Islamic militants suspected in Moscow bombings

I'm just hoping the wonder religion of Islam that treats women on earth worse than livestock doesn't cheat them out of their 72 virgin guys in paradise. Seems to me they won 'em fair and square just like the guys have.

There's nothing about 72 virgins in the Koran. Kinda makes you look silly to criticize Islam when you don't know basic facts.
As of now, Doka Umarov and the Caucasus Emirate have not claimed responsibility for the operation in Moscow. Rebel sources indicate, however, that this may have been a botched martyrdom operation targeting the central offices of the KGB and the Interior Ministry. A large number of the deaths occurred when subway passengers trampled each other as they ran towards the exits.
Does that fact that innocent people die when Islamic nutjobs set off a bunch of bombs never bother you?

It bothers me that Russia has slaughtering these people for nearly two decades simply because they desired independence. It also bothers me that, outside of a tiny handful of Arabs, Turks, Americans, and other foreigners driven by their religious convictions to fight in Chechnya's defense, little attention is paid to the plight of the North Caucasus. It bothers the mujahideen as well. Unfortunately, some of them have been bothered so much that they've turned to the same tactics that are used to oppress them. Innocent deaths are always troubling.
In other words you have an excuse for the atrocities because they were committed in the name of Mohamed.

there used to be a saying Two Wrongs don't make a right, but it is clear the Islamic nutjobs would commit a wrong if the only reciprocal wrong were they were denied total control over everything (as that IS the will of Mohamed)
Too bad these people who subscribe to this insanity won't choose peace.
There was an opportunity for peace when Dudayev declared independence from the USSR in 1991; Yeltsin sent troops instead. There was an opportunity for peace when the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria was formed in 1993; Russia launched a failed invasion of Grozny instead. There was an opportunity for peace when, after the Russians had been bombarding Chechnya for weeks, the two nations agreed to end their use of force; Russia attempted to invade Chechnya a few days later. After years of war and Russian atrocities, there was yet another opportunity for peace after Maskhadov and Yeltsin signed a peace agreement in 1997; Russia invaded Chechnya again two years later and established a puppet regime after rejecting another generous appeal for peace by Maskhadov. When the Russian terrorists murdered Aslan Maskhadov in 2005, they completely destroyed any hope of peace. The conflict has changed from a crushed bid for independence to a front for ongoing jihad.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Obituary: Aslan Maskhadov
In other words you have an excuse for the atrocities because they were committed in the name of Mohamed.

there used to be a saying Two Wrongs don't make a right, but it is clear the Islamic nutjobs would commit a wrong if the only reciprocal wrong were they were denied total control over everything (as that IS the will of Mohamed)

Thank you for putting your complete ignorance of the circumstances surrounding the Chechen conflict on public display.
I'm just hoping the wonder religion of Islam that treats women on earth worse than livestock doesn't cheat them out of their 72 virgin guys in paradise. Seems to me they won 'em fair and square just like the guys have.

There's nothing about 72 virgins in the Koran. Kinda makes you look silly to criticize Islam when you don't know basic facts.

The Quran and the hadith state that jihad is the direct path to Paradise.

In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, violent jihad the the ONLY assurance to gain entry to Paradise.
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I'm just hoping the wonder religion of Islam that treats women on earth worse than livestock doesn't cheat them out of their 72 virgin guys in paradise. Seems to me they won 'em fair and square just like the guys have.

There's nothing about 72 virgins in the Koran. Kinda makes you look silly to criticize Islam when you don't know basic facts.

The Quran and the hadith state that jihad is the direct path to Paradise.
Does that fact that innocent people die when Islamic nutjobs set off a bunch of bombs never bother you?

As opposed to when Whitehouse nutjobs drop bombs and kill innocents?

for the millionth time...there's a difference in collateral damage and TARGETING INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

Dead innocents are just as dead, and just as mourned by their loved ones who have every right to despise for all eternity their killers.
In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, violent jihad the the ONLY assurance to gain entry to Paradise.

I wonder why someone building tenets of a religion bent on conquering their neighbors would put something like that in their belief system.

Sounds like Valhalla for the Norse.
So I guess Islam really IS a pagan religion.
In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, violent jihad the the ONLY assurance to gain entry to Paradise.

And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and Jannah, as wide as the heavens and the earth; it is prepared for those who keep their duty: Those who spend in ease as well as in adversity and those who restrain anger and pardon men. And Allah loves the doers of good. And those who, when they commit an indecency or wrong their souls, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins. And who forgives sins but Allah? And they persist not knowingly in what they do. Their reward is protection from their Lord, and Gardens wherein flow rivers, to abide in them. And excellent is the reward of the workers! - 3:133-136

And certainly Allah made a covenant with the Children of Israel, and We raised up among them twelve chieftains. And Allah said: Surely I am with you. If you keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and believe in My messengers and assist them and offer to Allah a goodly gift, I will certainly cover your evil deeds, and cause you to enter Gardens wherein rivers flow. But whoever among you disbelieves after that, he indeed strays from the right way. - 5:12

Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians -- whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good -- they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. - 5:69​
In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, violent jihad the the ONLY assurance to gain entry to Paradise.

I wonder why someone building tenets of a religion bent on conquering their neighbors would put something like that in their belief system.

Sounds like Valhalla for the Norse.
So I guess Islam really IS a pagan religion.

pa·gan /ˈpeɪgən/ [pey-guhn]

1. one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks.

2. a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.

3. an irreligious or hedonistic person.

Large amounts of fail detected in this sector today.
I'm just hoping the wonder religion of Islam that treats women on earth worse than livestock doesn't cheat them out of their 72 virgin guys in paradise. Seems to me they won 'em fair and square just like the guys have.

There's nothing about 72 virgins in the Koran. Kinda makes you look silly to criticize Islam when you don't know basic facts.

The Quran and the hadith state that jihad is the direct path to Paradise.

In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, violent jihad the the ONLY assurance to gain entry to Paradise.

Idiot. Learn how to read.
There's nothing about 72 virgins in the Koran. Kinda makes you look silly to criticize Islam when you don't know basic facts.

The Quran and the hadith state that jihad is the direct path to Paradise.

In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, violent jihad the the ONLY assurance to gain entry to Paradise.

Idiot. Learn how to read.

I do read...the Quran and hadith.
Who's the idiot, again?
In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, violent jihad the the ONLY assurance to gain entry to Paradise.

And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and Jannah, as wide as the heavens and the earth; it is prepared for those who keep their duty: Those who spend in ease as well as in adversity and those who restrain anger and pardon men. And Allah loves the doers of good. And those who, when they commit an indecency or wrong their souls, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins. And who forgives sins but Allah? And they persist not knowingly in what they do. Their reward is protection from their Lord, and Gardens wherein flow rivers, to abide in them. And excellent is the reward of the workers! - 3:133-136

And certainly Allah made a covenant with the Children of Israel, and We raised up among them twelve chieftains. And Allah said: Surely I am with you. If you keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and believe in My messengers and assist them and offer to Allah a goodly gift, I will certainly cover your evil deeds, and cause you to enter Gardens wherein rivers flow. But whoever among you disbelieves after that, he indeed strays from the right way. - 5:12

Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians -- whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good -- they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. - 5:69​

You're quoting from the Mecca suras, when Muhammad was a religious figure. Unfortunately for you, the subsequent Medinese suras, which abrogate the earlier Meccan Quran, contain the violent content reflecting Muhammad being the Jew-hater, warlord, terrorist, mass murderer, thief, hijacker, extortionist, looter and womanizer.

Thus, the final suras, which override those you have deceptively chosen to post...

Quran 9:5...
Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.

Qur'an 33:26...
Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before.

Qur'an 59:14...
The Jews are devoid of sense. There is a grievous punishment awaiting them. Satan tells them not to believe so they will end up in Hell.
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The Quran and the hadith state that jihad is the direct path to Paradise.

In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, violent jihad the the ONLY assurance to gain entry to Paradise.

Idiot. Learn how to read.

I do read...the Quran and hadith.
Who's the idiot, again?

You are the idiot. I pointed out the "72 virgins" crap is not in the Koran and you responded with something completely different.

Furthermore, what is the purpose of cherry picking the Koran like you are doing? Judaism and Christianity both have texts that can be cherry picked for the same type of bigotry you are trying to justify. Idiot.
Idiot. Learn how to read.

I do read...the Quran and hadith.
Who's the idiot, again?

You are the idiot. I pointed out the "72 virgins" crap is not in the Koran and you responded with something completely different.

Furthermore, what is the purpose of cherry picking the Koran like you are doing? Judaism and Christianity both have texts that can be cherry picked for the same type of bigotry you are trying to justify. Idiot.

You, evidently, have problems with basic reading comprehension. Quranic doctrine states that violent jihad is the direct path to Paradise, which Muslims believe entails endless sexual gratification.
I do read...the Quran and hadith.
Who's the idiot, again?

You are the idiot. I pointed out the "72 virgins" crap is not in the Koran and you responded with something completely different.

Furthermore, what is the purpose of cherry picking the Koran like you are doing? Judaism and Christianity both have texts that can be cherry picked for the same type of bigotry you are trying to justify. Idiot.

You, evidently, have problems with basic reading comprehension. Quranic doctrine states that violent jihad is the direct path to Paradise, which Muslims believe entails endless sexual gratification.

You. Are. One. Dumb. Mother. Fucker.
You are the idiot. I pointed out the "72 virgins" crap is not in the Koran and you responded with something completely different.

Furthermore, what is the purpose of cherry picking the Koran like you are doing? Judaism and Christianity both have texts that can be cherry picked for the same type of bigotry you are trying to justify. Idiot.

You, evidently, have problems with basic reading comprehension. Quranic doctrine states that violent jihad is the direct path to Paradise, which Muslims believe entails endless sexual gratification.

You. Are. One. Dumb. Mother. Fucker.

You are PWNED. Don't miss your anger management class, today.
You, evidently, have problems with basic reading comprehension. Quranic doctrine states that violent jihad is the direct path to Paradise, which Muslims believe entails endless sexual gratification.

You. Are. One. Dumb. Mother. Fucker.

You are PWNED. Don't miss your anger management class, today.

Oh no. I'm so devastated a bigot like you says I'm pwned. How will I ever go on? One last time you dummass......someone made a claim about 72 virgins so I pointed out that is no where in the Koran. It makes sense idiots like you are bigots because if you had any worthy wouldn't be a bigot.
You. Are. One. Dumb. Mother. Fucker.

You are PWNED. Don't miss your anger management class, today.

Oh no. I'm so devastated a bigot like you says I'm pwned. How will I ever go on? One last time you dummass......someone made a claim about 72 virgins so I pointed out that is no where in the Koran. It makes sense idiots like you are bigots because if you had any worthy wouldn't be a bigot.

While the Quran says nothing of 72 virgins, Quranic instructions mandating jihadist obligations in order to enter Paradise is what motivates Muslim terrorists.

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