Islamists and "the right to offend"

Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

South Park is a spoof. I have always considered it kinda dumb. I would not be using it as a basis for a social conscience.


Cool. Got anything regarding the point I made or are you just being Jack Handy today?
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

If only I could think you would be so supportive of those who degrade Christians. I guess if Christians don' t like art such as a jar full of urine with a crucifix your suggestion is to act like the bar room bully and find the artist?

What these sick Muslims, and apparently you, don't understand is that it isn't what other think of their Prophet that matters it is what THEM themselves think. Until they join the 21st century and Christians and Jews they can expect backlash when an police officer is murdered as he begs for his life.
Stay on topic Zeke, who mentioned guns in this thread?

Well marty, every time there is a mass killing in this country, gun nutters come out of the wood work to claim that IF only there had been a good guy with a gun, the killing would have been stopped. Right? Surely you have read those posts. Maybe (you) even made a couple of them claiming good guys with guns stop bad guys etc.

But these people in France were already EXPECTING violence for what they were publishing. The editor had his own personal body guard. Didn't stop a thing.

So that's the relevance to what I wrote. Gun nutters are full of shit. Surprise in shooting situations means everything. Good guys with guns don't stop surprise attacks. The ones who might have guns get shot first.

But it has been established for quite some time that these asshole Muslims will shoot whoever they can for insulting Mohammed. That is not news.

And the French will catch them and I hope kill them where they find them. Fuck arresting them. Shoot em where they are found.

It was reported that the first French police on the scene were unarmed. I wonder if that was the case for the one shot begging for his life.

That said, do you think those going after the cretins need to carry guns with them? Do the guns that the degenerates carried make a difference? The reason the body guard may not have made a difference is that the size of the attack.
South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

Actually, the original super best friends episode aired and they portrayed cartoon Mohammed and no one said diddly about it.

It wasn't until the "Family Guy" two parter where they threatened to show a cartoon Mohammed that it became a big deal AFTER other people aired anti-Mohammed cartoons.

If you think our problem with the Islamic World is just about cartoons, you are deluded.
Here is what the free world has to do right this minute, in my opinion. EVERY news paper, every printing company, and every copy machine should be filled with cartoon about the Prophet. Fill the streets with the crap until even the dumbest of Muslim realizes the harm they did to themselves.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

South Park is a spoof. I have always considered it kinda dumb. I would not be using it as a basis for a social conscience.


Cool. Got anything regarding the point I made or are you just being Jack Handy today?

What was your point? That a spoof is not as stupid as i have asserted? Do you already forget the Troubles and Sectarian killings and violence there? SP oversimped the situation.

Catholic vs. Protestant why is there so much animosity fact you have armed offshoots of many different persuasions resorting to violence. Even the Jews had the Stern Gang!!

Now what was your point??

If only I could think you would be so supportive of those who degrade Christians. I guess if Christians don' t like art such as a jar full of urine with a crucifix your suggestion is to act like the bar room bully and find the artist?

What these sick Muslims, and apparently you, don't understand is that it isn't what other think of their Prophet that matters it is what THEM themselves think. Until they join the 21st century and Christians and Jews they can expect backlash when an police officer is murdered as he begs for his life.

If someone punched out the Piss Christ artist, I would tell him the same thing I'm saying about Charlie Hebdo. You insult billions of people, one of them is going to do something nuts, statistically.

Our problem with the Islamic World is bigger than cartoons. It's probably a lot more to do with those million people we've killed and the 15 countries we've bombed or invaded.
Stay on topic Zeke, who mentioned guns in this thread?

Well marty, every time there is a mass killing in this country, gun nutters come out of the wood work to claim that IF only there had been a good guy with a gun, the killing would have been stopped. Right? Surely you have read those posts. Maybe (you) even made a couple of them claiming good guys with guns stop bad guys etc.

But these people in France were already EXPECTING violence for what they were publishing. The editor had his own personal body guard. Didn't stop a thing.

So that's the relevance to what I wrote. Gun nutters are full of shit. Surprise in shooting situations means everything. Good guys with guns don't stop surprise attacks. The ones who might have guns get shot first.

But it has been established for quite some time that these asshole Muslims will shoot whoever they can for insulting Mohammed. That is not news.

And the French will catch them and I hope kill them where they find them. Fuck arresting them. Shoot em where they are found.

So your other point is that the POTUS doesn't need armed gaurds cause they would do no good? Oprah and the rest of the Hollywood elite included?
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

And the extremism has nothing to do with the religion and everything to do with the culture. Stop attacking the religion for the extremism of the culture. Millions of Muslims live all over the world without resorting to extremism and violence. It's the culture.

Can you expand on that, please. It is of course the micro-culture of the small group of Islamofascists. I gather that it is what you mean.


I'm saying that it's not the religions fault. Extremists in any religion are the problem, not the religion itself. You cannot condemn Islam for the actions of some of it's followers anymore than you can condemn Christianity for the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.
Here is what the free world has to do right this minute, in my opinion. EVERY news paper, every printing company, and every copy machine should be filled with cartoon about the Prophet. Fill the streets with the crap until even the dumbest of Muslim realizes the harm they did to themselves.
Why offend those who had no part in the atrocity? Much better to capture the killers and deal with them under law.

If only I could think you would be so supportive of those who degrade Christians. I guess if Christians don' t like art such as a jar full of urine with a crucifix your suggestion is to act like the bar room bully and find the artist?

What these sick Muslims, and apparently you, don't understand is that it isn't what other think of their Prophet that matters it is what THEM themselves think. Until they join the 21st century and Christians and Jews they can expect backlash when an police officer is murdered as he begs for his life.

If someone punched out the Piss Christ artist, I would tell him the same thing I'm saying about Charlie Hebdo. You insult billions of people, one of them is going to do something nuts, statistically.

Our problem with the Islamic World is bigger than cartoons. It's probably a lot more to do with those million people we've killed and the 15 countries we've bombed or invaded.

The French killed millions and bombed 15 countries, I didn't think even the US did that much killing.

So let me get you logic. If we retalitate against Afghanistan because of 9/11 we are only doing so because they are Muslims. But 9/11 had nothing to do with the hijackers being Muslims. Really?
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South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

Actually, the original super best friends episode aired and they portrayed cartoon Mohammed and no one said diddly about it.

It wasn't until the "Family Guy" two parter where they threatened to show a cartoon Mohammed that it became a big deal AFTER other people aired anti-Mohammed cartoons.

You make it sound like you somehow rebutted what I said when you didn't contradict anything I said and you didn't contradict my point.

If you think our problem with the Islamic World is just about cartoons, you are deluded.

Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

South Park is a spoof. I have always considered it kinda dumb. I would not be using it as a basis for a social conscience.


Cool. Got anything regarding the point I made or are you just being Jack Handy today?

What bloody "Jack Handy"? The point you made is unclear. How many threats did the show get?/ 50? 100? 1000? There are nearly a billion muslims in the world and you tarnish the lot because of 0.00000001% ??

And frankly you can put your jack wherever you shove your Handy!!

Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

South Park is a spoof. I have always considered it kinda dumb. I would not be using it as a basis for a social conscience.


Cool. Got anything regarding the point I made or are you just being Jack Handy today?

What was your point? That a spoof is not as stupid as i have asserted? Do you already forget the Troubles and Sectarian killings and violence there? SP oversimped the situation.

Catholic vs. Protestant why is there so much animosity fact you have armed offshoots of many different persuasions resorting to violence. Even the Jews had the Stern Gang!!

Now what was your point??


Already in your quote, you didn't actually address it. You just deflected. I colored it for you since you can't find it on your own..
Here is what the free world has to do right this minute, in my opinion. EVERY news paper, every printing company, and every copy machine should be filled with cartoon about the Prophet. Fill the streets with the crap until even the dumbest of Muslim realizes the harm they did to themselves.
Why offend those who had no part in the atrocity? Much better to capture the killers and deal with them under law.


Of course we have to bring them to justice but they will only become martyrs for the cause. The point is that the Muslims have no need to be offended, why should they care what you or I think of their beliefs? Is it yours or my respect that gives their religion meaning? Really?

Do you think that the FBI uses a profile for White Supremacy groups? And in that profile they will describe them as white, veterans, etc....? Why in the hell when we see so much violence and the perps are saying things like they have revenged the prophet should be ignore the dynamic of their religion? THEY have made it us against them.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

And the extremism has nothing to do with the religion and everything to do with the culture. Stop attacking the religion for the extremism of the culture. Millions of Muslims live all over the world without resorting to extremism and violence. It's the culture.

Can you expand on that, please. It is of course the micro-culture of the small group of Islamofascists. I gather that it is what you mean.


I'm saying that it's not the religions fault. Extremists in any religion are the problem, not the religion itself. You cannot condemn Islam for the actions of some of it's followers anymore than you can condemn Christianity for the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.

No one is doing that, it's just your butt hurt. And you also can't ignore that almost all terrorists in the world belong to the same religion.
What bloody "Jack Handy"? The point you made is unclear. How many threats did the show get?/ 50? 100? 1000? There are nearly a billion muslims in the world and you tarnish the lot because of 0.00000001% ??

And frankly you can put your jack wherever you shove your Handy!!
Damn you're lazy. A simple Google search would tell you who Jack Handy is and another would tell you about South Park. I'm not Googling basic information for you.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

And the extremism has nothing to do with the religion and everything to do with the culture. Stop attacking the religion for the extremism of the culture. Millions of Muslims live all over the world without resorting to extremism and violence. It's the culture.

Can you expand on that, please. It is of course the micro-culture of the small group of Islamofascists. I gather that it is what you mean.


I'm saying that it's not the religions fault. Extremists in any religion are the problem, not the religion itself. You cannot condemn Islam for the actions of some of it's followers anymore than you can condemn Christianity for the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.

No one is doing that, it's just your butt hurt. And you also can't ignore that almost all terrorists in the world belong to the same religion.

Except they don't. Terrorism is a tactic used by more than just Muslims.

And yes, people ARE doing that. You do read the boards here, right?
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

South Park showed the reality of the religions so perfectly with the Super Friends going after the head of every major religion, and getting threats from only one... They probably made Jesus look the worst being a porn surfer. And there are the most Christians around. Nothing. You keep excusing Muslim extremism as the same. It's not, not remotely.

And the extremism has nothing to do with the religion and everything to do with the culture. Stop attacking the religion for the extremism of the culture. Millions of Muslims live all over the world without resorting to extremism and violence. It's the culture.

Correct, it is the culture. A culture created by Muslims becoming a large number such as in France and the rest of Europe. Did you know this is going on in Europe and Britain?

European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating

In Britain, for example, a Muslim group called Muslims Against the Crusades has launched acampaign to turn twelve British cities – including what it calls "Londonistan" – into independent Islamic states. The so-called Islamic Emirates would function as autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic Sharia law and operate entirely outside British jurisprudence.

A culture created by people who take violent offense to a cartoon. A culture not unlike that of Germany in 1932 where I am sure the majority didn't agree with the Nazi tactics but were benefiting from them and turned a cheek.

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