ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Harry Dresden hates yellow, black and brown people..the Navajo and Cherokee banned same sex marriage you even hate the red man.

Damn Harry, you're a gotdamned Nazi!
did i say i hate anyone? me were.....and then i will show you hating someone.....and dont back down you made this statement now lets see you back it up.....
You called every country that has laws against homosexuality 3rd world shit holes...racist. Its not like you can claim to think much of the people living in countries you have deemed "3rd world shit holes", since theyd be the main ones who either made it a shithole or keep it a shithole...can you? Well you can't and be consistent.
that dont mean i hate the people....mexico is a third world shithole and yet i have defended the people against what people like you say about them.....want to reach again?.....
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Mexican women are fine when young.
Harry Dresden hates yellow, black and brown people..the Navajo and Cherokee banned same sex marriage you even hate the red man.

Damn Harry, you're a gotdamned Nazi!
did i say i hate anyone? me were.....and then i will show you hating someone.....and dont back down you made this statement now lets see you back it up.....
You called every country that has laws against homosexuality 3rd world shit holes...racist. Its not like you can claim to think much of the people living in countries you have deemed "3rd world shit holes", since theyd be the main ones who either made it a shithole or keep it a shithole...can you? Well you can't and be consistent.
that dont mean i hate the people....mexico is a third world shithole and yet i have defended the people against what people like you say about them.....want to reach again?.....
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
just because the country is a run down country with halfass corrupt leaders does not mean i hate the why dont you,someone who has said he hates a group of people,show me were i have said i hate a group of people, like you have...
American Muslims are afraid of a backlash? 9/11 or fatwas (holy "hits" against non Muslim apostates) are ok, though. Not feeling their pain, for some reason.
Except those who haven't.
Nobody besides western white leftists like fags. Most countries discourage it, jail them, or execute them.
most countries do this?....why dont you name 10.....
You name one, just one, past civilization that accepted homosexuality and passed that value on. If just one did, Rome, Greece, France, we would not be having gay acceptance issues today. None did. When these cultures finally collapsed slaughtering gays was always part of the carnage.

If homosexuality is so wonderful and so normal, why hasn't all those fuzzy good feelings been passed on.
you are talking the past,but then im not surprised, i have told you how you are stuck in the past many a time.....he said MOST countries execute or jail you for being gay....i asked him to name 10....maybe you can do it,and i bet any you list will be muslim or third world shitholes...but i would like to see you name a first world country that does this...
79 countries where homosexuality is illegal


1 Algeria
2 Angola
3 Botswana
4 Burundi
5 Cameroon
6 Comoros
7 Egypt
8 Eritrea
9 Ethiopia
10 Gambia
11 Ghana
12 Guinea
13 Kenya
14 Liberia
15 Libya
16 Malawi (enforcement of law suspended)
17 Mauritania
18 Mauritius
19 Morocco
20 Namibia
21 Nigeria
22 Senegal
23 Seychelles. Seychelles does not prosecute anyone under their anti-sodomy law, has promised to repeal it, but has not yet done so. A same-sex wedding was conducted in Seychelles on June 13, 2015, on British territory (the British high commissioner’s residence). Seychelles laws currently have no provision for marriage equality.
24 Sierra Leone
25 Somalia
26 South Sudan
27 Sudan
28 Swaziland
29 Tanzania
30 Togo
31 Tunisia
32 Uganda
33 Zambia
34 Zimbabwe

Asia, including the Middle East

35 Afghanistan
36 Bangladesh
37 Bhutan
38 Brunei
39 Daesh (or ISIS / ISIL)
40 India
41 Iran
42 Iraq
43 Kuwait
44 Lebanon (law ruled invalid in one court)
45 Malaysia
46 Maldives
47 Myanmar
48 Oman
49 Pakistan
50 Palestine/Gaza Strip
51 Qatar
52 Saudi Arabia
53 Singapore
54 Sri Lanka
55 Syria
56 Turkmenistan
57 United Arab Emirates
58 Uzbekistan
59 Yemen


60 Antigua & Barbuda
61 Barbados
62 Belize
63 Dominica (But see “Dominica leader: No enforcement of anti-gay law” )
64 Grenada
65 Guyana
66 Jamaica
67 St Kitts & Nevis
68 St Lucia
69 St Vincent & the Grenadines
70 Trinidad & Tobago

In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Conservative state legislators refuse to repeal the laws and, in some cases, police still enforce them. In the past several years more than a dozen LGBT people were arrested for violating those laws, but the arrestees were freed because prosecutors won’t seek convictions based on defunct laws.


71 Cook Islands
72 Indonesia (Aceh Province and South Sumatra)
73 Kirbati
74 Nauru
75 Papua New Guinea
76 Samoa
77 Solomon Islands
78 Tonga
79 Tuvalu


No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality. The last European location with such a law was Northern Cyprus (recognized as a country only by Turkey), which repealed its law in January 2014.

Also in Europe and worth mentioning but not on that list of countries with laws against homosexuality are:

  • Russia, which enacted an anti-“gay propaganda” law in 2013 prohibiting any positive mention of homosexuality in the presence of minors, including online;
  • Lithuania, which has a similar law; in 2015, it considered but has not yet adopted a further law that would impose fines for any public display that “defies traditional family values.”
  • Ukraine, which considered such a law in 2012 and 2013, did not adopt it and seems to have dropped the issue.
  • Moldova, which adopted and then repealed such a law in 2013.
  • Belarus, which was discussing such a law in early 2016."
All fun places you want us to emulate, right? :lmao:
Nobody besides western white leftists like fags. Most countries discourage it, jail them, or execute them.
most countries do this?....why dont you name 10.....
You name one, just one, past civilization that accepted homosexuality and passed that value on. If just one did, Rome, Greece, France, we would not be having gay acceptance issues today. None did. When these cultures finally collapsed slaughtering gays was always part of the carnage.

If homosexuality is so wonderful and so normal, why hasn't all those fuzzy good feelings been passed on.
you are talking the past,but then im not surprised, i have told you how you are stuck in the past many a time.....he said MOST countries execute or jail you for being gay....i asked him to name 10....maybe you can do it,and i bet any you list will be muslim or third world shitholes...but i would like to see you name a first world country that does this...
79 countries where homosexuality is illegal


1 Algeria
2 Angola
3 Botswana
4 Burundi
5 Cameroon
6 Comoros
7 Egypt
8 Eritrea
9 Ethiopia
10 Gambia
11 Ghana
12 Guinea
13 Kenya
14 Liberia
15 Libya
16 Malawi (enforcement of law suspended)
17 Mauritania
18 Mauritius
19 Morocco
20 Namibia
21 Nigeria
22 Senegal
23 Seychelles. Seychelles does not prosecute anyone under their anti-sodomy law, has promised to repeal it, but has not yet done so. A same-sex wedding was conducted in Seychelles on June 13, 2015, on British territory (the British high commissioner’s residence). Seychelles laws currently have no provision for marriage equality.
24 Sierra Leone
25 Somalia
26 South Sudan
27 Sudan
28 Swaziland
29 Tanzania
30 Togo
31 Tunisia
32 Uganda
33 Zambia
34 Zimbabwe

Asia, including the Middle East

35 Afghanistan
36 Bangladesh
37 Bhutan
38 Brunei
39 Daesh (or ISIS / ISIL)
40 India
41 Iran
42 Iraq
43 Kuwait
44 Lebanon (law ruled invalid in one court)
45 Malaysia
46 Maldives
47 Myanmar
48 Oman
49 Pakistan
50 Palestine/Gaza Strip
51 Qatar
52 Saudi Arabia
53 Singapore
54 Sri Lanka
55 Syria
56 Turkmenistan
57 United Arab Emirates
58 Uzbekistan
59 Yemen


60 Antigua & Barbuda
61 Barbados
62 Belize
63 Dominica (But see “Dominica leader: No enforcement of anti-gay law” )
64 Grenada
65 Guyana
66 Jamaica
67 St Kitts & Nevis
68 St Lucia
69 St Vincent & the Grenadines
70 Trinidad & Tobago

In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Conservative state legislators refuse to repeal the laws and, in some cases, police still enforce them. In the past several years more than a dozen LGBT people were arrested for violating those laws, but the arrestees were freed because prosecutors won’t seek convictions based on defunct laws.


71 Cook Islands
72 Indonesia (Aceh Province and South Sumatra)
73 Kirbati
74 Nauru
75 Papua New Guinea
76 Samoa
77 Solomon Islands
78 Tonga
79 Tuvalu


No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality. The last European location with such a law was Northern Cyprus (recognized as a country only by Turkey), which repealed its law in January 2014.

Also in Europe and worth mentioning but not on that list of countries with laws against homosexuality are:

  • Russia, which enacted an anti-“gay propaganda” law in 2013 prohibiting any positive mention of homosexuality in the presence of minors, including online;
  • Lithuania, which has a similar law; in 2015, it considered but has not yet adopted a further law that would impose fines for any public display that “defies traditional family values.”
  • Ukraine, which considered such a law in 2012 and 2013, did not adopt it and seems to have dropped the issue.
  • Moldova, which adopted and then repealed such a law in 2013.
  • Belarus, which was discussing such a law in early 2016."
All fun places you want us to emulate, right? :lmao:
Singapore's economy would be a step up. That's not a good sign for you filth mongering, mullet-headed dildo pilots.

Outlawing faggotry is good for the economy in Singapore and the economy is the #1 issue in this country.

I might get into the business of manufacturing and assembling know like wood chippers, only for fags? That might make me a fortune if Trump wins.
most countries do this?....why dont you name 10.....
You name one, just one, past civilization that accepted homosexuality and passed that value on. If just one did, Rome, Greece, France, we would not be having gay acceptance issues today. None did. When these cultures finally collapsed slaughtering gays was always part of the carnage.

If homosexuality is so wonderful and so normal, why hasn't all those fuzzy good feelings been passed on.
you are talking the past,but then im not surprised, i have told you how you are stuck in the past many a time.....he said MOST countries execute or jail you for being gay....i asked him to name 10....maybe you can do it,and i bet any you list will be muslim or third world shitholes...but i would like to see you name a first world country that does this...
79 countries where homosexuality is illegal


1 Algeria
2 Angola
3 Botswana
4 Burundi
5 Cameroon
6 Comoros
7 Egypt
8 Eritrea
9 Ethiopia
10 Gambia
11 Ghana
12 Guinea
13 Kenya
14 Liberia
15 Libya
16 Malawi (enforcement of law suspended)
17 Mauritania
18 Mauritius
19 Morocco
20 Namibia
21 Nigeria
22 Senegal
23 Seychelles. Seychelles does not prosecute anyone under their anti-sodomy law, has promised to repeal it, but has not yet done so. A same-sex wedding was conducted in Seychelles on June 13, 2015, on British territory (the British high commissioner’s residence). Seychelles laws currently have no provision for marriage equality.
24 Sierra Leone
25 Somalia
26 South Sudan
27 Sudan
28 Swaziland
29 Tanzania
30 Togo
31 Tunisia
32 Uganda
33 Zambia
34 Zimbabwe

Asia, including the Middle East

35 Afghanistan
36 Bangladesh
37 Bhutan
38 Brunei
39 Daesh (or ISIS / ISIL)
40 India
41 Iran
42 Iraq
43 Kuwait
44 Lebanon (law ruled invalid in one court)
45 Malaysia
46 Maldives
47 Myanmar
48 Oman
49 Pakistan
50 Palestine/Gaza Strip
51 Qatar
52 Saudi Arabia
53 Singapore
54 Sri Lanka
55 Syria
56 Turkmenistan
57 United Arab Emirates
58 Uzbekistan
59 Yemen


60 Antigua & Barbuda
61 Barbados
62 Belize
63 Dominica (But see “Dominica leader: No enforcement of anti-gay law” )
64 Grenada
65 Guyana
66 Jamaica
67 St Kitts & Nevis
68 St Lucia
69 St Vincent & the Grenadines
70 Trinidad & Tobago

In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Conservative state legislators refuse to repeal the laws and, in some cases, police still enforce them. In the past several years more than a dozen LGBT people were arrested for violating those laws, but the arrestees were freed because prosecutors won’t seek convictions based on defunct laws.


71 Cook Islands
72 Indonesia (Aceh Province and South Sumatra)
73 Kirbati
74 Nauru
75 Papua New Guinea
76 Samoa
77 Solomon Islands
78 Tonga
79 Tuvalu


No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality. The last European location with such a law was Northern Cyprus (recognized as a country only by Turkey), which repealed its law in January 2014.

Also in Europe and worth mentioning but not on that list of countries with laws against homosexuality are:

  • Russia, which enacted an anti-“gay propaganda” law in 2013 prohibiting any positive mention of homosexuality in the presence of minors, including online;
  • Lithuania, which has a similar law; in 2015, it considered but has not yet adopted a further law that would impose fines for any public display that “defies traditional family values.”
  • Ukraine, which considered such a law in 2012 and 2013, did not adopt it and seems to have dropped the issue.
  • Moldova, which adopted and then repealed such a law in 2013.
  • Belarus, which was discussing such a law in early 2016."
All fun places you want us to emulate, right? :lmao:
Singapore's economy would be a step up. That's not a good sign for you filth mongering, mullet-headed dildo pilots.

Outlawing faggotry is good for the economy in Singapore and the economy is the #1 issue in this country.

I might get into the business of manufacturing and assembling know like wood chippers, only for fags? That might make me a fortune if Trump wins.
most countries do this?....why dont you name 10.....
You name one, just one, past civilization that accepted homosexuality and passed that value on. If just one did, Rome, Greece, France, we would not be having gay acceptance issues today. None did. When these cultures finally collapsed slaughtering gays was always part of the carnage.

If homosexuality is so wonderful and so normal, why hasn't all those fuzzy good feelings been passed on.
you are talking the past,but then im not surprised, i have told you how you are stuck in the past many a time.....he said MOST countries execute or jail you for being gay....i asked him to name 10....maybe you can do it,and i bet any you list will be muslim or third world shitholes...but i would like to see you name a first world country that does this...
79 countries where homosexuality is illegal


1 Algeria
2 Angola
3 Botswana
4 Burundi
5 Cameroon
6 Comoros
7 Egypt
8 Eritrea
9 Ethiopia
10 Gambia
11 Ghana
12 Guinea
13 Kenya
14 Liberia
15 Libya
16 Malawi (enforcement of law suspended)
17 Mauritania
18 Mauritius
19 Morocco
20 Namibia
21 Nigeria
22 Senegal
23 Seychelles. Seychelles does not prosecute anyone under their anti-sodomy law, has promised to repeal it, but has not yet done so. A same-sex wedding was conducted in Seychelles on June 13, 2015, on British territory (the British high commissioner’s residence). Seychelles laws currently have no provision for marriage equality.
24 Sierra Leone
25 Somalia
26 South Sudan
27 Sudan
28 Swaziland
29 Tanzania
30 Togo
31 Tunisia
32 Uganda
33 Zambia
34 Zimbabwe

Asia, including the Middle East

35 Afghanistan
36 Bangladesh
37 Bhutan
38 Brunei
39 Daesh (or ISIS / ISIL)
40 India
41 Iran
42 Iraq
43 Kuwait
44 Lebanon (law ruled invalid in one court)
45 Malaysia
46 Maldives
47 Myanmar
48 Oman
49 Pakistan
50 Palestine/Gaza Strip
51 Qatar
52 Saudi Arabia
53 Singapore
54 Sri Lanka
55 Syria
56 Turkmenistan
57 United Arab Emirates
58 Uzbekistan
59 Yemen


60 Antigua & Barbuda
61 Barbados
62 Belize
63 Dominica (But see “Dominica leader: No enforcement of anti-gay law” )
64 Grenada
65 Guyana
66 Jamaica
67 St Kitts & Nevis
68 St Lucia
69 St Vincent & the Grenadines
70 Trinidad & Tobago

In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Conservative state legislators refuse to repeal the laws and, in some cases, police still enforce them. In the past several years more than a dozen LGBT people were arrested for violating those laws, but the arrestees were freed because prosecutors won’t seek convictions based on defunct laws.


71 Cook Islands
72 Indonesia (Aceh Province and South Sumatra)
73 Kirbati
74 Nauru
75 Papua New Guinea
76 Samoa
77 Solomon Islands
78 Tonga
79 Tuvalu


No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality. The last European location with such a law was Northern Cyprus (recognized as a country only by Turkey), which repealed its law in January 2014.

Also in Europe and worth mentioning but not on that list of countries with laws against homosexuality are:

  • Russia, which enacted an anti-“gay propaganda” law in 2013 prohibiting any positive mention of homosexuality in the presence of minors, including online;
  • Lithuania, which has a similar law; in 2015, it considered but has not yet adopted a further law that would impose fines for any public display that “defies traditional family values.”
  • Ukraine, which considered such a law in 2012 and 2013, did not adopt it and seems to have dropped the issue.
  • Moldova, which adopted and then repealed such a law in 2013.
  • Belarus, which was discussing such a law in early 2016."
All fun places you want us to emulate, right? :lmao:
Singapore's economy would be a step up. That's not a good sign for you filth mongering, mullet-headed dildo pilots.

Outlawing faggotry is good for the economy in Singapore and the economy is the #1 issue in this country.

I might get into the business of manufacturing and assembling know like wood chippers, only for fags? That might make me a fortune if Trump wins.

Are you retarded? That's a serious question. I mean you say retarded things, so you must be retarded.
You name one, just one, past civilization that accepted homosexuality and passed that value on. If just one did, Rome, Greece, France, we would not be having gay acceptance issues today. None did. When these cultures finally collapsed slaughtering gays was always part of the carnage.

If homosexuality is so wonderful and so normal, why hasn't all those fuzzy good feelings been passed on.
you are talking the past,but then im not surprised, i have told you how you are stuck in the past many a time.....he said MOST countries execute or jail you for being gay....i asked him to name 10....maybe you can do it,and i bet any you list will be muslim or third world shitholes...but i would like to see you name a first world country that does this...
79 countries where homosexuality is illegal


1 Algeria
2 Angola
3 Botswana
4 Burundi
5 Cameroon
6 Comoros
7 Egypt
8 Eritrea
9 Ethiopia
10 Gambia
11 Ghana
12 Guinea
13 Kenya
14 Liberia
15 Libya
16 Malawi (enforcement of law suspended)
17 Mauritania
18 Mauritius
19 Morocco
20 Namibia
21 Nigeria
22 Senegal
23 Seychelles. Seychelles does not prosecute anyone under their anti-sodomy law, has promised to repeal it, but has not yet done so. A same-sex wedding was conducted in Seychelles on June 13, 2015, on British territory (the British high commissioner’s residence). Seychelles laws currently have no provision for marriage equality.
24 Sierra Leone
25 Somalia
26 South Sudan
27 Sudan
28 Swaziland
29 Tanzania
30 Togo
31 Tunisia
32 Uganda
33 Zambia
34 Zimbabwe

Asia, including the Middle East

35 Afghanistan
36 Bangladesh
37 Bhutan
38 Brunei
39 Daesh (or ISIS / ISIL)
40 India
41 Iran
42 Iraq
43 Kuwait
44 Lebanon (law ruled invalid in one court)
45 Malaysia
46 Maldives
47 Myanmar
48 Oman
49 Pakistan
50 Palestine/Gaza Strip
51 Qatar
52 Saudi Arabia
53 Singapore
54 Sri Lanka
55 Syria
56 Turkmenistan
57 United Arab Emirates
58 Uzbekistan
59 Yemen


60 Antigua & Barbuda
61 Barbados
62 Belize
63 Dominica (But see “Dominica leader: No enforcement of anti-gay law” )
64 Grenada
65 Guyana
66 Jamaica
67 St Kitts & Nevis
68 St Lucia
69 St Vincent & the Grenadines
70 Trinidad & Tobago

In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Conservative state legislators refuse to repeal the laws and, in some cases, police still enforce them. In the past several years more than a dozen LGBT people were arrested for violating those laws, but the arrestees were freed because prosecutors won’t seek convictions based on defunct laws.


71 Cook Islands
72 Indonesia (Aceh Province and South Sumatra)
73 Kirbati
74 Nauru
75 Papua New Guinea
76 Samoa
77 Solomon Islands
78 Tonga
79 Tuvalu


No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality. The last European location with such a law was Northern Cyprus (recognized as a country only by Turkey), which repealed its law in January 2014.

Also in Europe and worth mentioning but not on that list of countries with laws against homosexuality are:

  • Russia, which enacted an anti-“gay propaganda” law in 2013 prohibiting any positive mention of homosexuality in the presence of minors, including online;
  • Lithuania, which has a similar law; in 2015, it considered but has not yet adopted a further law that would impose fines for any public display that “defies traditional family values.”
  • Ukraine, which considered such a law in 2012 and 2013, did not adopt it and seems to have dropped the issue.
  • Moldova, which adopted and then repealed such a law in 2013.
  • Belarus, which was discussing such a law in early 2016."
All fun places you want us to emulate, right? :lmao:
Singapore's economy would be a step up. That's not a good sign for you filth mongering, mullet-headed dildo pilots.

Outlawing faggotry is good for the economy in Singapore and the economy is the #1 issue in this country.

I might get into the business of manufacturing and assembling know like wood chippers, only for fags? That might make me a fortune if Trump wins.

Are you retarded? That's a serious question. I mean you say retarded things, so you must be retarded.
Shut up. Nobody was talking to you.
Seems like the homos ought to fix this problem before they worry about being able to marry and piss in a particular toilet.
They're throwing faggots off rooftops?
But I thought they cared about gay rights?
And women?
And children?
Those crazy Muslims
No wonder the liberals love em

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What American faggots fail to realize is once sharia law is implemented in the US, which they staunchly support, queers will be the first to be rounded up and de-nutted
On deck next will be the unarmed assholes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Throwing gays off rooftops? Wow. And here I was called a bigot for simply wanting same-sex to be a "civil union" with all the same rights as traditional marriage.

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