Islam - Tolerance and Peace

Have you interviewed all Muslims on earth? Are you God almighty that you can read the minds of all Muslims? Your post is bigotry and arrogance. Bad combination.

You are BEYOND IGNORANT. ALL MUSLIMS believe in the Koran and the teachings of Mohammad. YOU DUMB ASS. It is a tenant of faith for Muslims that the entire human population on this planet must worship Mohammad and be Muslim.

Your stupid drivel is exactly why we will probably be over run by Muslims. because people like you are just to damn STUPID to understand reality and facts.

We have 2 choices when it comes to the Islamic religion. Wait for them to out breed us ( which a minority of Muslims are willing to wait for) or be conquered by holy war by Muslims. BUT you are to fucking stupid to know basic facts like this and are exactly why we will eventually lose.

You want to go to war with Islam? See ya.

I want Islam to have a reformation. Until they do I want them recognized as our enemy and contained.
All Muslims believe in world wide conquest. A few are willing to wait for time and breeding to do it for them, the majority are not. I do not know if they are all evil but I know they are all my enemy. I know that they, not I declared war on us. I know that they not us would put to death all gays, that they not us will not tolerate any religion except Islam. You are deluded if you think otherwise.

Right. Like all Christians believe in the literal Kingdom of God on earth - a world-wide Christian conquest - when Jesus returns.

...To Jesus and His disciples, the term Kingdom of God meant a government that would be established on earth. They anticipated that its arrival would amount to nothing less than a sweeping, overwhelming change in the world order....​

(sarcasm off)

BIG difference between Christians and Muslims dumb fuck. Christians are not commanded to convert every person on earth to be a Christian, nor are they commanded to run all Government, to destroy all other religions NOR to physically conquer the planet.

The Conquest of the planet will be carried out by Jesus leading an army of Angels. They will fight the Human armies of Satan.

In other words, one has no fear that Christians are plotting to over run the planet nor to subjugate the populations nor to forcefully convert anyone. One does have to worry about that with Muslims. It is commanded of them.

Actually, some Christians are dominionists and they seek to rule America. They don't plan to do it forcibly, just by stealth.

We have to fear Islamic terrorists.

Enjoy the rapture.

I have other plans.
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All Muslims believe in world wide conquest. A few are willing to wait for time and breeding to do it for them, the majority are not. I do not know if they are all evil but I know they are all my enemy. I know that they, not I declared war on us. I know that they not us would put to death all gays, that they not us will not tolerate any religion except Islam. You are deluded if you think otherwise.

Have you interviewed all Muslims on earth? Are you God almighty that you can read the minds of all Muslims? Your post is bigotry and arrogance. Bad combination.

You are BEYOND IGNORANT. ALL MUSLIMS believe in the Koran and the teachings of Mohammad. YOU DUMB ASS. It is a tenant of faith for Muslims that the entire human population on this planet must worship Mohammad and be Muslim.

Your stupid drivel is exactly why we will probably be over run by Muslims. because people like you are just to damn STUPID to understand reality and facts.

We have 2 choices when it comes to the Islamic religion. Wait for them to out breed us ( which a minority of Muslims are willing to wait for) or be conquered by holy war by Muslims. BUT you are to fucking stupid to know basic facts like this and are exactly why we will eventually lose.

Nobody worships Muhammad (SAWS) you silly Mormon motherfucker. You're too stupid to understand even the most basic tenets of the religion you're trying to demonize and you think you can call someone else an ignorant dumbass? Learn to keep quiet when grown folks are talking.
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Have you interviewed all Muslims on earth? Are you God almighty that you can read the minds of all Muslims? Your post is bigotry and arrogance. Bad combination.

You are BEYOND IGNORANT. ALL MUSLIMS believe in the Koran and the teachings of Mohammad. YOU DUMB ASS. It is a tenant of faith for Muslims that the entire human population on this planet must worship Mohammad and be Muslim.

Your stupid drivel is exactly why we will probably be over run by Muslims. because people like you are just to damn STUPID to understand reality and facts.

We have 2 choices when it comes to the Islamic religion. Wait for them to out breed us ( which a minority of Muslims are willing to wait for) or be conquered by holy war by Muslims. BUT you are to fucking stupid to know basic facts like this and are exactly why we will eventually lose.

Nobody worships Muhammad (SAWS) you silly Mormon motherfucker. You're too stupid to understand even the most basic tenets of the religion you're trying to demonize and you think you can call someone else an ignorant dumbass? Learn to keep quiet when grown folks are talking.

No worship? Really? What happens when someone draws a cartoon of Mohammad? You are the liar. But then that is explained by the Koran which allows you to lie to us Kafer. We are simply to be used until killed or converted.
You are BEYOND IGNORANT. ALL MUSLIMS believe in the Koran and the teachings of Mohammad. YOU DUMB ASS. It is a tenant of faith for Muslims that the entire human population on this planet must worship Mohammad and be Muslim.

Your stupid drivel is exactly why we will probably be over run by Muslims. because people like you are just to damn STUPID to understand reality and facts.

We have 2 choices when it comes to the Islamic religion. Wait for them to out breed us ( which a minority of Muslims are willing to wait for) or be conquered by holy war by Muslims. BUT you are to fucking stupid to know basic facts like this and are exactly why we will eventually lose.

You want to go to war with Islam? See ya.

I want Islam to have a reformation. Until they do I want them recognized as our enemy and contained.

Fair enough. That's the most moderate (for you) stance I 've seen so far.

Islam and Muslims are not MY enemy. With the exception of a few friends, they are mostly strangers to me. Religious and Islamic extremists are in the enemy category.

Buddhists take a broad view of the category of enemy. We strive to develop an equal kind regard to all regardless of whether the individual is a friend, an enemy or a stranger. We do so because we know that the categories of friend, enemy and stranger are impermanent. Before we make a friend, that person is a stranger. If we have a falling out with a friend, temporarily that person falls into the enemy category. Then if we cease to have contact with the enemy he or she falls into the stranger category again. If that person comes back into our life again, the category shifts again. Perhaps with reconcile with the enemy and the enemy becomes a friend.

All these categories are self referencing. If you examine what makes someone a friend, enemy or stranger it all has to do with me, me, me, me.

Truth is we exaggerate the good qualities of friends and we ignore or minimize their negative qualities. With the enemy we do the opposite. We exaggerate their flaws and we minimize their positive qualites. With the stranger, we don't care one way or another. It's all a function of ego.

Contemplating the categories of friend, enemy and stranger is a Buddhist meditation practice. When successful, it develops the quality of equanimity or equal kind regard for all beings.
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All Muslims believe in world wide conquest. A few are willing to wait for time and breeding to do it for them, the majority are not. I do not know if they are all evil but I know they are all my enemy. I know that they, not I declared war on us. I know that they not us would put to death all gays, that they not us will not tolerate any religion except Islam. You are deluded if you think otherwise.

Right. Like all Christians believe in the literal Kingdom of God on earth - a world-wide Christian conquest - when Jesus returns.

...To Jesus and His disciples, the term Kingdom of God meant a government that would be established on earth. They anticipated that its arrival would amount to nothing less than a sweeping, overwhelming change in the world order....​

(sarcasm off)

BIG difference between Christians and Muslims dumb fuck. Christians are not commanded to convert every person on earth to be a Christian, nor are they commanded to run all Government, to destroy all other religions NOR to physically conquer the planet.

Calm down big boy, or you'll pop like a zit.

Commanded..huh....Christians are indeed commanded to convert, why do you think it's a proselytizing religion?

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"

The Conquest of the planet will be carried out by Jesus leading an army of Angels. They will fight the Human armies of Satan.

In other words, one has no fear that Christians are plotting to over run the planet nor to subjugate the populations nor to forcefully convert anyone. One does have to worry about that with Muslims. It is commanded of them.

Well, right here we have identified the problem and it is a failure of communication...or a bit of religious hypocrisy.

You want to be able to condemn Islam based on a literal interpretation of their holy books. But you expect us to take a more nuanced view of the bible.
No worship? Really?
Yes, moron, no worship.

And Muhammad is nothing but a Messenger; certainly, other Messengers passed away before him. So if he died or is slain, will you turn back on your heels? And whoever turns back on his heels, then never will he harm Allah in anything. And Allah will reward the grateful ones. - 3:144​

Those who worship anyone or anything but Allah (SWT) are committing a grave sin - this includes worship of his messengers:

[ame=]YouTube - Shaykh Bilal Philips - Beware Of Nuh Hamim Keller (Reliance Of The Traveller)[/ame]
What happens when someone draws a cartoon of Mohammad?
That depends on the nature of the cartoon. I fail to see how this means that he's worshipped.

You are the liar. But then that is explained by the Koran which allows you to lie to us Kafer. We are simply to be used until killed or converted.
Show me in the Qur'an where I'm allowed to "lie to kuffar." Maybe you'd believe it if I wrote it on golden plates and read it from my hat, huh? :lol:
These are known terrorist acts committed in TWO days (they were slow days)

Your name is logical4u....lets see if you live up to it. I removed the out-of-context Islamic quotes, they get in the way and provide nothing of substance without their context.

2010.07.06 (Ghazni, Afghanistan) - Six construction workers are kidnapped by Sunni hardliners and then murdered in captivity.
2010.07.06 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A Shia civilian is killed by Sunni gunmen.
2010.07.06 (Mosul, Iraq) - Two women are brutally shot to death by Jihadis passing by in a car.
2010.07.06 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Six Shiite pilgrims are dismembered by Sunni bombers in three attacks.
2010.07.05 (Labadhagah, Somalia) - Rival Islamic groups clash, leaving eight dead in drive-by assassinations.
2010.07.05 (Mosul, Iraq) - A 54-year-old Christian father of three bleeds to death after Islamists bomb his car in a targeted attack.

In two days we have:
4 "terrorist" attacks in countries at war, with weak governments and political instability.
1 attack in Somalia - a country generally regarded as a failed state, with almost no government holding it together, and it is generally lawless.
1 attack in Pakistan, an Islamic country undergoing fighting with Islamic fundamentalists.

When a country is at war - particularly civil war - calling an act, "terrorist", is iffy. War sucks for civilians caught up in it.

You can't simply go by name alone. There are a number of organizations that are involved in regional or ethnic conflicts for example, despite being Muslim, they would not be categorized as "Islamist". Right now, there are a lot of Islamic terrorist groups because there is a lot of unrest and political instability and war in predominately Islamic countries. That just happens to be the way it is now. 50 years ago, the picture was different.

There ARE groups that use Christianity (selectively). They are criticized and ridiculed by 'most' other Christians. It is not so with islam.

Oh, the old reliable "they aren't real Christians" argument. Baloney. It was interesting to see the twisting and turning when what's-his-face killed the baby-killer-abortionist-doc. There were a number of "Christians" who condemned it out of one side of the mouth while applauding with a great big "BUT" out of the other.

Lets look at the use of religion "selectively". If Christians engage in violence, they are using their religion "selectively" but if Muslims engage in violence...what, it's their religion? How hypocritical. Equally hypocritical is the selective ignoring of the many Muslims denouncing terrorism and violence. It's not reported much by the MSM, but then - violence is sexy, peace is not.

The problem is not one of specific religions but of fundamentalism and extremism. Religion is the tool, and it's quite easy to cherry pick any of the Abrahamic religions to justify violence.

You listed a few occurences that could 'broadly' be considered acts of 'Christian terrorists'. Now compare that to the thousands and thousands of acts committed by muslim terrorists (extremists). Maybe it is just me, but it seems like a HUGE discrepency in the numbers. Maybe you have just never noticed before. Tolerating EVIL is SUPPORTING EVIL.

You got one word right: extremists.

But you also have to look at WHERE most of those occurences are: the bulk of them, I will wager, are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia.

I also think it's a bad idea - in illogical one - to label things like this in terms of "good" and "evil".

When is it a "terrorist" and when is it a "freedom fighter"
When is it justifiable "war" and when is it "terrorism"
What is the difference between war and terrorism?
It's all a matter of labels - but labels define the politics of acceptance and condemnation and those labels are determined by which ever side holds power.

Where are these 'wars' happening? How long have these same 'areas' been at war? Is it as long as islam has been present? What does it take for you to see that when muslims are ruling, there is violence, intimidation, and suppression of the individual spirit? "Each" muslim seeks their own freedon, but will not stand up to those in power. The religion mixed with the law, make it punishable to disagree with those in power. These people in these countries are subjugated and live in terror for their families, and themselves. How can they ever grow, if we do nothing to break this cycle?

The reason that I used "selectively", is because that when Christians today do an extremists act, other Christians will denounce them or even stop them. That is not so in the muslim faith. If a person in your muslim family or your community does a horrible crime, you do not denounce him, you protect him. That just doesn't happen that much (I am sure you can find a few demonstrations in the last century) in the Christian faith. It is common in the muslim faith.

Using 'logic': if countries that have large muslim population are typically at war, and when a population of mulims moves into a relatively peaceful country and then that country starts having trouble, it just might be the 'faith' causing the problems. If this can be demonstrated, repeatedly over the fourteen hundred years the muslim faith has been in existence, rationally, there must be some questions asked.

Defending 'islam', does nothing but perpetuate violence. If you surround muslims with a strong force, and tell them to behave, suddenly, they will be the most peaceful people on earth. Show one sign of weakness and they will try to rule you. There is no peace for muslims, go into any community and see for yourself. It is a faith of intimidation and supression (it is perfectly understandable why the far, far left would embrace the followers). Supporting islam is like supporting domestic violence.
I don't dispute your list of Islamic terrorist groups. There are no equivalent numbers of Christian terrorist groups. There are Christians however who engage in religious war and terrorism, abeit a smaller number. Most Christians are peaceful. What I assert is that not ALL Muslims are terrorists. The majority of the world's Muslims are living in peace going about the business of life just like the rest of us.

Just because you hate them doesn't mean I have to.

Here we go, again, with the hate thing. Where do you see that I hate muslims? I point out what I do see: their hatred of all things about this country. I point out where they are wrong. Since you seem to have no problem pointing out all the past 'Christian' discrepencies, why don't you try being fair with the muslims.

Since you gave no number for the muslim terrorist organizations, it seems you are unwilling to see the truth, enlightenment, facts, non-propoganda, etc. Again, this is passive aggressive BEHAVIOR.

You do not understand my position. You seem to think ALL or the majority of Muslims support terrorism and I don't. RGS thinks ALL Muslims are evil. I do not.

As if your long list of terrorist organizations. I agree its quite a few. That doesn't mean I think there are 1.5 billion Islamic terrorists out to get ya. How many Muslims do you know in America? Have you ever visited a Mosque? I have.

I don't know what you're talking about but I don't appreciate you calling me passive aggressive. I am a passionate supporter of non-violence in whatever form it takes. There is no such thing as a holy war I don't care what religion.

Question: If there are 1.5 billion muslims, why don't you see them standing up to the terrible extremists' acts that occur worldwide? If they are not condemming this type of behavior, they are 'encouraging' (violent acts). If they are giving money to these groups, they ARE supporting the violence.
Why do they demonstrate at any imagined slight to their prophet, but sit quietly in their homes when terror acts are done? Their demonstrations are full of violent threats, and acts that degrade the county's symbol (this is done with absolute hatred by the muslims).

Why when a "courageous" muslim comes forward to denounce these terrible acts (that have nothing to do with "peace"), why don't large groups of muslims demonstrate for them? Instead, muslim leaders will denounce the denouncer, and possibly call for a 'fatwa' (not sure on the spelling), or for violence to be done to them.

Learn to read, I said you were using passive aggressive behavior. Look it up since you want to get all bent out of shape.
All Muslims believe in world wide conquest. A few are willing to wait for time and breeding to do it for them, the majority are not. I do not know if they are all evil but I know they are all my enemy. I know that they, not I declared war on us. I know that they not us would put to death all gays, that they not us will not tolerate any religion except Islam. You are deluded if you think otherwise.

Right. Like all Christians believe in the literal Kingdom of God on earth - a world-wide Christian conquest - when Jesus returns.

...To Jesus and His disciples, the term Kingdom of God meant a government that would be established on earth. They anticipated that its arrival would amount to nothing less than a sweeping, overwhelming change in the world order....​

(sarcasm off)

Yes, it will be terrible when Yeshua returns. He will have the truth and use it to slay His enemies (he will kill them by telling them the truth). He will have armies with him, but they will be 'extraterestial'. He will come to stop the world-wide cries for help. Evil will be reigning, and most people will be suffering. And yes there will be a "sweeping, overwhelming change in the world order....", He will do away with wars and bring world-wide peace (something that everyone says they want).

He will not give unchecked power to corrupt people to do His dirty work. He has encouraged us to treat our enemies as our friends. We have done that. He has told us: do not tolerate evil (some of us are just begging to understand what that means). He hold us responsible for naming evil, and denouncing it. When the muslims do not denounce evil and protect those that do evil, they should be named. The truth should be told. To do otherwise will let evil grow and spread.
Have you interviewed all Muslims on earth? Are you God almighty that you can read the minds of all Muslims? Your post is bigotry and arrogance. Bad combination.

You are BEYOND IGNORANT. ALL MUSLIMS believe in the Koran and the teachings of Mohammad. YOU DUMB ASS. It is a tenant of faith for Muslims that the entire human population on this planet must worship Mohammad and be Muslim.

Your stupid drivel is exactly why we will probably be over run by Muslims. because people like you are just to damn STUPID to understand reality and facts.

We have 2 choices when it comes to the Islamic religion. Wait for them to out breed us ( which a minority of Muslims are willing to wait for) or be conquered by holy war by Muslims. BUT you are to fucking stupid to know basic facts like this and are exactly why we will eventually lose.

You want to go to war with Islam? See ya. I'll hang out with my Sufi friends.

Yes, people that live in the shadow of evil, rarely see it coming.
Right. Like all Christians believe in the literal Kingdom of God on earth - a world-wide Christian conquest - when Jesus returns.

...To Jesus and His disciples, the term Kingdom of God meant a government that would be established on earth. They anticipated that its arrival would amount to nothing less than a sweeping, overwhelming change in the world order....​

(sarcasm off)

BIG difference between Christians and Muslims dumb fuck. Christians are not commanded to convert every person on earth to be a Christian, nor are they commanded to run all Government, to destroy all other religions NOR to physically conquer the planet.

Calm down big boy, or you'll pop like a zit.

Commanded..huh....Christians are indeed commanded to convert, why do you think it's a proselytizing religion?

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"

The Conquest of the planet will be carried out by Jesus leading an army of Angels. They will fight the Human armies of Satan.

In other words, one has no fear that Christians are plotting to over run the planet nor to subjugate the populations nor to forcefully convert anyone. One does have to worry about that with Muslims. It is commanded of them.

Well, right here we have identified the problem and it is a failure of communication...or a bit of religious hypocrisy.

You want to be able to condemn Islam based on a literal interpretation of their holy books. But you expect us to take a more nuanced view of the bible.

Do you thing covert, kill or subjgate is a different message than:

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"

Can you show in the NT where Christians are told to do violence to anyone that does not want to be "taught"?

Instead, it tells the apostles that if they do not want to be taught, then shake the dust from your feet (basically, they will have to answer to Yeshua). Where does the Quran tell the followers that Mohammed will take care of anything in the future?

The quran authorizes unchecked violence against anyone that isn't of the specific muslim faith being followed.

I can understand why you fear Christianity over islam; you have been taught, you have rejected the teaching, and you know your time will come. Christianity supports the truth, what does islam support (other than violence and destruction)?
It just goes to show that theocracy may lead to peace but has its limitations. Let's not create one in America.

Here's an article by a writer I respect:

It would be as grave a mistake to see Osama bin Laden as an authentic representative of Islam as to consider James Kopp, the alleged killer of an abortion provider in Buffalo, N.Y., a typical Christian or Baruch Goldstein, who shot 29 worshipers in the Hebron mosque in 1994 and died in the attack, a true martyr of Israel. The vast majority of Muslims, who are horrified by the atrocity of Sept. 11, must reclaim their faith from those who have so violently hijacked it.

Karen Armstrong has written many books on religion, including Islam: A Short History, published last year by Modern Library

Read more: The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam - TIME

Nobody's going to create one in the US.

We're much more likely, if people like Sky have their way, of stifling religious freedom by eradicating it altogether.
And Sky, Islam has ALWAYS been a fascist, oppressive, violent and aggressive "religion". Islam is the REASON we had the crusades, Islam is at the root of almost every single revolting episode in history since it's advent.
Where are these 'wars' happening? How long have these same 'areas' been at war? Is it as long as islam has been present?

You need to look at specific areas and periods of history to evaluate that. To simply assume that IF it's been as long as Islam is present, and THEREFORE Islam is the cause, is itself a logical fallacy.

Most of those regions have long histories of alternating periods of empire building, stability, strife and conquoring by foreign powers prededing Islam, a relative new-comer. You also had various Islamic empires that ruled over long periods of stability and prosperity as well as periods of conflict ,such as Moghul and Ottoman. There seems little difference between them and non-Islamic empires in that regard.

If you want to look at commonalities in a broad way - many of those regions undergoing chronic instability and ethnic or religious conflict were also regions under former colonial rule enclosed by borders drawn to satisfy foreign powers, not ethnic realities. Iraq is a good example of just that.

What does it take for you to see that when muslims are ruling, there is violence, intimidation, and suppression of the individual spirit? "Each" muslim seeks their own freedon, but will not stand up to those in power. The religion mixed with the law, make it punishable to disagree with those in power. These people in these countries are subjugated and live in terror for their families, and themselves. How can they ever grow, if we do nothing to break this cycle?

What it "takes" are aguements that are logical, and address the complexities of history, culture, religion, geography and modern reality - not just broad and often unsupported generalizations.

You state: "When Muslims are ruling there is violence, intimidation, and suppression of the individual spirit"

The problem is three-fold.

It is a problem of mixing religion and government - societies and laws based on religious doctrine rather than secular law. I don't think I can find any examples of theocratic societies either existing or, waiting in the wings in hopes of fruition - that do not tend towards the most fundamentalist and intolerant interpretations of their religion and that includes Christianity who's more fundamentalist sects believe in a literal Kingdom of God on earth.

...and that brings us to the second problem - extremism, which when it comes to religions tends to be fundamentalist. Extremism in Islam is the spreading of the more puritanical sect of Islam - Wahhabi, which is what you see in Saudi Arabia. This sort of extremism is not unique to Islam, but many Islamic countries lack the democratic foundations and principles (which are largely secular) that characterize many countries of the west and those principles allow us to keep our government and laws independent of our religious leaders' desires.

...and lastly, anytime you have a fundamentalist rule (whether it's religiously or politicaly fundamentalist) - you have violence, intimidation, and suppression of the individual spirit. Look at apartheid South Africa, Zimbabwe then and now, Iran, Soviet Union, and others.

The reason that I used "selectively", is because that when Christians today do an extremists act, other Christians will denounce them or even stop them. That is not so in the muslim faith. If a person in your muslim family or your community does a horrible crime, you do not denounce him, you protect him. That just doesn't happen that much (I am sure you can find a few demonstrations in the last century) in the Christian faith. It is common in the muslim faith.

That's a myth perpetrated by a media that chooses not to report such denunciations and, it's somewhat hypocritical because Christians and Jews can be as spotty as Muslims in their denunciations of violence. Anti-abortion violence, for example or the massacre of Bosnian Muslims by the Christian Bosnian Serbs

For some reason, there is this expectation that all Muslims must denounce all acts of violence perpetrated by one of their own. There is no such similar expectation upon the Jew as a whole or the Christian as a whole. Because this does not occur and make it into the MSM, denounciations are largely ignored.

Using 'logic': if countries that have large muslim population are typically at war, and when a population of mulims moves into a relatively peaceful country and then that country starts having trouble, it just might be the 'faith' causing the problems. If this can be demonstrated, repeatedly over the fourteen hundred years the muslim faith has been in existence, rationally, there must be some questions asked.

That isn't logic, it's a fallacy and not everything is connected or causal in the way you seem to think.

When countries are at war, refugee problems occur and large numbers of people are forced to flee and relocate. That in itself is destabilizing to the countries surrounding them who have to absorb the populations and who very likely may have ethnic conflicts of their own that are exacerbated by the refugee crisis for example: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Rwanda, Burundi, the Congo, Somalia. Another example would be the (many) Balkan conflicts.

When a complex situation has a simple answer (ie - the problem is Islam) - it's usually wrong.

The only accurate statement you made is: there must be some questions asked. I agree. But I would hope when you look for answers you look further than the "simple" answers that seem so "obvious".

Questions such as - is it Islam? (strangely, Muslims live peacefully and productively in such countries as the U.S., Canada, Australia, Mali (Sufi and Sunni), Gambia (predominately Sufi) and Bangladesh among many. Since you also try to tie in your conclusion with history, then your case is even weaker because if you are going to go through 1400 or more years of history there is significant Christian conflict, conquest, bloodshed, and intolerance that can not all be laid at the feet of Islam. How do you explain that? How do you explain other questions like conflicts that have in common a heritage of colonialism? How do you account for all the political instability, a history of dictatorial governmence - caused by Islam? If so, why do we see the same things in non-Islamic African countries? South America?

Defending 'islam', does nothing but perpetuate violence.
If you surround muslims with a strong force, and tell them to behave, suddenly, they will be the most peaceful people on earth. Show one sign of weakness and they will try to rule you. There is no peace for muslims, go into any community and see for yourself. It is a faith of intimidation and supression (it is perfectly understandable why the far, far left would embrace the followers).

You call that "logical"? Sounds like "emotional" to me.

Supporting islam is like supporting domestic violence.

No. Supporting extremism is like supporting domestic violence, but I wouldn't expect you to understand those distinctions.
Oh here we go with the eternal "yeah Islam is bad but until everyone else is perfect we don't dare do anything about it, or even dare NAME it."

Question: If there are 1.5 billion muslims, why don't you see them standing up to the terrible extremists' acts that occur worldwide? If they are not condemming this type of behavior, they are 'encouraging' (violent acts). If they are giving money to these groups, they ARE supporting the violence.

Probably for the same reason that the approximately 2.1 billion Christians worldwide didn't stand up and condemn the violence during the Irish Troubles, or the Serbian massacre of the Bosnian Muslims...or the acts of the Lords Liberation Army in Uganda.

Guess they must be supporting the violence eh?

Why do they demonstrate at any imagined slight to their prophet, but sit quietly in their homes when terror acts are done? Their demonstrations are full of violent threats, and acts that degrade the county's symbol (this is done with absolute hatred by the muslims).

Unfortunately, it's impossible to answer a question who's premises are false.

Why when a "courageous" muslim comes forward to denounce these terrible acts (that have nothing to do with "peace"), why don't large groups of muslims demonstrate for them? Instead, muslim leaders will denounce the denouncer, and possibly call for a 'fatwa' (not sure on the spelling), or for violence to be done to them.

Learn to read, I said you were using passive aggressive behavior. Look it up since you want to get all bent out of shape.

I think you need to learn to read. Oh look - here's one recent article that I bet didn't make it into your righwing websites: Somali clerics work to denounce radical al-Shabab - Yahoo! News

Problem is, articles like these aren't as interesting as articles about blood, guts, fatwa and Islamic extremism.
Oh here we go with the eternal "yeah Islam is bad but until everyone else is perfect we don't dare do anything about it, or even dare NAME it."


Nope. What's hogwash is a reply reflecting a mind too lazy (or closed) to explore beyond the boundaries of ignorance.
Spare me. I just know there's no point in going down this road with apologists.
Spare me. I just know there's no point in going down this road with apologists.

Again, a typical response. Rather than explore and hash out any points - you just label opponents "apologists".

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