Islam is not inherently evil

Those peace loving culturally noble Muslims do THIS to ancient Buddhist statues.



Buddhas of Bamiyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine how they'd like to treat a lesbian Buddhist wack-a-doo?
Those peace loving culturally noble Muslims do THIS to ancient Buddhist statues.



Buddhas of Bamiyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine how they'd like to treat a lesbian Buddhist wack-a-doo?

People did that....not a religion.

Once more:

OF COURSE People did that. Religions are not animate actors.

But SOME religions preach and teach violence and hatred and war.

Others, don't.

Acting ACCORDING to the precepts of fucking ISLAM is evil.
The "Who, What, Where, When" syndrome attacks suddenly when a lefty can't come up with a rational response to common sense. Sad to witness.
Those peace loving culturally noble Muslims do THIS to ancient Buddhist statues.



Buddhas of Bamiyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine how they'd like to treat a lesbian Buddhist wack-a-doo?

People did that....not a religion.

Once more:

OF COURSE People did that. Religions are not animate actors.

But SOME religions preach and teach violence and hatred and war.

Others, don't.

Acting ACCORDING to the precepts of fucking ISLAM is evil.

DL... She's simply a Dishonest and Self-Destructive Pathetic Example of the Species...

The Lengths she goes to Deflect for a Religion that wants her Dead is Amazing...

A Sad and Miserable Existence.


terrorism is evil. People who abuse religious tenets to do harm are evil.


Of course it is.

The cow:[2.190] And fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you, and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits.
[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
[2.192] But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
[2.193] And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.
terrorism is evil. People who abuse religious tenets to do harm are evil.


Of course it is.

The cow:[2.190] And fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you, and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits.
[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
[2.192] But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
[2.193] And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.

I bet if you Asked Ravir, Blue Phantom or Bodecea, they'd say that's a Bad Translation... :thup:


Those peace loving culturally noble Muslims do THIS to ancient Buddhist statues.



Buddhas of Bamiyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imagine how they'd like to treat a lesbian Buddhist wack-a-doo?

People did that....not a religion.

Once more:

OF COURSE People did that. Religions are not animate actors.

But SOME religions preach and teach violence and hatred and war.

Others, don't.

Acting ACCORDING to the precepts of fucking ISLAM is evil.

Eactly my point...religions are not animate...just like guns are not animate. It takes evil people to do evil....they just use religions, any and all religions, to excuse their evil.
People did that....not a religion.

Once more:

OF COURSE People did that. Religions are not animate actors.

But SOME religions preach and teach violence and hatred and war.

Others, don't.

Acting ACCORDING to the precepts of fucking ISLAM is evil.

Eactly my point...religions are not animate...just like guns are not animate. It takes evil people to do evil....they just use religions, any and all religions, to excuse their evil.

A religion can can have an evil or a good doctrine. Christianity has a good doctrine. Islam has an evil doctrine.
People did that....not a religion.

Once more:

OF COURSE People did that. Religions are not animate actors.

But SOME religions preach and teach violence and hatred and war.

Others, don't.

Acting ACCORDING to the precepts of fucking ISLAM is evil.

Eactly my point...religions are not animate...just like guns are not animate. It takes evil people to do evil....they just use religions, any and all religions, to excuse their evil.

But nobody ever argued that religions can act on their own.

So you are "pointing out" something that isn't even in dispute. Never was.

What IS under discussion is what the religions teach, preach, hold and contend, etc.

If a religion directs the faithful to kill or subjugate non-believers, that religion is fucking sick and evil.

By contrast, a religion that directs the faithful to return good for evil is hardly akin to the former religion.

Islam is fucking sick, demented and evil.
Once more:

OF COURSE People did that. Religions are not animate actors.

But SOME religions preach and teach violence and hatred and war.

Others, don't.

Acting ACCORDING to the precepts of fucking ISLAM is evil.

Eactly my point...religions are not animate...just like guns are not animate. It takes evil people to do evil....they just use religions, any and all religions, to excuse their evil.

A religion can can have an evil or a good doctrine. Christianity has a good doctrine. Islam has an evil doctrine.
If Christianity as a good doctrine, how come evil has ever been done in its name?

If Islam has an evil doctrine, how come good has ever been done in its name?
Eactly my point...religions are not animate...just like guns are not animate. It takes evil people to do evil....they just use religions, any and all religions, to excuse their evil.

A religion can can have an evil or a good doctrine. Christianity has a good doctrine. Islam has an evil doctrine.
If Christianity as a good doctrine, how come evil has ever been done in its name?

If Islam has an evil doctrine, how come good has ever been done in its name?

Those are silly questions. They aren't deep or profound. They aren't even real.

Christianity can be misunderstood or deliberately distorted. Those who then behave in some perverse fashion are not acting according to the precepts of the faith.

But any Muslim who fails to subjugate unbelievers (or who befriends a Jew for example) has committed an action that is in direct violation of what the debased faith of Islam commands.

You can't really not see this. You have to be trying hard to be so obtuse.
Eactly my point...religions are not animate...just like guns are not animate. It takes evil people to do evil....they just use religions, any and all religions, to excuse their evil.

A religion can can have an evil or a good doctrine. Christianity has a good doctrine. Islam has an evil doctrine.
If Christianity as a good doctrine, how come evil has ever been done in its name?

If Islam has an evil doctrine, how come good has ever been done in its name?

What people do in the name of a religion has nothing to do with it's doctrine. Do you know what "doctrine" means?
A religion can can have an evil or a good doctrine. Christianity has a good doctrine. Islam has an evil doctrine.
If Christianity as a good doctrine, how come evil has ever been done in its name?

If Islam has an evil doctrine, how come good has ever been done in its name?

What people do in the name of a religion has nothing to do with it's doctrine. Do you know what "doctrine" means?

Yes I do....and tell us how many PEOPLE follow doctrine to a "T" in any religion?
If Christianity as a good doctrine, how come evil has ever been done in its name?

If Islam has an evil doctrine, how come good has ever been done in its name?

What people do in the name of a religion has nothing to do with it's doctrine. Do you know what "doctrine" means?

Yes I do....and tell us how many PEOPLE follow doctrine to a "T" in any religion?

19 followed doctrine to a "T" on 9/11 and murdered 3,000 innocent men, women, and children. Thousands and thousands more Islamists follow Islamic doctrine to a "T" and murder innocent men, women, and children every day. How many follow doctrine isn't really an issue. How many are murdered in the name of that doctrine is the issue. Do you have anything else to use to prevent you from admitting Islam is evil?
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What people do in the name of a religion has nothing to do with it's doctrine. Do you know what "doctrine" means?

Yes I do....and tell us how many PEOPLE follow doctrine to a "T" in any religion?

19 followed doctrine to a "T" on 9/11 and murdered 3,000 innocent men, women, and children.

Are you saying that 9/11 was following Islamic Doctrine?

Thousands and thousands more Islamists follow Islamic doctrine to a "T" and murder innocent men, women, and children every day. How many follow doctrine isn't really an issue. How many are murdered in the name of that doctrine is the issue. Do you have anything else to use to prevent you from admitting Islam is evil?

If that is the case, why does our country deal at all with countries that have that kind of doctrine?
You guys want it both ways. You want to have a paranoia of a MUSLIM theocracy, when the evidence is that it is much more likely we get a CHRISTIAN theocracy in the US.

If the Constitution truly protects us from EITHER Islam or Christianity becoming the state religion, what is the objection to Muslims being able to practice freely in the US, just like Christians?

Where is anyone objecting to Muslims practicing their religion in the US?

Unless you are wanting us to approve of their lopping people's heads off, hangings, or throwing bricks at women.

If you think Islam is inherently evil, then it follows that you wouldn't want anyone to practice Islam.

I don't.

I have another problem though, I actually believe it isn't my fracking business what they believe unless they try to stop me from doing what I believe.

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