Islam Tells Muslims to Lie

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I don't click on links anymore because of a security breach that I experienced, but their book (scripture book,) the Koran forbids them to the internet age people are maybe posting a lot of false information on the internet because the fact is that, anyone can post anything on the internet. But this is what their Scripture book says about lying:

"And cover not Truth
With falsehood, nor conceal
The Truth when ye know (what it is.)
" Koran 2:42, Yusuf Ali version


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lying or taqiya is a technique used and condoned by their religion Anonymous !!
and taqiya is generally used on 'kufr' or people other than muslims . Although I suppose that a 'sunni' lying to a 'shiite' is fine if it helps the 'sunni' behead his enemy the 'shiite' Anonymous .
Is lying only native to Islam?

and taqiya is generally used on 'kufr' or people other than muslims . Although I suppose that a 'sunni' lying to a 'shiite' is fine if it helps the 'sunni' behead his enemy the 'shiite' Anonymous .

Not gonna go back and forth brother. Koran 2:42 is available in published book form to verify the truth about what their book (the Koran) says. Best wishes on finding out the truth haha.


and as an off topic example of the kind of religion that islam is , well check out the reward for a jihadi that kills the enemy kufr / kuffir . Heck , that successful jihadi gets to spend eternity with 72 'whores' just doing what whores and their clients do . Checkout the concept of 'jizya' to see more information on another Islamic religious concept , see the concept of dhiminitude Anonymous.
lying or taqiya is a technique used and condoned by their religion Anonymous !!

Lol you can read Koran 2:42 for yourself Pismoe. Be careful these days...anyone can post anything on the internet.


Anon----you know nothing about muslims or about islam --------a line in the koran that says do not 'hide the truth"------is meaningless. Do you know what
KUFR means ? ok I will tell you------it means ----"hiding the truth" Do you know what a KAFFIR is? ok I will tell you----It is a person who hides the truth---
ie ANY NON MUSLIM. --------a non muslim is a LIAR. You are a LIAR.
Everything you say or believe is a LIE. You are the PERSONIFICATION OF
LIE-----UNTRUTH ----DECEIT. In islam it is absolutely legal to protect oneself or
another muslim or any interest of islam from LIARS like you. For sunnis-----even Shiites ----can----sometimes----more or less-----be considered KAFFIRIN----LIARS-. Liars can be legally killed----usually

I don't click on links anymore because of a security breach that I experienced, but their book (scripture book,) the Koran forbids them to the internet age people are maybe posting a lot of false information on the internet because the fact is that, anyone can post anything on the internet. But this is what their Scripture book says about lying:

"And cover not Truth
With falsehood, nor conceal
The Truth when ye know (what it is.)
" Koran 2:42, Yusuf Ali version


maybe when speaking of islam. lol
The quran says the Allah was the best deceiver
the hadith mentions all of the deceiving by allahs apostles
here is another good one :
another may seem to the people as if he were practicing the deeds of the people of Hell (Fire), while in fact he is from the people of Paradise."
Sahih Bukhari 4:52:147
So we returned to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle! We asked you for mounts, but you took an oath that you would not give us any mounts; we think that you have forgotten your oath.' He said, 'It is Allah Who has given you mounts. By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else better than that. then I do what is better and expiate my oath.' "
Sahih Bukhari 7:67:427
I believe I read somewhere once that you you are approved to lie when it comes to your family or banging chicks too lol
you seem to be afraid of clicking on links so I'm not surprised that you are afraid of a discussion Anonymous . Koran is not the only book , there is also the 'hadith' . Also , check out the muslims definition of Peace . There is the 'house of peace' and the 'house of war' . house of peace is where the muslim is in control , house of war is where the muslim is fighting to gain control . Yeah , check it out . You really should try to start learning useful information if you are a Westerner Anonymous .
and as an off topic example of the kind of religion that islam is , well check out the reward for a jihadi that kills the enemy kufr / kuffir . Heck , that successful jihadi gets to spend eternity with 72 'whores' just doing what whores and their clients do . Checkout the concept of 'jizya' to see more information on another Islamic religious concept , see the concept of dhiminitude Anonymous.


Well pis, I AM ACTUALLY NOT A MUSLIM. I repeat, I AM NOT (NOT, got it?) A MUSLIM. I am my friend just telling you what their book says and that the internet is not the best source for information because anyone can post anything on the internet, which you might already know.

But again my brother (haha,) I am an Agnostic.


and as an off topic example of the kind of religion that islam is , well check out the reward for a jihadi that kills the enemy kufr / kuffir . Heck , that successful jihadi gets to spend eternity with 72 'whores' just doing what whores and their clients do . Checkout the concept of 'jizya' to see more information on another Islamic religious concept , see the concept of dhiminitude Anonymous.


Well pis, I AM ACTUALLY NOT A MUSLIM. I repeat, I AM NOT (NOT, got it?) A MUSLIM. I am my friend just telling you what their book says and that the internet is not the best source for information because anyone can post anything on the internet, which you might already know.

But again my brother (haha,) I am an Agnostic.


I don't care about your religious beliefs . I'm just replying to the spin or lies that you are talking / typing Anonymous !!
and as an off topic example of the kind of religion that islam is , well check out the reward for a jihadi that kills the enemy kufr / kuffir . Heck , that successful jihadi gets to spend eternity with 72 'whores' just doing what whores and their clients do . Checkout the concept of 'jizya' to see more information on another Islamic religious concept , see the concept of dhiminitude Anonymous.


Well pis, I AM ACTUALLY NOT A MUSLIM. I repeat, I AM NOT (NOT, got it?) A MUSLIM. I am my friend just telling you what their book says and that the internet is not the best source for information because anyone can post anything on the internet, which you might already know.

But again my brother (haha,) I am an Agnostic.


Hmmm, some al taqiyya for Islam here :)
Well (lololol,) I just went over the thread and apparently a lot of people want to talk with me about Islam.

I am really not the guy for that.

As my signature plainly informs all I am an Agnostic (unbeliever.)

So, no one should be connecting me with Islam.

Very obviously I have discussed many religions on this site and whoever would be trying to connect me to Islam is doing an evil deed because I repeat, I am an Agnostic (unbeliever.) :lol:

But that is you guys for me, I will just make the record as clear as I can that, I AM NOT A MUSLIM.

I am through with this thread; people who want to talk about Islam should talk with the Muslims and not with me, an Agnostic.

Goodbye from this thread,

and as an off topic example of the kind of religion that islam is , well check out the reward for a jihadi that kills the enemy kufr / kuffir . Heck , that successful jihadi gets to spend eternity with 72 'whores' just doing what whores and their clients do . Checkout the concept of 'jizya' to see more information on another Islamic religious concept , see the concept of dhiminitude Anonymous.


Well pis, I AM ACTUALLY NOT A MUSLIM. I repeat, I AM NOT (NOT, got it?) A MUSLIM. I am my friend just telling you what their book says and that the internet is not the best source for information because anyone can post anything on the internet, which you might already know.

But again my brother (haha,) I am an Agnostic.



ANON my source for ISLAM -----is muslims------I have been learning about islam from muslims since I was a child-----well adolescent. I am no longer an adolescent-----in fact------at my age some people are SENILE. Do you know who knows the most about street drugs? ok, I will tell you------ADDICTS. Do you know who knows the MOST about how to appeal a conviction whilst in jail? Ok--I will tell you JAILED CONVICTS. Do you know who knows the most about
shariah law? ok I will tell you--------its VICTIMS----KAFFIRIN WHO SURVIVED
IT -----my own husband was born in a shariah cesspit ------a real live DHIMMI
Anyone eve
Well (lololol,) I just went over the thread and apparently a lot of people want to talk with me about Islam.

I am really not the guy for that.

As my signature plainly informs all I am an Agnostic (unbeliever.)

So, no one should be connecting me with Islam.

Very obviously I have discussed many religions on this site and whoever would be trying to connect me to Islam is doing an evil deed because I repeat, I am an Agnostic (unbeliever.) :lol:

But that is you guys for me, I will just make the record as clear as I can that, I AM NOT A MUSLIM.

I am through with this thread; people who want to talk about Islam should talk with the Muslims and not with me, an Agnostic.

Goodbye from this thread,

You don't have to be a muslim to talk discuss islam. You know, like how you only talk about religion.. I guess since you are nto a Christian, your posts on that are bullshit as well?
Well (lololol,) I just went over the thread and apparently a lot of people want to talk with me about Islam.

I am really not the guy for that.

As my signature plainly informs all I am an Agnostic (unbeliever.)

So, no one should be connecting me with Islam.

Very obviously I have discussed many religions on this site and whoever would be trying to connect me to Islam is doing an evil deed because I repeat, I am an Agnostic (unbeliever.) :lol:

But that is you guys for me, I will just make the record as clear as I can that, I AM NOT A MUSLIM.

I am through with this thread; people who want to talk about Islam should talk with the Muslims and not with me, an Agnostic.

Goodbye from this thread,

so you don't don't like reality ehh Anonymous !! [chuckle]
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