Islam is not inherently evil

Great. I feel the same way. In that case, Islam cannot be INHERENTLY evil.

Wrongo. Islam IS inherently evil, but as long as they can practice restraint in their evil ways, they're OK to practice it here.

And if they can't, we have a perfectly good justice system to teach the rest why they should.

As long as Muslims are able to practice their religion peacefully, then it CANNOT be inherently evil.

You think it is impossible for evil to be peaceful? Does that make an erupting volcano evil?
Wrongo. Islam IS inherently evil, but as long as they can practice restraint in their evil ways, they're OK to practice it here.

And if they can't, we have a perfectly good justice system to teach the rest why they should.

As long as Muslims are able to practice their religion peacefully, then it CANNOT be inherently evil.

You think it is impossible for evil to be peaceful? Does that make an erupting volcano evil?

And there we go back to the inanimate again.
As long as Muslims are able to practice their religion peacefully, then it CANNOT be inherently evil.

Wrong again. If they are doing it peacefully, that means that THEY are not evil. But the religion still can be, and in this case is.

If the Muslims in the US can practice their doctrine non-violently, as they do, then it follows that Islam is not inherently evil, because it can be interpreted non-violently.

The same can be said for Christianity. There is a Bible passage that calls for death to homosexuals. It is only the fringe lunatics, (the four pastors I've previously mentioned), who interpret that passage literally and call for violence toward gays.

Neither the Bible nor the Qu'ran is inherently evil. Christians and Muslims are not inherently evil. Literal and fundamentalist interpretation of either lead to potential violence.

They preach against homosexuality, which makes them violent if we accept that your premise in your other thread that communication that is hurtful is violent. That means that, by your definition, they are not peaceful. Therefore Islam can be evil.
Either the religion is inherently evil or not. If it's inherently evil, then EVERYONE who practices Islam is evil.

And we can see in our own country, that the Muslims who practice here are NOT inherently evil.

Islamic theocracy is another story. Christian theocracy would be another story.

Was Mohammed an evil man?

A man of his times, but using our modern comparison....absolutely. I would say the same for Julius Caesar, or Napoleon, or Ceasar Borgia, or Peter the Great.

Which of those men started a religion?
People are scared to talk about Muhammed.

Well, one of things we know about him is that he took a nine year old for a bride. That wasn't uncommon at the time, but it offends my modern sensibility.

One reason I do not the agree that the religion is evil, is because some people say that about Buddhism and I know that's wrong. Some people think any religion other than their own is evil.

Who says Buddhism is evil?
I don't know if Mohammed was an evil man. He comes with mixed reviews.

So you don't really find a theocratic dictatorship evil or wrong do you?

Did I say that?? No. I didn't say that.

Mohammed has been dead for millenia. I don't think he was a dictator or that his path was a state religion at them he lived.

We do have plenty of modern examples of Islamic dictators. No, I don't approve of or support dictators.

Prophet Muhammad as the most influential man in History

One of us is really confused about the meaning of millennia, it isn't me.
Yes I do....and tell us how many PEOPLE follow doctrine to a "T" in any religion?

19 followed doctrine to a "T" on 9/11 and murdered 3,000 innocent men, women, and children.

Are you saying that 9/11 was following Islamic Doctrine?

Thousands and thousands more Islamists follow Islamic doctrine to a "T" and murder innocent men, women, and children every day. How many follow doctrine isn't really an issue. How many are murdered in the name of that doctrine is the issue. Do you have anything else to use to prevent you from admitting Islam is evil?

If that is the case, why does our country deal at all with countries that have that kind of doctrine?

Yes, 9/11 Islamists was following Islamic Doctrine.
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Those peace loving culturally noble Muslims do THIS to ancient Buddhist statues.



Buddhas of Bamiyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine how they'd like to treat a lesbian Buddhist wack-a-doo?

People did that....not a religion.

The Qu'ran forbids all representations of human beings in art.

People did that....not a religion.

Once more:

OF COURSE People did that. Religions are not animate actors.

But SOME religions preach and teach violence and hatred and war.

Others, don't.

Acting ACCORDING to the precepts of fucking ISLAM is evil.

Eactly my point...religions are not animate...just like guns are not animate. It takes evil people to do evil....they just use religions, any and all religions, to excuse their evil.

Interesting premise. Tell me something, is it possible for an idea to be evil? For example, is the idea that we should wipe all Jews off the face of the Earth evil?
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Okay, so we have established the Christians who call for the death of gays are not evil. Whew, that was a close one.

Christians who call for the death of gays, IMO, are wrong. You think they're holy? I don't.

Do you think that Mohammed was wrong for calling for the killing of nonbelievers?

Yes. I think Scott Lively is wrong for blaming the Holocaust on gays and for stirring up hatred in Uganda that resulted in the "kill gays" legislation.

Are you concerned about this violence?
Christians who call for the death of gays, IMO, are wrong. You think they're holy? I don't.

Do you think that Mohammed was wrong for calling for the killing of nonbelievers?

Yes. I think Scott Lively is wrong for blaming the Holocaust on gays and for stirring up hatred in Uganda that resulted in the "kill gays" legislation.

Are you concerned about this violence?

Yes, I condemn any violence called for by any religion or religious leader. Was Mohammed an evil man?
Do you think that Mohammed was wrong for calling for the killing of nonbelievers?

Yes. I think Scott Lively is wrong for blaming the Holocaust on gays and for stirring up hatred in Uganda that resulted in the "kill gays" legislation.

Are you concerned about this violence?

Yes, I condemn any violence called for by any religion or religious leader. Was Mohammed an evil man?

He was leading his people during a time of war. That's not what the Buddha or Jesus did.

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