Isn't anti immigration Ted Cruz's father an illegal alien who helped murder JFK?

Yeah you are big on that all the same thing. Only one party nominated trump and they deserve all the ridicule, especially portraying themselves as the "family values" party. lol
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Voting for trump is stupidity squared.
Sorry I'm just done, never thought I would be this partisan.
we can go on with this all day.....the bottom line is 2 of the worst candidates in history were chosen to run.....both parties are to blame for who is in office now....
Both parties to blame? Bullshit. One party takes the blame period. Stop propping up the idiocy that is trump and the republican party that put this moron in charge of our country.
next time put a person on the ballet that is at least liked by the people,instead of the not well liked person put up, and trump would be back running his hotels...
Next time put a person on the ballot that is liked by the base=trump. F the republican party and f your false equivalence bullshit.
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Voting for trump is stupidity squared.
Sorry I'm just done, never thought I would be this partisan.
we can go on with this all day.....the bottom line is 2 of the worst candidates in history were chosen to run.....both parties are to blame for who is in office now....
Both parties to blame? Bullshit. One party takes the blame period. Stop propping up the idiocy that is trump and the republican party that put this moron in charge of our country.
next time put a person on the ballet that is at least liked by the people,instead of the not well liked person put up, and trump would be back running his hotels...
Next time put a person on the ballot that is liked by the base=trump. F the republican party and f your false equivalence bullshit.
And to be clear Hill beat Trump by 3,000,000 more votes. It was slightly over 500 electoral college members who voted Trump in. So it would appear she was likable enough to actual citizens.
people are stupid to think any politician from either party have any ethics....
Yeah you are big on that all the same thing. Only one party nominated trump and they deserve all the ridicule, especially portraying themselves as the "family values" party. lol
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Tainted by multiple accusations all investigated and proved to be false? So much for American values. "You are always guilty, even when proven innocent, if you disagree with me."
In the meantime, Trump himself on camera said as a rich man he was entitled to assault women and on radio he was entitled to walk in on naked teen girls. But, suddenly, that's not "tainted." It's funny how all self proclaimed morality and principle changes depending upon which team one identifies with.
once you have the taint it is hard to throw off,ask hillary,some of her own people dont like her....and i dont identify with either team,but then you havent been here long enough to know shit about anyone....
Just like Trump has a taint and many of his previous supporters no longer support him? Still I get your attack/point. Hillary was accused so many times that, despite her never being found guilty of anything, she must be guilty because of the number of accusations and your opinion is more valid than someone else because of the number of month's/years you've been posting. It's a ridiculous statement.
you insinuated that i support the republicans because apparently i identify with them,post least i believe you meant me since you quoted me......if you knew me you would see how ridiculous that is...i cant stand either party,i think trump is a fucking dipshit and i have no liking for the die hard party people on both sides.....hillary is tainted,if you dont believe that,that is your problem..... and the only taint trump has is he is a dipshit who doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut....
Yeah you are big on that all the same thing. Only one party nominated trump and they deserve all the ridicule, especially portraying themselves as the "family values" party. lol
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Tainted by multiple accusations all investigated and proved to be false? So much for American values. "You are always guilty, even when proven innocent, if you disagree with me."
In the meantime, Trump himself on camera said as a rich man he was entitled to assault women and on radio he was entitled to walk in on naked teen girls. But, suddenly, that's not "tainted." It's funny how all self proclaimed morality and principle changes depending upon which team one identifies with.
once you have the taint it is hard to throw off,ask hillary,some of her own people dont like her....and i dont identify with either team,but then you havent been here long enough to know shit about anyone....
Just like Trump has a taint and many of his previous supporters no longer support him? Still I get your attack/point. Hillary was accused so many times that, despite her never being found guilty of anything, she must be guilty because of the number of accusations and your opinion is more valid than someone else because of the number of month's/years you've been posting. It's a ridiculous statement.
you insinuated that i support the republicans because apparently i identify with them,post least i believe you meant me since you quoted me......if you knew me you would see how ridiculous that is...i cant stand either party,i think trump is a fucking dipshit and i have no liking for the die hard party people on both sides.....hillary is tainted,if you dont believe that,that is your problem..... and the only taint trump has is he is a dipshit who doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut....
I'm sorry if you interpreted it that way. It was not my intention. I merely responded to your statement. Hillary was tainted and she lost according roughly 530 electoral college members. According to a huge majority she was not tainted since she won 3,000,000 more votes. The question is, if someone falsely accuses you of a crime, or a thousand crimes, the "taint" comes from those who do not believe in the 'innocent until proven guilty' doctrine of this great country.
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Voting for trump is stupidity squared.
Sorry I'm just done, never thought I would be this partisan.
we can go on with this all day.....the bottom line is 2 of the worst candidates in history were chosen to run.....both parties are to blame for who is in office now....
Both parties to blame? Bullshit. One party takes the blame period. Stop propping up the idiocy that is trump and the republican party that put this moron in charge of our country.
next time put a person on the ballet that is at least liked by the people,instead of the not well liked person put up, and trump would be back running his hotels...
Next time put a person on the ballot that is liked by the base=trump. F the republican party and f your false equivalence bullshit.
Next time put a person on the ballot that is liked by the base=trump
i did not like trump from day one,so you are talking to the wrong person,i never backed the jerk...........
F the republican party
couldnt agree more....
and f your false equivalence bullshit.
might be to you,but it aint for me and countless others out there...a better candidate by the democrats,and trump would be back running his hotels....
people are stupid to think any politician from either party have any ethics....
Yeah you are big on that all the same thing. Only one party nominated trump and they deserve all the ridicule, especially portraying themselves as the "family values" party. lol
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Tainted by multiple accusations all investigated and proved to be false? So much for American values. "You are always guilty, even when proven innocent, if you disagree with me."
In the meantime, Trump himself on camera said as a rich man he was entitled to assault women and on radio he was entitled to walk in on naked teen girls. But, suddenly, that's not "tainted." It's funny how all self proclaimed morality and principle changes depending upon which team one identifies with.
once you have the taint it is hard to throw off,ask hillary,some of her own people dont like her....and i dont identify with either team,but then you havent been here long enough to know shit about anyone....
Just like Trump has a taint and many of his previous supporters no longer support him? Still I get your attack/point. Hillary was accused so many times that, despite her never being found guilty of anything, she must be guilty because of the number of accusations and your opinion is more valid than someone else because of the number of month's/years you've been posting. It's a ridiculous statement.

I have joined that group of non supporters.Till a couple days ago,I was behind him,no more.I was hoping he was going to be our first real president since JFK.No such luck.
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Tainted by multiple accusations all investigated and proved to be false? So much for American values. "You are always guilty, even when proven innocent, if you disagree with me."
In the meantime, Trump himself on camera said as a rich man he was entitled to assault women and on radio he was entitled to walk in on naked teen girls. But, suddenly, that's not "tainted." It's funny how all self proclaimed morality and principle changes depending upon which team one identifies with.
once you have the taint it is hard to throw off,ask hillary,some of her own people dont like her....and i dont identify with either team,but then you havent been here long enough to know shit about anyone....
Just like Trump has a taint and many of his previous supporters no longer support him? Still I get your attack/point. Hillary was accused so many times that, despite her never being found guilty of anything, she must be guilty because of the number of accusations and your opinion is more valid than someone else because of the number of month's/years you've been posting. It's a ridiculous statement.
you insinuated that i support the republicans because apparently i identify with them,post least i believe you meant me since you quoted me......if you knew me you would see how ridiculous that is...i cant stand either party,i think trump is a fucking dipshit and i have no liking for the die hard party people on both sides.....hillary is tainted,if you dont believe that,that is your problem..... and the only taint trump has is he is a dipshit who doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut....
I'm sorry if you interpreted it that way. It was not my intention. I merely responded to your statement. Hillary was tainted and she lost according roughly 530 electoral college members. According to a huge majority she was not tainted since she won 3,000,000 more votes. The question is, if someone falsely accuses you of a crime, or a thousand crimes, the "taint" comes from those who do not believe in the 'innocent until proven guilty' doctrine of this great country.
I'm sorry
no problems things like this happen all the time.....
and according to the many threads here about those 3 million votes......a hell of a lot of those voters here anyway,said they did not like hillary at all for whatever reason,but they voted for her because they could not stand trump even more,the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....that was a common theme through the election here in many threads....and far as that taint goes,thats just the way it is,many people will believe what is told to them,in hillaries case i think much of her taint comes from her husband bill because the guy is a dirtbag and his taint falls on her.....
Yeah you are big on that all the same thing. Only one party nominated trump and they deserve all the ridicule, especially portraying themselves as the "family values" party. lol
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Tainted by multiple accusations all investigated and proved to be false? So much for American values. "You are always guilty, even when proven innocent, if you disagree with me."
In the meantime, Trump himself on camera said as a rich man he was entitled to assault women and on radio he was entitled to walk in on naked teen girls. But, suddenly, that's not "tainted." It's funny how all self proclaimed morality and principle changes depending upon which team one identifies with.
once you have the taint it is hard to throw off,ask hillary,some of her own people dont like her....and i dont identify with either team,but then you havent been here long enough to know shit about anyone....
Just like Trump has a taint and many of his previous supporters no longer support him? Still I get your attack/point. Hillary was accused so many times that, despite her never being found guilty of anything, she must be guilty because of the number of accusations and your opinion is more valid than someone else because of the number of month's/years you've been posting. It's a ridiculous statement.
you insinuated that i support the republicans because apparently i identify with them,post least i believe you meant me since you quoted me......if you knew me you would see how ridiculous that is...i cant stand either party,i think trump is a fucking dipshit and i have no liking for the die hard party people on both sides.....hillary is tainted,if you dont believe that,that is your problem..... and the only taint trump has is he is a dipshit who doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut....
.. and the only taint trump has is he is a dipshit who doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut...

If you believe that then it’s you who is the dipsh!t.
You know that.
Yeah you are big on that all the same thing. Only one party nominated trump and they deserve all the ridicule, especially portraying themselves as the "family values" party. lol

Please note that Trump won our parties nomination with a plurality of the votes not the majority.

That means more of us voted against him as a candidate than voted for him.

Thank you.

You mean a bunch of illegal aliens and dead people?

They don't count.

So once Trump uncovered the fact that Cruz’s father participated in the murder of JFK then why hasn’t Cruz’s father been arrested?
If Hillary can be investigated over emails


Cruz can be investigated over murdering a president. After all the information came from Trump.
Yeah you are big on that all the same thing. Only one party nominated trump and they deserve all the ridicule, especially portraying themselves as the "family values" party. lol

Please note that Trump won our parties nomination with a plurality of the votes not the majority.

That means more of us voted against him as a candidate than voted for him.

Thank you.

You mean a bunch of illegal aliens and dead people?

They don't count.
You’re right. They don’t count. In fact, they didn’t even vote.
you are right,but that other party nominated perhaps the most tainted candidate maybe in history....that was pretty stupid....
Tainted by multiple accusations all investigated and proved to be false? So much for American values. "You are always guilty, even when proven innocent, if you disagree with me."
In the meantime, Trump himself on camera said as a rich man he was entitled to assault women and on radio he was entitled to walk in on naked teen girls. But, suddenly, that's not "tainted." It's funny how all self proclaimed morality and principle changes depending upon which team one identifies with.
once you have the taint it is hard to throw off,ask hillary,some of her own people dont like her....and i dont identify with either team,but then you havent been here long enough to know shit about anyone....
Just like Trump has a taint and many of his previous supporters no longer support him? Still I get your attack/point. Hillary was accused so many times that, despite her never being found guilty of anything, she must be guilty because of the number of accusations and your opinion is more valid than someone else because of the number of month's/years you've been posting. It's a ridiculous statement.
you insinuated that i support the republicans because apparently i identify with them,post least i believe you meant me since you quoted me......if you knew me you would see how ridiculous that is...i cant stand either party,i think trump is a fucking dipshit and i have no liking for the die hard party people on both sides.....hillary is tainted,if you dont believe that,that is your problem..... and the only taint trump has is he is a dipshit who doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut....
.. and the only taint trump has is he is a dipshit who doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut...

If you believe that then it’s you who is the dipsh!t.
You know that.
so you dont think trump is a dipshit?:....are you going to start liking the guy now?....
Ted Cruz’s family history complicates his immigration fear-mongering

Cruz’s father emigrated legally from Cuba to the US (though he does admit a family friend bribed an official for an exit permit) in 1957 to attend the University of Texas.

When his student visa ran out, he received political asylum from the US, a policy widely applied to Cubans in an effort to combat Castro’s socialist regime—soon, any Cuban who could get to the US and stay one year would receive permanent residency.


Just the fact bribery was involved to get Cruz's father here makes him an illegal.

Then he lied about fighting Castro.

And, according President Trump, Cruz's father participated in the murder of JFK.

Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin

Why does Ted get a pass when his father was an illegal alien and an assassin? Anyone?


Can you lefties lie any more? Trump never said his father assassinated anyone. All he did was point out that his father appeared to be near Oswald when he was shot, and asked what he was doing there.

If Cruz’s father emigrated legally, then what does it have to do with illegal immigration?

Oh that’s right, nothing. But we need another propaganda piece against President Trump.
Ted Cruz’s family history complicates his immigration fear-mongering

Cruz’s father emigrated legally from Cuba to the US (though he does admit a family friend bribed an official for an exit permit) in 1957 to attend the University of Texas.

When his student visa ran out, he received political asylum from the US, a policy widely applied to Cubans in an effort to combat Castro’s socialist regime—soon, any Cuban who could get to the US and stay one year would receive permanent residency.


Just the fact bribery was involved to get Cruz's father here makes him an illegal.

Then he lied about fighting Castro.

And, according President Trump, Cruz's father participated in the murder of JFK.

Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin

Why does Ted get a pass when his father was an illegal alien and an assassin? Anyone?


Can you lefties lie any more? Trump never said his father assassinated anyone. All he did was point out that his father appeared to be near Oswald when he was shot, and asked what he was doing there.

If Cruz’s father emigrated legally, then what does it have to do with illegal immigration?

Oh that’s right, nothing. But we need another propaganda piece against President Trump.
What is wrong with your kind?

If Cruz's father had to pay a bribe to get here, then it wasn't legal. HE TOLD US he paid the bribe.

That makes him an illegal alien.

And if Trump brought up again and again there was a connection between Cruz's father and JFK's assassination then shouldn't it be investigated?
Hillary was investigated over emails.
Trump said Obama wiretapped.

Why not investigate the Cruz/JFK assassination connection? Trump brought it up again and again for a reason. What is it he knows?
Oh brother. Not this crap again.
I don't know what is what concerning that, nor does anyone else, but regardless I sure would hate to be held responsible for things my parents may have done.
I don't know what is what concerning that, nor does anyone else, but regardless I sure would hate to be held responsible for things my parents may have done.
Unless your name is Obama.

Then it's OK.

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