Islamists and "the right to offend"

People of all religions are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist. I remember the day I realized Santa wasn't real. It would be nice to still believe in him but I grew up and can no longer believe the unbelievable.

And I can understand back in the 80's or even 90's before we had access to the internet. Do you see how un religious young adults are now a days? How can a religion convert anyone who hasn't already been brainwashed as a little child? The person would have to be real gullible. Because today they could go do the research people didn't have at their fingertips to learn the history of religion and all the problems with them. Hell, I wish I would have found when I was a teen ager. Would have saved me 40 years. Seriously. It took me 40 years to have the internet where I could go debunk religions and their claims.
The internet doesn't disprove God and religion is just man's interpretation. If you believe in a secular cause you are just as faithful as the theist.

The internet provides anyone looking into the matter all the answers to all the questions they could possibly have. I wonder how well religion would have done the last 2000 years if people had the internet and the freedom to think and say whatever they want.

I am very happy today to hear the christian churches condemn the attacks on freedom of speech. Christians have come a long way since the days when they themselves murdered people for suggesting such things like the earth revolves around the sun and the stars are other suns. That was just 400 years ago. Back then they said the earth was 6500 years old and it took 7 days to make earth. If you challenged that they killed you too. I think this should tell you that your religion was made up too.

I wouldn't even know the history of the church if not for the internet and shows like the Cosmos. When I was a kid I had nothing when a bible thumper came up to me and handed me a bible. I read it and listened to what he had to say and I said I believe just because I didn't want to go to hell. Deep down I never really believed it. I always doubted. So I cherry picked and I believed in god and what I wanted to believe. But I had absolutely zero good evidence a god existed. Yet I still talked to one. Boy when I realized god isn't real I felt a little stupid but it took a few weeks for me to get over the guilt of saying god doesn't exist. But then I realized if a creator existed, either he doesn't care about each and every one of us or he would have never told the story the Jews and Christians have told. Just the same way no way god came and talked to the Mormon Joe Smith or the Muslim Mohammad. Wake up people.

This is a great start. Wish I had this as a kid. Why there is no god
Religions have had the benefit of brainwashing you all from the day you were old enough to hear the Moses, Jesus or Mohammad story. Which ever one you were told. Religion has a grip on our societies. They have an edge because people want to believe in god(s). And people are stupid. They need to see they're being stupid. So sorry if I give you a verbal smack across the face when I tell you that the god you believe in doesn't exist.

I believe this stupid thought is one way the ruling class holds us back. Watch the old and new Cosmos series and learn the history of religion and learn some science. In other words, time to wake up.

Religion is why we still have starving people on this planet. Religion has had thousands of years and has failed horribly with wars and everything else. Science has come a very long way in a very short amount of time DESPITE the fact that religion fought it every step of the way until just very recently.
You are very narrow minded. Many religious people came to it as adults. Atheists have killed more than the religious and many scientists are religious. Nothing you said was anywhere close to the truth.

Yes, a lot of people find Jesus in their early 20's. Some even in their 30's to 90's. Doesn't change the fact every one of them came to the conclusion using bad information.

I don't want to hear about how many people "atheists" have killed. I bet you are including Hitler right? Did you forget the German people were all fucking Christians?

And you guys don't want to hear about how bad or wrong your church was 400 years ago or 40 years ago so I don't want to hear about how some atheist years back was. Chances are their belief had very little to do with those murders either. And if anything, you modern day theists have NOTHING to say about murdering each other. You are at least as good as us atheists when it comes to murder/death/kills. How many atheist Americans want to do away with the death penalty? Now how many Christians in Texas love the mother fucking death penalty? How many Indians did you slaughter to inhabit this nation? Remember you guys claim we were founded by Christians?

Yes even Newton believed in God. So did Giordano Bruno. No one is perfect.

The key is understanding yourself and your species enough to know why you believe despite the fact you have been given no proof. You want there to be a heaven for after you die. Do chickens have a heaven? You so want to be special. Fact is if you see how big the universe is you'll realize how small and outdated your religion is.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
Basically all of the US and UK mainstream media outlets, conservatives and liberals alike, are kowtowing to the Islamicists by refusing to show the cartoons of Mohommed. They can pretend they stand with the victims, but it looks more like they're standing with the killers, since they're doing the bidding of the killers.

To give credit where it's due, Huffpo and Daily Beast have put the cartoons front and center.

These Are The Charlie Hebdo Cartoons That Terrorists Thought Were Worth Killing Over

Charlie Hebdo French Satire Magazine s Shocking Covers Photos - The Daily Beast

I'm not going to pretend it takes any bravery for an individual to post the images in the USA. It doesn't. There's no risk in doing so. I just see it as sort of moral obligation.

I do not have to "be Charlie" to condemn the killers. The killers are shits but the offensive cartoons were in no way tolerant. They were hateful and directed at Christians, Jews and Muslims, which was against freedom of religion/speech/thought.

Not following you. Are you against the cartoons? I'm an atheist. Can you get any more offensive to a theist than to tell them the god they worship doesn't even exist? Muslims need to chill out like the Christians did sometime in the 1600's. Right around Galalaeo's time. It should be ok to make fun of someones religion. Why should they be off limits? Questioning authority should be a god given right. They're brainwashing people with what sounds very much like a fairy tale and I think all religions should be mocked.
That's fine. It doesn't mean you aren't a divisive asshole that uses propaganda to belittle the beliefs of others.

Religions have had the benefit of brainwashing you all from the day you were old enough to hear the Moses, Jesus or Mohammad story. Which ever one you were told. Religion has a grip on our societies. They have an edge because people want to believe in god(s). And people are stupid. They need to see they're being stupid. So sorry if I give you a verbal smack across the face when I tell you that the god you believe in doesn't exist.

I believe this stupid thought is one way the ruling class holds us back. Watch the old and new Cosmos series and learn the history of religion and learn some science. In other words, time to wake up.

Religion is why we still have starving people on this planet. Religion has had thousands of years and has failed horribly with wars and everything else. Science has come a very long way in a very short amount of time DESPITE the fact that religion fought it every step of the way until just very recently.
Lol, you couldn't give me a verbal smack across the face and you have no idea what I believe or disbelieve. The point is you don't get to tell people what to believe.

No I don't get to tell people what they MUST believe. I don't want to make it illegal to believe in god. I just want to wake people up. The same joy christians feel when they are spreading what they think is the truth, so do I. They truly feel religion is a good thing and I truly think it is bad. Christians haven't always been so nice as to not kill us for not believing. They've gotten better. Now they just threaten us with eternal damnation. So they aren't as bad as Muslims but they were just a few 100 years ago. And even if religion makes people feel good. A lie is a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. We didn't always have the freedom to say all religions are bullshit and there is no god. But theists have always been free to believe. That is unless they are believing in the wrong god, in which they will kill each other over it. So forgive me if I try to wake up one side of the problem. I'm not even going to try with the Muslims. They all take that shit very seriously like we use to. Today most Christians even understand the bible is filled with allegories and stories meant to teach a lesson. That's a step.

If someone comes up to me and asks me if I know where I'm going when I die, that gives me the right to tell them what I believe. And I'm sorry but telling someone they'll go to hell if they don't believe an unbelievable story sort of makes me want to speak my mind and call bullshit. And if enough people believe this it becomes a problem. And I think way too many Americans believe this. It is holding us back in so many ways. Instead of dealing with reality we're praying to a story people told 2000 plus years ago before we knew anything.

Just look at how Martin Luther and the CHristians treated a fellow theist back in the year 1600.

Giordano Bruno said the universe was bigger than what the bible said.

What did the church say? Do they not read Aristotle where you come from? Or even the Bible?

Bruno said, "I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority. Let us begin anew, by doubting everything we assume - has been proven."
What was the christian churches response? Heretic! Infidel! Then they killed him.

So for hundreds or thousands of years we were not allowed to question authority. Do you think a 2000 year old brainwashing is easy to wake up from? When your parents put it in your head from as far back as you can remember? With the threat of hell being thrown in? Can you see how easy it would be to brainwash our society just like the Muslims are being brainwashed with the same premise! An imaginary man does not exist. Believing it is bad for you. Stop it.

Oh sowwy, you don't wike being towd what to do.
blah, blah, blah the magazine wasn't mocking authority. It was simple printing bigoted trash.
Not following you. Are you against the cartoons? I'm an atheist. Can you get any more offensive to a theist than to tell them the god they worship doesn't even exist? Muslims need to chill out like the Christians did sometime in the 1600's. Right around Galalaeo's time. It should be ok to make fun of someones religion. Why should they be off limits? Questioning authority should be a god given right. They're brainwashing people with what sounds very much like a fairy tale and I think all religions should be mocked.
That's fine. It doesn't mean you aren't a divisive asshole that uses propaganda to belittle the beliefs of others.

Religions have had the benefit of brainwashing you all from the day you were old enough to hear the Moses, Jesus or Mohammad story. Which ever one you were told. Religion has a grip on our societies. They have an edge because people want to believe in god(s). And people are stupid. They need to see they're being stupid. So sorry if I give you a verbal smack across the face when I tell you that the god you believe in doesn't exist.

I believe this stupid thought is one way the ruling class holds us back. Watch the old and new Cosmos series and learn the history of religion and learn some science. In other words, time to wake up.

Religion is why we still have starving people on this planet. Religion has had thousands of years and has failed horribly with wars and everything else. Science has come a very long way in a very short amount of time DESPITE the fact that religion fought it every step of the way until just very recently.
Lol, you couldn't give me a verbal smack across the face and you have no idea what I believe or disbelieve. The point is you don't get to tell people what to believe.

No I don't get to tell people what they MUST believe. I don't want to make it illegal to believe in god. I just want to wake people up. The same joy christians feel when they are spreading what they think is the truth, so do I. They truly feel religion is a good thing and I truly think it is bad. Christians haven't always been so nice as to not kill us for not believing. They've gotten better. Now they just threaten us with eternal damnation. So they aren't as bad as Muslims but they were just a few 100 years ago. And even if religion makes people feel good. A lie is a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. We didn't always have the freedom to say all religions are bullshit and there is no god. But theists have always been free to believe. That is unless they are believing in the wrong god, in which they will kill each other over it. So forgive me if I try to wake up one side of the problem. I'm not even going to try with the Muslims. They all take that shit very seriously like we use to. Today most Christians even understand the bible is filled with allegories and stories meant to teach a lesson. That's a step.

If someone comes up to me and asks me if I know where I'm going when I die, that gives me the right to tell them what I believe. And I'm sorry but telling someone they'll go to hell if they don't believe an unbelievable story sort of makes me want to speak my mind and call bullshit. And if enough people believe this it becomes a problem. And I think way too many Americans believe this. It is holding us back in so many ways. Instead of dealing with reality we're praying to a story people told 2000 plus years ago before we knew anything.

Just look at how Martin Luther and the CHristians treated a fellow theist back in the year 1600.

Giordano Bruno said the universe was bigger than what the bible said.

What did the church say? Do they not read Aristotle where you come from? Or even the Bible?

Bruno said, "I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority. Let us begin anew, by doubting everything we assume - has been proven."
What was the christian churches response? Heretic! Infidel! Then they killed him.

So for hundreds or thousands of years we were not allowed to question authority. Do you think a 2000 year old brainwashing is easy to wake up from? When your parents put it in your head from as far back as you can remember? With the threat of hell being thrown in? Can you see how easy it would be to brainwash our society just like the Muslims are being brainwashed with the same premise! An imaginary man does not exist. Believing it is bad for you. Stop it.

Oh sowwy, you don't wike being towd what to do.
blah, blah, blah the magazine wasn't mocking authority. It was simple printing bigoted trash.

I don't care if they post a picture of Jesus, Mohammad & Moses running a train on Sister Theresa. Are you theists so sensitive you'll kill if we offend your god(s)?

See what a harmful concept god is then? If I offend your god does it make you want to punish me? Should it be illegal to mock your cult? Hell, remember Westboro Baptist Church picketed at soldiers funerals? I'll have to admit I wouldn't have minded them getting killed even though I do like it that they had the freedom of speech. But I wouldn't have lost any sleep had someone offed those people. Probably similar to how Muslims aren't upset that these cartoonists got killed.

And watch TCT religious tv. I don't know if its the same where you live, but there is an Arab Chaldean Christian show on there where the guy DAILY mocks Islam. Should he be pulled off the air?
That's fine. It doesn't mean you aren't a divisive asshole that uses propaganda to belittle the beliefs of others.

Religions have had the benefit of brainwashing you all from the day you were old enough to hear the Moses, Jesus or Mohammad story. Which ever one you were told. Religion has a grip on our societies. They have an edge because people want to believe in god(s). And people are stupid. They need to see they're being stupid. So sorry if I give you a verbal smack across the face when I tell you that the god you believe in doesn't exist.

I believe this stupid thought is one way the ruling class holds us back. Watch the old and new Cosmos series and learn the history of religion and learn some science. In other words, time to wake up.

Religion is why we still have starving people on this planet. Religion has had thousands of years and has failed horribly with wars and everything else. Science has come a very long way in a very short amount of time DESPITE the fact that religion fought it every step of the way until just very recently.
Lol, you couldn't give me a verbal smack across the face and you have no idea what I believe or disbelieve. The point is you don't get to tell people what to believe.

No I don't get to tell people what they MUST believe. I don't want to make it illegal to believe in god. I just want to wake people up. The same joy christians feel when they are spreading what they think is the truth, so do I. They truly feel religion is a good thing and I truly think it is bad. Christians haven't always been so nice as to not kill us for not believing. They've gotten better. Now they just threaten us with eternal damnation. So they aren't as bad as Muslims but they were just a few 100 years ago. And even if religion makes people feel good. A lie is a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. We didn't always have the freedom to say all religions are bullshit and there is no god. But theists have always been free to believe. That is unless they are believing in the wrong god, in which they will kill each other over it. So forgive me if I try to wake up one side of the problem. I'm not even going to try with the Muslims. They all take that shit very seriously like we use to. Today most Christians even understand the bible is filled with allegories and stories meant to teach a lesson. That's a step.

If someone comes up to me and asks me if I know where I'm going when I die, that gives me the right to tell them what I believe. And I'm sorry but telling someone they'll go to hell if they don't believe an unbelievable story sort of makes me want to speak my mind and call bullshit. And if enough people believe this it becomes a problem. And I think way too many Americans believe this. It is holding us back in so many ways. Instead of dealing with reality we're praying to a story people told 2000 plus years ago before we knew anything.

Just look at how Martin Luther and the CHristians treated a fellow theist back in the year 1600.

Giordano Bruno said the universe was bigger than what the bible said.

What did the church say? Do they not read Aristotle where you come from? Or even the Bible?

Bruno said, "I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority. Let us begin anew, by doubting everything we assume - has been proven."
What was the christian churches response? Heretic! Infidel! Then they killed him.

So for hundreds or thousands of years we were not allowed to question authority. Do you think a 2000 year old brainwashing is easy to wake up from? When your parents put it in your head from as far back as you can remember? With the threat of hell being thrown in? Can you see how easy it would be to brainwash our society just like the Muslims are being brainwashed with the same premise! An imaginary man does not exist. Believing it is bad for you. Stop it.

Oh sowwy, you don't wike being towd what to do.
blah, blah, blah the magazine wasn't mocking authority. It was simple printing bigoted trash.

I don't care if they post a picture of Jesus, Mohammad & Moses running a train on Sister Theresa. Are you theists so sensitive you'll kill if we offend your god(s)?

See what a harmful concept god is then? If I offend your god does it make you want to punish me? Should it be illegal to mock your cult? Hell, remember Westboro Baptist Church picketed at soldiers funerals? I'll have to admit I wouldn't have minded them getting killed even though I do like it that they had the freedom of speech. But I wouldn't have lost any sleep had someone offed those people. Probably similar to how Muslims aren't upset that these cartoonists got killed.

And watch TCT religious tv. I don't know if its the same where you live, but there is an Arab Chaldean Christian show on there where the guy DAILY mocks Islam. Should he be pulled off the air?
No, I do not believe theists are that sensitive. Not sure what point you are trying to make. My point was that the crap that CH put out was divisive and juvenile.

If you believe otherwise, take up where they left off.
My relatives who live around a lot of Muslims in Dearborn, MI say they do hear about Muslims trying to force their way on the rest of us. I disagree. They think they just want their religious beliefs acknowledged as much as Christians. Christians admit they believe this is a Jewdao Christian nation. I say it is not. It is for Muslims and Atheists too. .

How cool is it, that the only reason you can make that claim, is because this is a Christian Nation and we, the Christians, recognize that you're endowed by your Creator with unalienable rights... which despite you being a reprehensible, offense people, in bearing the responsibilities that sustain our rights, we recognize, respect and defend your rights... as anti-theists and Muslims.

And this despite, the certainty that if the Muslim cult ever finds majority power, what ever remains of the Americans at that point will be forced to destroy them to the last man, woman and child... to prevent them from destroying US... and with our destruction... YOU.

What you're insufficiently equipped to understand, is that without the Christians on this earth, you the humanist cult would be eradicated, to the last female and feminized male.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

So Islam is 'The Biggest Bloke in the Bar"?

ROFLMNAO! Puhlease....

Islam is a cult of inbreds, who are succumbing to generations of dialing out genetic viability... and demonstrating the downside to dialing out genetic viability.

It's the same for Left who dial out economic viability, then blame those who have contested their efforts for the economic catastrophes that come in consequence. Just as it is the same for the Left's drive to dial out cultural viability through the attempt to normalize cognitive abnormalities, such as that which presents sexual abnormality... and blame that which succumbs to such, when the predictable catastrophe manifests.

It's just evil... that's all. And THAT as was witnessed in France yesterday, is what it does.

Pull back in an attempt to compromise with it and see what happens... My guess, knowing it as I do, is that compromise with evil begets more evil.

Islam is not my faith and I see a lot of Islam which makes me shudder, but it is a legitimate faith. Your portrayal of it is wrong. In France we saw some fanatics with a warped ideology with very little to do with Islam.


Islam is a political cult, disguised as a religion; OKA: Evil.

What you saw in France is common, garden variety Islam.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

So, according to your twisted logic. Anyone offended by your incessant trolling and idiotic comments should be allowed to knock your teeth out and kill you. Got it!
... christians... truly feel religion is a good thing and I truly think it is bad. Christians haven't always been so nice as to not kill us for not believing. They've gotten better. Now they just threaten us with eternal damnation.

Christians aren't threatening you with eternal damnation. LOL! Where do you get THAT?

Christians merely point out that you, as those who reject the existence of Nature's God, are eternally damned. That is simply a fact of nature.

So they aren't as bad as Muslims but they were just a few 100 years ago.

LOL! False... There is no period of human history, where Christians have ever murdered people in the name of Christ.

You're speaking of psychotics bent upon political power. That they claimed themselves Christians, is irrelevant.

They were not espousing the tenets of Christianity. But they were espousing the unprincipled nature of Humanism... while proclaiming the opposite of that.

In truth, Humanism, OKA: Anti-Theism is the single most lethal organism to humanity, in the history of humanity, second only to DISEASE.

Yet, here you are, a humanists, weeping and gnashing your tooth, over Christians and Christianity which represents absolutely no threat to you, what so ever, even as you and your Islamo-centric cult are a clear and present threat TO Christians... persecuting Christians all over the planet.
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

So Islam is 'The Biggest Bloke in the Bar"?

ROFLMNAO! Puhlease....

Islam is a cult of inbreds, who are succumbing to generations of dialing out genetic viability... and demonstrating the downside to dialing out genetic viability.

It's the same for Left who dial out economic viability, then blame those who have contested their efforts for the economic catastrophes that come in consequence. Just as it is the same for the Left's drive to dial out cultural viability through the attempt to normalize cognitive abnormalities, such as that which presents sexual abnormality... and blame that which succumbs to such, when the predictable catastrophe manifests.

It's just evil... that's all. And THAT as was witnessed in France yesterday, is what it does.

Pull back in an attempt to compromise with it and see what happens... My guess, knowing it as I do, is that compromise with evil begets more evil.

Islam is not my faith and I see a lot of Islam which makes me shudder, but it is a legitimate faith. Your portrayal of it is wrong. In France we saw some fanatics with a warped ideology with very little to do with Islam.


Islam is a political cult, disguised as a religion; OKA: Evil.

What you saw in France is common, garden variety Islam.

No: it's not OK at all. What you have said is nonsense.

The cartoonists were also not launching rockets into towns.

But feel free to start Jew Bashing, all you would need is some militant mormons and you would be able to jerk off to this thread.

No, the Cartoonists were routinely publishing racist and derogatory material.
So, according to your twisted logic. Anyone offended by your incessant trolling and idiotic comments should be allowed to knock your teeth out and kill you. Got it!

did you miss the part where I said these guys needed to be hunted down and prosecuted?

Okay, going to make it REALLY SIMPLE for you. If I walked into that hypothetical biker bar and made derogatory comments about Bikers, if they beat me up, THAT WOULD STILL BE A CRIME. They WOULD STILL BE PROSECUTED.

And it should be what I should expect if I provoked such a confrontation.

WHich is quite different than being on a message board that supposedly invites the free exchange of ideas in a discreet fashion.

At some point, the people that publish this magazine realized they weren't getting a rise out of the Catholics and moved on to the Muslims. And then they act surprised when their racist, derogatory cartoons get the result that everyone was expecting?
Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

So Islam is 'The Biggest Bloke in the Bar"?

ROFLMNAO! Puhlease....

Islam is a cult of inbreds, who are succumbing to generations of dialing out genetic viability... and demonstrating the downside to dialing out genetic viability.

It's the same for Left who dial out economic viability, then blame those who have contested their efforts for the economic catastrophes that come in consequence. Just as it is the same for the Left's drive to dial out cultural viability through the attempt to normalize cognitive abnormalities, such as that which presents sexual abnormality... and blame that which succumbs to such, when the predictable catastrophe manifests.

It's just evil... that's all. And THAT as was witnessed in France yesterday, is what it does.

Pull back in an attempt to compromise with it and see what happens... My guess, knowing it as I do, is that compromise with evil begets more evil.

Islam is not my faith and I see a lot of Islam which makes me shudder, but it is a legitimate faith. Your portrayal of it is wrong. In France we saw some fanatics with a warped ideology with very little to do with Islam.


They are not representative of the faith at large but you cannot divorce the terrorists there from the ideology that they use to justify their killing to themselves.

We ARE dealing with extreme Islamic groups. To deny their religious zealotry is just plain silly.
To point out the fact that it's idiocy and wrong to 'blame' Islam for acts of terror committed by criminals who happen to be Muslim is to neither condone those acts of terror nor to advocate that offensive speech in anyway be limited, curtailed, preempted, or restricted.
The Left's appeasement of Islamo Terrorism never ceases. You wag your finger at anyone who publishes a mockery of Mohammed or a Quran burn yet stand by idle when the Virgin Mary is made out of cow shit set up in an art gallery.

again, if you really think our problem with the Islamic world is about cartoons, you are deluded.

Back in 2011, there was a case where a gay man and his boyfriend decided to crash his father's church and tried to embarrass him, and he was upset when the deacons roughed him up. I didn't have much sympathy for that clown, either, much to the chagrin of the board liberals.

You provoke people intentionally, you should expect retaliation.

The Islamic world's problem is with a Free World.

Millions of Muslims live in free and democratic societies, peacefully participating in the democratic process, respecting the rights of their fellow citizens.

The acts of the criminal few are not representative of the majority.

"Criminals who happen to be Muslim".


It's just a coincidence.

The PC-protected religion must feel so warm and comfy here.

Hey, Mac, maybe you can walk into a working class bar, and then talk to the biggest, nastiest looking bloke in there and start making comments about his mother's sexual proclivities. When you get the expected results, you can then explain to him about your "right to offend".

Right after you use a dustpan to collect your teeth off the floor.

These murderers should be hunted down, prosecuted and punished.

But people should also show judgment and good taste in what to publish. They certainly shouldn't come whining to me that "Those people I went out of my way to offend came by and did something nasty to me!"

The Left's appeasement of Islamo Terrorism never ceases. You wag your finger at anyone who publishes a mockery of Mohammed or a Quran burn yet stand by idle when the Virgin Mary is made out of cow shit set up in an art gallery.
This is ridiculous, ignorant, and idiotic.

No one has sought to 'appease' terrorism, where observing First Amendment jurisprudence in no way constitutes 'appeasement.'

I guess that if a devout Christian goes nuts and takes his 17 automatic weapons into an abortion clinic, the PC Police would say, "well, he's a criminal who just happens to be a Christian and a gun enthusiast and a pro lifer. No connection, no connection, just a coincidence."

What an amazing, transparent pile of fucking bullshit.

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