Islamic Democracy....


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Old Post New News.

Just saw the following post on one boards as it is referring to the 'A Clean Break' document (which was co-authored by JINSA/PNAC Chickenhawks Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser for Israel):

Message 1 of 8 Subject 2 of 50
Subject: Israel's War!
Date: 4/26/04 4:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: PBel

"In 1996, when Benjamin Netanyahu was prepared to take office, eight Jewish neocon leaders sent him a six-page memo outlining an aggressive vision of government. At the top of their list was overthrowing Saddam. They sketched out a kind of domino theory in which the governments of Syria and other Arab countries might later fall or be replaced. They (also) urged Netanyahu to spurn the Oslo peace accords and stop making concessions to Palestinians. Lead writer of that memo was Richard Perle."
--- Ari Shavit, Haaretz News Service (Israel) April 5, 2003
After listening to President Clueless in his last speech, it is obvious that he was led to believe that fighting the terrorism by Osama bin Laden is the same as the terror inflicted on the Israelis and Palestinians on each other.

This man is easily being led by Sharon and his new deal...We'll just unilaterally take what land we want for now! The Hell with the UN and the rest of the world...that is their position.

Sharon knows that dumbness Bush is a goner in November. I'm sure he knows Bush is in big trouble! He needs this USA sanction to steal more Arab Land before he gets booted out. Sharon too may get booted out of office, there are nuts in his government who want all of Eretzs Israel and kill the Pals!

Expect these nuts to win too!

Israel has used up this idiotic fool who was hoodwinked by Israel to attack its enemy Saddam Hussein who funded suicide bombers families who lost their homes to Israeli bulldozer diplomacy.

But Israel as one can easily see has unwittingly leashed a much bigger enemy upon itself Osama's religious fanatics who kill and believe God is with them.

The deal between Sharon and Dumbness will lead to more War for a longer period. Americans will tire and go home. Israel will become the new War Zone on her declared War on Islam.

I honesty don't think Israel can Survive without a comprehensive peace, and today Sharon and Bush declared more War!

Comments of reserve Brig. Gen. Shlomo Brom, long regarded as one of the worlds best intelligence officers. Prior to his retirement in 1998. Brom served in Israeli military intelligence for 25 years, and acted as deputy chief of planning for the Israeli army."ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE WAS A FULL PARTNER WITH THE US AND BRITAIN IN DEVELOPING A FALSE PICTURE OF SADDAM HUSSEIN'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION CAPABILITY."

Is there any doubt that Americans are coming home in coffins for Israel's benefit?
Old Post New News.

Just saw the following post on one of the message boards as it is referring to the 'A Clean Break' document (which was co-authored by JINSA/PNAC Chickenhawks Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser for Israel):

Message 1 of 8 Subject 2 of 50
Subject: Israel's War!
Date: 4/26/04 4:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: PBel

"In 1996, when Benjamin Netanyahu was prepared to take office, eight Jewish neocon leaders sent him a six-page memo outlining an aggressive vision of government. At the top of their list was overthrowing Saddam. They sketched out a kind of domino theory in which the governments of Syria and other Arab countries might later fall or be replaced. They (also) urged Netanyahu to spurn the Oslo peace accords and stop making concessions to Palestinians. Lead writer of that memo was Richard Perle."
--- Ari Shavit, Haaretz News Service (Israel) April 5, 2003
After listening to President Clueless in his last speech, it is obvious that he was led to believe that fighting the terrorism by Osama bin Laden is the same as the terror inflicted on the Israelis and Palestinians on each other.

This man is easily being led by Sharon and his new deal...We'll just unilaterally take what land we want for now! The Hell with the UN and the rest of the world...that is their position.

Sharon knows that dumbness Bush is a goner in November. I'm sure he knows Bush is in big trouble! He needs this USA sanction to steal more Arab Land before he gets booted out. Sharon too may get booted out of office, there are nuts in his government who want all of Eretzs Israel and kill the Pals!

Expect these nuts to win too!

Israel has used up this idiotic fool who was hoodwinked by Israel to attack its enemy Saddam Hussein who funded suicide bombers families who lost their homes to Israeli bulldozer diplomacy.

But Israel as one can easily see has unwittingly leashed a much bigger enemy upon itself Osama's religious fanatics who kill and believe God is with them.

The deal between Sharon and Dumbness will lead to more War for a longer period. Americans will tire and go home. Israel will become the new War Zone on her declared War on Islam.

I honesty don't think Israel can Survive without a comprehensive peace, and today Sharon and Bush declared more War!

Comments of reserve Brig. Gen. Shlomo Brom, long regarded as one of the worlds best intelligence officers. Prior to his retirement in 1998. Brom served in Israeli military intelligence for 25 years, and acted as deputy chief of planning for the Israeli army."ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE WAS A FULL PARTNER WITH THE US AND BRITAIN IN DEVELOPING A FALSE PICTURE OF SADDAM HUSSEIN'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION CAPABILITY."

Is there any doubt that Americans are coming home in coffins for Israel's benefit?

anyone who NEEDED to believe that SADAAM had a nuclear bomb in order
to WANT TO GET RID OF HIM_----is as stupid as was CHAMBERLAIN----
and we all know what HIS BRILLIANCE BROUGHT US In fact Peeballs
little idiot essay -------could have been EASILY adapted from that which his
fellows were writing in the 1930s ----and even DURING AND AFTER
world war II I read the stuff in my childhood having grown up in a town
full of PEEBALLS An interesting factoid is ----there is information suggesting
that------ADOLF ABU ALI-----was eyeing that area -----in which the town of
my childhood was located as a possible point of entry for his -----agenda in the
USA------he knew he had POPULAR SUPPORT lots of peeballs

Sadaam paid the families of bomb on ass whores for their service to
ARABISM SADAAM was a "BAATHIST" just like peeballs' hero
ASAAD in fact NASSER was also a BAATHIST------got nitrogen
MUSTARD GAS from the germans and USED it in the 1960s for
SUPPORT OF THE BAATHIST CAUSE in yemen-----on little villages --
unarmed men women and children. nice guy that he was----that is
why the soviets loved him and armed his military and even sent military
experts into egypt to help him VANQUISH THE JEWS

so now you know why peeballs loved to kiss the ass of sadaam

(for the record----"arabism" is just a euphemism for ISLAMICISM---
it is used to attract naive christians)
Old Post New News.

Just saw the following post on one of themessage boards as it is referring to the 'A Clean Break' document (which was co-authored by JINSA/PNAC Chickenhawks Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser for Israel):

Message 1 of 8 Subject 2 of 50
Subject: Israel's War!
Date: 4/26/04 4:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: PBel

"In 1996, when Benjamin Netanyahu was prepared to take office, eight Jewish neocon leaders sent him a six-page memo outlining an aggressive vision of government. At the top of their list was overthrowing Saddam. They sketched out a kind of domino theory in which the governments of Syria and other Arab countries might later fall or be replaced. They (also) urged Netanyahu to spurn the Oslo peace accords and stop making concessions to Palestinians. Lead writer of that memo was Richard Perle."
--- Ari Shavit, Haaretz News Service (Israel) April 5, 2003
After listening to President Clueless in his last speech, it is obvious that he was led to believe that fighting the terrorism by Osama bin Laden is the same as the terror inflicted on the Israelis and Palestinians on each other.

This man is easily being led by Sharon and his new deal...We'll just unilaterally take what land we want for now! The Hell with the UN and the rest of the world...that is their position.

Sharon knows that dumbness Bush is a goner in November. I'm sure he knows Bush is in big trouble! He needs this USA sanction to steal more Arab Land before he gets booted out. Sharon too may get booted out of office, there are nuts in his government who want all of Eretzs Israel and kill the Pals!

Expect these nuts to win too!

Israel has used up this idiotic fool who was hoodwinked by Israel to attack its enemy Saddam Hussein who funded suicide bombers families who lost their homes to Israeli bulldozer diplomacy.

But Israel as one can easily see has unwittingly leashed a much bigger enemy upon itself Osama's religious fanatics who kill and believe God is with them.

The deal between Sharon and Dumbness will lead to more War for a longer period. Americans will tire and go home. Israel will become the new War Zone on her declared War on Islam.

I honesty don't think Israel can Survive without a comprehensive peace, and today Sharon and Bush declared more War!

Comments of reserve Brig. Gen. Shlomo Brom, long regarded as one of the worlds best intelligence officers. Prior to his retirement in 1998. Brom served in Israeli military intelligence for 25 years, and acted as deputy chief of planning for the Israeli army."ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE WAS A FULL PARTNER WITH THE US AND BRITAIN IN DEVELOPING A FALSE PICTURE OF SADDAM HUSSEIN'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION CAPABILITY."

Is there any doubt that Americans are coming home in coffins for Israel's benefit?

anyone who NEEDED to believe that SADAAM had a nuclear bomb in order
to WANT TO GET RID OF HIM_----is as stupid as was CHAMBERLAIN----
and we all know what HIS BRILLIANCE BROUGHT US In fact Peeballs
little idiot essay -------could have been EASILY adapted from that which his
fellows were writing in the 1930s ----and even DURING AND AFTER
world war II I read the stuff in my childhood having grown up in a town
full of PEEBALLS An interesting factoid is ----there is information suggesting
that------ADOLF ABU ALI-----was eyeing that area -----in which the town of
my childhood was located as a possible point of entry for his -----agenda in the
USA------he knew he had POPULAR SUPPORT lots of peeballs

Sadaam paid the families of bomb on ass whores for their service to
ARABISM SADAAM was a "BAATHIST" just like peeballs' hero
ASAAD in fact NASSER was also a BAATHIST------got nitrogen
MUSTARD GAS from the germans and USED it in the 1960s for
SUPPORT OF THE BAATHIST CAUSE in yemen-----on little villages --
unarmed men women and children. nice guy that he was----that is
why the soviets loved him and armed his military and even sent military
experts into egypt to help him VANQUISH THE JEWS

so now you know why peeballs loved to kiss the ass of sadaam

(for the record----"arabism" is just a euphemism for ISLAMICISM---
it is used to attract naive christians)

Rambling Rose, Rambling Rose, what you write: no-one knows!

The point of bringing up the Essay, is that the PNAC brain thrust of their efforts was to modernize the ME into future Democracies who would become peaceful and accommodating to Israel...

Even though the ME is in flames I believe they are still on the right track. Revolutions will bring Democracies with an Islamic twist...That is consensus as we see developing in Egypt.

The real question is: is Israel going to take this Historic opportunity to make a real peace and have the common sense to share Jerusalem, therefore disarming the conservative Islamists or will she derail the PNAC brain thrust by the hijackers of right wing Zionists who will never share Jerusalem?

Its up to the Israelis and world Jewry; peace now, or confrontation with a modernizing ME and continuous friction and wars?
Since when did a post on another chat board become a 'news outlet'????

What makes you think it's "common sense" for Zionists to share Mt Zion?

Especially with Islamists who refused to accept an Israel 'even the size of a postage stamp'?
since when did a post on another chat board become a 'news outlet'????

What makes you think it's "common sense" for zionists to share mt zion?

Especially with islamists who refused to accept an israel 'even the size of a postage stamp'?

And from that response, I think it's obvious just how much Phil really cares about people in the ME, or having an actual discussion including a variety of views.
And from that response, I think it's obvious just how much Phil really cares about people in the ME, or having an actual discussion including a variety of views.

I don't discuss with whores of Zionism who have no regard for their-own people, where the pent up hate psychologically makes you incapable of logic.

But if a human being asks me the very question, I will answer with honesty straight from heart and mind...

PS...tx for correcting my pole in your last message.
LOL - Phil, that hoity-toity 'humanitarian' BS hasn't worked too well for the sherrithing. I thought you were smarter than that: evidently not.
Marge---tell me the truth ---that title
"ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY" ---does provide comic relief---
we should appreciated our court jester ---phil
Marge---tell me the truth ---that title
"ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY" ---does provide comic relief---
we should appreciated our court jester ---phil

Islamic democracy

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Islamic democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic democracy refers to a political ideology that seeks to apply Islamic principles to public policy within a democratic framework. In practice, two kinds of 'Islamic democracies' can be recognized in Islamic countries. The basis of this distinction has to do with how comprehensively Islam is incorporated into the affairs of the state.[1]
1.A democratic Nation state which recognizes Islam as its state religion and key source of legislation, such as Malaysia or Maldives. Many religious values are incorporated into public life, but Islam is not the only source of law.
2.A democratic state which endeavors to institute Sharia[1] and offers more comprehensive inclusion of Islam into the affairs of the state. States like Iran are firm proponents of this form.[1]

Not all of these states are recognized internationally as democratic under concepts of western liberal democracy. There are also states in the Muslim world which are secular democracies rather than religious democracies.

The concepts of liberalism and democratic participation were already present in the medieval Islamic world.[2][3][4] Rashidun Caliphate was an early example of a democratic state but the development of democracy in the Islamic world eventually came to a halt following to the Sunni–Shia split.[5]
how nice Peeballs considers sudan and maldives
"DEMOCRACIES" well---technically he is right---
were Israel to revoke the citizenship of all non jews
and enslave non jewish orphans-----TECHNICALLY
it could still be called a democracy---just as is
maldives and sudan. My husband was born in a
an ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY----during the time his
mother was being rescued from the DHIMMI
orphan law which peeballs endorses -----since
it has provided the ISLAMIC DEMOCRACIES with
slaves for more than 1000 years. Did you wish to
make a comment about Israel peeballs? and its
"defective political system"

"Is there any doubt that Americans are coming home in coffins for Israel's benefit?"


"is there any doubt. . ." --
yes, i doubt it. . .

Old Post New News.

Just saw the following post on one boards as it is referring to the 'A Clean Break' document (which was co-authored by JINSA/PNAC Chickenhawks Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser for Israel):

Message 1 of 8 Subject 2 of 50
Subject: Israel's War!
Date: 4/26/04 4:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: PBel

"In 1996, when Benjamin Netanyahu was prepared to take office, eight Jewish neocon leaders sent him a six-page memo outlining an aggressive vision of government. At the top of their list was overthrowing Saddam. They sketched out a kind of domino theory in which the governments of Syria and other Arab countries might later fall or be replaced. They (also) urged Netanyahu to spurn the Oslo peace accords and stop making concessions to Palestinians. Lead writer of that memo was Richard Perle."
--- Ari Shavit, Haaretz News Service (Israel) April 5, 2003
After listening to President Clueless in his last speech, it is obvious that he was led to believe that fighting the terrorism by Osama bin Laden is the same as the terror inflicted on the Israelis and Palestinians on each other.

This man is easily being led by Sharon and his new deal...We'll just unilaterally take what land we want for now! The Hell with the UN and the rest of the world...that is their position.

Sharon knows that dumbness Bush is a goner in November. I'm sure he knows Bush is in big trouble! He needs this USA sanction to steal more Arab Land before he gets booted out. Sharon too may get booted out of office, there are nuts in his government who want all of Eretzs Israel and kill the Pals!

Expect these nuts to win too!

Israel has used up this idiotic fool who was hoodwinked by Israel to attack its enemy Saddam Hussein who funded suicide bombers families who lost their homes to Israeli bulldozer diplomacy.

But Israel as one can easily see has unwittingly leashed a much bigger enemy upon itself Osama's religious fanatics who kill and believe God is with them.

The deal between Sharon and Dumbness will lead to more War for a longer period. Americans will tire and go home. Israel will become the new War Zone on her declared War on Islam.

I honesty don't think Israel can Survive without a comprehensive peace, and today Sharon and Bush declared more War!

Comments of reserve Brig. Gen. Shlomo Brom, long regarded as one of the worlds best intelligence officers. Prior to his retirement in 1998. Brom served in Israeli military intelligence for 25 years, and acted as deputy chief of planning for the Israeli army."ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE WAS A FULL PARTNER WITH THE US AND BRITAIN IN DEVELOPING A FALSE PICTURE OF SADDAM HUSSEIN'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION CAPABILITY."

Is there any doubt that Americans are coming home in coffins for Israel's benefit?


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