Islamists March to Keep Christians from Voting in Egypt

You're dumb and full of conspiracy. No one in the Middle East is ready for a Calphite and in Islam it won't be restored according to their prophecies.

Its what they guy wanted before we got him. And he based it all on "Allah's Will"

If it makes you feel better that way to believe that smokescreen then go ahead

It's not a smokescreen at all. With words and actions, islamism tells us over and over that it is a totalitarian ideology that seeks dominion over all things.

On January 23, 2005, the former, and now very dead jihad superstar, (drum roll please), Jordanian terrorist leader Al-Zarqawi released an audiotape regarding the upcoming elections in Iraq. Zarqawi was, of course, an islamic terrorist kingpin and the undeniable head of the jihadi insurgency against the Allawi Government in Iraq. That's why his audiotape is of such significance.

Here is a major Islamic terrorist leader, telling us in his own words, directly, what he believes and what motivates his fight. And what does he say?

"We have declared a bitter war against the principle of democracy and all those who seek to enact it," the speaker, who was identified as Zarqawi, said in the tape posted on Sunday. "Candidates in elections are seeking to become demigods while those who vote for them are infidels. And with God as my witness, I have informed them (of our intentions)."

Let's examine some principles of democracy:

1) Freedom of Religion: The most basic, most cherished of our freedoms is a gigantic affront to the pious Muslim since there is only one God and only one religion: that which they say exists.

2) Rule of the People/Majority Rule: The basic tenet of Democracy, that the will of the majority carries sovereignty, is inherently offensive to the pious Muslim. Only the "Rule of God" (meaning the rule of people like Khomeni, Zarqawi and Bin Ladin) will be allowed.

3) Freedom of Expression: The very freedom of our minds arouses murderous hatred in the mind of the pious Muslim. Our ability to express ourselves, to debate, to argue, to agree, to disagree, is an affront to God in their eyes. Under their rule, no one will be allowed to express anything but Islamic thought.

4) Separation of Religion and State: There can be no secular state, since we are ordered by God to live under his laws. Thus, all secular states are inherently God-less and must be destroyed.

5) Formation of Political Parties: Our right to associate with like-minded individuals is nothing more than a sign of our decadence, our distance from God.

This is the world view directly from an Al-Queda leader. Notice the complete lack of the usual grievances about Israel, about Western colonialism, about the inequity of our bargaining position in the oil market. No, instead we are told directly that we are to be killed because of who and what we are, because of who and what we believe.
^^^^^ Got a :link: for your rant Poindexter??

You poor, angry wannabe convert. It seems you're just as angry and lacking in social skills as the angry, vile muhammud (swish), character claiming to hear voices while he diddled female children.
^^^^^^ Translation: "No I don't have a LINK for my idiotic bogus rant"............ :cool:

Translation for the goofy convert: "I'm an emotionally awkward, social misfit who is lacking in intelligence and awareness, thus, such a persona fits perfectly with a hateful, retrograde politico-religious ideology".
Personal attacks on me still doesn't cover up the fact you can't provide a LINK for your retarded rant.

But, then again, that's your typical MO here on the board............. :cool:
Personal attacks on me still doesn't cover up the fact you can't provide a LINK for your retarded rant.

But, then again, that's your typical MO here on the board............. :cool:

Your personal attacks reflect your inability to address the salient points. I find your silly neg repping and vile comments to be typical for the angry, social misfit convert, mo' (swish) groupies. :cool:
My oh my, aren't you special............. :lol:

Oh my, but aren't you befuddled.

I've typically found that people like you, (hateful, angry converts), are sorely lacking when confronted with the truth of the politico-religious ideology invented by mo' (swish).

It's convenient for goofy convert wannabes to adopt the "angry islamist" persona... as long as they can exploit the advantages of their Western lifestyles which protects them from any exposure to the islamism they pretend to further.

What a pathetic joke! :cool:
^^^^^^ Poor baby, having a bad day??.......... :lol:

It would seem that it is the mo' (swish) groupie who is having the bad day.

For all your childish hurt feelings and inadequacies, you are unable to even attempt addressing the thread topic.

How sad for you that you must endure the truth about the totalitarian politico-religious ideology invented by mo' (swish), a 7th century Arab warlord, thief and child diddler. How sad for you that you are utterly unprepared and equipped to defend the totalitarian ideology you have chosen to avoid living under. How sad for the rest of us that you're not embracing the ideology you converted to and chose to live in some third world islamist backwater. Instead, you chose to live under the protections of democracy.

What, no strength of conviction? How cowardly!
^^^^^^ Nurse Ratchet called and said it's time for your meds............ :lol: :lol:

Gee whiz. We see how unprepared you are to enter a thread and offer any meaningful commentary.

The mo' (swish), groupies seem to suffer from that syndrome.

And here you are, still unable to defend the violent, hateful ideology you converted to. How fortunate for you that no strength of conviction had allowed you to live in the West. But, how difficult it most be for you, having to endure the advantages of the Western lifestyle you exploit all the while pretending to be the "I'm a boiling cauldron if repressed rage and anger", goofy convert.

We're all impressed with the ( silly, pretentious, contrived), "angry islamist" persona. Really, we are. :cool:
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^^^^^^ that's so sweet of you to say Little Princess............. :lol:

How sad that you're unable to offer a relevant comment and instead, are forced to embarrass yourself with juvenile banter.

My experience is that mo' (swish) worshippers are unprepared to defend their totalitarian politico-religious ideology, especially those goofy converts who have sheltered themselves in their Western lifestyles. Thus, we see your babbling and inability to offer a relevant comment.

It is reported that the 'profit', (swish), said: (narrated Habib),

"Oh moslems, why didn't I get the smart people to worship me. Instead I got the angry, social misfits who are just like me"
^^^^^^ That was soo cute Hollie.......... :eusa_angel:

It's just a sad thing that goofy converts are so inept that they are left to stutter and mumble when confronted with the reality of their totalitarian politico-religious ideology.

It is interesting to note that the only theocratic, totalitarian states remaining are islamist ones. Throughout the islamist Middle East, religious minorities are under siege and may soon vanish due to persecution from islamism. There is no more hateful or intolerant an ideology than what was conceived in the twisted mind of mo' (swish).

Narrated ahmed - it was reported that the 'profit' said:

Oh moslems, you're such mindless cretins, you'll believe anything".

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