Islamic terrorist attack in Times Square

My views :

If stop acting just like a meddling kid, US citizens could get a lot happier. Worshiping interventionism brings terrorism. Amen!

by Curtis F. Jones:

The point is that the United States must come to recognize that most anti-American terrorism is a direct consequence of American foreign policy. Operating unilaterally or, when convenient, through complaisant allies and a toothless UN, since World War II the United States has intervened in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996 – Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996
It's in the religion to conquer the world with the sword
The OP doesn't seem to understand that Islamic Fundamentalism, like it's sister, Christian Fundamentalism are right-wing organizations. Each posing a significant threat to their cultures.
Who has killed more people by far?

My views :

If stop acting just like a meddling kid, US citizens could get a lot happier. Worshiping interventionism brings terrorism. Amen!

by Curtis F. Jones:

The point is that the United States must come to recognize that most anti-American terrorism is a direct consequence of American foreign policy. Operating unilaterally or, when convenient, through complaisant allies and a toothless UN, since World War II the United States has intervened in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996 – Terrorism: Its Cause and Cure | American Diplomacy Est 1996
Terrorism increased by more than 10 fold after Bush invaded Iraq. It destabilized an already bad situation; plus it drove them underground and made them harder to defeat. Then, to make matters even worse, terrorist nation states started funding and arming them.
Terrorism increased by more than 10 fold after Bush invaded Iraq. It destabilized an already bad situation; plus it drove them underground and made them harder to defeat. Then, to make matters even worse, terrorist nation states started funding and arming them.
Got anything to back that up?
Got anything to back that up?
The latest appraisal of the situation.August 24, 2022 ( in reference to the Bush doctrine ). Washington, D.C. A new report released today by the Friends Committee on National Legislation ( FCNL ) concludes that the Global War on Terror failed to achieve it's goals and caused immeasurable harm both at home and abroad. European Eye on Radicalization The growth of Salafi-Jihadism in the Sahel:The Spread of Al-Qaedism Nov.24.,2022. In Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, deaths increase from 2021 rates; 232, 572 and 554 relatively. Plus there are thousands of other articles on the rise of domestic and worldwide terrorism. Bush opened up a Pandora's Box that just keeps giving and giving. He should have taken his dad's advice.
That was Ratted out by family and Red Flagged & on FBI Radar but not moved on by them ( arrested )
There are thousands upon thousands of people on the FBI watch list, they arrest very few of them.
That was Ratted out by family and Red Flagged & on FBI Radar but not moved on by them ( arrested )
Yes, some slip by. What you don't hear about are the 43 large scale terrorist attacks that didn't occur. Thank GOD for the FBI's diligent work.
Yes, some slip by. What you don't hear about are the 43 large scale terrorist attacks that didn't occur. Thank GOD for the FBI's diligent work.
They kinda were worrying more about people downloading Metallica songs than preventing 9/11/2001.

The history speaks for itself.

If the CIA and FBI did the jobs they're supposed to do so well, why did 9/11 happen and why is there now a DHS and TSA? Hmm?
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Where are all the environmentalist libs I keep hearing about?

View attachment 743910
It looks like the aftermath of a really good public party. Perhaps a New Year's Eve Party. I'm sure it was attended by all kinds of people, mostly young and irresponsible ( regardless of any political affiliation ).
White male going after other white males. Does not really fit anyone's narrative.

Personally I am glad they caught him and glad the police officer seem to be ok.
The kid was full of hormones and vulnerable to indoctrination. Look at all the gun violence with young men. After age 21, the hormone levels are cut in half. That's why raising the age to 21 for assault weapons was such a good idea.

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