CDZ Islamification of The West

You really are something.

It does not matter what the book says. What matters is how the adherents of the book ACT.

Get it or are you confused (ie Leftist)?


I was asked what other religion came from a baseline of intolerance and conquest. I pointed out that the roots of Judaism and Christianity came from a place of intolerance and conquest. I provided evidence of that claim, as requested. Now, you suggest that the evidence doesn't matter.

I love conservatives.
Please respond to my post #479.
You really are something.

It does not matter what the book says. What matters is how the adherents of the book ACT.

Get it or are you confused (ie Leftist)?


I was asked what other religion came from a baseline of intolerance and conquest. I pointed out that the roots of Judaism and Christianity came from a place of intolerance and conquest. I provided evidence of that claim, as requested. Now, you suggest that the evidence doesn't matter.

I love conservatives.
Okay then you will agree that what the book says does not matter, but the acts of those who follow the book does.
If I do, it is from listening to lefties champion the freedom and equality granted all peoples in Europe. Now it suits your purposes so they are racists.

This doesn't even make sense. First, I've never championed the freedom and equality of people in Europe. Second, there has been a modern rise in rightist governments in Europe (i.e., things change). Thirdly, I've always believed that Europeans are more racist than us (for over 20 years), and there is plenty of evidence of this claim.

Please stop creating strawmen for me. You ask for evidence of a claim, I provide it, you refuse to read it or respond to it.

Now you're furiously backpedaling and creating strawmen.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
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The Jews killed our leader. ;)
We were tolerant. :)

Your god IS the god of the Jews. Same shit, different day. You asked for evidence of a religion that was intolerant and bent on conquest.

Maybe you should take time and really learn about your own faith.

Have you read the entire bible? Or do you just ignore the parts that make you uncomfortable?
I would say that one of the foremost reasons that muslims are having difficulties assimilating in Europe is that European countries have serious issues with racism.

Yet Islam is a quasi-religious political ideology rather than a race, and the hands-off multiculturalist policies that discourage integration are a product of the left, not the right.
If I do, it is from listening to lefties champion the freedom and equality granted all peoples in Europe. Now it suits your purposes so they are racists.

This doesn't even make sense. First, I've never championed the freedom and equality of people in Europe. Second, there has been a modern rise in rightist governments in Europe (i.e., things change). Thirdly, I've always had the positions that Europeans are more racist than us (for over 20 years).

Please stop creating strawmen for me. You ask for evidence of a claim, I provide it, you refuse to read it or respond to it.

Now you're furiously backpedaling and creating strawmen.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

No backpedaling here, just a leftie who refuses to accept they lost this thread yesterday.
The Jews killed our leader. ;)
We were tolerant. :)

Your god IS the god of the Jews. Same shit, different day. You asked for evidence of a religion that was intolerant and bent on conquest.

Maybe you should take time and really learn about your own faith.

Have you read the entire bible? Or do you just ignore the parts that make you uncomfortable?

Do you think we are called Christians for a reason other than Christ?
I would say that one of the foremost reasons that muslims are having difficulties assimilating in Europe is that European countries have serious issues with racism.
Let's analyze that post.

Euro nations allow Muslims to immigrate into their nations, seek jobs, obtain welfare, given healthcare, schooling, and the same rights as native born Euros, but the Euros are still racists.

Do you fail to see how ignorant that is?

Do you believe that people can have those things and still be subjected to unequal treatment in their neighborhood, school, and employment?
The Jews killed our leader. ;)
We were tolerant. :)

Your god IS the god of the Jews. Same shit, different day. You asked for evidence of a religion that was intolerant and bent on conquest.

Maybe you should take time and really learn about your own faith.

Have you read the entire bible? Or do you just ignore the parts that make you uncomfortable?

Do you think we are called Christians for a reason other than Christ?

I was raised Christian and can't recall ever entering a Christian church that didn't have bibles with both testaments.
If I do, it is from listening to lefties champion the freedom and equality granted all peoples in Europe. Now it suits your purposes so they are racists.

This doesn't even make sense. First, I've never championed the freedom and equality of people in Europe. Second, there has been a modern rise in rightist governments in Europe (i.e., things change). Thirdly, I've always had the positions that Europeans are more racist than us (for over 20 years).

Please stop creating strawmen for me. You ask for evidence of a claim, I provide it, you refuse to read it or respond to it.

Now you're furiously backpedaling and creating strawmen.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

No backpedaling here, just a leftie who refuses to accept they lost this thread yesterday.

The Left will NEVER admit they've lost anything, even when it's apparent they've lost, it's impossible to admit they've lost.
For whatever reason, the Regressive Left has chosen to make Islam the PC-protected religion. Evidently a part of that is convincing themselves that there is nothing wrong with what you're seeing. It might be that they feel the West deserves what is happening.

Yet they'll also be quick to attack another pretty well-known religion at the drop of a hat.

They've made their choice, it is what it is

Is it Islam that is behind the spurious restrictions on women's health clinics throughout red states?
Is it Islam that is behind the ridiculous discrimination laws being passed in Mississippi and NC?
Is it Islam that's been fighting marriage equality for decades?
Was Islam the religion of choice for most Slavers in the U.S.?
Was it Islam that was behind the philosophy associated with segregation and jim crow laws?
Is it Allah we're being asked to pray to in schools by the right wing element in the U.S.?
Is it Allah we're being asked to praise on our money, in our pledge, and in our court oaths?
Is it transcriptions from the Quran that justices are trying to put on display in our courthouses?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I find the intolerance and hatred of Muslims in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia/Afghanistan to be deplorable, but based on the scripture you supposedly follow, we're supposed to take the plank out of our own eye first....
I'd like to continue our conversation, but I'm being threatened.
Seemed clear to me you weren't willing to converse.
I always am.

Well, when I'm "allowed" to.

My response to your post is still there, and has been for hours. You've yet to reply with any substance, only complaining. No one has stopped you from making a cogent rebuttal. All we've told you to do is stop trolling.
I did yesterday, but your ally deleted the post.

I'll try again, but it may be deleted again. You are doing precisely what many on the Regressive Left do - you're deflecting from the point to defend the PC-Protected religion. That's what you do constantly, and the thread that was deleted proved it. The next time there is a jihadist slaughter, you will be extremely tolerant of Islam, and you're the same people who are quite intolerant of Christianity.

You're spinning and deflecting for Islam. You're tolerant of that religion and intolerant of Christianity. Hypocrisy, blatant. It's right there on the screen. You folks prove my point, over and over.
I'd like to continue our conversation, but I'm being threatened.
Seemed clear to me you weren't willing to converse.
I always am.

Well, when I'm "allowed" to.

My response to your post is still there, and has been for hours. You've yet to reply with any substance, only complaining. No one has stopped you from making a cogent rebuttal. All we've told you to do is stop trolling.

"All we've told you to do is stop trolling."

Stop talking about yourself.

What are you, 12?

No, but you've yet to add anything of great substance to this've offered no intellectual argument for WHY its such a GREAT idea to subject The West to Islam.

We HAVE offered intellectual argument for why it's NOT such a GREAT idea.
Yet Islam is a quasi-religious political ideology rather than a race

European countries have a long history of anti-semitism, colonialism, and treating people from the middle east, far east, and Africa as second or third class citizens. Much of that is rooted in racism.

and the hands-off multiculturalist policies that discourage integration are a product of the left, not the right.

This is an opinion, not a fact, and it is the opinion of someone who thinks that Islamics by nature cannot assimilate or integrate.

I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Is it Islam that is behind the spurious restrictions on women's health clinics throughout red states?
Is it Islam that is behind the ridiculous discrimination laws being passed in Mississippi and NC?
Is it Islam that's been fighting marriage equality for decades?
Was Islam the religion of choice for most Slavers in the U.S.?
Was it Islam that was behind the philosophy associated with segregation and jim crow laws?
Is it Allah we're being asked to pray to in schools by the right wing element in the U.S.?
Is it Allah we're being asked to praise on our money, in our pledge, and in our court oaths?
Is it transcriptions from the Quran that justices are trying to put on display in our courthouses?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I find the intolerance and hatred of Muslims in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia/Afghanistan to be deplorable, but based on the scripture you supposedly follow, we're supposed to take the plank out of our own eye first....
I'd like to continue our conversation, but I'm being threatened.
Seemed clear to me you weren't willing to converse.
I always am.

Well, when I'm "allowed" to.

My response to your post is still there, and has been for hours. You've yet to reply with any substance, only complaining. No one has stopped you from making a cogent rebuttal. All we've told you to do is stop trolling.
I did yesterday, but your ally deleted the post.

I'll try again, but it may be deleted again. You are doing precisely what many on the Regressive Left do - you're deflecting from the point to defend the PC-Protected religion. That's what you do constantly, and the thread that was deleted proved it. The next time there is a jihadist slaughter, you will be extremely tolerant of Islam, and you're the same people who are quite intolerant of Christianity.

You're spinning and deflecting for Islam. You're tolerant of that religion and intolerant of Christianity. Hypocrisy, blatant. It's right there on the screen. You folks prove my point, over and over.

I'm not any more "tolerant" of the insane ideologies of Islam than I am of the insane ideologies associated with Christianity. It just so happens that one affects my life here in the U.S., and the other does not.

Is this clearer? Or do you still demand that I condemn every other kind of human thought on the planet before objecting to Christian bigotry?
No backpedaling here, just a leftie who refuses to accept they lost this thread yesterday.

Where did I lose, exactly? At the point when you abandoned the discussion of the sharia courts when it became obvious that you didn't know what you were talking about?


You are hilarious, dude.
Seemed clear to me you weren't willing to converse.
I always am.

Well, when I'm "allowed" to.

My response to your post is still there, and has been for hours. You've yet to reply with any substance, only complaining. No one has stopped you from making a cogent rebuttal. All we've told you to do is stop trolling.

"All we've told you to do is stop trolling."

Stop talking about yourself.

What are you, 12?

No, but you've yet to add anything of great substance to this've offered no intellectual argument for WHY its such a GREAT idea to subject The West to Islam.

We HAVE offered intellectual argument for why it's NOT such a GREAT idea.

That was not the question or point proffered in the post that I responded to. I responded to a post from a poster complaining about Islam being "favored" over Christianity, and I explained to that poster why it might appear that way IN MY COUNTRY.

I realize you're not from my country, so you have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about. Kindly butt out.

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