ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

It's a quandary for the left....their protected religion tossing their protected class off roof tops.
You spelled "right" incorrectly, Bi-Catfish....and that quote of yours in my Signature shows exactly who supports ISIS....and it isn't the Left.

Meh....GFY hairy go change accounts and back yourself up, fool

Huh??? Is she doing that?? 2 accounts to back herself up???

That's the word

What word? That you are an ISIS supporter.

Hey, another thread will plenty of examples of my point here: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Thanks, all


"See! We're not quite as bad as ISIS, so that makes us okay!" --- This thread, and the cry of American conservatives in general.
Plainly, the military setbacks suffered by ISIS have driven their conservative ideological twins here to serious levels of desperation.
We knew all along that RWrs had a much closer connection to ISIS than any liberal did.
Maybe now they'll realize that Christians and they are on the same side of restoring morality, instead of chopping the heads off of their allies, they might want to find some common ground.
Republicans must be so upset they can't do that here.
Why do right wingers think gays are so irresistible?
Are fundamentalist Christians jealous of their ISIS counterparts?
Which group in the US is rooting for 'god' to toss gays into a lake of fire? Is there a difference?
Allie is a prime example of christers and moooslims being two sides of the same coin.
Funny, these Republicans so much like Isis in their hatred for gays. But they think they are good and Isis is bad.
So your point is how you're still upset about your ISIS soulmates losing, and still butthurt that liberals keep pointing out how similar you are to ISIS?

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