CDZ Islamification of The West

I was replying to Gary. He did not reply. :(

He did. Perhaps you missed it. :(

What makes you think I am unfamiliar, and why is this post all about me and not about the topic?

You seemed unaware of a significant portion of the history of your chosen faith. Blissfully so, even. :) But, I'm happy to correct this lack of awareness, and have thus provided you with plenty of suggested reading material.

The Old Testament is there to give a history of the Jewish people, from whom Christ came. It documents his promised coming and the errors of the Jewish people in following Gods will and commands. Christ offered a rebirth into God's commands and will, which was reinforced with Christ's command of Love One Another.

Did God command his people to slay and enslave their neighbors and take their land?
I was replying to Gary. He did not reply. :(

He did. Perhaps you missed it. :(

What makes you think I am unfamiliar, and why is this post all about me and not about the topic?

You seemed unaware of a significant portion of the history of your chosen faith. Blissfully so, even. :)

The Old Testament is there to give a history of the Jewish people, from whom Christ came. It documents his promised coming and the errors of the Jewish people in following Gods will and commands. Christ offered a rebirth into God's commands and will, which was reinforced with Christ's command of Love One Another.

Did God command his people to slay and enslave their neighbors and take their land?

Why do you seek answers to religious questions you feel I am unqualified to answer? Why are you not following CDZ rules?
I was raised Christian and can't recall ever entering a Christian church that didn't have bibles with both testaments.

Then you know why both Testaments are there.

Why do you think both Testaments are there, since you seem to have little familiarity with the Old Testament?

I was replying to Gary. He did not reply. :(

What makes you think I am unfamiliar, and why is this post all about me and not about the topic? You did read mod warnings correct?

The Old Testament is there to give a history of the Jewish people, from whom Christ came. It documents his promised coming and the errors of the Jewish people in following Gods will and commands. Christ offered a rebirth into God's commands and will, which was reinforced with Christ's command of Love One Another.

Actually, I did. With Matthew 5:17.

Unless the bible's word isn't good enough for you.
Why do you seek answers to religious questions you feel I am unqualified to answer? Why are you not following CDZ rules?

I've provided you with the relevant sections of the Old Testament so you can familiarize yourself, and provide a qualified answer. :)

If you feel my posts are breaking CDZ rules, I'd encourage you to report them, rather than disrupting discussion.
How can you be integrated when you don't even learn the language?

..."The government says 22% of Muslim women living in England speak little or no English - a factor it argues is contributing to their isolation..."

Muslim women's segregation in UK communities must end - Cameron - BBC News

This is precisely why I compared this issue to assimilation of immigrants and refugees in the U.S. The same has been shown to be true of Latino immigrants and refugees in the U.S.

English Proficiency on the Rise Among Latinos

A record 33.2 million Hispanics in the U.S. speak English proficiently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.1 In 2013, this group made up 68% of all Hispanics ages 5 and older, up from 59% in 2000.

The longer people are present, the more likely they are to develop language skills. In our Hispanic community, it is often women who do not speak English (men typically have to learn English skills to go and work, even if they aren't working legally). That is very isolating, so what we do here is to provide free English classes to young moms with small children and older moms whose children are in school.

That works very well and also provides them with an outlet for socializing and creating a larger social network where they can also practice their English skills. I would say that the percentage of people not speaking English is actually pretty low compared to many of our immigrant and refugee groups. Our Central American refugees often speak tribal dialects and are not fluent in either English or Spanish, which makes it difficult for them to assimilate.

However, time typically corrects this issue, if the community and country are committed to helping people assimilate.

The PM acknowledges their is a problem with integration:

..."Segregation, the prime minister says, is allowing "appalling practices" such as female genital mutilation and forced marriage to exist, and increasing vulnerability to recruitment by so-called Islamic State - also known as Daesh.

He is also announcing a review of the role of Britain's religious councils, including Sharia courts, in an effort to confront men who exert "damaging control over their wives, sisters and daughters".

'More susceptible'
Speaking to BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Mr Cameron said the push on language was "about building a more integrated, cohesive, one nation country where there's genuine opportunity for people".

He said some "menfolk" in Muslim communities were fostering segregation by preventing women from learning English or leaving home alone, and that could not be allowed to continue...."

Muslim women's segregation in UK communities must end - Cameron - BBC News
Actually, I did. With Matthew 5:17.

Unless the bible's word isn't good enough for you.

You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?

Seriously, if you want a Bible class start a thread. We are discussing Muslims here, so try to stay on topic. This is the fourth time you have violated the rule.
And, this is relevant because?

Because we are discussing Muslims, try to keep up. You on the other hand brought in Cubans without making a plausible connection to the topic.

I have made several comparisons in this thread between this refugee crisis and the Cuban Refugee Crisis/American immigration patterns, with the statement that these kinds of population changes have predictable outcomes, and we can learn from them.

Sorry you apparently missed those posts.
Are you claiming ALL Muslims will integrate successfully. If so, tell me about these two.

I've never made the claim that ALL muslims will integrate successfully. In fact, I gave the example of the Cuban Boat Crisis, which caused a major violent crime wave in South Florida, but within a decade, the vast majority of Cubans had assimilated into the American way of life.
So then you are saying since the vast majority will assimilate, we should ignore the acts of those who don't and the reasons why they commit violence.

Yep, thats precisely what we are supposed to do. If not, we are, of course, bigots and islamofauxbs, lol. Anyway, It seems the majority of UK Muslims arent integrated to the point that they would even just report those they know are involved with terrorist sympathisers.

Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs
TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll.
PUBLISHED: 10:00, Mon, Apr 11, 2016 | UPDATED: 10:40, Mon, Apr 11, 2016
Two thirds of British Muslims would not give police terror tip-offs | UK | News | Daily Express

I have a hard time taking these tabloid type articles seriously. I prefer news that contains no characterizations of people or incidents, and without any layer of approval or disapproval. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't like my news articles telling me how I should feel. But thank you for posting your biased article.
You did not answer at all. You cited that Christ came to fulfill the Law and prophets. The Law is the Ten Commandments, which Christ did not break and the Prophets, which foretold his coming. So, you have no idea of why both Testaments are in the Bible. Fortunately, I did answer that question earlier in the thread.

Were Moses and Joshua prophets?

Seriously, if you want a Bible class start a thread. We are discussing Muslims here, so try to stay on topic. This is the fourth time you have violated the rule.

I am responding to the claim that Islam is somehow more expansionist and intolerant than other religions. I've provided ample evidence that Judaism and Christianity have similar histories of conquest and intolerance.

If the Israelites (circa Old Testament) were invading Europe, they'd be killing the men and enslaving the women and children. Ditto for the conquests of many a Christian European nation.

This thread is about Muslims being different from all other religions, "Islamicizing" Europe, and them being innately different from other people.

They aren't.
And, this is relevant because?

Because we are discussing Muslims, try to keep up. You on the other hand brought in Cubans without making a plausible connection to the topic.

I have made several comparisons in this thread between this refugee crisis and the Cuban Refugee Crisis/American immigration patterns, with the statement that these kinds of population changes have predictable outcomes, and we can learn from them.

Sorry you apparently missed those posts.

There are no valid comparisons.
Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs
TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll.
PUBLISHED: 10:00, Mon, Apr 11, 2016 | UPDATED: 10:40, Mon, Apr 11, 2016
Two thirds of British Muslims would not give police terror tip-offs | UK | News | Daily Express

90% of black people in my community won't give the police information to solve violent crimes. That doesn't have anything to do with assimilation, but it has everything to do with distrust of law enforcement and the system.

I can't imagine why muslims in the UK would mistrust the government.

Oh, wait...Muslim community fears it is being vilified

Many Muslims in Britain believe police are using the post-September 11 terrorist threat as an excuse to vilify their community. The Guardian spoke to three people who are convinced they suffered at the hands of police officers during the past year simply because of their religion and ethnic background:

Camran Sayf was watching Tim Henman at Wimbledon last June when police pulled him from his grandstand seat on suspicion of being a terrorist.

The 27-year-old company director, from central London, had been looking forward to seeing Henman play for months. Instead, he faced the verbal volleys of six anti-terrorist officers for the duration of the match.

"They claimed someone in the crowd had complained because I was acting suspiciously," Mr Sayf said. "I have a back problem and had brought a small cushion. I find sitting for long periods uncomfortable, so I may have been fidgeting but this sort of reaction was completely over the top.

"I had a small plastic bag with me but there were other people in the crowd with large cameras and bags, any one of which could have concealed a bomb or gun better than my bag, yet I was the only one they decided to question.

"The officers were all about 6ft tall and armed. They were very heavy-handed and it was extremely intimidating. They showed disrespect for my back problem, my race and my religion.

"But when I said they had no right to treat me like that, they said they could do what they wanted because of the terrorist threat.

It's a vicious cycle. When you vilify innocent people because of their religion, they stop trusting you and calling the police when crimes happen.

Trust of law enforcement is built on respect and fair treatment.

That is what I term a Muslim apologist.

And you would be incorrect.

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