ISIS strikes in Syria

Nope. You said "suicide bombings are the act of a defeated force".

I provided evidence to the contrary. The PLO committed suicide bombings and they were not a defeated force.

Just so with ISIS.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump is up to his same old bullshit. "Declare victory and leave".

Cowardly Lyin' Trump has fled the battle with the enemy still on the field.
Hey dummy! you see ISSl tanks rolling down the street like when Obama was in office? are digging a huge hole dummy.....
I saw Obama obliterating ISIS, and I see Trump retreating from them. Cutting and running.

Senator Graham totally called it way back during the primaries if Trump was elected: “ISIL would be dancing in the streets, they just don't believe in dancing.”
Liar.....give it up....
It's a fact. On a monthly basis, I posted the sorties the US was running against ISIS, with an updated list of ISIS components destroyed.

You people were making me sick by downplaying or outright dismissing our troops' efforts. They kicked ass. You fucking traitorous assholes were giving all the credit to a fucking KGB thug who could barely muster six aircraft.

So you can whine "liar" all you like, but coming from a fucking weak little cut-and-run snot like you, it means nothing.
Nope. You said "suicide bombings are the act of a defeated force".

I provided evidence to the contrary. The PLO committed suicide bombings and they were not a defeated force.

Just so with ISIS.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump is up to his same old bullshit. "Declare victory and leave".

Cowardly Lyin' Trump has fled the battle with the enemy still on the field.
Hey dummy! you see ISSl tanks rolling down the street like when Obama was in office? are digging a huge hole dummy.....
I saw Obama obliterating ISIS, and I see Trump retreating from them. Cutting and running.

Senator Graham totally called it way back during the primaries if Trump was elected: “ISIL would be dancing in the streets, they just don't believe in dancing.”
Obama essentially created ISIS, moron.
You have the recall of an inbred dog.
Didn’t Trump declare them defeated soon after he was elected ?
Obama claimed the same before Bengazi. Then also lied about that.

Not true . Isis wasn’t even on the radar then.
Al Qaeda is who Obama claimed was on the verge of defeat...

and YOU ALL made a VERY BIG STINK about him saying that and USED AND ABUSED what happened in Benghazi to claim Obama lied about Al Qaeda.... and wanted Obama to admit they were not defeated so Mitt Romney could gain ground in the upcoming election.... then the next 6 YEARS the republicans in congress had investigations, 9 of them, on Benghazi....

YOU ALL, are HYPOCRITES, to your very core.
Obama lied about Bengazi being a terrorist attack.

No he didn’t . You act like the instant somthing happens you know all the facts .
Nope. You said "suicide bombings are the act of a defeated force".

I provided evidence to the contrary. The PLO committed suicide bombings and they were not a defeated force.

Just so with ISIS.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump is up to his same old bullshit. "Declare victory and leave".

Cowardly Lyin' Trump has fled the battle with the enemy still on the field.
Hey dummy! you see ISSl tanks rolling down the street like when Obama was in office? are digging a huge hole dummy.....
I saw Obama obliterating ISIS, and I see Trump retreating from them. Cutting and running.

Senator Graham totally called it way back during the primaries if Trump was elected: “ISIL would be dancing in the streets, they just don't believe in dancing.”
Obama essentially created ISIS, moron.
You have the recall of an inbred dog.

Really ? He went back in time before he was even in politics to create Isis?
keep ALL those third worlders in the zhitholes over where they can fight or surrender to 'islam' and 'isis' islamic state , muslims , taliban . None of those types are any concern to me if they are in their 'zhitholes' G5000 .
Remember the days when these same cut-and-run cowards had the battle cry, "We fight them over there so they don't come here!"?


Cut and Run Democrat Trump is luring every one of these pseudocon fucks right into the far left cave where they can cower in the dark. Increment by increment.
Nope. You said "suicide bombings are the act of a defeated force".

I provided evidence to the contrary. The PLO committed suicide bombings and they were not a defeated force.

Just so with ISIS.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump is up to his same old bullshit. "Declare victory and leave".

Cowardly Lyin' Trump has fled the battle with the enemy still on the field.
Hey dummy! you see ISSl tanks rolling down the street like when Obama was in office? are digging a huge hole dummy.....
I saw Obama obliterating ISIS, and I see Trump retreating from them. Cutting and running.

Senator Graham totally called it way back during the primaries if Trump was elected: “ISIL would be dancing in the streets, they just don't believe in dancing.”
Liar.....give it up....
It's a fact. On a monthly basis, I posted the sorties the US was running against ISIS, with an updated list of ISIS components destroyed.

You people were making me sick by downplaying or outright dismissing our troops' efforts. They kicked ass. You fucking traitorous assholes were giving all the credit to a fucking KGB thug who could barely muster six aircraft.

So you can whine "liar" all you like, but coming from a fucking weak little snot like you, it means nothing.
I was alive back can't rewrite history that we all lived through....not even a nice try g5....not even close.....just except it you are flat out wrong on this and you are also fabricating like hell....drop it...even I'm getting embarrassed for you....
Nope. You said "suicide bombings are the act of a defeated force".

I provided evidence to the contrary. The PLO committed suicide bombings and they were not a defeated force.

Just so with ISIS.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump is up to his same old bullshit. "Declare victory and leave".

Cowardly Lyin' Trump has fled the battle with the enemy still on the field.
Hey dummy! you see ISSl tanks rolling down the street like when Obama was in office? are digging a huge hole dummy.....
I saw Obama obliterating ISIS, and I see Trump retreating from them. Cutting and running.

Senator Graham totally called it way back during the primaries if Trump was elected: “ISIL would be dancing in the streets, they just don't believe in dancing.”
Liar.....give it up....
It's a fact. On a monthly basis, I posted the sorties the US was running against ISIS, with an updated list of ISIS components destroyed.

You people were making me sick by downplaying or outright dismissing our troops' efforts. They kicked ass. You fucking traitorous assholes were giving all the credit to a fucking KGB thug who could barely muster six aircraft.

So you can whine "liar" all you like, but coming from a fucking weak little snot like you, it means nothing.
I was alive back can't rewrite history that we all lived through....not even a nice try g5....not even close.....just except it you are flat out wrong on this and you are also fabricating like hell....drop it...even I'm getting embarrassed for you....
Fuck you, twerp.

Even now, right now, you are minimizing the efforts of our troops all those years.

Fuck you right up the ass. With two fists.
Nope. You said "suicide bombings are the act of a defeated force".

I provided evidence to the contrary. The PLO committed suicide bombings and they were not a defeated force.

Just so with ISIS.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump is up to his same old bullshit. "Declare victory and leave".

Cowardly Lyin' Trump has fled the battle with the enemy still on the field.
Hey dummy! you see ISSl tanks rolling down the street like when Obama was in office? are digging a huge hole dummy.....
I saw Obama obliterating ISIS, and I see Trump retreating from them. Cutting and running.

Senator Graham totally called it way back during the primaries if Trump was elected: “ISIL would be dancing in the streets, they just don't believe in dancing.”
Obama essentially created ISIS, moron.
You have the recall of an inbred dog.

Really ? He went back in time before he was even in politics to create Isis?
He turned them into the varsity from an obscure JV, to use his own term.
Really ? He went back in time before he was even in politics to create Isis?
Obama created their breeding ground when he pulled out of Iraq before the fight was finished....
keep ALL those third worlders in the zhitholes over where they can fight or surrender to 'islam' and 'isis' islamic state , muslims , taliban . None of those types are any concern to me if they are in their 'zhitholes' G5000 .
Remember the days when these same cut-and-run cowards had the battle cry, "We fight them over there so they don't come here!"?


Cut and Run Democrat Trump is luring every one of these pseudocon fucks right into the far left cave where they can cower in the dark. Increment by increment.
------------------------------------------ EXCLUDE the suspects from here or just don't live in big cities . I prefer excluding them from the USA G5000 .
Fuck you, twerp.

Even now, right now, you are minimizing the efforts of our troops all those years.

Fuck you right up the ass. With two fists
Liars do get angry when they get caught in broad daylight.....
Really ? He went back in time before he was even in politics to create Isis?
Obama created their breeding ground when he pulled out of Iraq before the fight was finished....
Which is exactly the very thing Trump was demanding be done by Bush.

And exactly what the same cut and run fucking coward is doing right now.

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Nope. You said "suicide bombings are the act of a defeated force".

I provided evidence to the contrary. The PLO committed suicide bombings and they were not a defeated force.

Just so with ISIS.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump is up to his same old bullshit. "Declare victory and leave".

Cowardly Lyin' Trump has fled the battle with the enemy still on the field.
Hey dummy! you see ISSl tanks rolling down the street like when Obama was in office? are digging a huge hole dummy.....
I saw Obama obliterating ISIS, and I see Trump retreating from them. Cutting and running.

Senator Graham totally called it way back during the primaries if Trump was elected: “ISIL would be dancing in the streets, they just don't believe in dancing.”
Obama essentially created ISIS, moron.
You have the recall of an inbred dog.

Really ? He went back in time before he was even in politics to create Isis?
He turned them into the varsity from an obscure JV, to use his own term.

They were JV. Compared to Al Queda .
Look at these left wing loons trying to re write the history of three years ago....what a crack up!....
"Defeated" ISIS just killed four Americans.

Remember the days when these same cowardly Trumptards screamed for YEARS about four other dead Americans?

Really ? He went back in time before he was even in politics to create Isis?
Obama created their breeding ground when he pulled out of Iraq before the fight was finished....
Which is exactly the very thing Trump was demanding be done by Bush.

And exactly what the same cut and run fucking coward is doing right now.

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Twisted.....just twisted know nothing....
Look at these left wing loons trying to re write the history of three years ago....what a crack up!....
Simple fact. ISIS is still around. Trump is cutting and running before the job is done.

Just like he wanted us to do in Iraq.

It's not like you couldn't see the draft dodging coward making this move from a mile off.

"Declare victory and leave!"
I'd like all of our troops out of Syria and the Middle East.

If some other country doesn't like it they can move their troops in.
Russia wants to move in that's why trump pulled our troops out.
Russia is already there...dummy....they came in when Obama was on watch....remember the red line he didn't enforce?.....that is when Russia stepped in......

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