CDZ Islamification of The West

You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?
Please stay on topic.
Start a thread about the bible if that's what you want to discuss.
You have to twist pretty hard to get that interpretation of the Bible.

Deuteronomy 20
1“When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you...

10“When you approach a city to fight against it, you shall offer it terms of peace. 11“If it agrees to make peace with you and opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall become your forced labor and shall serve you. 12“However, if it does not make peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it. 13When the LORD your God gives it into your hand, you shall strike all the men in it with the edge of the sword. 14“Only the women and the children and the animals and all that is in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as booty for yourself; and you shall use the spoil of your enemies which the LORD your God has given you. 15“Thus you shall do to all the cities that are very far from you, which are not of the cities of these nations nearby. 16“Only in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. 17But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the LORD your God has commanded you,18so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the LORD your God.

Please point out the twisting.

It appears that you don't know your faith as well as you claim to.

Again, you give the Koran a free pass

Link? Since you seem confused, let me say it again:

The Koran is intolerant. So is the Bible.

Yep, it is the Bible, and you are quoting the Old Testament. Got a whole lot of Christians in the Old Testament? I think I got the faith thing down. ;)

Christian's only use the Old Testament when it's to justify hating gay people.
I am responding to the claim that Islam is somehow more expansionist and intolerant than other religions. I've provided ample evidence that Judaism and Christianity have similar histories of conquest and intolerance.

If the Israelites (circa Old Testament) were invading Europe, they'd be killing the men and enslaving the women and children. Ditto for the conquests of many a Christian European nation.

This thread is about Muslims being different from all other religions, "Islamicizing" Europe, and them being innately different from other people.

They aren't.

We already documented the Sharia courts, violent attacks in France and Britain. This is expanding Islam. The violence is based on being intolerant. You condemn past violence by other religions, but give current violence a pass.
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?
Please stay on topic.
Start a thread about the bible if that's what you want to discuss.

Oh, religion is the topic of this thread. It's not off topic to compare Christianity to Islam.
“It’s a bit like Christians celebrating Christmas, it’s about bringing the community together and hopefully getting young people to engage as well. We had a full programme in the mosque afterwards with international scholars.”

Imam Shahed Tameez said: “We celebrate because, after God, Muhammad is the most important in the Muslim faith. When he came he changed everything through the law of Sharia. He forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.”

What's wrong with it, Lucy?
We have big Chinese New Year parades in New York, etc. We have Cinco de Mayo, St. Patrick's Day parades, BIG Italian festivals.... If the Muslims are of the belief that "Muhammad forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike" what is to object to? We like celebrations in America; especially when they're like Christmas. Or Hannukah. Or Kwanza. The more the merrier.
nothing as long as it is all equal to all other religions. Is it? Do you know?
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?
Please stay on topic.
Start a thread about the bible if that's what you want to discuss.

Oh, religion is the topic of this thread. It's not off topic to compare Christianity to Islam.
do you know today's differences?
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?
Please stay on topic.
Start a thread about the bible if that's what you want to discuss.

Oh, religion is the topic of this thread. It's not off topic to compare Christianity to Islam.

No, Islamification is the topic. You would need to render that false, no one has and the OP has been proven to be valid on that point.
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?
Please stay on topic.
Start a thread about the bible if that's what you want to discuss.

I am on topic. I'm addressing a specific claim that has been made repeatedly about Islam, which is that it is different from all other faiths, and hence, more dangerous. The claim has been made that Islam is expansionist and intolerant. The same is true of most other religious faiths, and that is the point of my posts in this thread.

I'd also encourage you to read this guidance: CDZ - Islamification of The West

If you feel a post of mine is off-topic, report it rather than attempting to stifle legitimate discussion, and let the mods make the determination.

I am responding to the claim that Islam is somehow more expansionist and intolerant than other religions. I've provided ample evidence that Judaism and Christianity have similar histories of conquest and intolerance.

If the Israelites (circa Old Testament) were invading Europe, they'd be killing the men and enslaving the women and children. Ditto for the conquests of many a Christian European nation.

This thread is about Muslims being different from all other religions, "Islamicizing" Europe, and them being innately different from other people.

They aren't.
Yet another of the seemingly endless list of CLEAR examples of spinning for the PC-protected religion by deflecting to the hated Christianity, and how centuries-old acts by Christians are equated with modern-day Islam.

Islam is unique in its aggression -- both geographically and literally -- and refusal to assimilate, right now, at this moment in time. No, not every person in the religion, but the religion as a whole. Not matter how much deflection is provided for it.
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?

Seriously, if you want a Bible class start a thread. We are discussing Muslims here, so try to stay on topic. This is the fourth time you have violated the rule.

I am responding to the claim that Islam is somehow more expansionist and intolerant than other religions. I've provided ample evidence that Judaism and Christianity have similar histories of conquest and intolerance.

If the Israelites (circa Old Testament) were invading Europe, they'd be killing the men and enslaving the women and children. Ditto for the conquests of many a Christian European nation.

This thread is about Muslims being different from all other religions, "Islamicizing" Europe, and them being innately different from other people.

They aren't.
Israelites circa OT don't exist now, thus arent invading Europe and aren't killing and enslaving Europeans. PLEASE stick to the topic. Thanks.
“It’s a bit like Christians celebrating Christmas, it’s about bringing the community together and hopefully getting young people to engage as well. We had a full programme in the mosque afterwards with international scholars.”

Imam Shahed Tameez said: “We celebrate because, after God, Muhammad is the most important in the Muslim faith. When he came he changed everything through the law of Sharia. He forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.”

What's wrong with it, Lucy?
We have big Chinese New Year parades in New York, etc. We have Cinco de Mayo, St. Patrick's Day parades, BIG Italian festivals.... If the Muslims are of the belief that "Muhammad forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike" what is to object to? We like celebrations in America; especially when they're like Christmas. Or Hannukah. Or Kwanza. The more the merrier.

Well the Chinese, the Italians and Jews don't tend to want to blow Infidels up in suicide attacks do they?

Can't you understand the difference?

I've known many Muslims in my life - I have no doubt exponentially more than you have, and none of them have ever "tended" to want to blow anyone up.
and yet their religion does. or do you deny that?
shariah is good law from any governments point of view . There is well defined punishment and code of behavior in Islamic countries but very little individual freedom Lucy .
and it punishes women. That is good why?
We already documented the Sharia courts, violent attacks in France and Britain. This is expanding Islam. The violence is based on being intolerant. You condemn past violence by other religions, but give current violence a pass.

1. In no way did you prove that Sharia courts represent an expansion of Islam. They are small courts that are religious in nature, voluntary in participation, and have zero effect on non-muslims. They are no different from other religious proceedings in the Catholic, Jewish, and Mormon faiths. In fact, because you could not prove your points about them, I would contend that you abandoned the discussion, and are now trying to reinvent what occurred.

2. Please link to the post in which I've given current violence a pass.

I am no fan of Islam. This refugee crisis is not different from other refugee crises which have occurred throughout the history of mankind. There was a huge violent crime wave associated with the Cuban Refugee Crisis. However, that largely ended within a few years, as people acclimated.

I think that history in fact indicates that providing refugees with stability and opportunity increases the speed of assimilation and transition.

My point is this: America wasn't Cubanized by assimilating 1 million Cubans, but those 1 million Cubans were eventually Americanized.

Similarly, Europe is not being Islamicized, but rather, these Islamic refugees will eventually be Europeanized, if not ostracized and excluded.

History speaks tellingly to that process.

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Did I miss something? The thread OP states Europe is experiencing expanded Islamic influence correct? How does including other religions in the discussion prove or disprove that point?
still can't figure out why the left is in love with islam and they fight for women's rights. it's hypocritical. And then they bang their chests and are proud of both. How does that work? Hey one of you lefties, can you explain that tactic? that is, suppress women's right and fight for women's rights? You all are confusing me.
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1. In no way did you prove that Sharia courts represent an expansion of Islam. They are small courts that are religious in nature, voluntary in participation, and have zero effect on non-muslims. They are no different from other religious proceedings in the Catholic, Jewish, and Mormon faiths. In fact, because you could not prove your points about them, you abandoned the discussion.
2. Please link to the post in which I've given current violence a pass.


1. Did Sharia courts exist prior to Muslims entering England? Have they expanded in the last several years? That would be expansion if there are more. How can marriage be nonreligious here and religious in England? It seems you are using this conveniently for your purposes here. I did prove my points, you lost.

2. Your entire posts here are a range of excuses for the current violence.
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?
Please stay on topic.
Start a thread about the bible if that's what you want to discuss.

I am on topic. I'm addressing a specific claim that has been made repeatedly about Islam, which is that it is different from all other faiths, and hence, more dangerous. The claim has been made that Islam is expansionist and intolerant. The same is true of most other religious faiths, and that is the point of my posts in this thread.

I'd also encourage you to read this guidance: CDZ - Islamification of The West

If you feel a post of mine is off-topic, report it rather than attempting to stifle legitimate discussion, and let the mods make the determination.

so one question, in today's world, what other religion is blowing up people using humans as the weapon?

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