Islamic State: The Terror We Give is the Terror We Get

"PARIS— Hayat Boumeddiene, who vanished before her husband went on a shooting spree in Paris last month, has resurfaced in the pages of a promotional magazine run by Islamic State militants.

"An interview with her, published by the French-language magazine Dar al-Islam, doesn’t identify her by name but says she is the wife of Amedy Coulibaly, who killed five people in Paris last month, in an attack at a kosher grocery store.

“'It is a good thing to live in a land that is governed by the laws of Allah,' Ms. Boumeddiene is quoted as saying. 'I feel relieved to have accomplished this duty,' she said."

Wife of Paris Shooter Coulibaly Surfaces in Islamic State Magazine - WSJ

How is Ms Boumeddiene's duty any different from those whose duty destroyed Iraq and Syria?
"We fire missiles from the sky that incinerate families huddled in their houses. They incinerate a pilot cowering in a cage.

"We torture hostages in our black sites and choke them to death by stuffing rags down their throats.

"They torture hostages in squalid hovels and behead them.

"We organize Shiite death squads to kill Sunnis.

"They organize Sunni death squads to kill Shiites.

"We produce high-budget films such as 'American Sniper' to glorify our war crimes.

"They produce inspirational videos to glorify their twisted version of jihad.

The barbarism we condemn is the barbarism we commit.

"The line that separates us from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is technological, not moral.

"We are those we fight."

Chris Hedges The Terror We Give Is the Terror We Get -Truthdig

"We are those we fight," and soon that fight will reach our homeland.

Do you feel safer today than you did in March 2003?

F'course. Cause all western hungrily cheer when they make a parade of people in caged before burning them to death.

Those people are crazy, and the likes of you are more crazy for supporting them
F'course. Cause all western hungrily cheer when they make a parade of people in caged before burning them to death.

Those people are crazy, and the likes of you are more crazy for supporting them
Unlike people like you I don't support the crimes of the Islamic State or the US or Israel. How many human beings did your heroic IDF murder in Gaza last summer? How much land did you manage to steal? The biggest difference between your Prime Minister or my President and the leaders of IS is an accident of birth.
IS has carved a caliphate the size of Texas from Syria and Iraq. ... All of these evils trace back to an illegal war of aggression launched in March 2003.
Check your history references. The goal of a theocracy (re-establishing the khalīfah or caliphate) is a pan-national movement that existed for decades before the US invasion of Iraq.

Restoration of the caliphate and implementation of sharia law (based on the Qu'ran) is the stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1927. Check the history of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the 1930s and 1940s. Re-establishing the khalīfah Is also the goal of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, founded in 1953, with 1 million members today.
But this might not be achieved, and the State may be established in non-Arab countries, since the whole Islamic world is suitable for the establishment of the Khilafah State, even though the priority is for the Arab countries. The Hizb does not limit its work to establish the State in the Arab countries, but it is also working to establish the State in non-Arab countries.

Now read the 1988 charter of Hamas, which states Hamas is the arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. The goal of theocracy and establishing a caliphate is a pan-national movement that existed for decades before the US invasion of Iraq.

Opposing the US by violent means also has a long history. A Palestinian killed a leading US presidential candidate in 1968. There were Americans killed in airport attacks, hijackings and bombings in the 1980s. There was the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. Osama bin Laden declared war on the US with a 1996 fatwa and two years later al-Qaeda bombed two US embassies in East Africa.
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Check your history references. The goal of a theocracy (re-establishing the khalīfah or caliphate) is a pan-national movement that existed for decades before the US invasion of Iraq.
How does the historical success of the caliphate movement since March of 2003 compare with the previous century of struggle?
Opposing the US by violent means also has a long history. A Palestinian killed a leading US presidential candidate in 1968.
Can you flesh this out a little?
Robert Kennedy was murdered by a Muslim partially in response to Kennedy's flagrant support of Zionism:

"Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian Arab Christian with Jordanian citizenship, born in Jerusalem, who held strongly anti-Zionist beliefs.[36][37]

"A diary found during a search of Sirhan's home stated for the entry May 19, 'My determination to eliminate RFK is becoming more and more of an unshakable obsession. RFK must die. RFK must be killed. Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated..... Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated before 5 June 68.'[38]

"It has been suggested that the date of the assassination is significant, because it was the first anniversary of the start of the Six Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors."

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There was the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. Osama bin Laden declared war on the US with a 1996 fatwa and two years later al-Qaeda bombed two US embassies in East Africa.
Apparently, UBL knew US history better than you do:
"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil.

"Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:

"'Persian oil ... is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours.'"[7]

United States foreign policy in the Middle East - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Check your history references. The goal of a theocracy (re-establishing the khalīfah or caliphate) is a pan-national movement that existed for decades before the US invasion of Iraq.
How does the historical success of the caliphate movement since March of 2003 compare with the previous century of struggle?

not at all well-----there is still no caliphate and there are lots of dead people----
BTW----the 1967 war was part of the STRUGGLE for caliphate----at that time
the caliphate was not ISIS---it was the UAR (united arab republic)----also lots
of dead bodies and no caliphate
not at all well-----there is still no caliphate and there are lots of dead people----
BTW----the 1967 war was part of the STRUGGLE for caliphate----at that time
the caliphate was not ISIS---it was the UAR (united arab republic)----also lots
of dead bodies and no caliphate
The 1967 war was a continuation of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine began by Jews in 1948.

Aren't you disappointed Israel wasn't able to shift the blame for murdering 34 Americans aboard the USS Liberty onto the UAR?
not at all well-----there is still no caliphate and there are lots of dead people----
BTW----the 1967 war was part of the STRUGGLE for caliphate----at that time
the caliphate was not ISIS---it was the UAR (united arab republic)----also lots
of dead bodies and no caliphate
The 1967 war was a continuation of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine began by Jews in 1948.

Aren't you disappointed Israel wasn't able to shift the blame for murdering 34 Americans aboard the USS Liberty onto the UAR?

Israel never denied that it bombed the USS Liberty-----the incident was on radio news
---REAL TIME------Israeli navy guy was interviewed within the hour of the event----
where were you??------at a bundist meeting?
Israel never denied that it bombed the USS Liberty-----the incident was on radio news
Because the heroic Jews weren't able to kill Liberty's entire crew; no women or kids, I guess. Sucks to be 'Jew, right?

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