Islamic State And 911


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California

Buried in the bowels of the United States Capital new underground visitor center are 28 pages from the 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry on 911 redacted because of what they prove about Saudi financing of the terror attacks that killed nearly 3000 Americans.

Bush claimed at the time the publication of these pages would damage US intelligence operations; yet elected officials who have read the pages say otherwise:

"'There’s nothing in it about national security,' Walter Jones, a Republican congressman from North Carolina who has read the missing pages, contends. 'It’s about the Bush Administration and its relationship with the Saudis.'

"Stephen Lynch, a Massachusetts Democrat, told me that the document is 'stunning in its clarity,' and that it offers direct evidence of complicity on the part of certain Saudi individuals and entities in Al Qaeda’s attack on America. 'Those twenty-eight pages tell a story that has been completely removed from the 9/11 Report,' Lynch maintains..."

"Now, in a rare example of bipartisanship, Jones and Lynch have co-sponsored a resolution requesting that the Obama Administration declassify the pages.

Other lawmakers reveal how reading the redacted pages have caused them to reassess their responses to contemporary threats coming from the Middle East:

"Thomas Massie, a Republican congressman from Kentucky and a sponsor of the House resolution to declassify the material, told me that the experience of reading those twenty-eight pages caused him to rethink how to handle the rise of ISIS.

"It has made him much more cautious about a military response. 'We have to be careful, when we run the calculations of action, what the repercussions will be,' he said.

“'In some ways, it’s more dangerous today,' Timothy Roemer, who was a member of both the Joint Inquiry and the 9/11 Commission, observed. 'A more complex series of threats are...'"

A Void in the History of September 11th
"To resume the story briefly:

"Two of the flight 77 hijackers—Khalid al-Mihdhar, a Saudi who fought for al-Qaeda in Bosnia and Chechyna, and Nawaf al Hazmi, another Saudi with battle experience in Bosnia, Chechyna and Afghanistan, met at an al-Qaeda strategy meeting in Kuala Lumpur in January, 2000.

"The CIA had asked the Malaysian intelligence service to conduct surveillance, but it proved not to be very effective.

"The two left that meeting, went to the airport and boarded a commercial flight to Bankok on January 8, and subsequently took a United Airlines flight from Bangkok to Los Angeles, landing without incident and passing through US immigration."

Last July SCOTUS reinstated the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a defendant in a lawsuit brought ten years ago on behalf of the victims of 911 and their families and insurers.

"The suit targets Saudi charities, banks, and individuals."

9 11 the Saudi Connection CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
"The rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) has been aided by the continuing failure of the US Government to investigate the role of Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks and its support of jihadi movements such as al-Qaeda in the years since, says former Senator Bob Graham, the co-chairman of the official inquiry into 9/11.

"Senator Graham, who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that successive administrations in Washington had turned a blind eye to Saudi support for Sunni extremists.

"He added: 'I believe that the failure to shine a full light on Saudi actions and particularly its involvement in 9/11 has contributed to the Saudi ability to continue to engage in actions that are damaging to the US – and in particular their support for Isis.'

"Senator Graham, a distinguished elder statesmen who was twice Democratic governor of Florida before spending 18 years in the US Senate, believes that ignoring what Saudi Arabia was doing and treating it as a reliable American ally contributed to the US intelligence services’ failure to identify Isis as a rising power until after it captured Mosul on 10 June."

Saudi Arabia 9 11 and the Rise of ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Most of the high jackers were Saudi. Thats a fact. A fact that everyone is aware of.

The Saudi's also let the maddrassas educate the young. Maddrassas that teach hate.

Are the Saud's our friends? Only when it suits them to be.
If the current asshole-in-chief would reverse his decrees outlawing exploration and extraction of domestic fossil fuel resources we wouldn't be as beholden to the Saudis or any of those inbred islimic cave maggots.
Most of the high jackers were Saudi. Thats a fact. A fact that everyone is aware of.

The Saudi's also let the maddrassas educate the young. Maddrassas that teach hate.

Are the Saud's our friends? Only when it suits them to be.
I'm pretty sure you won't agree with me; however, I would say the rich Saudis are friends with rich Americans like the Bush and Kerry families and the mortal enemies of a majority of all Muslims and Americans. US voters have to do a better job of electing representatives who will tax all the profit out of war.
If the current asshole-in-chief would reverse his decrees outlawing exploration and extraction of domestic fossil fuel resources we wouldn't be as beholden to the Saudis or any of those inbred islimic cave maggots.
The US was controlling Middle Eastern oil in the 1940s when America was the world's leading oil exporter, and the only profitable way to extract the remaining fossil fuels in the US today requires using eternal war in the Middle East to spike the price of oil. Time to go Green and leave the rest of the planet's fossil fuels in the ground.
If the current asshole-in-chief would reverse his decrees outlawing exploration and extraction of domestic fossil fuel resources we wouldn't be as beholden to the Saudis or any of those inbred islimic cave maggots.
The US was controlling Middle Eastern oil in the 1940s when America was the world's leading oil exporter, and the only profitable way to extract the remaining fossil fuels in the US today requires using eternal war in the Middle East to spike the price of oil. Time to go Green and leave the rest of the planet's fossil fuels in the ground.
Wrong. We have as much or more fossil fuel resources as the Saudis but you green freaks disallow with your fascist decrees.
Open it up and watch us thrive with or without islimists.
If the current asshole-in-chief would reverse his decrees outlawing exploration and extraction of domestic fossil fuel resources we wouldn't be as beholden to the Saudis or any of those inbred islimic cave maggots.
The US was controlling Middle Eastern oil in the 1940s when America was the world's leading oil exporter, and the only profitable way to extract the remaining fossil fuels in the US today requires using eternal war in the Middle East to spike the price of oil. Time to go Green and leave the rest of the planet's fossil fuels in the ground.
Wrong. We have as much or more fossil fuel resources as the Saudis but you green freaks disallow with your fascist decrees.
Open it up and watch us thrive with or without islimists.
"The threats posed by climate change are 'overwhelmingly clear' to everyone at US military headquarters, a senior Pentagon official has told a Senate enquiry.

"While many leading US politicians remain sceptical over the science behind global warming, Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, said military planners were convinced, and concerned.

“'If you wait for 100% certainty on the battlefield, something bad is going to happen,' he said, quoting former US chief of staff Gordon Sullivan."

Something bad is happening right now, in the US and the ME.

Pentagon clear climate change is a national security issue
If the current asshole-in-chief would reverse his decrees outlawing exploration and extraction of domestic fossil fuel resources we wouldn't be as beholden to the Saudis or any of those inbred islimic cave maggots.
The US was controlling Middle Eastern oil in the 1940s when America was the world's leading oil exporter, and the only profitable way to extract the remaining fossil fuels in the US today requires using eternal war in the Middle East to spike the price of oil. Time to go Green and leave the rest of the planet's fossil fuels in the ground.
Wrong. We have as much or more fossil fuel resources as the Saudis but you green freaks disallow with your fascist decrees.
Open it up and watch us thrive with or without islimists.
"The threats posed by climate change are 'overwhelmingly clear' to everyone at US military headquarters, a senior Pentagon official has told a Senate enquiry.

"While many leading US politicians remain sceptical over the science behind global warming, Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, said military planners were convinced, and concerned.

“'If you wait for 100% certainty on the battlefield, something bad is going to happen,' he said, quoting former US chief of staff Gordon Sullivan."

Something bad is happening right now, in the US and the ME.

Pentagon clear climate change is a national security issue
Digging oil and coal out of the ground has no impact on the climate. It would fix our economy and reduce reliance on ME scumbags, though.
If the current asshole-in-chief would reverse his decrees outlawing exploration and extraction of domestic fossil fuel resources we wouldn't be as beholden to the Saudis or any of those inbred islimic cave maggots.
The US was controlling Middle Eastern oil in the 1940s when America was the world's leading oil exporter, and the only profitable way to extract the remaining fossil fuels in the US today requires using eternal war in the Middle East to spike the price of oil. Time to go Green and leave the rest of the planet's fossil fuels in the ground.
Wrong. We have as much or more fossil fuel resources as the Saudis but you green freaks disallow with your fascist decrees.
Open it up and watch us thrive with or without islimists.
"The threats posed by climate change are 'overwhelmingly clear' to everyone at US military headquarters, a senior Pentagon official has told a Senate enquiry.

"While many leading US politicians remain sceptical over the science behind global warming, Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, said military planners were convinced, and concerned.

“'If you wait for 100% certainty on the battlefield, something bad is going to happen,' he said, quoting former US chief of staff Gordon Sullivan."

Something bad is happening right now, in the US and the ME.

Pentagon clear climate change is a national security issue
Digging oil and coal out of the ground has no impact on the climate. It would fix our economy and reduce reliance on ME scumbags, though.
What happens to the climate when that oil and coal is burned?
That must be how the various ice ages ended, humans buring oil and coal. Got it.
Do you?

"'We find that global temperature lags a bit behind the CO2 [levels],' explains paleoclimatologist Jeremy Shakun, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fellow at Harvard and Columbia universities, who led the research charting ancient CO2 concentrations and global temperatures. 'CO2 was the big driver of global warming at the end of the Ice Age.'"

What Thawed the Last Ice Age - Scientific American
If the current asshole-in-chief would reverse his decrees outlawing exploration and extraction of domestic fossil fuel resources we wouldn't be as beholden to the Saudis or any of those inbred islimic cave maggots.
The US was controlling Middle Eastern oil in the 1940s when America was the world's leading oil exporter, and the only profitable way to extract the remaining fossil fuels in the US today requires using eternal war in the Middle East to spike the price of oil. Time to go Green and leave the rest of the planet's fossil fuels in the ground.
Wrong. We have as much or more fossil fuel resources as the Saudis but you green freaks disallow with your fascist decrees.
Open it up and watch us thrive with or without islimists.
"The threats posed by climate change are 'overwhelmingly clear' to everyone at US military headquarters, a senior Pentagon official has told a Senate enquiry.

"While many leading US politicians remain sceptical over the science behind global warming, Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, said military planners were convinced, and concerned.

“'If you wait for 100% certainty on the battlefield, something bad is going to happen,' he said, quoting former US chief of staff Gordon Sullivan."

Something bad is happening right now, in the US and the ME.

Pentagon clear climate change is a national security issue
Digging oil and coal out of the ground has no impact on the climate. It would fix our economy and reduce reliance on ME scumbags, though.
What happens to the climate when that oil and coal is burned?
Completely different issue. Possessing the resources fixes the economy and is not incompatible with fossil fuel burning restrictions. This is all really about a political war against the fossil fuel industry as it is seen as a contributor to conservative politics.
The US was controlling Middle Eastern oil in the 1940s when America was the world's leading oil exporter, and the only profitable way to extract the remaining fossil fuels in the US today requires using eternal war in the Middle East to spike the price of oil. Time to go Green and leave the rest of the planet's fossil fuels in the ground.
Wrong. We have as much or more fossil fuel resources as the Saudis but you green freaks disallow with your fascist decrees.
Open it up and watch us thrive with or without islimists.
"The threats posed by climate change are 'overwhelmingly clear' to everyone at US military headquarters, a senior Pentagon official has told a Senate enquiry.

"While many leading US politicians remain sceptical over the science behind global warming, Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, said military planners were convinced, and concerned.

“'If you wait for 100% certainty on the battlefield, something bad is going to happen,' he said, quoting former US chief of staff Gordon Sullivan."

Something bad is happening right now, in the US and the ME.

Pentagon clear climate change is a national security issue
Digging oil and coal out of the ground has no impact on the climate. It would fix our economy and reduce reliance on ME scumbags, though.
What happens to the climate when that oil and coal is burned?
Completely different issue. Possessing the resources fixes the economy and is not incompatible with fossil fuel burning restrictions. This is all really about a political war against the fossil fuel industry as it is seen as a contributor to conservative politics.
Why would capitalists pay to extract the resources if they did not intend to burn them? Conservative politicians don't believe in climate change because fossil fuels fund their election campaigns and retirements.
Wrong. We have as much or more fossil fuel resources as the Saudis but you green freaks disallow with your fascist decrees.
Open it up and watch us thrive with or without islimists.
"The threats posed by climate change are 'overwhelmingly clear' to everyone at US military headquarters, a senior Pentagon official has told a Senate enquiry.

"While many leading US politicians remain sceptical over the science behind global warming, Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, said military planners were convinced, and concerned.

“'If you wait for 100% certainty on the battlefield, something bad is going to happen,' he said, quoting former US chief of staff Gordon Sullivan."

Something bad is happening right now, in the US and the ME.

Pentagon clear climate change is a national security issue
Digging oil and coal out of the ground has no impact on the climate. It would fix our economy and reduce reliance on ME scumbags, though.
What happens to the climate when that oil and coal is burned?
Completely different issue. Possessing the resources fixes the economy and is not incompatible with fossil fuel burning restrictions. This is all really about a political war against the fossil fuel industry as it is seen as a contributor to conservative politics.
Why would capitalists pay to extract the resources if they did not intend to burn them? Conservative politicians don't believe in climate change because fossil fuels fund their election campaigns and retirements.
Because it is still of value whether consumed or not.
You just admitted the political intent behind the green scam.
"The threats posed by climate change are 'overwhelmingly clear' to everyone at US military headquarters, a senior Pentagon official has told a Senate enquiry.

"While many leading US politicians remain sceptical over the science behind global warming, Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, said military planners were convinced, and concerned.

“'If you wait for 100% certainty on the battlefield, something bad is going to happen,' he said, quoting former US chief of staff Gordon Sullivan."

Something bad is happening right now, in the US and the ME.

Pentagon clear climate change is a national security issue
Digging oil and coal out of the ground has no impact on the climate. It would fix our economy and reduce reliance on ME scumbags, though.
What happens to the climate when that oil and coal is burned?
Completely different issue. Possessing the resources fixes the economy and is not incompatible with fossil fuel burning restrictions. This is all really about a political war against the fossil fuel industry as it is seen as a contributor to conservative politics.
Why would capitalists pay to extract the resources if they did not intend to burn them? Conservative politicians don't believe in climate change because fossil fuels fund their election campaigns and retirements.
Because it is still of value whether consumed or not.
You just admitted the political intent behind the green scam.
Is that value more or less than that of a century of fossil fuel subsidies?

"His remarks were in response to an amendment introduced by Sen. Toomey (R-PA), under the short title 'Eliminate crony capitalist energy tax credits,' which proposed to eliminate the renewable energy Production Tax Credit (PTC), as well as credits for renewable fuels, energy efficient appliances, electric motorcycles and fuel cell vehicles.

"In explaining the amendment, Sen. Toomey declared wind power to be a 'politically favored form of energy.'”

Conservative Senator Calls out Hypocrisy of Fossil Fuel Incentives Climate Denial Crock of the Week
Most of the high jackers were Saudi. Thats a fact. A fact that everyone is aware of.

The Saudi's also let the maddrassas educate the young. Maddrassas that teach hate.

Are the Saud's our friends? Only when it suits them to be.
I'm pretty sure you won't agree with me; however, I would say the rich Saudis are friends with rich Americans like the Bush and Kerry families and the mortal enemies of a majority of all Muslims and Americans. US voters have to do a better job of electing representatives who will tax all the profit out of war.
Communists you mean.....

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