Islam is liberal while Christianity is conservative?

Jefferson and Aristotle were not for "FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT"

why so afraid to tell what they were for?? What do you learn from your fear?

Jefferson was into democracy----elected government-------and ARISTOTLE was the student of PLATO---
who was very much a NATIONAL SOCIALIST-----being a greek supremacist
advocate of enslavement of non greek speaking people for the benefit of
the superior and intellectual GREEK Alexander was a student of ARISTOTLE.
------his career was devoted to DEVELOPEMENT OF GREEK IMPERIALIST
RULE-------with himself as ABSOLUTE RULER and the imposition of
greek "culture" via ASSIMILATION.
dear the USA govt till 1929 was not perfect but it was much the size and culture that conservatives today would want.

Conservatives today want absolutely no such thing. You want big government that you get to control.

dear, I have no reason to lie to you about the size of the govt I want. Also, it is Republicans who sign the pledge not Democrats?? Do you understand??
Big government compared to what? Why will you not answer?

dear, the big govt Islam Iran and ISIS wants is big compared to most govts on the planet. And?????????????????????????????? Do you have any idea why you asked the question????????????

I asked because I want to know what country has the perfect sized small government that you keep railing on about. let me name some.

United Kingdom?

Maybe you could pick one of those are name just spit out a name.

dear the USA govt till 1929 was not perfect but it was much the size and culture that conservatives today would want. And????????????? Do you have any idea at all why you are asking?????? Just another goof???

What happened to that country with the tiny, tiny government in 1929?

How would that tiny, tiny government been able to handle natural disasters or win WWII?

How many people lived in poor houses in that pre 1929 tiny, tiny government country?

How did that tiny, tiny government keep kids from getting polio and other devastating diseases?

How would a tiny, tiny government run country put a man on the moon?

Did that tiny, tiny government feel OK with tiny, tiny children working in factories?

Change happened because that tiny, tiny government evolved, like most things do.
For the record------arabs were introduced to the philosophy of Aristotle
by Persians, Jews and Christians------and very much like ALEXANDER
-including his methods--do much---that they decided he must have been a
muslim. the CALIPHATE is modeled on the career of ALEXANDER---
ever expanding and totalitarian rule----and assimilation of the intelligentsia and elite-------facism------NATIONAL SOCIALISM
What happened to that country with the tiny, tiny government in 1929?

liberals took it over and extended the depression 16 years and caused a word war that killed 60 million souls. Depression ended when FDR finally died. Liberals are 100% stupid. FDR was worst by far and still greatest hero to liberals. See why we say stupid times 1000!!
For the record------arabs were introduced to the philosophy of Aristotle
by Persians, Jews and Christians------and very much like ALEXANDER
-including his methods--do much---that they decided he must have been a
muslim. the CALIPHATE is modeled on the career of ALEXANDER---
ever expanding and totalitarian rule----and assimilation of the intelligentsia and elite-------facism------NATIONAL SOCIALISM

dear, do you have any idea what your point is???? Are you trying to act literate?? Did you fool yourself???
What happened to that country with the tiny, tiny government in 1929?

liberals took it over and extended the depression 16 years and caused a word war that killed 60 million souls. Depression ended when FDR finally died. Liberals are 100% stupid. FDR was worst by far and still greatest hero to liberals. See why we say stupid times 1000!!

The Depression ended because we went to war, basically the government paid to put people to work to build machines. FDR, a liberal did not start the war. Hitler and Hirohito started the war. Afterwards, we thankfully never looked back. You're an imbecile.
For the record------arabs were introduced to the philosophy of Aristotle
by Persians, Jews and Christians------and very much like ALEXANDER
-including his methods--do much---that they decided he must have been a
muslim. the CALIPHATE is modeled on the career of ALEXANDER---
ever expanding and totalitarian rule----and assimilation of the intelligentsia and elite-------facism------NATIONAL SOCIALISM

dear, do you have any idea what your point is???? Are you trying to act literate?? Did you fool yourself???

I am literate in English. I read and write in English fairly well. You asked about
the philosophy of Aristotle re governance. If you have read PLATO's REPUBLIC------as have most literate people -------you would know. Aristotle was a student of Plato, Alexander was a student of Aristotle. Muslims are very
attached to the concepts they imagine were the concepts of ARISTOTLE and
The Depression ended because we went to war, basically the government paid to put people to work to build machines.

100% stupid and illiterate of course. If govt paid people it also taxed people so no net gain was possible. Econ 101 class one.

Do you understand?
Government also prints money, moron this doesn't happen in a vacuum.

what does that have to do with our subject?? Dear if you have not taken Econ 101 stay away from this one. Think!! see why we say the liberal will be slow?
The Depression ended because we went to war, basically the government paid to put people to work to build machines.

100% stupid and illiterate of course. If govt paid people it also taxed people so no net gain was possible. Econ 101 class one.

Do you understand?

Government also prints money, moron this doesn't happen in a vacuum.

what does that have to do with our subject?? Dear if you have not taken Econ 101 stay away from this one. Think!! see why we say the liberal will be slow?

I'm sorry, the man without a viable country asked a question.

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