ISIS strikes in Syria

They are defeated.... suicide bombings are the act of a defeated force.....
Horseshit. It worked for the PLO.
Maybe you should rethink that....or at least ask a defeated PLO what they think....ask them if they are winning....LMFAO
There's a Palestinian state now which is recognized by 137 countries, isn't there.

That's victory, dipshit.

International recognition of the State of Palestine - Wikipedia

The international recognition of the State of Palestine has been the objective of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since the Palestinian Declaration of Independence proclaimed the establishment of the State of Palestine on 15 November 1988 in Algiers, Algeria at an extraordinary session in exile of the Palestinian National Council. The declaration was promptly acknowledged by a range of countries,[1] and by the end of the year, the proclaimed state was recognized by over 80 countries.[2] As of 3 August 2018, 137 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states and two non-member states have recognized it. Furthermore, Palestine has been a non-member observer state of the UN since November 2012.
A ISIS bomb killed at least 4 Americans. Two US servicemen and two civilians were killed hours after Pence declared that ISIS was defeated.

The fact is that everyone who knows anything about the situation in Syria knew ISIS was not defeated. They understood that ISIS was not the threat they were when they controlled huge chunks of Syria and Iraq however they were still strong enough to launch guerilla style attacks just like they did today. Yet Trump in a fit of pique decided to ignore the experts and thought he was smarter than ISIS. He has been proven wrong.

Mike Pence amends claim that 'ISIS has been defeated' following deadly attack on U.S. troops
yep, our troops being killed is a yoog victory for the Dems
It`s your guy who trashes Gold Star families and POWS. The GOP`s alleged love for our military died when Trump was elected.
West, the Left has very long history of treason
King George III thought so.
A ISIS bomb killed at least 4 Americans. Two US servicemen and two civilians were killed hours after Pence declared that ISIS was defeated.

The fact is that everyone who knows anything about the situation in Syria knew ISIS was not defeated. They understood that ISIS was not the threat they were when they controlled huge chunks of Syria and Iraq however they were still strong enough to launch guerilla style attacks just like they did today. Yet Trump in a fit of pique decided to ignore the experts and thought he was smarter than ISIS. He has been proven wrong.

Mike Pence amends claim that 'ISIS has been defeated' following deadly attack on U.S. troops

ISIS is a deep state mercenary proxy army that has been seriously weakened by Putin which is a HUGE reason as to why Putin has been a pariah to the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. A Russian/ Syrian pipeline is a direct threat to the hegemony of those seeking to control every drop of oil on the planet.
Didn’t Trump declare them defeated soon after he was elected ?
Obama claimed the same before Bengazi. Then also lied about that.
Well, the US shouldn't have ever been there...Obama fucked up, and at the time I called for his impeachment for involving the US in a conflict in without Constitutional authorization!

But if you want to make that type of comparison by attempting to offset and provide cover for Trump's false and vacuous claim of defeating ISIS here's another series of them to BURY yours from the last GOP Prez in the same vein which are just as relevant regarding Presidential LIES!

April 2002, Condoleezza Rice: “With the Taliban eliminated and al Qaeda badly damaged, we have moved into the second stage of our war on terror.”

July 2002, George W. Bush (PDF): “In Afghanistan we defeated the Taliban regime, but that was just the first step.”

September 2002, George W. Bush: “The Taliban’s ability to brutalize the Afghan people and to harbor and support terrorists has been virtually eliminated.”

May 2003, George W. Bush: “In the battle of Afghanistan, nations from central and eastern Europe supplied soldiers and special forces and peacekeepers to help defeat the Taliban, to help destroy the terrorists and to bring freedom to the Afghan people.”

September 2004, George W. Bush: “And as a result of the United States military, the Taliban no longer is in existence. And the people of Afghanistan are now free.”

December 2004, George W. Bush: “In Afghanistan, America and our allies, with a historically small force and a brilliant strategy, defeated the Taliban in just a few short weeks.”

October 2005, George W. Bush: Over the years, these extremists have used a litany of excuses for violence: the Israeli presence on the West Bank or the U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia or the defeat of the Taliban or the Crusades of a thousand years ago.”

But eventually, even Bush didn’t believe Bush.

Then to walk all of that Bush bullshit back;

December 2008, George W. Bush: “The Taliban was brutalizing the people of Afghanistan. And they’re not in power. And I just cited the progress that is undeniable. Now, is there more work to be done? You bet. I never said the Taliban was eliminated, I said they were removed from power.”

~~ Sources for the Neocon RW GOP president's quotes hyperlinked above ~~

Last July, Trump ordered direct negotiations between the US and the Taliban to try and extract the US from the quagmire initiated back in 2001. US forces started to withdraw from Afghanistan last month as part of the plan.

The thing with Trump getting out of Syria has not a damn thing to do with a defeat of ISIS, but rather more kowtowing to Putin and getting out of the way for Russian expansion into the ME and an expanded warm water naval station and yard facility in the Mediterranean at Tartus, Syria in the Mediterranean for Russia! ISIS hasn't been defeated, Putin just wanted the US to get completely out of the ME once and for all so Russia could move in and STRATEGICALLY isolate the US from any land based control of the region. Simple if one can read a fucking map!
A ISIS bomb killed at least 4 Americans. Two US servicemen and two civilians were killed hours after Pence declared that ISIS was defeated.

The fact is that everyone who knows anything about the situation in Syria knew ISIS was not defeated. They understood that ISIS was not the threat they were when they controlled huge chunks of Syria and Iraq however they were still strong enough to launch guerilla style attacks just like they did today. Yet Trump in a fit of pique decided to ignore the experts and thought he was smarter than ISIS. He has been proven wrong.

Mike Pence amends claim that 'ISIS has been defeated' following deadly attack on U.S. troops

ISIS is a deep state mercenary proxy army that has been seriously weakened by Putin which is a HUGE reason as to why Putin has been a pariah to the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. A Russian/ Syrian pipeline is a direct threat to the hegemony of those seeking to control every drop of oil on the planet.
Are chem trails involved?
A ISIS bomb killed at least 4 Americans. Two US servicemen and two civilians were killed hours after Pence declared that ISIS was defeated.

The fact is that everyone who knows anything about the situation in Syria knew ISIS was not defeated. They understood that ISIS was not the threat they were when they controlled huge chunks of Syria and Iraq however they were still strong enough to launch guerilla style attacks just like they did today. Yet Trump in a fit of pique decided to ignore the experts and thought he was smarter than ISIS. He has been proven wrong.

Mike Pence amends claim that 'ISIS has been defeated' following deadly attack on U.S. troops

ISIS is a deep state mercenary proxy army that has been seriously weakened by Putin which is a HUGE reason as to why Putin has been a pariah to the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. A Russian/ Syrian pipeline is a direct threat to the hegemony of those seeking to control every drop of oil on the planet.
Are chem trails involved?

Doubt it, bannedecea......but I also doubt that ISIS takes in queers and trans-gendered I guess that they can't count on your support.

A ISIS bomb killed at least 4 Americans. Two US servicemen and two civilians were killed hours after Pence declared that ISIS was defeated.

The fact is that everyone who knows anything about the situation in Syria knew ISIS was not defeated. They understood that ISIS was not the threat they were when they controlled huge chunks of Syria and Iraq however they were still strong enough to launch guerilla style attacks just like they did today. Yet Trump in a fit of pique decided to ignore the experts and thought he was smarter than ISIS. He has been proven wrong.

Mike Pence amends claim that 'ISIS has been defeated' following deadly attack on U.S. troops
You can't "defeat" an extremist ideology with bombs, regardless of what they call themselves. So you're right, it was dumb to say ISIS was defeated. But we did get the territory back from them. Obama, being so afraid of making more enemies in the Middle East, let the ISIS fighters get out of town, though, so they are spread all over the place, keeping their mouths shut for the moment and -- obviously -- throwing a bomb here and there.
When you get involved in the Middle East, it is a no win situation. I don't think it is a bad idea to pull out of Syria, regardless of the obvious fact that not every ISIS supporter is dead.
"We're gonna build a wall so big and so high, that if they ever manage to get to the top of it, the Mexicans are going to say 'How the hell am I gonna get down from here?", he said.

You stupid morons really think they meant every person that claims ISIS is dead?
Like do you really think that? Or is this more trump hate?

It's weird, apparently they're criticizing Trump for announcing the withdrawal of US Forces from Syria 'cause, ya know, we haven't had enough Americans killed in Syria to satisfy their bloodlust yet. :cool:
We had ONE American killed in Syria Nov 2016 under Obama.

FOUR Americans killed this week under Trump.

Uh-huh, so what are you saying? 5 dead Americans isn't enough to satisfy you?

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