Islamists and "the right to offend"

Religions have had the benefit of brainwashing you all from the day you were old enough to hear the Moses, Jesus or Mohammad story. Which ever one you were told. Religion has a grip on our societies. They have an edge because people want to believe in god(s). And people are stupid. They need to see they're being stupid. So sorry if I give you a verbal smack across the face when I tell you that the god you believe in doesn't exist.

I believe this stupid thought is one way the ruling class holds us back. Watch the old and new Cosmos series and learn the history of religion and learn some science. In other words, time to wake up.

Religion is why we still have starving people on this planet. Religion has had thousands of years and has failed horribly with wars and everything else. Science has come a very long way in a very short amount of time DESPITE the fact that religion fought it every step of the way until just very recently.
You are very narrow minded. Many religious people came to it as adults. Atheists have killed more than the religious and many scientists are religious. Nothing you said was anywhere close to the truth.
The proper response, worldwide, would be for every newspaper in every democratic country to put on their front page for a week the cartoon that these murderers found so objectionable. Not as an insult to Islam, but as a declaration that free speech will not be infringed on in a just society.

Now THAT makes sense.
The French killed millions and bombed 15 countries, I didn't think even the US did that much killing.

So let me get you logic. If we retalitate against Afghanistan because of 9/11 we are only doing so because they are Muslims. But 9/11 had nothing to do with the hijackers being Muslims. Really?

I think the problem is you think that the Muslims really make a distinction between Americans and Frenchmen. They see us all as "Crusaders".

We retaliated against Afghanistan, because they hid the terrorists. And we killed a lot of civilians in the process. Then we invaded Iraq because... well, they dind't have weapons and they weren't helping the terrorists.
You make it sound like you somehow rebutted what I said when you didn't contradict anything I said and you didn't contradict my point.

Well, actually, I did, but since you are slightly retarded, it went over your head.

South Park Made fun of ALL religions, Muslims didn't care.

South Park specifically spent TWO EPISODES mocking Islam, the Muslims get upset with them.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"
So, you believe murder is an appropriate response to a perceived "offense"?
But what the fuck happened to the "good guys with guns will stop the bad guys with guns"?
One of the first shot was the cop protecting the editor.
Proving once again that the element of surprise is the prime determining factor as to what is going to happen when the shooting starts. And it don't matter how many guns you have if you are the one being "surprised".

That being said, I greatly look forward to the French anti terrorist squad finding these guys and killing them.
I bet they even use the element of surprise when it happens.
News flash, France has disarmed their "good guys", including the Gendarme. So just how were the "good guys" supposed to stop the bad guys, who will get guns, no matter what. Bad guys don't pay much attention to the rules.
One of course has the right to free speech but if it offends then the offended have the right to let the perps know that they disapprove. I was at a Protest in Trafalgar Square where offended Moslems demonstrated against images that were published which were offensive. I would also have gone to a Demo against offensive material aimed against Christians. People of faith have the right to let those who offend them know that they don't approve. It's called "freedom of speech".

I also look forward to the French cornering and capturing the two killers now at large over the massacre. May they bring justice upon those killers and their deranged enablers!!

The "offended" do indeed have the ability to protest against that which offends them. They do not have a right to violently execute those who have offended them. I wonder how things would pan out should someone take umbrage at the murder of "offensive" persons and start killing the murderers?
The French killed millions and bombed 15 countries, I didn't think even the US did that much killing.

So let me get you logic. If we retalitate against Afghanistan because of 9/11 we are only doing so because they are Muslims. But 9/11 had nothing to do with the hijackers being Muslims. Really?

I think the problem is you think that the Muslims really make a distinction between Americans and Frenchmen. They see us all as "Crusaders".

We retaliated against Afghanistan, because they hid the terrorists. And we killed a lot of civilians in the process. Then we invaded Iraq because... well, they dind't have weapons and they weren't helping the terrorists.

Yep, I bet they do think that, being stuck in the 7th century and all.
The Left's appeasement of Islamo Terrorism never ceases. You wag your finger at anyone who publishes a mockery of Mohammed or a Quran burn yet stand by idle when the Virgin Mary is made out of cow shit set up in an art gallery.

again, if you really think our problem with the Islamic world is about cartoons, you are deluded.

Back in 2011, there was a case where a gay man and his boyfriend decided to crash his father's church and tried to embarrass him, and he was upset when the deacons roughed him up. I didn't have much sympathy for that clown, either, much to the chagrin of the board liberals.

You provoke people intentionally, you should expect retaliation.
One of course has the right to free speech but if it offends then the offended have the right to let the perps know that they disapprove. I was at a Protest in Trafalgar Square where offended Moslems demonstrated against images that were published which were offensive. I would also have gone to a Demo against offensive material aimed against Christians. People of faith have the right to let those who offend them know that they don't approve. It's called "freedom of speech".

I also look forward to the French cornering and capturing the two killers now at large over the massacre. May they bring justice upon those killers and their deranged enablers!!

The "offended" do indeed have the ability to protest against that which offends them. They do not have a right to violently execute those who have offended them. I wonder how things would pan out should someone take umbrage at the murder of "offensive" persons and start killing the murderers?
So people should be cowed by whoever decides violence is a response to harmless speech?

Joe the Fascist being Joe the Fascist.

People should show good judgement. It's why you don't walk into a Marine bar and say, "The Marines are a bunch of pussies."
Why? While working at the Consulate in Munich (I'm Army), I attended the Marine Corps Birthday celebration. Good-natured joshing, called the Marines a few choice names, and still ended up chugging champagne with the Consulate security bunch. My dad was a Marine. I would caution against Navy personnel calling Marines "pussies", though.
The Left's appeasement of Islamo Terrorism never ceases. You wag your finger at anyone who publishes a mockery of Mohammed or a Quran burn yet stand by idle when the Virgin Mary is made out of cow shit set up in an art gallery.

again, if you really think our problem with the Islamic world is about cartoons, you are deluded.

Back in 2011, there was a case where a gay man and his boyfriend decided to crash his father's church and tried to embarrass him, and he was upset when the deacons roughed him up. I didn't have much sympathy for that clown, either, much to the chagrin of the board liberals.

You provoke people intentionally, you should expect retaliation.

The Islamic world's problem is with a Free World.
They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"
You offend people here on a daily basis. Would you apply that statement to YOURSELF if someone shot you in the face for the thing you post? Just shut up you blithering idiot.
The Left's appeasement of Islamo Terrorism never ceases. You wag your finger at anyone who publishes a mockery of Mohammed or a Quran burn yet stand by idle when the Virgin Mary is made out of cow shit set up in an art gallery.

again, if you really think our problem with the Islamic world is about cartoons, you are deluded.

Back in 2011, there was a case where a gay man and his boyfriend decided to crash his father's church and tried to embarrass him, and he was upset when the deacons roughed him up. I didn't have much sympathy for that clown, either, much to the chagrin of the board liberals.

You provoke people intentionally, you should expect retaliation.
Muslims are the REAL victims. Those French journalists were just bullies is what they were. They ASKED for it.
The Left's appeasement of Islamo Terrorism never ceases. You wag your finger at anyone who publishes a mockery of Mohammed or a Quran burn yet stand by idle when the Virgin Mary is made out of cow shit set up in an art gallery.

again, if you really think our problem with the Islamic world is about cartoons, you are deluded.

Back in 2011, there was a case where a gay man and his boyfriend decided to crash his father's church and tried to embarrass him, and he was upset when the deacons roughed him up. I didn't have much sympathy for that clown, either, much to the chagrin of the board liberals.

You provoke people intentionally, you should expect retaliation.
Muslims are the REAL victims. Those French journalists were just bullies is what they were. They ASKED for it.

Is BEHEADING bullying?
But what the fuck happened to the "good guys with guns will stop the bad guys with guns"?
One of the first shot was the cop protecting the editor.
Proving once again that the element of surprise is the prime determining factor as to what is going to happen when the shooting starts. And it don't matter how many guns you have if you are the one being "surprised".

That being said, I greatly look forward to the French anti terrorist squad finding these guys and killing them.
I bet they even use the element of surprise when it happens.
News flash, France has disarmed their "good guys", including the Gendarme. So just how were the "good guys" supposed to stop the bad guys, who will get guns, no matter what. Bad guys don't pay much attention to the rules.
This is simply not true. Why do you nits continue to repeat this lie?

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