CDZ Islamification of The West

You really are something.

It does not matter what the book says. What matters is how the adherents of the book ACT.

Get it or are you confused (ie Leftist)?


I was asked what other religion came from a baseline of intolerance and conquest. I pointed out that the roots of Judaism and Christianity came from a place of intolerance and conquest. I provided evidence of that claim, as requested. Now, you suggest that the evidence doesn't matter.

I love conservatives.

I love Bill Maher, who has remained true to liberal values, myself.

Mohammad was a warlord who invaded people's land, killed the men, took what was theirs, raped the women while taking them as sex slaves and had sex with children, and preached continuous war. Muslims see him as the most perfect man ever.

Jesus never stole anything, never raped anybody, never had sex with children, never killed anybody and preached that his followers should turn the other cheek.

Can anybody spot some differences here? Anybody? Anybody?

Maher is a REAL liberal.

These people are not.

Maher also condemns Christianity CONSTANTLY. FAR more often than Islam. He produced an entire 100-minute documentary that spent 70% of that time dealing with irrational Christians, and the other 30% on Judaism, Islam, Scientology, etc.

So thanks for making our point. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mod edit: Do not insult people in the CDZ
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Maher is a REAL liberal.

These people are not.


A true liberal understands liberal principles and uses these principles to govern the way they examine the world.

These people simply rely on a cheap framing device where they label something "right wing" or "conservative", dig in their heels and do the opposite.

No actual liberal would spend so much as a nano second defending the very LEAST liberal ideology on the planet.
They're going nuts on me, just as they did on that thread I started on this a few days ago.

They know what they're doing, they just don't like being exposed.

Too bad.
Apparently, I wasn't clear enough the first time so we'll try it again. The next person who writes a post discussing another member or is using overly vulgar language is getting kicked out of the thread.
Here it is in very simple, numeric terms:

Percentage of Christians in U.S. Drifting Down, but Still High

75% of Americans identify as Xtian. 5% as any other religion.

This is why you hear more Americans complaining about radical Christians. There. Are. More. Of Them. Here.

Muslims are probably one of the the smaller subsets of the 5%. 12,000 people in America are killed by intentional gunfire in the U.S. and I'm supposed to get in a froth about San Bernadino or Fort Hood -- the only Muslim terrorist attacks in 5 years?
I would say that one of the foremost reasons that muslims are having difficulties assimilating in Europe is that European countries have serious issues with racism.
Let's analyze that post.

Euro nations allow Muslims to immigrate into their nations, seek jobs, obtain welfare, given healthcare, schooling, and the same rights as native born Euros, but the Euros are still racists.

Do you fail to see how ignorant that is?

Do you believe that people can have those things and still be subjected to unequal treatment in their neighborhood, school, and employment?
You made the terrible accusation that Europeans are racists...funny, if anyone said Muslims are terrorists, lefties go nuts, but it is okay for them to call Euros racists. Just another one of those hypocrisies the left is notorious for.

You need to prove Euros are racists even though they have done so much for Muslims.

Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition - Home
Among the minorities attracting the most negative attitudes are Somalis, as well as Muslims in general, but Roma are disliked even more, with 37 per cent saying that they take a fairly negative or very negative attitude toward them.
The result does not come as a surprise to Unto Jääpuro, the deputy chairman of the Finnish Roma Association.
“People try to say that there is no racism in Finland, but it does exist. Racism is an everyday occurrence. It has always existed and will always exist. I would recommend that the Roma stay vigilant.”

Racism in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More than 130 people were killed in racist street violence in Germany, in the years between 1990 and 2010, according to the German newspaper Die Zeit.[6] Only some of the most publicly noted cases are listed below. In particular, after German reunification in the 1990s a wave of racist street violence claimed numerous lives, with notable incidents including the arson attack of Mölln and the Riot of Rostock-Lichtenhagen in 1992, the Solingen arson attack of 1993, and the attack on Noël Martin in 1996.

Eighty Nazi skinheads went on the rampage, attacking Turkish and African immigrant workers in the German city of Magdeburg on May 12, 1994. Far from stopping the attack, at one point police joined in, holding down the victims while their attackers beat them.[7]

In 2006, a black German citizen of Ethiopian descent named as Ermyas M., an engineer was beaten into a coma by two unknown assailants who called him "******" in an unprovoked attack that has reawakened concern about racist violence in eastern Germany.[8] He was waiting for a tram in Potsdam, near Berlin, when two people approached him shouting "******". When he objected, they attacked him with a bottle and beat him to the ground.[9]

Also in 2006, German-Turkish politician Giyasettin Sayan, a member of Berlin's regional assembly, was attacked by two men who called him a "dirty foreigner". Sayan, who represents the Left party, suffered head injuries and bruising after his attackers struck him with a bottle in a street in his Lichtenberg ward in the East of the city.[10]

In August 2007, a mob consisting of about 50 Germans attacked 8 Indian street vendors during a town festival in the town of Muegeln near Leipzig.[11][12] The victims found shelter in a pizzeria owned by Kulvir Singh, one of those being chased, but the mob broke through the doors and destroyed Singh's car. All eight were injured and it took 70 police to quell the violence[13]

In 2009, the murder of Marwa El-Sherbini caused considerable public reaction in Germany and other countries. Al-Sherbini, a 32-year-old Egyptian national, was stabbed to death in a Dresden courtroom on July 1, 2009 by Alex Wiens, an ethnic German immigrant from Russia. She had been in court to testify against Wiens who had before racially insulted her for wearing a headscarf. Her husband, Egyptian academic Elwy Ali Okaz, was critically wounded in the attack when he tried to take on Wiens, being stabbed by him and shot by court security who thought he was the attacker.

There is evidence that, in 2015, Professor Annette Beck-Sickinger at the University of Leipzig in Germany rejected Indian candidates on the basis of racism and stereotyping. The incidents were so severe - amid shock that they were perpetrated by an apparently 'educated' woman - that Germany's ambassador to India wrote a strongly-worded letter condemning the professor, stating: "Your oversimplifying and discriminating generalization is an offense ... to millions of law-abiding, tolerant, open-minded and hard-working Indians," he wrote. "Lets be clear: India is not a country of rapists."[14] [15][16] The criticised mail traffic was reviewed by the university and student representatives. Although the student representatives had criticised Prof. Dr. Beck-Sickinger for her behaviour, both the university and the student representatives concluded that the original publication of mail traffic was faked and there were no reasons to conclude that the Indian candidate was denied access to the program for racist reasons.[17][18]

Racism in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In recent years, many newspapers, such as Libération and The Washington Post, have done segments on the increase of racist comments made by political leaders against minority groups.[33] In 2009, Nadine Morano, Secretary of State for the Family, explained that what she expected from the young French Muslim was that “he love his country, that he find a job, that he not speak "verlan" or slang, that he not wear his baseball cap backwards”. In February 2012, the Minister of the Interior at the time, Claude Gueant continued the targeting of Islamic populations by stating that leftist ideologies were wrong and that in fact, all civilizations did not equate each other. He stated that nations which defend liberty, equality and fraternity (France’s motto) were superior to nations which accepted tyranny, inequality for women and social and ethnic hatred. He concluded by asserting that his “civilization” must be protected.[33] Most recently in October 2013, a National Front municipal candidate, Anne-Sophie Leclere, compared the French Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira, to a monkey and affirmed that she would rather see the French Guinean native “in a tree than in the government”.[33] About a week later, students at an anti-gay manifestation surrounded Toubira in Angers, with signs that read “monkey, eat your banana”. Taubira later mentioned that France is in the midst of an identity crisis.[34] On April 29, 2014, in the Independent, a UK newspaper, Taubira stated:

“I see a country in distress. We need to reconstruct its sense of history and its capacity to live together. Can the ‘public word’ – our political debate – raise itself to address these big questions? I don’t just mean the government. I mean all political forces, both government and opposition, and all the opinion-makers in the media.”[34]
Okay, so if we accept Europe is racist and it is their countries, why are you giving them a hard time about Muslims? I mean they are just following history and all that. Why would Muslims move to a racist country(ies)? Particularly when they are the biggest targets? are wrong....
Maher is a REAL liberal.

These people are not.


A true liberal understands liberal principles and uses these principles to govern the way they examine the world.

These people simply rely on a cheap framing device where they label something "right wing" or "conservative", dig in their heels and do the opposite.

No actual liberal would spend so much as a nano second defending the very LEAST liberal ideology on the planet.

There is a difference between defending a particular ideology, and defending someone's right to believe according to the dictates of their conscience, and providing objectivity and context to the claims about that belief.

I am no fan of Islam.

However, vilifying Islam and holding it to a standard which is different from all other religions is not helpful or intellectually honest.
Okay, so if we accept Europe is racist and it is their countries, why are you giving them a hard time about Muslims? I mean they are just following history and all that. Why would Muslims move to a racist country(ies)? Particularly when they are the biggest targets? are wrong....

Perhaps because their homes and communities have been destroyed, so they are fleeing for their lives?

Why did Cubans flee to the U.S.?
I was raised Christian and can't recall ever entering a Christian church that didn't have bibles with both testaments.

Then you know why both Testaments are there.

Why do you think both Testaments are there, since you seem to have little familiarity with the Old Testament?

I was replying to Gary. He did not reply. :(

What makes you think I am unfamiliar, and why is this post all about me and not about the topic? You did read mod warnings correct?

The Old Testament is there to give a history of the Jewish people, from whom Christ came. It documents his promised coming and the errors of the Jewish people in following Gods will and commands. Christ offered a rebirth into God's commands and will, which was reinforced with Christ's command of Love One Another.
Okay, so if we accept Europe is racist and it is their countries, why are you giving them a hard time about Muslims? I mean they are just following history and all that. Why would Muslims move to a racist country(ies)? Particularly when they are the biggest targets? are wrong....

Perhaps because their homes and communities have been destroyed, so they are fleeing for their lives?

Why did Cubans flee to the U.S.?

Why did the US visit Afghanistan? Try to stay on topic.

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