Islamists and "the right to offend"


The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

So people should be cowed by whoever decides violence is a response to harmless speech?

Joe the Fascist being Joe the Fascist.

The Garner protestors got blamed for 2 cops being killed. Who was trying to 'cow' them into silence?

Did you see ME blaming the Garner protesters for the 2 cops?

I'm not going to look it up. I know for certain the OP did.


The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

So people should be cowed by whoever decides violence is a response to harmless speech?

Joe the Fascist being Joe the Fascist.

The Garner protestors got blamed for 2 cops being killed. Who was trying to 'cow' them into silence?

Did you see ME blaming the Garner protesters for the 2 cops?

I'm not going to look it up. I know for certain the OP did.

Well I ain't the OP.
One of course has the right to free speech but if it offends then the offended have the right to let the perps know that they disapprove. I was at a Protest in Trafalgar Square where offended Moslems demonstrated against images that were published which were offensive. I would also have gone to a Demo against offensive material aimed against Christians. People of faith have the right to let those who offend them know that they don't approve. It's called "freedom of speech".

I also look forward to the French cornering and capturing the two killers now at large over the massacre. May they bring justice upon those killers and their deranged enablers!!


There is a difference in protesting in the streets over what you deem as offensive material and going on a murder spree over it.

Hanging too good for them.

Yes: I have done the former but not the latter. In many cases it is an injustice to humanity that the perpetrators of crimes like this have only one life to give to atone for their evil. However, as much as I agree that calls for their deaths are understandable, I disagree that they should be killed rather than arrested and put before a court. If they go down in a "blaze of glory" then I won't be shedding any tears fort them.

Jack Handy......lmao.

I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it.

Ya learn something new every day!!

I thought the cove was calling me a wanker.


The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

It appears, Mac, that you DO have the right to offend anybody on the planet you desire.... except a muslim.

I bet you know why too, because it ain't hard to figure out...

Here is what the free world has to do right this minute, in my opinion. EVERY news paper, every printing company, and every copy machine should be filled with cartoon about the Prophet. Fill the streets with the crap until even the dumbest of Muslim realizes the harm they did to themselves.
Why offend those who had no part in the atrocity? Much better to capture the killers and deal with them under law.


Of course we have to bring them to justice but they will only become martyrs for the cause. The point is that the Muslims have no need to be offended, why should they care what you or I think of their beliefs? Is it yours or my respect that gives their religion meaning? Really?

Do you think that the FBI uses a profile for White Supremacy groups? And in that profile they will describe them as white, veterans, etc....? Why in the hell when we see so much violence and the perps are saying things like they have revenged the prophet should be ignore the dynamic of their religion? THEY have made it us against them.

Who is the "they"?


Those who would shoot an unarmed cop begging for their life.
These shitbag muslims watched, observed and then struck. They killed eleven people because of a cartoon. A fucking cartoon.

Religion at its worst.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

The Left's appeasement of Islamo Terrorism never ceases. You wag your finger at anyone who publishes a mockery of Mohammed or a Quran burn yet stand by idle when the Virgin Mary is made out of cow shit set up in an art gallery.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

Apples and oranges, my friend. You're reducing all of society to the corner bar crowd, drunken with no inhibitions.

You're comparing satire and humor with deliberately provoking a drunk by slandering his mother.

And when I pick up my teeth I'll be able to sue the bar and the drunk who hit me -- when he gets out of jail.

See the Movie the People Vs. Larry Flynt.

Here is something you should see and think about. - Warning graphic sexual parody of religious icons.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

So people should be cowed by whoever decides violence is a response to harmless speech?

Joe the Fascist being Joe the Fascist.

The Garner protestors got blamed for 2 cops being killed. Who was trying to 'cow' them into silence?

Did you see ME blaming the Garner protesters for the 2 cops?

I asked you who was. Want to try again?

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Great! You didn't get enough replies in other threads with this you started your own thread. Perfect.

Liberals want this cartoon plastered on every available place...liberals think that acts of violence are not an appropriate reaction to lyrics......or anything else that offends.

Fuck you, asshole. You have no idea what liberals stand for.
And the extremism has nothing to do with the religion and everything to do with the culture. Stop attacking the religion for the extremism of the culture. Millions of Muslims live all over the world without resorting to extremism and violence. It's the culture.

Can you expand on that, please. It is of course the micro-culture of the small group of Islamofascists. I gather that it is what you mean.


I'm saying that it's not the religions fault. Extremists in any religion are the problem, not the religion itself. You cannot condemn Islam for the actions of some of it's followers anymore than you can condemn Christianity for the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.

No one is doing that, it's just your butt hurt. And you also can't ignore that almost all terrorists in the world belong to the same religion.

Except they don't. Terrorism is a tactic used by more than just Muslims.

And yes, people ARE doing that. You do read the boards here, right?

Irrelevant, you didn't contradict me. I didn't say all terrorists. This is why you are usleless, you write post after post, and you can't actually respond to an argument. You change it (strawman) and ignore it (begging the question) and then whine when you can't get people to do research points that everyone already knows anyway.

Almost all isn't even remotely true either.

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Europol Report All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 99.6 that Aren t

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