Islamic terrorist attack in Times Square

I gave you the definition of the word, "terrorism." I can't make you understand it.

And what was the political motives for last night's machete attack?
I gave the English definition of terrorism, that probably caught you out.

This is why people can't have a meaningful debate with a Lefty, because they use words such as racist, bigot, insurrection, terrorism etc.. and they don't know it's meaning.

If the guy in the machete attack did so as part of this Islamic Extremist terrorism movement, then it's terrorism.

You could claim the action of a person looks like a terrorist act, but unless it encapsulates the full definition of terrorism, then the person(s) carried out a violent act. Same with a loan gun shooter, a violent act, but if it was systematically part of a terror organisation, say the IRA, then it's terrorism. There's an idiom, "Something like that". The Left struggled with bleach and COVID, now it looks like they struggle with terrorism. Who would have thunk.

The little Islamic fundi attacked 3 police officers with a machete.

Leftists all across the world I'm sure are Ok with this since the target was white male police officers

Also, no guns were used. Only PC approved violence and murder will do.

This is the petrie dish they are growing
If we were nicer then they would not constantly do this
Lib 101 Core Course
I gave the English definition of terrorism, that probably caught you out.

This is why people can't have a meaningful debate with a Lefty, because they use words such as racist, bigot, insurrection, terrorism etc.. and they don't know it's meaning.

If the guy in the machete attack did so as part of this Islamic Extremist terrorism movement, then it's terrorism.

You could claim the action of a person looks like a terrorist act, but unless it encapsulates the full definition of terrorism, then the person(s) carried out a violent act. Same with a loan gun shooter, a violent act, but if it was systematically part of a terror organisation, say the IRA, then it's terrorism. There's an idiom, "Something like that". The Left struggled with bleach and COVID, now it looks like they struggle with terrorism. Who would have thunk.


Uh, no, you did not give the English definition. Aside from the stark reality we're not in England, you gave YOUR definition, not the Encyclopedia Britannica's. Their definition doesn't exclude individual attacks.
My views :

If stop acting just like a meddling kid, US citizens could get a lot happier. Worshiping interventionism brings terrorism. Amen!

by Curtis F. Jones:

The point is that the United States must come to recognize that most anti-American terrorism is a direct consequence of American foreign policy. Operating unilaterally or, when convenient, through complaisant allies and a toothless UN, since World War II the United States has intervened in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996 – Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996
So attacking police in NYC is a terrorist attack but attacking police at the U.S. Capitol is not?

And aside from this attack being unconscionable, who on the left has said it's ok?
Oh dear, you stepped in something.

You mean the policeman who shot the unarmed woman inside the Capital? Yes, he was hailed as a hero by the media. The media would not even reveal his identity so as to protect him. No investigation was ordered.

But your average police officer on the street who protect common folk, like the policeman in Columbus Ohio who shot dead a girl who was trying to stab another black girl to save her life, was instantly branded systemically racist by the media as he and his family were threatened as idiots like Lebron tweeted, "You're next", which was a threat to his life.

BTW, the police officer was found to be innocent and merely doing his job.

Thanks for asking.

Machete violence. Thankful there was no gun violence. We probably have around 40 guns on our block and we didn't have any gun violence either. So relieved when the guns aren't violent.
My views :

If stop acting just like a meddling kid, US citizens could get a lot happier. Worshiping interventionism brings terrorism. Amen!

by Curtis F. Jones:

The point is that the United States must come to recognize that most anti-American terrorism is a direct consequence of American foreign policy. Operating unilaterally or, when convenient, through complaisant allies and a toothless UN, since World War II the United States has intervened in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996 – Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996

Too much money is made by our MIC.
Our diplomacy (and budget) is based on this.
Blood is only a by-product of the love of money.
Whose blood it is is inconsequential to the ruling elite that it benefits.
My views :

If stop acting just like a meddling kid, US citizens could get a lot happier. Worshiping interventionism brings terrorism. Amen!

by Curtis F. Jones:

The point is that the United States must come to recognize that most anti-American terrorism is a direct consequence of American foreign policy. Operating unilaterally or, when convenient, through complaisant allies and a toothless UN, since World War II the United States has intervened in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996 – Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996
Blah blah blah. Cry cry .
We dont do what they feel we should so they decide to kill us.
You are one big anti American puss wad asshole.
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But but it’s far Right that is the danger to America
Only if they keep stealing elections and passing legislation to harm the country. 1/6 wasn't about insurrection. It was about an illegitimate election and the anger that caused. If they want a REAL example of insurrection and sedition they should have cited the months-long Liberal/Democrat voter-led riots after a black addict and criminal died in police custody.

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