, no bite.

I served my country overseas already. I do more good as a skilled retiree at home. Fundie christers and their sharia law ideas are a more immediate concern.

When did YOU serve?
None of your business.
I see the dykes are in full armor today. Which one of you dropped your chain wallet.
I bet Bodee is kick starting the vibrator for Dhara, while Dhara is at the table rolling up her own tampons.
^ has more lesbian sexual fantasies than lesbians do. Could be a lesbian trapped in a male "body".
Damn bode--

Two of us and we're a "brigade".
There's two of us....they are outnumbered. They will soon be breaking out their con-federate flag crying towels.

They'd do the same to you, Warrior Princess.
Nope...only in your snuff fantasies.
I dare you to go to Iraq or Syria and prove they won't.

Why should I go to their country. I am an American citizen and am quite satisfied staying here, making sure that christer sharia law doesn't take hold.
Lol! Just like I thought. You're a mullet-headed, chicken shit bull dyke. All bark, no bite.

I served my country overseas already. I do more good as a skilled retiree at home. Fundie christers and their sharia law ideas are a more immediate concern.

When did YOU serve?

WTF? Who cares if you served, does that make your views more important than another persons? GTFO.
Funny, these Republicans so much like Isis in their hatred for gays. But they think they are good and Isis is bad.

Ironic is you think republicans are bad and ISIS is good.

This thread is hilarious as the left does everything they can do to avoid offending the Muzzies. Comedy gold
I see the dykes are in full armor today. Which one of you dropped your chain wallet.
I bet Bodee is kick starting the vibrator for Dhara, while Dhara is at the table rolling up her own tampons.
^ has more lesbian sexual fantasies than lesbians do. Could be a lesbian trapped in a male "body".
Damn bode--

Two of us and we're a "brigade".
There's two of us....they are outnumbered. They will soon be breaking out their con-federate flag crying towels.

Nope...only in your snuff fantasies.
I dare you to go to Iraq or Syria and prove they won't.

Why should I go to their country. I am an American citizen and am quite satisfied staying here, making sure that christer sharia law doesn't take hold.
Lol! Just like I thought. You're a mullet-headed, chicken shit bull dyke. All bark, no bite.

I served my country overseas already. I do more good as a skilled retiree at home. Fundie christers and their sharia law ideas are a more immediate concern.

When did YOU serve?
None of your business.
Yeah....I didn't think so.
Funny, these Republicans so much like Isis in their hatred for gays. But they think they are good and Isis is bad.

Ironic is you think republicans are bad and ISIS is good.

When 'we aren't as bad as ISIS' is the best sales pitch you can make for your own philosphy, you may wan to stop and ask what life choices lead you to that moment.
Funny, these Republicans so much like Isis in their hatred for gays. But they think they are good and Isis is bad.

Ironic is you think republicans are bad and ISIS is good.

When 'we aren't as bad as ISIS' is the best sales pitch you can make for your own philosphy, you may wan to stop and ask what life choices lead you to that moment.

Let me help you're one of the last people I'd ever take serious. How's that? Now get past yourself
It is terrible. These poor innocent people. But, can you really blame someone for taking drastic action when they see what gays are doing in the west?
Oh dear gawd, the horror of da gheys, dey gonna getcha, be sure to super glue your butt cheeks together ASAP.!
Well if it's your son around Harvey Milk or Terry Bean (both gay icons), you'd better glue his butt cheeks together..

Well if its your son around Dennis Hastert(Republican icon) you better issue him a chastity belt to protect his virtue.

Only a sick homophobe like yourself would advocate gluing anyone's butt cheeks together.

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