Islam is liberal while Christianity is conservative?

so, you failed arithmetic too

translation: as a low IQ liberal I lack the IQ for this debate

try again--------your statement is tantamount ---to "if a government collects taxes on
income------all money disappears and nothing gets produced"

dear, if you have not taken Econ 101 why try??????????

if govt collects taxes from one mans pocket and puts them in another mans pocket there is no net gain. If you drain the swimming pool on one side and fill it with the drained water on the other side the level stays the same.

Econ 101 class one day one. Sorry
so, you failed arithmetic too

translation: as a low IQ liberal I lack the IQ for this debate
I'm sorry, the man without a viable country asked a question.

translation: I lost the debate

No. Government places money into the economy by buying goods and services. That money then in turn gets passed along to others who buy goods and services. Some of that is paid back in taxes over the years. And government has the ability to print money, buying up bonds that lower interest rates further spurring the economy.
No. Government places money into the economy by buying goods and services. That money then in turn gets passed along to others who buy goods and services. Some of that is paid back in taxes over the years. And government has the ability to print money, buying up bonds that lower interest rates further spurring the economy.

dear, can you tell us what your point is?? Do you have any idea?? Any idea at all???
so, you failed arithmetic too

translation: as a low IQ liberal I lack the IQ for this debate

try again--------your statement is tantamount ---to "if a government collects taxes on
income------all money disappears and nothing gets produced"

dear, if you have not taken Econ 101 why try??????????

if govt collects taxes from one mans pocket and puts them in another mans pocket there is no net gain. If you drain the swimming pool on one side and fill it with the drained water on the other side the level stays the same.

Econ 101 class one day one. Sorry

I understand-----math is the biggest problem to small minds------
such minds do not grasp the concept of the EQUATION---
Did you fail high school geometry too? When asked ----
what is the rate of acceleration of a person trapped in a free
falling elevator--------did you weep??
so, you failed arithmetic too

translation: as a low IQ liberal I lack the IQ for this debate
I'm sorry, the man without a viable country asked a question.

translation: I lost the debate

No. Government places money into the economy by buying goods and services. That money then in turn gets passed along to others who buy goods and services. Some of that is paid back in taxes over the years. And government has the ability to print money, buying up bonds that lower interest rates further spurring the economy.

dear, can you tell us what your point is?? Do you have any idea?? Any idea at all???

Yes. Your tiny, tiny government would die in a war or economic depression. In 1929 it did.
so, you failed arithmetic too

translation: as a low IQ liberal I lack the IQ for this debate
I'm sorry, the man without a viable country asked a question.

translation: I lost the debate

No. Government places money into the economy by buying goods and services. That money then in turn gets passed along to others who buy goods and services. Some of that is paid back in taxes over the years. And government has the ability to print money, buying up bonds that lower interest rates further spurring the economy.

dear, can you tell us what your point is?? Do you have any idea?? Any idea at all???

Yes. Your tiny, tiny government would die in a war or economic depression..

dear tiny govt and tiny military are very different. Do you understand?
so, you failed arithmetic too

translation: as a low IQ liberal I lack the IQ for this debate
I'm sorry, the man without a viable country asked a question.

translation: I lost the debate

No. Government places money into the economy by buying goods and services. That money then in turn gets passed along to others who buy goods and services. Some of that is paid back in taxes over the years. And government has the ability to print money, buying up bonds that lower interest rates further spurring the economy.

dear, can you tell us what your point is?? Do you have any idea?? Any idea at all???

Yes. Your tiny, tiny government would die in a war or economic depression. In 1929 it did.

why would tiny govt die in economic depression rather than quickly end depression????
The USA is doing the same thing every empire has, changed from it's original basic operation before it was a super power...
100% stupid and liberal of course. Conservatives believe in capitalism
which the Chinese just used to eliminate 40% of the entire world's poverty after liberalism had starved 60 million souls to death..

See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be stupid??
Conservatives believe in totalitarian capitalism, where a free market, is only an illusion.
dear the USA govt till 1929 was not perfect but it was much the size and culture that conservatives today would want.

Conservatives today want absolutely no such thing. You want big government that you get to control.

dear, I have no reason to lie to you about the size of the govt I want.

It's yourself you're lying to

100% stupid and liberaql as always. Conservatives sign the pledge while liberals scoff at it. What does that teach you?

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Conservatives believe in totalitarian capitalism, where a free market, is only an illusion.

100% stupid, obviously. International capitalism now features 135 million capitalist businesses all competing with each other. 135 million is totalitarian only to a retarded monkey. Utterly stupid and liberal.

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