Islamic terrorist attack in Times Square

Insurrection and Treason are against the United States, they were guilty as fuck.
Wanting to talk to your Senator is not insurrection and treason, you fuck. Blowing up a restaurant full of people for political purposes is insurrection. Obama let a guy that was convicted of that go free, because he was a leftist shitbag, just like you.
Also Obama traded 5 terrorist leaders for a traitor, so yeah, he should should be tried for treason.
Then call them or write to them. Breaking into the Capitol during a closed session of Congress is illegal.
Said who? Cite the law. Senators running from their constituents with a petition for grievances should be illegal.

And a petition for grievances they did have and can you guess what Amendment that's in, Faun?

All this shit's illegal. It's to coddle the Senate who has been raping the United States since the late 80s.

They voted themselves The Lords of the US then, and nothing has been done to counteract that to this day.

They didn't give a fuck about the integrity of the election, they weren't on the ballot. They just wanted to get back to business as usual. AKA taking in lobbyist funds and voting for who pays/bribes them the best.
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Said who? Cite the law. Senators running from their constituents with a petition for grievances should be illegal.

And a petition for grievances they did have and can you guess what Amendment that's in, Faun?

All this shit's illegal. It's to coddle the Senate who has been raping the United States since the late 80s.

They voted themselves The Lords of the US then, and nothing has been done to counteract that to this day.

They didn't give a fuck about the integrity of the election, they weren't on the ballot. They just wanted to get back to business as usual. AKA taking in lobbyist funds and voting for who pays/bribes them the best.
If that's what you believe about our country, why don't you move. You're not helping it in any way with these unproven allegations. You're as big a traitor as trump.
If that's what you believe about our country, why don't you move. You're not helping it in any way with these unproven allegations. You're as big a traitor as trump.
I'm from here, motherfucker. I ain't goin' nowhere. That's good if I'm "as big a traitor as Trump" because Trump is not a traitor. Those causing pain to their fellow Americans right now are. Trump and I would not do that to our fellow Americans.
We want the best for our fellow Americans and this needs to get back to being the land of opportunity for everybody if you're willing to work.
That's what "MAGA" is about. Restoring upward mobility for all Americans.
Not jacking up the price of housing and eggs. :nono:
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Wanting to talk to your Senator is not insurrection and treason, you fuck. Blowing up a restaurant full of people for political purposes is insurrection. Obama let a guy that was convicted of that go free, because he was a leftist shitbag, just like you.
Also Obama traded 5 terrorist leaders for a traitor, so yeah, he should should be tried for treason.
It is when you break in and try to use numbers and force to intimidate our representatives in Congress. Threatening their very lives, to do the bidding of one madman.
I'm from here, motherfucker. I ain't goin' nowhere. That's good if "as big a traitor as Trump" because Trump is not a traitor. Those causing pain to their fellow Americans right now are. Trump and I would not do that to our fellow Americans.
You really should consider moving if you're that unhappy living in a democracy. Correct on trump for now, he can only be called an alleged traitor for now. I believe trump has done more damage to America than any single person in history.
Said who? Cite the law. Senators running from their constituents with a petition for grievances should be illegal.

And a petition for grievances they did have and can you guess what Amendment that's in, Faun?

All this shit's illegal. It's to coddle the Senate who has been raping the United States since the late 80s.

They voted themselves The Lords of the US then, and nothing has been done to counteract that to this day.

They didn't give a fuck about the integrity of the election, they weren't on the ballot. They just wanted to get back to business as usual. AKA taking in lobbyist funds and voting for who pays/bribes them the best.

18 U.S. Code § 1752
I'm from here, motherfucker. I ain't goin' nowhere. That's good if I'm "as big a traitor as Trump" because Trump is not a traitor. Those causing pain to their fellow Americans right now are. Trump and I would not do that to our fellow Americans.
We want the best for our fellow Americans and this needs to get back to being the land of opportunity for everybody if you're willing to work.
That's what "MAGA" is about. Restoring upward mobility for all Americans.
Not jacking up the price of housing and eggs. :nono:
Most of these cost increases were because of increased fuel costs. There's a reason the oil companies only give Democrats 5 million dollars in campaign contributions and give Republicans 75 million. The Republicans are in bed with the oil companies and let them get away with this to try to make Democrats look bad. Look at fuel prices when Democrats control most of the government and when Republicans control the government, that tells the whole story. Individual presidents have little control over oil prices, it's an international commodity and prices reflect supply and demand. I don't usually use the word " never " but I believe we will never see low gas prices again. The world's demand is higher than ever because of the industrial development of China and India and the years of high output are over. We're on the downward side of production. The world's known reserves are scheduled to be depleted in 46.6 years ( if demand doesn't increase, sooner if it does). That's why it's urgent that we embrace renewables.
You should really gtfo my Constitutional country before you end up fertilizer or buzzard food, you piece of shit.

I could shoot you in my backyard and just leave you lay, and you'd be gone within 4 days. And I could mow without hitting ary a bone.

True Story. Them turkeys wouldn't even touch you for the 1st 3 days, either. The gravy has to be runnin' right! :auiqs.jpg:
This was a story from 2 of my uncles:
They chucked watermelons in the summertime for money, and there was this old black guy on the crew named Otis.

Now, at the store where they met up every morning, there was a dead dog across the street. Got hit by a car. Dead.

So, my uncle asks: "Hey Otis, how come buzzards them don't clean up that dog?"
Otis says: "Because the gravy don't be runnin' right yet."
And so a couple days went by, nothing happened, but on that next day the "gravy was runnin' right".
And that dog was gone.
I think you are insane. Good luck with that, don't shoot yourself in the foot.

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