Islamists call Cairo protest march as Egypt death toll mounts

Secularists V BELIEVERS.

We are having a rather similar battle in the USA, no?

Much of the world seems to find itself facing this civil strife between BELIEVERS and SECULARISTS.

At least in this country we tend to refrain from killing each other over it...... I for one don't want either side to win, don't see any good coming out of the one side or the other winning scenario. (In this country).

It could come, but I don't think religious fundamentalists against secularists are the whole story here: a lot of the right is simply traditionalist conservatives, rather than religious. Right? And indeed, we don't shoot it out or one side try to take over the whole government like Morsi did.

So far.

Thankfully the Westboro and National Alliance types are relatively small in number though the NA are dangerously radical.
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Egypt's Fate is in it's own hands. Which is how it should stay.

As far as our interests in Egypt, we are better off with those in power now. The Muslim Brotherhood was in control and were ousted. The Muslim Brotherhood can be tied to virtually every Islamist group ever created. Thus if they win out, and regain power we should CUT ALL TIES TO EGYPT INCLUDING OUR FINANCIAL AND MILITARY SUPPORT.

With all the unrest in the region, NO MAS, to any more military equipment.

All of this to me, is the Radicals attempting to take over the whole region. Thus reforming the old ties that went to War with Israel in the past. After they finish fighting among themselves, will they then turn to another War with Israel? I believe they will, but only after the Islamist gain majority control and then that area will have another Arab Israeli War.
Egypt's Fate is in it's own hands. Which is how it should stay.

As far as our interests in Egypt, we are better off with those in power now. The Muslim Brotherhood was in control and were ousted. The Muslim Brotherhood can be tied to virtually every Islamist group ever created. Thus if they win out, and regain power we should CUT ALL TIES TO EGYPT INCLUDING OUR FINANCIAL AND MILITARY SUPPORT.

With all the unrest in the region, NO MAS, to any more military equipment.

All of this to me, is the Radicals attempting to take over the whole region. Thus reforming the old ties that went to War with Israel in the past. After they finish fighting among themselves, will they then turn to another War with Israel? I believe they will, but only after the Islamist gain majority control and then that area will have another Arab Israeli War.

not so simple----even the fighting in Syria is not "ALL SYRIAN"-----Afghanistan broght
the "TALIBAN" (actually pakistanis seeking to set up a REAL SHARIAH CESSPIT)
and AL QUEIDA Egypt is---without a doubt-----developing an element of
JIHAD ADVENTURISTS think of the spill over Egypt does have a fairly p
powerful army----but don't expect them all to be ANTI-MORSI or anti
After they finish fighting among themselves, will they then turn to another War with Israel? I believe they will, but only after the Islamist gain majority control and then that area will have another Arab Israeli War.

Sure ---- and that is why we won't cut off aid even if the Muslim Brotherhood wins: we will try bribery, same as always. We don't contribute for THEM, we contribute for US.

Usually it works, of course. As now. So far.

It really wouldn't be in our interests for Islamists to drive Israelis into the sea and stop up the Suez Canal and sabotage all the Saudi and Iraqi oil fields, you know? Whatever it costs to hire the Egyptian military, we'll pay.

From the BBC live feed, whose on-site coverage today by mature reporters was frankly heroic --

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah says the kingdom stands with Egypt against "terrorism," and calls on Arabs to stand together against attempts to destabilise Egypt, Reuters reports.

So Irosie91 is quite right, perhaps, that taking over Saudi Arabia is a No. 1 priority generally of the fundamentalists all over, and since bin Laden tried it on, the Saudis well understand this.

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