Islamists and "the right to offend"


The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

I do not have to "be Charlie" to condemn the killers. The killers are shits but the offensive cartoons were in no way tolerant. They were hateful and directed at Christians, Jews and Muslims, which was against freedom of religion/speech/thought.
Look at this thread. Get past page one....and nobody even addresses the OP. I wonder why?

Because all you theists are nuts.

I wonder if Christians side/agree more with Atheists or Muslims. I bet it all depends. If arguing whether god exists I notice Jews and Christians tend to team up against athiests but I wonder who Christians prefer, us or Muslims.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Trying to deflect back a few hundred years is weak, at best.


The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

I do not have to "be Charlie" to condemn the killers. The killers are shits but the offensive cartoons were in no way tolerant. They were hateful and directed at Christians, Jews and Muslims, which was against freedom of religion/speech/thought.

Not following you. Are you against the cartoons? I'm an atheist. Can you get any more offensive to a theist than to tell them the god they worship doesn't even exist? Muslims need to chill out like the Christians did sometime in the 1600's. Right around Galalaeo's time. It should be ok to make fun of someones religion. Why should they be off limits? Questioning authority should be a god given right. They're brainwashing people with what sounds very much like a fairy tale and I think all religions should be mocked.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Who's doing that? I'm just pointing out how irrational belief in god can be. I know lots of people who just believe in a generic god and don't think hell is real. They aren't murderers. They're just a different level of stupid or insane.

But I do thank you Christians for going from killing us Atheists to just telling us we're going to hell. That's why your religion is a better lie than the Muslim one that says kill all the non believers.

But don't forget your religion was doing that too 400 years ago. The Muslims in the Muslim world aren't as educated, civilized or evolved as us. I think they'll catch up some day when they become truly free from a government that is also a religion. Look how far we've come since free speech and free thought were first allowed by our governments who were also churches.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Trying to deflect back a few hundred years is weak, at best.


Your religion has come a long way. I wonder how long until you stop saying being gay is a sin?

I wonder if you'll drop that before the Muslims edit the Koran so it no longer says kill non believers.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Who's doing that? I'm just pointing out how irrational belief in god can be. I know lots of people who just believe in a generic god and don't think hell is real. They aren't murderers. They're just a different level of stupid or insane.

But I do thank you Christians for going from killing us Atheists to just telling us we're going to hell. That's why your religion is a better lie than the Muslim one that says kill all the non believers.

But don't forget your religion was doing that too 400 years ago. The Muslims in the Muslim world aren't as educated, civilized or evolved as us. I think they'll catch up some day when they become truly free from a government that is also a religion. Look how far we've come since free speech and free thought were first allowed by our governments who were also churches.
People of all religions should be murdered for ridiculing atheists.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Trying to deflect back a few hundred years is weak, at best.


Your religion has come a long way. I wonder how long until you stop saying being gay is a sin?

I wonder if you'll drop that before the Muslims edit the Koran so it no longer says kill non believers.


I'm a comfy agnostic.

I support gay marriage.

Wanna try again?


The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

I do not have to "be Charlie" to condemn the killers. The killers are shits but the offensive cartoons were in no way tolerant. They were hateful and directed at Christians, Jews and Muslims, which was against freedom of religion/speech/thought.

Not following you. Are you against the cartoons? I'm an atheist. Can you get any more offensive to a theist than to tell them the god they worship doesn't even exist? Muslims need to chill out like the Christians did sometime in the 1600's. Right around Galalaeo's time. It should be ok to make fun of someones religion. Why should they be off limits? Questioning authority should be a god given right. They're brainwashing people with what sounds very much like a fairy tale and I think all religions should be mocked.
That's fine. It doesn't mean you aren't a divisive asshole that uses propaganda to belittle the beliefs of others.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Who's doing that? I'm just pointing out how irrational belief in god can be. I know lots of people who just believe in a generic god and don't think hell is real. They aren't murderers. They're just a different level of stupid or insane.

But I do thank you Christians for going from killing us Atheists to just telling us we're going to hell. That's why your religion is a better lie than the Muslim one that says kill all the non believers.

But don't forget your religion was doing that too 400 years ago. The Muslims in the Muslim world aren't as educated, civilized or evolved as us. I think they'll catch up some day when they become truly free from a government that is also a religion. Look how far we've come since free speech and free thought were first allowed by our governments who were also churches.
People of all religions should be murdered for ridiculing atheists.

People of all religions are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist. I remember the day I realized Santa wasn't real. It would be nice to still believe in him but I grew up and can no longer believe the unbelievable.

And I can understand back in the 80's or even 90's before we had access to the internet. Do you see how un religious young adults are now a days? How can a religion convert anyone who hasn't already been brainwashed as a little child? The person would have to be real gullible. Because today they could go do the research people didn't have at their fingertips to learn the history of religion and all the problems with them. Hell, I wish I would have found when I was a teen ager. Would have saved me 40 years. Seriously. It took me 40 years to have the internet where I could go debunk religions and their claims.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.


Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Who's doing that? I'm just pointing out how irrational belief in god can be. I know lots of people who just believe in a generic god and don't think hell is real. They aren't murderers. They're just a different level of stupid or insane.

But I do thank you Christians for going from killing us Atheists to just telling us we're going to hell. That's why your religion is a better lie than the Muslim one that says kill all the non believers.

But don't forget your religion was doing that too 400 years ago. The Muslims in the Muslim world aren't as educated, civilized or evolved as us. I think they'll catch up some day when they become truly free from a government that is also a religion. Look how far we've come since free speech and free thought were first allowed by our governments who were also churches.
People of all religions should be murdered for ridiculing atheists.

People of all religions are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist. I remember the day I realized Santa wasn't real. It would be nice to still believe in him but I grew up and can no longer believe the unbelievable.

And I can understand back in the 80's or even 90's before we had access to the internet. Do you see how un religious young adults are now a days? How can a religion convert anyone who hasn't already been brainwashed as a little child? The person would have to be real gullible. Because today they could go do the research people didn't have at their fingertips to learn the history of religion and all the problems with them. Hell, I wish I would have found when I was a teen ager. Would have saved me 40 years. Seriously. It took me 40 years to have the internet where I could go debunk religions and their claims.
Who, exactly, has the right to murder anyone because they feel offended? Please be specific.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

I do not have to "be Charlie" to condemn the killers. The killers are shits but the offensive cartoons were in no way tolerant. They were hateful and directed at Christians, Jews and Muslims, which was against freedom of religion/speech/thought.

Not following you. Are you against the cartoons? I'm an atheist. Can you get any more offensive to a theist than to tell them the god they worship doesn't even exist? Muslims need to chill out like the Christians did sometime in the 1600's. Right around Galalaeo's time. It should be ok to make fun of someones religion. Why should they be off limits? Questioning authority should be a god given right. They're brainwashing people with what sounds very much like a fairy tale and I think all religions should be mocked.
That's fine. It doesn't mean you aren't a divisive asshole that uses propaganda to belittle the beliefs of others.

Religions have had the benefit of brainwashing you all from the day you were old enough to hear the Moses, Jesus or Mohammad story. Which ever one you were told. Religion has a grip on our societies. They have an edge because people want to believe in god(s). And people are stupid. They need to see they're being stupid. So sorry if I give you a verbal smack across the face when I tell you that the god you believe in doesn't exist.

I believe this stupid thought is one way the ruling class holds us back. Watch the old and new Cosmos series and learn the history of religion and learn some science. In other words, time to wake up.

Religion is why we still have starving people on this planet. Religion has had thousands of years and has failed horribly with wars and everything else. Science has come a very long way in a very short amount of time DESPITE the fact that religion fought it every step of the way until just very recently.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

A reminder...what happened to the dude who offended muslims with his video...and Obabble threw his ass in jail...never heard from since. Anyone talking about that?
Funny it wasn't long ago that Christians were burning people who disagreed with them. 1600 Giordano Bruno was killed by Martin Luther and the Christians.

All religions are bad. I want Christians to look at their retarded cousins the Muslims and realize what religion is. It's a lie. There is no god. When you realize why you reject all other gods and religions other than your own, you'll realize why I reject yours. Start going with what science knows. It is what will save us from perishing before our planet dies one day. It comes up with the cures for sicknesses. If anything religion holds us back (stem cell).

Give your religion the scientific test. Test it by experiment and observation, build on those ideas that pass the test, reject the ones that fail, follow the evidence wherever it leads and question everything. If you do this you can't possibly believe in a virgin birth, 600 year old people, living in a whales belly for 3 days, resurrections, talking snakes, miracles. The supernatural does not exist. Saying you've had a personal revelation means nothing to science and you should even question yourself. If you did you would know humans are flawed including you and who knows if you were dreaming or hallucinating or if you are crazy. I've heard these stories before. If that is all you have then that is pretty weak evidence. And typically that is all it takes for people to buy into the Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Jewish faiths.
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Who's doing that? I'm just pointing out how irrational belief in god can be. I know lots of people who just believe in a generic god and don't think hell is real. They aren't murderers. They're just a different level of stupid or insane.

But I do thank you Christians for going from killing us Atheists to just telling us we're going to hell. That's why your religion is a better lie than the Muslim one that says kill all the non believers.

But don't forget your religion was doing that too 400 years ago. The Muslims in the Muslim world aren't as educated, civilized or evolved as us. I think they'll catch up some day when they become truly free from a government that is also a religion. Look how far we've come since free speech and free thought were first allowed by our governments who were also churches.
People of all religions should be murdered for ridiculing atheists.

People of all religions are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist. I remember the day I realized Santa wasn't real. It would be nice to still believe in him but I grew up and can no longer believe the unbelievable.

And I can understand back in the 80's or even 90's before we had access to the internet. Do you see how un religious young adults are now a days? How can a religion convert anyone who hasn't already been brainwashed as a little child? The person would have to be real gullible. Because today they could go do the research people didn't have at their fingertips to learn the history of religion and all the problems with them. Hell, I wish I would have found when I was a teen ager. Would have saved me 40 years. Seriously. It took me 40 years to have the internet where I could go debunk religions and their claims.
Who, exactly, has the right to murder anyone because they feel offended? Please be specific.

Did I say that? No
To blame the wanton murder of civilians on all religions in this day and age is to ignore reality.

Who's doing that? I'm just pointing out how irrational belief in god can be. I know lots of people who just believe in a generic god and don't think hell is real. They aren't murderers. They're just a different level of stupid or insane.

But I do thank you Christians for going from killing us Atheists to just telling us we're going to hell. That's why your religion is a better lie than the Muslim one that says kill all the non believers.

But don't forget your religion was doing that too 400 years ago. The Muslims in the Muslim world aren't as educated, civilized or evolved as us. I think they'll catch up some day when they become truly free from a government that is also a religion. Look how far we've come since free speech and free thought were first allowed by our governments who were also churches.
People of all religions should be murdered for ridiculing atheists.

People of all religions are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist. I remember the day I realized Santa wasn't real. It would be nice to still believe in him but I grew up and can no longer believe the unbelievable.

And I can understand back in the 80's or even 90's before we had access to the internet. Do you see how un religious young adults are now a days? How can a religion convert anyone who hasn't already been brainwashed as a little child? The person would have to be real gullible. Because today they could go do the research people didn't have at their fingertips to learn the history of religion and all the problems with them. Hell, I wish I would have found when I was a teen ager. Would have saved me 40 years. Seriously. It took me 40 years to have the internet where I could go debunk religions and their claims.
Who, exactly, has the right to murder anyone because they feel offended? Please be specific.

Did I say that? No
Did I say you did? No.

The answer is, no one has the right to murder anyone - regardless of endless rants either for or against any religion. We agree. :)

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

I do not have to "be Charlie" to condemn the killers. The killers are shits but the offensive cartoons were in no way tolerant. They were hateful and directed at Christians, Jews and Muslims, which was against freedom of religion/speech/thought.

Not following you. Are you against the cartoons? I'm an atheist. Can you get any more offensive to a theist than to tell them the god they worship doesn't even exist? Muslims need to chill out like the Christians did sometime in the 1600's. Right around Galalaeo's time. It should be ok to make fun of someones religion. Why should they be off limits? Questioning authority should be a god given right. They're brainwashing people with what sounds very much like a fairy tale and I think all religions should be mocked.
That's fine. It doesn't mean you aren't a divisive asshole that uses propaganda to belittle the beliefs of others.

Religions have had the benefit of brainwashing you all from the day you were old enough to hear the Moses, Jesus or Mohammad story. Which ever one you were told. Religion has a grip on our societies. They have an edge because people want to believe in god(s). And people are stupid. They need to see they're being stupid. So sorry if I give you a verbal smack across the face when I tell you that the god you believe in doesn't exist.

I believe this stupid thought is one way the ruling class holds us back. Watch the old and new Cosmos series and learn the history of religion and learn some science. In other words, time to wake up.

Religion is why we still have starving people on this planet. Religion has had thousands of years and has failed horribly with wars and everything else. Science has come a very long way in a very short amount of time DESPITE the fact that religion fought it every step of the way until just very recently.
Lol, you couldn't give me a verbal smack across the face and you have no idea what I believe or disbelieve. The point is you don't get to tell people what to believe.
People of all religions are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist. I remember the day I realized Santa wasn't real. It would be nice to still believe in him but I grew up and can no longer believe the unbelievable.

And I can understand back in the 80's or even 90's before we had access to the internet. Do you see how un religious young adults are now a days? How can a religion convert anyone who hasn't already been brainwashed as a little child? The person would have to be real gullible. Because today they could go do the research people didn't have at their fingertips to learn the history of religion and all the problems with them. Hell, I wish I would have found when I was a teen ager. Would have saved me 40 years. Seriously. It took me 40 years to have the internet where I could go debunk religions and their claims.
The internet doesn't disprove God and religion is just man's interpretation. If you believe in a secular cause you are just as faithful as the theist.

The murderers in France sought to issue "consequences" to those who dared to offend them.

Here's an interesting piece on that: The Blame for the Charlie Hebdo Murders - The New Yorker

From the piece:

The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society.

I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic will take note.

Okay, doubtful, but I wonder.

A reminder...what happened to the dude who offended muslims with his video...and Obabble threw his ass in jail...never heard from since. Anyone talking about that?

What were the grounds? I don't remember.


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