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Islam and Mental Illness

I may be stereo typing again?:dunno:

Anti-Semitic Incidents on U.S. College Campuses Spike
302 anti-Jewish acts at 109 schools in 28 states

Anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses spiked in 2015, with 302 incidents against Jewish students recorded at 109 schools in 28 states, according to a new report warning that the rise of anti-Israel organizations is fueling hatred and making many campuses unsafe for Jews.

The array of incidents were recorded at many universities and often included Nazi imagery, slurs calling Jews “evil,” and calls for Jews be murdered, according to a report published by the AMCHA Initiative, an organization that seeks to protect Jewish students.

The organization created an online database that logs in real time reports of new anti-Semitic incidents at colleges across the nation. Several anti-Semitic incidents have been recorded in the first month of 2016.

Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, AMCHA co-founder and director, warned that anti-Semitism on campus is growing as a result of highly aggressive anti-Israel student movements such as the group Students for Justice in Palestine, which has used Nazi imagery in its campaign to demonize Israel.

“There is a clear correlation between anti-Israel activism—particularly BDS campaigns—and the anti-Semitic targeting of Jewish students,” Rossman-Benjamin told the Washington Free Beacon. “For instance, acts of anti-Jewish harassment, discrimination, and defamation are higher in schools where BDS activity is high. The connection between BDS and campus anti-Semitism is undeniable.”

Some of the incidents recorded at universities were violent in nature, according to the report.

At the University of Oregon, for instance, a man yelling anti-Semitic slurs threatened to shoot a Jewish student.

At Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, New York, an Orthodox Jewish student “was punched in the face and told ‘Leave the school, you Jew,’” according to the report.

Anti-Semitic Incidents on U.S. College Campuses Spike
It IS "trying too hard" to be fair to take it to that extreme, but Lawyers do it for cash all the time. On campus, that jihadi wields a lot of power and fear. Allowed to run rampant on a "protected public space". It's a a matter of perspective. She infects very pliant mushy minds with her hate. Who then buy the entire baloney about Jews and Israeli "apartheid" and never understand the issues. If you understand the issues -- you would THINK there would enough perspective NOT to get gathered up with EITHER RADICAL side.

Some fall into that trap because they are convinced they are supporting innocent underdogs.

If I was trying to be fair -- I'd look at it from BOTH sides. With a realistic perspective of potential threats and problems. And I wouldn't waste a moment trying to defend the indefensible.

As I told you -- it is especially important for Jews and "use to be Jews" to actually FIGHT against ugly generalizations and stereotypes and be SPECIFIC about pointing at threats. And not to succumb to identifying with an anti-Islam hysteria.

I thank God for rational Arab leadership whenever it appears. Instead of carpet bombing Muslim countries and disposing tyrants or playing semantics with a National "muslim ban" -- we should be ENGAGING rational foreign and domestic Islamic leadership and LISTENING to them and forging common ground. And at the same time, making it clear that America is NOT the place for folks who expect to import any part of the sick cultures that they were fleeing from..
It IS "trying too hard" to be fair to take it to that extreme, but Lawyers do it for cash all the time. On campus, that jihadi wields a lot of power and fear. Allowed to run rampant on a "protected public space". It's a a matter of perspective. She infects very pliant mushy minds with her hate. Who then buy the entire baloney about Jews and Israeli "apartheid" and never understand the issues. If you understand the issues -- you would THINK there would enough perspective NOT to get gathered up with EITHER RADICAL side.

Some fall into that trap because they are convinced they are supporting innocent underdogs.

If I was trying to be fair -- I'd look at it from BOTH sides. With a realistic perspective of potential threats and problems. And I wouldn't waste a moment trying to defend the indefensible.

As I told you -- it is especially important for Jews and "use to be Jews" to actually FIGHT against ugly generalizations and stereotypes and be SPECIFIC about pointing at threats. And not to succumb to identifying with an anti-Islam hysteria.

I thank God for rational Arab leadership whenever it appears. Instead of carpet bombing Muslim countries and disposing tyrants or playing semantics with a National "muslim ban" -- we should be ENGAGING rational foreign and domestic Islamic leadership and LISTENING to them and forging common ground. And at the same time, making it clear that America is NOT the place for folks who expect to import any part of the sick cultures that they were fleeing from..

"If I was trying to be fair -- I'd look at it from BOTH sides. With a realistic perspective of potential threats and problems. And I wouldn't waste a moment trying to defend the indefensible."

In all seriousness, aren't you greatly exagerating here? This is a college student, who let herself get caught up in an argument with a master at antagonizing, and folks are treating her as if she were Hitler incarnate on a college campus because she naively supports "Justice for Palestinians". She's not that much different from earlier generations that took on voting rights and desegregation.

Ok - let's try to be fair. I watched the video. Did you read her rebuttal? So WHAT if she calls Israel Apartheid? It's inaccurate. But so are the frequent accusations of fascism and nazi that are thrown around like confetti. Too many people don't really know what those terms mean but - they're baaaaaaaaad. How many college students have an indepth and mature understanding of the issues? How many of them act on heart over head?

Crimson flames tied through my ears
Rolling high and mighty traps

Pounced with fire on flaming roads
Using ideas as my maps
“We’ll meet on edges, soon,” said I
Proud beneath heated brow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth
“Rip down all hate,” I screamed
Lies that life is black and white
Spoke from my skull. I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers
Foundation'd deep, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

What specifically makes this girl a Jihadi?

If you STILL didn't read or understand my complaint about her sarcasm -- or you think acknowledging her desire to exterminate Jews doesn't matter. I can't reach you and won't even try..

I'm not saying it "doesn't matter" - but what did she really mean and did she really mean it? Her rebuttal said differently and was expressed in far more depth then an angry session on the video. Do you take just one, or do you accept both and form a judgement? You don't complain about Horowitz calling them "Hitler Youth" but she is sarcastic back to him and penalized for it?

She NEVER retracted her commitment to supporting that Hamas statement that Jew should be encouraged to gather in Israel so that the extermination could be made easier.. The fact that you are defending this "harmless tortured little coed" is beyond reasonable.

I'm out...

UCSD Muslim Student Responds to David Horowitz Event

Allow me to begin by stating that I do NOT condone murder, I do NOT condone genocide, and I do NOT condone racism under any circumstance whatsoever against Jews or anyone else. These accusations are lies that I refuse to allow David Horowitz and his allies to perpetuate in their irresponsible and hateful smear campaign against those who disagree with or differ from them.

On April 19, 2010 I volunteered to speak at the Racism/Genocide Holocaust Event last April only because of my strong convictions against genocide like the Holocaust. I was there every step of the way during the protests denouncing racism on campus last quarter—from the very beginning to the very end. Never have I uttered a negative syllable towards or about any person because of their ethnicity or religion on campus or otherwise, Jewish or otherwise. Regardless of my participation in these events, for Mr. Horowitz to insinuate that I am anti-Semitic is ridiculous; I am a Semite.

She's a Semite..That's a relief:bang3:..Horowitz actually said Jews not Semites
Ok. I listened to the entire video and yes, she clearly says "yes". So that is damming.
Ok. I listened to the entire video and yes, she clearly says "yes". So that is damming.

I believe she said .."For it" all Jews hunted down and killed

She said "yes" to that question.

Wrong you didn't watch the video,,,she never said the word Yes to anything

"I'm a Jew. The head of Hazbollah has said that he hopes the Jews would gather in Israel, so that he doesn't have to hunt us down globally"....FOR IT!!...OR AGAINST IT?..Her answer,..."For it."
Ok. I listened to the entire video and yes, she clearly says "yes". So that is damming.

I believe she said .."For it" all Jews hunted down and killed

She said "yes" to that question.

Wrong you didn't watch the video,,,she never said the word Yes to anything

"I'm a Jew. The head of Hazbollah has said that he hopes the Jews would gather in Israel, so that he doesn't have to hunt us down globally"....FOR IT!!...OR AGAINST IT?..Her answer,..."For it."

Yes, I did watch it and yes, I'm wrong - she said "for it", I thought she said "yes" as in for it. You going to get hung up on semantics? The meaning is the same. It's at 3:02.
So now we are back on the Jewish thing.

The Jewish thing is that there are a lot of Jews in the USA and therefore Harry Truman in 1948 decided to support the new Jewish State because it would have been political suicide for him not to.

It worked for him and he was re-elected in late 1948.

The Democrat Party learned a valuable lesson too and it has been pro-Israeli ever since.

It was probably the right thing to do.

But the USA has been paying hell back for it ever since.
When a person does something crazy, even violent and crazy - we usually accept that they are mentally ill. Our culture still has a long ways to go in regards to erasing the stigma of mental illness, and recognizing it as something that needs treatment - but it's come a long ways.

But, when that person is Muslim, there seems to be a double stigma attached to it. One: they are Muslim, and any crazy or violent behavior is blamed on their religion. Two: they are crazy, and mental illness still retains a huge stigma in the Muslim Community.

Take for example:

Amina Ali Ahra, who out of the blue grabbed a flag, and started attacking a nearby woman. She'd been reported as hanging around the area but did not live there, chased another woman into her house and when arrested was unable to give police coherent information. This sparked threads, claims of outrage directed at Muslim extremists and Muslims in general and immigrants in general, and in the end it was determined she had mental issues.

Nicholas Salvadore, who went on a bloody rampage, decapitating an elderly woman and two cats. Much was made of it as a religious terrorist attack because he was a Muslim. But, he was also mentally ill, and a paranoid schitzophrenic.

If they were not Muslim, it would quickly have been yesterday's news, no demands for "why isn't this in the news" etc. If they were not Muslim, people would have considered mental illness as a causative factor because the "religion thing" would not have been occupying so much headspace. It's also possible that if they hadn't been Muslim, their families and friends may have recognized signs and sought treatment in childhood before it erupted in to a tragedy.

‘Muslims must fight this taboo’ Islamic leaders want stigma around mental illness to end

Praising the Sunday Express for its Crusade for better mental health Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, assistant Secretary-General for the Muslim Council of Britain, said feelings of shame, cultural and religious ignorance and a general lack of physical fitness meant that the rate of mental illness within Muslim communities far exceeded the three per cent national average.

In some quarters the situation was so bad that parents have banned schools from referring to their children as having special educational needs in awards ceremonies because of the perceived stigma involved, or feelings of personal guilt.

“Mental Illness still remains a taboo subject in Muslim communities and people are not seeking the help that is available. This is causing unnecessary distress to themselves and loved ones,” he said.

“Many parents try to keep mental illness with children hidden and under the radar. They don't want anyone to know. Sometimes they feel it's their fault, that as parents they are responsible for their children’s’ conditions. And others might agree.”

Religion of all types is a catch all for violent crime. There was a pedophile recently sentenced to multiple life sentences for his crimes. The UK media referred to him as a "practicing Christian". He wasn't. He used the Christian group he was a part of to gain access to his victims. That is clear in all of the evidence released to the public. The media though is invested in the meme that Christians are pedophiles thus they will lie to keep that meme alive.

The same go's for the Islamic extremists. I agree that many are insane. However they are useful tools for a religious group that is waging a new religious war against the western countries. When ISIS declared they were reestablishing the Caliphate that WAS the declaration of war. Anyone who is not familiar with Islam and how it is administered should read up on the Caliphate of Baghdad which was destroyed by Hulagu in 1258.
Did she really MEAN IT?? Seriously ??
You are right. I defended the indefensible. No excuses.

So many important things to fight -- I just don't have the will to scuffle over an activist college student who embarrassed the Muslim Student Association for being caught making a bad decision..
I imagine her "explanation" had more to do with the MSA chastising her for becoming a viral propaganda tool -- than it did with keeping her from being reprimanded or expelled by the UC system. She pretty much burned them by getting cheeky with Horowitz.

I truly admire your engagement with these things. We ALL have to stand for reason in the middle of some of these ugly squabbles. But for me -- being "in the middle" does not mean I'm "grey" on the issue..

I only came into this thread to point out the clear REASON why treating "mental illness" in newly Westernized Muslim immigrants was EXPECTED to be a difficult task. It's not because WE (you or I or the med community) are ignoring it. It's largely because the CONCEPT of mental health is foreign to their culture and upbringing and seen as a very suspicious and maybe ugly "western practice" in the places they come from..-
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Did she really MEAN IT?? Seriously ??
You are right. I defended the indefensible. No excuses.

So many important things to fight -- I just don't have the will to scuffle over an activist college student who embarrassed the Muslim Student Association for being caught making a bad decision..
I imagine her "explanation" had more to do with the MSA chastising her for becoming a viral propaganda tool -- than it did with keeping her from being reprimanded or expelled by the UC system. She pretty much burned them by getting cheeky with Horowitz.

I truly admire your engagement with these things. We ALL have to stand for reason in the middle of some of these ugly squabbles. But for me -- being "in the middle" does not mean I'm "grey" on the issue..

I only came into this thread to point out the clear REASON why treating "mental illness" in newly Westernized Muslim immigrants was EXPECTED to be a difficult task. It's not because WE (you or I or the med community) are ignoring it. It's largely because the CONCEPT of mental health is foreign to their culture and upbringing and seen as a very suspicious and maybe ugly "western practice" in the places they come from..-

Per your last paragraph, though the thread got sidetracked, that seems to me to be what the the article was talking about, how the Muslim community needs to grapple with and the message was coming from an imam.

Thanks for handing my ass to me, I deserved it, but it's a pretty good ass and I missed it :)
When a person does something crazy, even violent and crazy - we usually accept that they are mentally ill. Our culture still has a long ways to go in regards to erasing the stigma of mental illness, and recognizing it as something that needs treatment - but it's come a long ways.

But, when that person is Muslim, there seems to be a double stigma attached to it. One: they are Muslim, and any crazy or violent behavior is blamed on their religion. Two: they are crazy, and mental illness still retains a huge stigma in the Muslim Community.

Take for example:

Amina Ali Ahra, who out of the blue grabbed a flag, and started attacking a nearby woman. She'd been reported as hanging around the area but did not live there, chased another woman into her house and when arrested was unable to give police coherent information. This sparked threads, claims of outrage directed at Muslim extremists and Muslims in general and immigrants in general, and in the end it was determined she had mental issues.

Nicholas Salvadore, who went on a bloody rampage, decapitating an elderly woman and two cats. Much was made of it as a religious terrorist attack because he was a Muslim. But, he was also mentally ill, and a paranoid schitzophrenic.

If they were not Muslim, it would quickly have been yesterday's news, no demands for "why isn't this in the news" etc. If they were not Muslim, people would have considered mental illness as a causative factor because the "religion thing" would not have been occupying so much headspace. It's also possible that if they hadn't been Muslim, their families and friends may have recognized signs and sought treatment in childhood before it erupted in to a tragedy.

‘Muslims must fight this taboo’ Islamic leaders want stigma around mental illness to end

Praising the Sunday Express for its Crusade for better mental health Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, assistant Secretary-General for the Muslim Council of Britain, said feelings of shame, cultural and religious ignorance and a general lack of physical fitness meant that the rate of mental illness within Muslim communities far exceeded the three per cent national average.

In some quarters the situation was so bad that parents have banned schools from referring to their children as having special educational needs in awards ceremonies because of the perceived stigma involved, or feelings of personal guilt.

“Mental Illness still remains a taboo subject in Muslim communities and people are not seeking the help that is available. This is causing unnecessary distress to themselves and loved ones,” he said.

“Many parents try to keep mental illness with children hidden and under the radar. They don't want anyone to know. Sometimes they feel it's their fault, that as parents they are responsible for their children’s’ conditions. And others might agree.”

Religion of all types is a catch all for violent crime. There was a pedophile recently sentenced to multiple life sentences for his crimes. The UK media referred to him as a "practicing Christian". He wasn't. He used the Christian group he was a part of to gain access to his victims. That is clear in all of the evidence released to the public. The media though is invested in the meme that Christians are pedophiles thus they will lie to keep that meme alive.

The same go's for the Islamic extremists. I agree that many are insane. However they are useful tools for a religious group that is waging a new religious war against the western countries. When ISIS declared they were reestablishing the Caliphate that WAS the declaration of war. Anyone who is not familiar with Islam and how it is administered should read up on the Caliphate of Baghdad which was destroyed by Hulagu in 1258.
I think religion can be a tool which can be abused to legitimize evil. It can attract saints and thugs.
Did she really MEAN IT?? Seriously ??
You are right. I defended the indefensible. No excuses.

So many important things to fight -- I just don't have the will to scuffle over an activist college student who embarrassed the Muslim Student Association for being caught making a bad decision..
I imagine her "explanation" had more to do with the MSA chastising her for becoming a viral propaganda tool -- than it did with keeping her from being reprimanded or expelled by the UC system. She pretty much burned them by getting cheeky with Horowitz.

I truly admire your engagement with these things. We ALL have to stand for reason in the middle of some of these ugly squabbles. But for me -- being "in the middle" does not mean I'm "grey" on the issue..

I only came into this thread to point out the clear REASON why treating "mental illness" in newly Westernized Muslim immigrants was EXPECTED to be a difficult task. It's not because WE (you or I or the med community) are ignoring it. It's largely because the CONCEPT of mental health is foreign to their culture and upbringing and seen as a very suspicious and maybe ugly "western practice" in the places they come from..-

She's changing tactics, and you're gullible. It took CAIR girl 2 years to decide defending that women was not working for her..I'm not done with her
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This man, this patriot is listed by CAIR as "anti muslim" and he's a muslim

Zuhdi Jasser Jasser is founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and a board member of the Clarion Project Under Jasser’s leadership, AIFD is embedded with groups that are dedicated to spreading false information, fear, and distrust of Islam and Muslims

CAIR publishes list of American 'Islamophobes' - Will it become a 'hit list' for Islamic State 'lone wolves'? - Dr. Rich Swier
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Did she really MEAN IT?? Seriously ??
You are right. I defended the indefensible. No excuses.

So many important things to fight -- I just don't have the will to scuffle over an activist college student who embarrassed the Muslim Student Association for being caught making a bad decision..
I imagine her "explanation" had more to do with the MSA chastising her for becoming a viral propaganda tool -- than it did with keeping her from being reprimanded or expelled by the UC system. She pretty much burned them by getting cheeky with Horowitz.

I truly admire your engagement with these things. We ALL have to stand for reason in the middle of some of these ugly squabbles. But for me -- being "in the middle" does not mean I'm "grey" on the issue..

I only came into this thread to point out the clear REASON why treating "mental illness" in newly Westernized Muslim immigrants was EXPECTED to be a difficult task. It's not because WE (you or I or the med community) are ignoring it. It's largely because the CONCEPT of mental health is foreign to their culture and upbringing and seen as a very suspicious and maybe ugly "western practice" in the places they come from..-

Per your last paragraph, though the thread got sidetracked, that seems to me to be what the the article was talking about, how the Muslim community needs to grapple with and the message was coming from an imam.

Thanks for handing my ass to me, I deserved it, but it's a pretty good ass and I missed it :)

You're a joke CAIR girl..

They learn it young..

When a person does something crazy, even violent and crazy - we usually accept that they are mentally ill. Our culture still has a long ways to go in regards to erasing the stigma of mental illness, and recognizing it as something that needs treatment - but it's come a long ways.

But, when that person is Muslim, there seems to be a double stigma attached to it. One: they are Muslim, and any crazy or violent behavior is blamed on their religion. Two: they are crazy, and mental illness still retains a huge stigma in the Muslim Community.

Take for example:

Amina Ali Ahra, who out of the blue grabbed a flag, and started attacking a nearby woman. She'd been reported as hanging around the area but did not live there, chased another woman into her house and when arrested was unable to give police coherent information. This sparked threads, claims of outrage directed at Muslim extremists and Muslims in general and immigrants in general, and in the end it was determined she had mental issues.

Nicholas Salvadore, who went on a bloody rampage, decapitating an elderly woman and two cats. Much was made of it as a religious terrorist attack because he was a Muslim. But, he was also mentally ill, and a paranoid schitzophrenic.

If they were not Muslim, it would quickly have been yesterday's news, no demands for "why isn't this in the news" etc. If they were not Muslim, people would have considered mental illness as a causative factor because the "religion thing" would not have been occupying so much headspace. It's also possible that if they hadn't been Muslim, their families and friends may have recognized signs and sought treatment in childhood before it erupted in to a tragedy.

‘Muslims must fight this taboo’ Islamic leaders want stigma around mental illness to end

Praising the Sunday Express for its Crusade for better mental health Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, assistant Secretary-General for the Muslim Council of Britain, said feelings of shame, cultural and religious ignorance and a general lack of physical fitness meant that the rate of mental illness within Muslim communities far exceeded the three per cent national average.

In some quarters the situation was so bad that parents have banned schools from referring to their children as having special educational needs in awards ceremonies because of the perceived stigma involved, or feelings of personal guilt.

“Mental Illness still remains a taboo subject in Muslim communities and people are not seeking the help that is available. This is causing unnecessary distress to themselves and loved ones,” he said.

“Many parents try to keep mental illness with children hidden and under the radar. They don't want anyone to know. Sometimes they feel it's their fault, that as parents they are responsible for their children’s’ conditions. And others might agree.”

Religion of all types is a catch all for violent crime. There was a pedophile recently sentenced to multiple life sentences for his crimes. The UK media referred to him as a "practicing Christian". He wasn't. He used the Christian group he was a part of to gain access to his victims. That is clear in all of the evidence released to the public. The media though is invested in the meme that Christians are pedophiles thus they will lie to keep that meme alive.

The same go's for the Islamic extremists. I agree that many are insane. However they are useful tools for a religious group that is waging a new religious war against the western countries. When ISIS declared they were reestablishing the Caliphate that WAS the declaration of war. Anyone who is not familiar with Islam and how it is administered should read up on the Caliphate of Baghdad which was destroyed by Hulagu in 1258.
I think religion can be a tool which can be abused to legitimize evil. It can attract saints and thugs.

Of course it has been since it was first invented. Both sides felt that God was on their side in WWI. However, when one looks at history it becomes very apparent that most "religious" wars are simple wars of expansion and conquest and the ruling elite use religion as a tool to get people to do what the rulers want.
When a person does something crazy, even violent and crazy - we usually accept that they are mentally ill. Our culture still has a long ways to go in regards to erasing the stigma of mental illness, and recognizing it as something that needs treatment - but it's come a long ways.

But, when that person is Muslim, there seems to be a double stigma attached to it. One: they are Muslim, and any crazy or violent behavior is blamed on their religion. Two: they are crazy, and mental illness still retains a huge stigma in the Muslim Community.

Take for example:

Amina Ali Ahra, who out of the blue grabbed a flag, and started attacking a nearby woman. She'd been reported as hanging around the area but did not live there, chased another woman into her house and when arrested was unable to give police coherent information. This sparked threads, claims of outrage directed at Muslim extremists and Muslims in general and immigrants in general, and in the end it was determined she had mental issues.

Nicholas Salvadore, who went on a bloody rampage, decapitating an elderly woman and two cats. Much was made of it as a religious terrorist attack because he was a Muslim. But, he was also mentally ill, and a paranoid schitzophrenic.

If they were not Muslim, it would quickly have been yesterday's news, no demands for "why isn't this in the news" etc. If they were not Muslim, people would have considered mental illness as a causative factor because the "religion thing" would not have been occupying so much headspace. It's also possible that if they hadn't been Muslim, their families and friends may have recognized signs and sought treatment in childhood before it erupted in to a tragedy.

‘Muslims must fight this taboo’ Islamic leaders want stigma around mental illness to end

Praising the Sunday Express for its Crusade for better mental health Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, assistant Secretary-General for the Muslim Council of Britain, said feelings of shame, cultural and religious ignorance and a general lack of physical fitness meant that the rate of mental illness within Muslim communities far exceeded the three per cent national average.

In some quarters the situation was so bad that parents have banned schools from referring to their children as having special educational needs in awards ceremonies because of the perceived stigma involved, or feelings of personal guilt.

“Mental Illness still remains a taboo subject in Muslim communities and people are not seeking the help that is available. This is causing unnecessary distress to themselves and loved ones,” he said.

“Many parents try to keep mental illness with children hidden and under the radar. They don't want anyone to know. Sometimes they feel it's their fault, that as parents they are responsible for their children’s’ conditions. And others might agree.”

Religion of all types is a catch all for violent crime. There was a pedophile recently sentenced to multiple life sentences for his crimes. The UK media referred to him as a "practicing Christian". He wasn't. He used the Christian group he was a part of to gain access to his victims. That is clear in all of the evidence released to the public. The media though is invested in the meme that Christians are pedophiles thus they will lie to keep that meme alive.

The same go's for the Islamic extremists. I agree that many are insane. However they are useful tools for a religious group that is waging a new religious war against the western countries. When ISIS declared they were reestablishing the Caliphate that WAS the declaration of war. Anyone who is not familiar with Islam and how it is administered should read up on the Caliphate of Baghdad which was destroyed by Hulagu in 1258.
I think religion can be a tool which can be abused to legitimize evil. It can attract saints and thugs.

Of course it has been since it was first invented. Both sides felt that God was on their side in WWI. However, when one looks at history it becomes very apparent that most "religious" wars are simple wars of expansion and conquest and the ruling elite use religion as a tool to get people to do what the rulers want.

Totally agree - claiming God was on their side is just a way to justify it!

I read an article once that was interesting, in this particular case it was talking about the conflicts in Africa. When a state identity no longer offers protections, people revert to tribal, ethnic and religious identifications to survive. This is in the context of what amounts to failed states that can not or do not represent or protect all it's citizens. It makes sense and explains some of the conflicts which are essentially ethnic/tribal/religious within a failed state system.
Did she really MEAN IT?? Seriously ??
You are right. I defended the indefensible. No excuses.

So many important things to fight -- I just don't have the will to scuffle over an activist college student who embarrassed the Muslim Student Association for being caught making a bad decision..
I imagine her "explanation" had more to do with the MSA chastising her for becoming a viral propaganda tool -- than it did with keeping her from being reprimanded or expelled by the UC system. She pretty much burned them by getting cheeky with Horowitz.

I truly admire your engagement with these things. We ALL have to stand for reason in the middle of some of these ugly squabbles. But for me -- being "in the middle" does not mean I'm "grey" on the issue..

I only came into this thread to point out the clear REASON why treating "mental illness" in newly Westernized Muslim immigrants was EXPECTED to be a difficult task. It's not because WE (you or I or the med community) are ignoring it. It's largely because the CONCEPT of mental health is foreign to their culture and upbringing and seen as a very suspicious and maybe ugly "western practice" in the places they come from..-

She's changing tactics, and you're gullible. It took CAIR girl 2 years to decide defending that women was not working for her..I'm not done with her

Well I'm done with you, there was a reason I put put on ignore long ago. I only took you off to make sense of some of the responses on this thread. Enjoy yourself :beer:
When a person does something crazy, even violent and crazy - we usually accept that they are mentally ill. Our culture still has a long ways to go in regards to erasing the stigma of mental illness, and recognizing it as something that needs treatment - but it's come a long ways.

But, when that person is Muslim, there seems to be a double stigma attached to it. One: they are Muslim, and any crazy or violent behavior is blamed on their religion. Two: they are crazy, and mental illness still retains a huge stigma in the Muslim Community.

Take for example:

Amina Ali Ahra, who out of the blue grabbed a flag, and started attacking a nearby woman. She'd been reported as hanging around the area but did not live there, chased another woman into her house and when arrested was unable to give police coherent information. This sparked threads, claims of outrage directed at Muslim extremists and Muslims in general and immigrants in general, and in the end it was determined she had mental issues.

Nicholas Salvadore, who went on a bloody rampage, decapitating an elderly woman and two cats. Much was made of it as a religious terrorist attack because he was a Muslim. But, he was also mentally ill, and a paranoid schitzophrenic.

If they were not Muslim, it would quickly have been yesterday's news, no demands for "why isn't this in the news" etc. If they were not Muslim, people would have considered mental illness as a causative factor because the "religion thing" would not have been occupying so much headspace. It's also possible that if they hadn't been Muslim, their families and friends may have recognized signs and sought treatment in childhood before it erupted in to a tragedy.

‘Muslims must fight this taboo’ Islamic leaders want stigma around mental illness to end

Praising the Sunday Express for its Crusade for better mental health Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, assistant Secretary-General for the Muslim Council of Britain, said feelings of shame, cultural and religious ignorance and a general lack of physical fitness meant that the rate of mental illness within Muslim communities far exceeded the three per cent national average.

In some quarters the situation was so bad that parents have banned schools from referring to their children as having special educational needs in awards ceremonies because of the perceived stigma involved, or feelings of personal guilt.

“Mental Illness still remains a taboo subject in Muslim communities and people are not seeking the help that is available. This is causing unnecessary distress to themselves and loved ones,” he said.

“Many parents try to keep mental illness with children hidden and under the radar. They don't want anyone to know. Sometimes they feel it's their fault, that as parents they are responsible for their children’s’ conditions. And others might agree.”

Religion of all types is a catch all for violent crime. There was a pedophile recently sentenced to multiple life sentences for his crimes. The UK media referred to him as a "practicing Christian". He wasn't. He used the Christian group he was a part of to gain access to his victims. That is clear in all of the evidence released to the public. The media though is invested in the meme that Christians are pedophiles thus they will lie to keep that meme alive.

The same go's for the Islamic extremists. I agree that many are insane. However they are useful tools for a religious group that is waging a new religious war against the western countries. When ISIS declared they were reestablishing the Caliphate that WAS the declaration of war. Anyone who is not familiar with Islam and how it is administered should read up on the Caliphate of Baghdad which was destroyed by Hulagu in 1258.
I think religion can be a tool which can be abused to legitimize evil. It can attract saints and thugs.

Of course it has been since it was first invented. Both sides felt that God was on their side in WWI. However, when one looks at history it becomes very apparent that most "religious" wars are simple wars of expansion and conquest and the ruling elite use religion as a tool to get people to do what the rulers want.

islam is a religion of conquest and domination. WWI was not a religious war I think you're confused

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