Islamists and "the right to offend"

Those who buy into the PC myth only exhibit their ignorance of how a free and democratic society functions in the context of our Constitutional Republic; where citizens are at liberty to debate the issues and denounce that which they object to absent interference by politicians, government, or the courts – where such denunciations in no way manifest as 'political correctness' or a 'violation' of free speech or expression.
So you are saying that people who don't like what's happening to their civil rights have the Constitutional right to protest. These people have NO Constitutional right to take away my Constitutional right to live in peace nor to impinge on my freedom of movement. Nor to disrupt my brunch. Nor to destroy the businesses I frequent. Nor to steal from my business. Nor to burn my business. Right?
You ALWAYS leave out these facts when you constantly make excuses for sub-human violent behaviour.
Theyre not responsible..

Or im sorry....."directly responsible..."

But they should apologize
Mac!! Name a three decade period of time in American or world history with less violence than we have seen in the past 30 years. What you claim over and over again is that the PC police, over the past generation or so, have created an atmosphere of violence. Prove it.
My posts and opinions are rational, sincere, independent, civil and mature.

The reaction they prompt from dishonest people are always a very good sign indeed.

actually, the words most of us would use are pompous, self-righteous and delusional.


Okay, so here is what you said in post 171 on this thread: Yea dude its rational to blame a mass of protestors for the violent acts of a scintilla of a fraction of a percent.

And here's what I said in the thread YOU JUST POSTED. I'll await your spin and denials:

Post 238, where I describe how the PC Police (not the protestors) exacerbate the division:
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush. Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault. Despicable, but predictable.

Post 335, where I call the protestors a "drop in the bucket":
That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

Post 365, where I point out the environment the PC Police have created:
What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

Post 592, where I get as specific as I can so that you folks will quit distorting my point:
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people. This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history. We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

Post 693, where I specifically point out that the PC Police have created the environment again:
The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest. "I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

Post 719, where I SPECIFICALLY DEFINE what I mean by "fanning the flames" AGAIN:

This is what I consider "fanning the flames", and it has been going for decades before the Brown and Garner cases:
  • Hyphenated Americans, dividing Americans at every opportunity
  • Identity Politics, further dividing Americans
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans, enabling further wrongdoings
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Doing nothing to promote the healing of wounds while increasing animosities
Post 722, where I have to remind the PC Police of the above:
I have said on multiple occasions on this thread that this has been a process that has occurred and grown over decades. But I finally reached the conclusion that you and others clearly don't possess the intellectual capacity to grasp that.

Post 728, where I have to say it again:
You and yours have spent two generations fomenting and exacerbating division, animosity, and hatred between blacks & whites. And when all that anger predictably manifests, you don't have the balls to look in the mirror. Deflect all you want. Lie all you want. Not my problem.

Post 749, where I have to say it YET again
Actually, no, Joe. I have already pointed out that the shooter always holds primary responsibility, and that the macro culture you people have created and exacerbated is only secondary.
Last edited:
what mac didn't include was where all the ohter participants in that thread spanked him for his bullshit of trying to blame critics of the NYPD for what a crazy person did.
what mac didn't include was where all the ohter participants in that thread spanked him for his bullshit of trying to blame critics of the NYPD for what a crazy person did.

Deflection #1. Anyone else?



Okay, so here is what you said in post 171 on this thread: Yea dude its rational to blame a mass of protestors for the violent acts of a scintilla of a fraction of a percent.

And here's what I said in the thread YOU JUST POSTED. I'll await your spin and denials:

Post 238, where I describe how the PC Police (not the protestors) exacerbate the division:
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush. Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault. Despicable, but predictable.

Post 335, where I call the protestors a "drop in the bucket":
That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

Post 365, where I point out the environment the PC Police have created:
What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

Post 592, where I get as specific as I can so that you folks will quit distorting my point:
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people. This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history. We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

Post 693, where I specifically point out that the PC Police have created the environment again:
The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest. "I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

Post 719, where I SPECIFICALLY DEFINE what I mean by "fanning the flames" AGAIN:

This is what I consider "fanning the flames", and it has been going for decades before the Brown and Garner cases:
  • Hyphenated Americans, dividing Americans at every opportunity
  • Identity Politics, further dividing Americans
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans, enabling further wrongdoings
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Doing nothing to promote the healing of wounds while increasing animosities
Post 722, where I have to remind the PC Police of the above:
I have said on multiple occasions on this thread that this has been a process that has occurred and grown over decades. But I finally reached the conclusion that you and others clearly don't possess the intellectual capacity to grasp that.

Post 728, where I have to say it again:
You and yours have spent two generations fomenting and exacerbating division, animosity, and hatred between blacks & whites. And when all that anger predictably manifests, you don't have the balls to look in the mirror. Deflect all you want. Lie all you want. Not my problem.

Post 749, where I have to say it YET again
Actually, no, Joe. I have already pointed out that the shooter always holds primary responsibility, and that the macro culture you people have created and exacerbated is only secondary.
All the rationalizations in the world dont make that op any less spiteful and degenerate.

"Directly responsible."



Okay, so here is what you said in post 171 on this thread: Yea dude its rational to blame a mass of protestors for the violent acts of a scintilla of a fraction of a percent.

And here's what I said in the thread YOU JUST POSTED. I'll await your spin and denials:

Post 238, where I describe how the PC Police (not the protestors) exacerbate the division:
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush. Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault. Despicable, but predictable.

Post 335, where I call the protestors a "drop in the bucket":
That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

Post 365, where I point out the environment the PC Police have created:
What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

Post 592, where I get as specific as I can so that you folks will quit distorting my point:
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people. This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history. We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

Post 693, where I specifically point out that the PC Police have created the environment again:
The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest. "I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

Post 719, where I SPECIFICALLY DEFINE what I mean by "fanning the flames" AGAIN:

This is what I consider "fanning the flames", and it has been going for decades before the Brown and Garner cases:
  • Hyphenated Americans, dividing Americans at every opportunity
  • Identity Politics, further dividing Americans
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans, enabling further wrongdoings
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Doing nothing to promote the healing of wounds while increasing animosities
Post 722, where I have to remind the PC Police of the above:
I have said on multiple occasions on this thread that this has been a process that has occurred and grown over decades. But I finally reached the conclusion that you and others clearly don't possess the intellectual capacity to grasp that.

Post 728, where I have to say it again:
You and yours have spent two generations fomenting and exacerbating division, animosity, and hatred between blacks & whites. And when all that anger predictably manifests, you don't have the balls to look in the mirror. Deflect all you want. Lie all you want. Not my problem.

Post 749, where I have to say it YET again
Actually, no, Joe. I have already pointed out that the shooter always holds primary responsibility, and that the macro culture you people have created and exacerbated is only secondary.
All the rationalizations in the world dont make that op any less spiteful and degenerate.

"Directly responsible."


Heck, I was expecting better spin and/or deflection than that.

You lied about my opinion, and I proved that you lied.




Okay, so here is what you said in post 171 on this thread: Yea dude its rational to blame a mass of protestors for the violent acts of a scintilla of a fraction of a percent.

And here's what I said in the thread YOU JUST POSTED. I'll await your spin and denials:

Post 238, where I describe how the PC Police (not the protestors) exacerbate the division:
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush. Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault. Despicable, but predictable.

Post 335, where I call the protestors a "drop in the bucket":
That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

Post 365, where I point out the environment the PC Police have created:
What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

Post 592, where I get as specific as I can so that you folks will quit distorting my point:
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people. This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history. We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

Post 693, where I specifically point out that the PC Police have created the environment again:
The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest. "I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

Post 719, where I SPECIFICALLY DEFINE what I mean by "fanning the flames" AGAIN:

This is what I consider "fanning the flames", and it has been going for decades before the Brown and Garner cases:
  • Hyphenated Americans, dividing Americans at every opportunity
  • Identity Politics, further dividing Americans
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans, enabling further wrongdoings
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Doing nothing to promote the healing of wounds while increasing animosities
Post 722, where I have to remind the PC Police of the above:
I have said on multiple occasions on this thread that this has been a process that has occurred and grown over decades. But I finally reached the conclusion that you and others clearly don't possess the intellectual capacity to grasp that.

Post 728, where I have to say it again:
You and yours have spent two generations fomenting and exacerbating division, animosity, and hatred between blacks & whites. And when all that anger predictably manifests, you don't have the balls to look in the mirror. Deflect all you want. Lie all you want. Not my problem.

Post 749, where I have to say it YET again
Actually, no, Joe. I have already pointed out that the shooter always holds primary responsibility, and that the macro culture you people have created and exacerbated is only secondary.
All the rationalizations in the world dont make that op any less spiteful and degenerate.

"Directly responsible."


Heck, I was expecting better spin and/or deflection than that.

You lied about my opinion, and I proved that you lied.



"Directly responsible" is a direct quote.

You blamed the protestors directly in your op, and then went on to attempt to walk that backwards.

I hate snakes worse than liars

And youre a lying snake.

"Directly responsible" is a direct quote.

You blamed the protestors directly in your op, and then went on to attempt to walk that backwards.

I hate snakes worse than liars

And youre a lying snake.

Mac realized he sounded stupid when we all found out the shooter wasn't a member of the PC police, but just a crazy person with a long criminal history.


Okay, so here is what you said in post 171 on this thread: Yea dude its rational to blame a mass of protestors for the violent acts of a scintilla of a fraction of a percent.

And here's what I said in the thread YOU JUST POSTED. I'll await your spin and denials:

Post 238, where I describe how the PC Police (not the protestors) exacerbate the division:
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush. Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault. Despicable, but predictable.

Post 335, where I call the protestors a "drop in the bucket":
That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

Post 365, where I point out the environment the PC Police have created:
What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

Post 592, where I get as specific as I can so that you folks will quit distorting my point:
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people. This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history. We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

Post 693, where I specifically point out that the PC Police have created the environment again:
The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest. "I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

Post 719, where I SPECIFICALLY DEFINE what I mean by "fanning the flames" AGAIN:

This is what I consider "fanning the flames", and it has been going for decades before the Brown and Garner cases:
  • Hyphenated Americans, dividing Americans at every opportunity
  • Identity Politics, further dividing Americans
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans, enabling further wrongdoings
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Doing nothing to promote the healing of wounds while increasing animosities
Post 722, where I have to remind the PC Police of the above:
I have said on multiple occasions on this thread that this has been a process that has occurred and grown over decades. But I finally reached the conclusion that you and others clearly don't possess the intellectual capacity to grasp that.

Post 728, where I have to say it again:
You and yours have spent two generations fomenting and exacerbating division, animosity, and hatred between blacks & whites. And when all that anger predictably manifests, you don't have the balls to look in the mirror. Deflect all you want. Lie all you want. Not my problem.

Post 749, where I have to say it YET again
Actually, no, Joe. I have already pointed out that the shooter always holds primary responsibility, and that the macro culture you people have created and exacerbated is only secondary.
All the rationalizations in the world dont make that op any less spiteful and degenerate.

"Directly responsible."


Heck, I was expecting better spin and/or deflection than that.

You lied about my opinion, and I proved that you lied.



"Directly responsible" is a direct quote.

You blamed the protestors directly in your op, and then went on to attempt to walk that backwards.

I hate snakes worse than liars

And youre a lying snake.

Wrong, of course. Once you folks started lying about my position, I had to get specific so you'd stop.

Think what you will. All this emotion and dishonesty over my opinions show me I'm right on target.

Last edited:


Okay, so here is what you said in post 171 on this thread: Yea dude its rational to blame a mass of protestors for the violent acts of a scintilla of a fraction of a percent.

And here's what I said in the thread YOU JUST POSTED. I'll await your spin and denials:

Post 238, where I describe how the PC Police (not the protestors) exacerbate the division:
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush. Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault. Despicable, but predictable.

Post 335, where I call the protestors a "drop in the bucket":
That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

Post 365, where I point out the environment the PC Police have created:
What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

Post 592, where I get as specific as I can so that you folks will quit distorting my point:
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people. This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history. We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

Post 693, where I specifically point out that the PC Police have created the environment again:
The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest. "I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

Post 719, where I SPECIFICALLY DEFINE what I mean by "fanning the flames" AGAIN:

This is what I consider "fanning the flames", and it has been going for decades before the Brown and Garner cases:
  • Hyphenated Americans, dividing Americans at every opportunity
  • Identity Politics, further dividing Americans
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans, enabling further wrongdoings
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Doing nothing to promote the healing of wounds while increasing animosities
Post 722, where I have to remind the PC Police of the above:
I have said on multiple occasions on this thread that this has been a process that has occurred and grown over decades. But I finally reached the conclusion that you and others clearly don't possess the intellectual capacity to grasp that.

Post 728, where I have to say it again:
You and yours have spent two generations fomenting and exacerbating division, animosity, and hatred between blacks & whites. And when all that anger predictably manifests, you don't have the balls to look in the mirror. Deflect all you want. Lie all you want. Not my problem.

Post 749, where I have to say it YET again
Actually, no, Joe. I have already pointed out that the shooter always holds primary responsibility, and that the macro culture you people have created and exacerbated is only secondary.
All the rationalizations in the world dont make that op any less spiteful and degenerate.

"Directly responsible."


And by the way.

I notice you put "directly responsible" in quotes.

Where did I say the protesters were "directly responsible" for the shootings?


I think that thread angered you people so much because you know I'm right.

Hell, I'd be angry too, if I knew my actions contributed to this horrible environment.

Last edited:


Okay, so here is what you said in post 171 on this thread: Yea dude its rational to blame a mass of protestors for the violent acts of a scintilla of a fraction of a percent.

And here's what I said in the thread YOU JUST POSTED. I'll await your spin and denials:

Post 238, where I describe how the PC Police (not the protestors) exacerbate the division:
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush. Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault. Despicable, but predictable.

Post 335, where I call the protestors a "drop in the bucket":
That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

Post 365, where I point out the environment the PC Police have created:
What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

Post 592, where I get as specific as I can so that you folks will quit distorting my point:
The PC Police. Those who:
  1. Leverage strategic hypersensitivity to put their target on the defensive and control the debate
  2. Leverage Identity Politics to divide people into little opposing groups for political advantage
  3. Hyphenate Americans, pulling them apart even further instead of bringing them together
  4. Scream "racist" to divert away criticism from any non-conservative American Black
  5. Scream "racist" to avoid a hard look at any wrongs done by American Blacks
  6. Enable any bad behavior by Blacks by ignoring it, minimizing it, deflecting for it
  7. Refuse to challenge Black America to look in the mirror instead of pointing the finger
  8. Regularly engage in the soft bigotry of reduced expectations at every opportunity
  9. Purposely, aggressively, regularly and dishonestly conflate "racist" with "racial" to create advantage
Those people. This thread isn't about any single event or any single city or any single person. It's about the predictable cumulative effects of generations of a very destructive macro strategy, a strategy that has victimized Black Americans for the second time in this nation's history. We're witnessing the results of the culture they have created.

Post 693, where I specifically point out that the PC Police have created the environment again:
The PC Police create new animosities and exacerbate existing animosities with their non-stop PC, generation after generation, and then issue abject denials when those animosities predictably manifest. "I didn't cause that specific event", they'll shout, after they have so aggressively and proudly created the environment around that event.

Post 719, where I SPECIFICALLY DEFINE what I mean by "fanning the flames" AGAIN:

This is what I consider "fanning the flames", and it has been going for decades before the Brown and Garner cases:
  • Hyphenated Americans, dividing Americans at every opportunity
  • Identity Politics, further dividing Americans
  • Political Correctness
  • Screaming "you're a racist" whenever a Black American is criticized
  • Screaming "you're a racist" even when race is not part of the conversation
  • Ignoring/deflecting/spinning wrongdoings by Black Americans, enabling further wrongdoings
  • The soft bigotry of reduced expectations
  • Doing nothing to promote the healing of wounds while increasing animosities
Post 722, where I have to remind the PC Police of the above:
I have said on multiple occasions on this thread that this has been a process that has occurred and grown over decades. But I finally reached the conclusion that you and others clearly don't possess the intellectual capacity to grasp that.

Post 728, where I have to say it again:
You and yours have spent two generations fomenting and exacerbating division, animosity, and hatred between blacks & whites. And when all that anger predictably manifests, you don't have the balls to look in the mirror. Deflect all you want. Lie all you want. Not my problem.

Post 749, where I have to say it YET again
Actually, no, Joe. I have already pointed out that the shooter always holds primary responsibility, and that the macro culture you people have created and exacerbated is only secondary.
All the rationalizations in the world dont make that op any less spiteful and degenerate.

"Directly responsible."


And by the way.

I notice you put "directly responsible" in quotes.

Where did I say the protesters were "directly responsible" for the shootings?


I think that thread angered you people so much because you know I'm right.

Hell, I'd be angry too, if I knew my actions contributed to this horrible environment.


Say what?

Perhaps you didn't see post 187, where I pulled specific quotes from the very thread he posted to illustrate his lies.

But no, hardcore partisan ideologues have selective vision.

So, wrong, I didn't claim that was "different". Hardcore partisan ideologues also love to try straw men, dontcha.

You folks are proving my points, thanks. The more you bitch and lie, the more I know I'm right.

Dumbest argument ever.

Telling someone that they are proving your point for you. Claiming that someone calling you out on your bullshit is proof that you are right.

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