Islamic State Warns Those Who Refuse Islam Will Die like Ethiopians in Libya Video


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
They really sound like big bullies, only they are so barbaric like a bunch of savages.
They really have to be pretty stupid if they think that the world is going to follow their orders.

Islamic State Warns Those Who Refuse Islam Will Die like Ethiopians in Libya Video
Militant asserts that persecution of Christians is fundamental to Islam.
April 24, 2015 By Our Middle East Correspondent - Leave a Comment

Islamic State representative in Libya addresses viewers in video. (Screen-save Morning Star News)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (Morning Star News) – In a video showing the cruel execution of 28 Ethiopian Christians, the militant Sunni terrorist group Islamic State (IS) says persecution of Christians is fundamental to Islam.

In the video released late Sunday night (April 19), IS (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) warns that if Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere refuse Islam, they also will be slain. An IS spokesman gives Christians three options – convert to Islam, submit to the rule of Islam and pay the Jizya (tribute) or be killed.

“We say to Christians everywhere, the Islamic State will expand, with Allah’s permission,” a spokesman identified as Sheik Abu Malik Anas An-Nashwan says. “And it will reach you even if you are in fortified strongholds. So whoever enters Islam will have security, and whoever accepts the Dhimmah contract will have security. But whoever refuses will see nothing from us but the edge of a spear. The men will be killed and the children will be enslaved, and their wealth will be taken as booty. This is the judgment of Allah and His Messenger.”

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Islamic State Warns Those Who Refuse Islam Will Die like Ethiopians in Libya Video
They really sound like big bullies, only they are so barbaric like a bunch of savages.
They really have to be pretty stupid if they think that the world is going to follow their orders.

Islamic State Warns Those Who Refuse Islam Will Die like Ethiopians in Libya Video
Militant asserts that persecution of Christians is fundamental to Islam.
April 24, 2015 By Our Middle East Correspondent - Leave a Comment

Islamic State representative in Libya addresses viewers in video. (Screen-save Morning Star News)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (Morning Star News) – In a video showing the cruel execution of 28 Ethiopian Christians, the militant Sunni terrorist group Islamic State (IS) says persecution of Christians is fundamental to Islam.

In the video released late Sunday night (April 19), IS (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) warns that if Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere refuse Islam, they also will be slain. An IS spokesman gives Christians three options – convert to Islam, submit to the rule of Islam and pay the Jizya (tribute) or be killed.

“We say to Christians everywhere, the Islamic State will expand, with Allah’s permission,” a spokesman identified as Sheik Abu Malik Anas An-Nashwan says. “And it will reach you even if you are in fortified strongholds. So whoever enters Islam will have security, and whoever accepts the Dhimmah contract will have security. But whoever refuses will see nothing from us but the edge of a spear. The men will be killed and the children will be enslaved, and their wealth will be taken as booty. This is the judgment of Allah and His Messenger.”

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Islamic State Warns Those Who Refuse Islam Will Die like Ethiopians in Libya Video
sounds like a declaration of war to me.

I now support hunting down and killing every last one of those creatures.
Proof that Islam is not interested in coexisting with anyone. Got that, liberals?
They really sound like big bullies, only they are so barbaric like a bunch of savages.
They really have to be pretty stupid if they think that the world is going to follow their orders.

Islamic State Warns Those Who Refuse Islam Will Die like Ethiopians in Libya Video
Militant asserts that persecution of Christians is fundamental to Islam.
April 24, 2015 By Our Middle East Correspondent - Leave a Comment

Islamic State representative in Libya addresses viewers in video. (Screen-save Morning Star News)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (Morning Star News) – In a video showing the cruel execution of 28 Ethiopian Christians, the militant Sunni terrorist group Islamic State (IS) says persecution of Christians is fundamental to Islam.

In the video released late Sunday night (April 19), IS (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) warns that if Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere refuse Islam, they also will be slain. An IS spokesman gives Christians three options – convert to Islam, submit to the rule of Islam and pay the Jizya (tribute) or be killed.

“We say to Christians everywhere, the Islamic State will expand, with Allah’s permission,” a spokesman identified as Sheik Abu Malik Anas An-Nashwan says. “And it will reach you even if you are in fortified strongholds. So whoever enters Islam will have security, and whoever accepts the Dhimmah contract will have security. But whoever refuses will see nothing from us but the edge of a spear. The men will be killed and the children will be enslaved, and their wealth will be taken as booty. This is the judgment of Allah and His Messenger.”

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Islamic State Warns Those Who Refuse Islam Will Die like Ethiopians in Libya Video
Oy vey!! .... :cool:
Surely, Nusra Sally will be spared...

Another stupid comment from a mentally impaired individual. If posters don't worship at the feet of his pal Assad, he considers them terrorist supporters which of course is far from the truth.
Surely, Nusra Sally will be spared...

Another stupid comment from a mentally impaired individual. If posters don't worship at the feet of his pal Assad, he considers them terrorist supporters which of course is far from the truth.
Except the history of Islam rather showcases the fallacy of your statement.

You misspelled the word "accuracy", there, Islamist.

It doesn't start with an f.

One hardly needs to be an islamist to be versed in basic Islamic history. But if you feel the need to revel in your lack of basic education on the subject then I suppose I won't stop you.
Proof that Islam is not interested in coexisting with anyone. Got that, liberals?

Well, there does seem to be no end to the number of numb nuts leftists who defend Islamism, but if a person were actually liberal, they would be the very first to condemn the very least liberal ideology on God's green earth.

Those who do so are simply low I.Q. conformists who look around and see all their little buds doing it so they do it, too.

It's fashionable, you know, and they wouldn't want to lose cred by not being in fashion.
Proof that Islam is not interested in coexisting with anyone. Got that, liberals?

Well, there does seem to be no end to the number of numb nuts leftists who defend Islamism, but if a person were actually liberal, they would be the very first to condemn the very least liberal ideology on God's green earth.

Those who do so are simply low I.Q. conformists who look around and see all their little buds doing it so they do it, too.

It's fashionable, you know, and they wouldn't want to lose cred by not being in fashion.

I feel inclined to point out that Islamism and Islam aren't the same thing. Islamism is a modern sub-set of Islamic political thought. You seem to be incorrectly equating the two.
One hardly needs to be an islamist to be versed in basic Islamic history. But if you feel the need to revel in your lack of basic education on the subject then I suppose I won't stop you.

Let's see-- A cult springs forth as created by a murderous warlord and grows like wildfire until it consumes enormous swaths of territory by killing all who refuse to submit and forcing those who remain to convert to the cult. It's basic tenets include lying to those who are not in the cult, refusing to take as friends those who are not in the cult, and forever warring against those who are not in the cult, complete with instructions for decapitating enemies and cutting off their fingertips.

Am I missing anything?
Proof that Islam is not interested in coexisting with anyone. Got that, liberals?

Except the history of Islam rather showcases the fallacy of your statement.

no it doesn't-------go right ahead and tell us all about
those imaginary shariah utopias in which persons of
various religions all enjoyed EQUAL rights. The
establishment of a tributary sub-caste is no more "coexistence"
than the establishment of a cotton picking caste is racial equality
Proof that Islam is not interested in coexisting with anyone. Got that, liberals?

Except the history of Islam rather showcases the fallacy of your statement.

no it doesn't-------go right ahead and tell us all about
those imaginary shariah utopias in which persons of
various religions all enjoyed EQUAL rights. The
establishment of a tributary sub-caste is no more "coexistence"
than the establishment of a cotton picking caste is racial equality

1.) Coexistence doesn't imply equality, it implies co-existence.

2.) Equality generally depends more on things like constitutionalism and there are plenty of examples of Middle Eastern constitutionalists movements as well.
no it doesn't-------go right ahead and tell us all about
those imaginary shariah utopias in which persons of
various religions all enjoyed EQUAL rights. The
establishment of a tributary sub-caste is no more "coexistence"
than the establishment of a cotton picking caste is racial equality

You are late on paying your jizya tax AGAIN Rosie?

When will it never end with you? You don't want to pay your jizya tax. You refuse to bow your head and cross the street when a Muslim approaches.

What's next -- your wanting to build a house higher than the lowest Muslim house?
1.) Coexistence doesn't imply equality, it implies co-existence.

2.) Equality generally depends more on things like constitutionalism and there are plenty of examples of Middle Eastern constitutionalists movements as well.

Said like a true Islamist supremacist.

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