isnt any different between all of moslem?

barring ________ moslem from entering your country

  • Ban very religious Muslims

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Ban regular Muslims

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban all Muslims

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • Ban no Muslims

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
Iran human rights abuses of women, children worsen amid Obama nuclear talks

Last year, several women in the Iranian city of Isfahan were severely burned in acid attacks. The women were rumored to have been targeted for not being properly veiled.
Meanwhile, children are subject to the death penalty in Iran, and the rate of executions of minors has increased in the past two years under “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani, according to Human Rights Watch.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in his report to the United Nations General Assembly this year, said at least 160 children are serving time on Iran’s death row.

In addition, tens of thousands of children, both Iranian nationals and undocumented immigrants, are forced into prostitution in Iran, say government and nonprofit human rights researchers.

But according to the latest Human Rights Report released by the Department of State, the Iranian government has done little to improve the plight of women and children.

“The government took few steps to investigate, prosecute, punish, or otherwise hold accountable officials, whether in the security services or elsewhere in the government, who committed abuses. Impunity remained pervasive throughout all levels of the governmentand security forces,” the State Department report reads.

The United Nations in 2011 appointed a special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, but rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed has not been allowed to enter the country to conduct reviews...

Iran human rights abuses of women, children worsen amid Obama nuclear talks
they are just kurdish girl . and they are dancing in wedding party
they are just kurdish girl . and they are dancing in wedding party

So what's your plan since the jihadis are worthless excrement and the poor kurd girls would be taken as sex slaves and beaten by these animals. Shia would do the same to these girls. Shia just as worthless as the jihadis. One would think that after 1400 years of murder, rape, pillage that the ME would accidentally back into the enlightenment era.

ONE WOULD THINK. 1400 years later the USA would get the hell out of the mid east and mind our own damn business and leave these people the hell alone.

all of middle east isnt hell
iran is safe more than usa and paris
iran is heaven


Unless you're gay.
One would think that stories like this, which make it so abundantly clear that gays face persecution and death under Sharia, would lead gay groups in the United States to support anti-Sharia laws. But they don’t, of course, preferring instead to side with the oppressor.

Iran, by using proxies leads the world in terrorism


My apologies for the pic of the man hanged for being homosexual, and for the lack of a warning.

Never be sorry for the truth
Well, I am in breach of the rules it seems

Mod Edit - please don't post morbid or graphic images, post a link with a warning.
ONE WOULD THINK. 1400 years later the USA would get the hell out of the mid east and mind our own damn business and leave these people the hell alone.

all of middle east isnt hell
iran is safe more than usa and paris
iran is heaven


Unless you're gay.
One would think that stories like this, which make it so abundantly clear that gays face persecution and death under Sharia, would lead gay groups in the United States to support anti-Sharia laws. But they don’t, of course, preferring instead to side with the oppressor.

Iran, by using proxies leads the world in terrorism
iran just support hezbolah and hamas.another is big lie propganda keep right on saying that, I for one am not buying your fairy tales about Iran.

You're also not documenting your own. As was just noted.

Let me see if I can translate -- do you mean:

Choice 1: Ban "radical Muslims"
Choice 2: Ban "regular Muslims"
Choice 3: Ban ALL Mulims
Choice 4: Ban NO Muslims​


The problem is that we cant tell the good ones from he bad ones when they enter the USA.

Grape analogy: If you have a bowl of 1000 grapes and you know that 20 contain poison that will kill you, would you just grab a handful and eat them?
People are not grapes. People should be held responsible for their own acts, not the acts of others. When we hold the many responsible for the acts of the few, then those few will become the many and our worst nightmares will become reality.
Human Rights Watch:

Although Iran elected a moderate candidate, Hassan Rouhani, to be president in 2013, the country has seen no significant improvements in human rights. Repressive elements within the security and intelligence forces and the judiciary retain wider powers and continue to be the main perpetrators of rights abuses. In 2014 Iran had the second highest number of executions in the world after China, and executed the largest number of juvenile offenders. The country remains one of the biggest jailers in the world of journalists, bloggers, and social media activists. Prominent opposition figures Mir Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard, and Mehdi Karroubi, held without charge or trial since February 2011, remain under house arrest.

93 % of death penalty is for drug dealer
Are these whores or virgins?

they are just kurdish girl . and they are dancing in wedding party
Are these whores or virgins?

they are just kurdish girl . and they are dancing in wedding party

So what's your plan since the jihadis are worthless excrement and the poor kurd girls would be taken as sex slaves and beaten by these animals. Shia would do the same to these girls. Shia just as worthless as the jihadis. One would think that after 1400 years of murder, rape, pillage that the ME would accidentally back into the enlightenment era.

sorry for bad english
1:what is your source?
propaganda from israel lobbyist media and suidi arabia money ?
slavery is forbideen in shia
kurdish are iranian too.iran have 10 million+ kurd.
AND THEY LIVING IN MUST STATES OF IRAN.half of them are shia and half of them are sunni
my uncle married with kurd

When are you guys going to test your nuke?
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
A 3-Minute Video Tells You What Iranians Really Think Of America

And lest we forget, the Basij:

Iran’s Brutality: Women and Children First

...During the eight year Iran-Iraq war, Tehran very quickly learned its army was no match for Iraq’s. When Iraqi minefields began claiming Iranian soldiers, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini concocted a scheme to reduce these losses. He encouraged Iranian children to volunteer for a special force known as the Basiji. Lightly armed but more often unarmed to avoid the loss of weapons, the Basiji were trained to form human waves to march through Iraqi minefields towards the enemy. This process—through the sheer loss of numbers of children—eventually cleared a minefield, providing Iran’s professional soldiers an unencumbered approach route to Iraqi defenses.

Most of these children were illiterate and from poor families in the countryside. Often, their only asset prior to enthusiastically sacrificing their lives was a plastic key given to each young martyr—told by his Basiji trainer, it was to open the gates of paradise in the afterlife.

Khomeini ordered 500,000 plastic keys from Taiwan for this purpose. During the war, he sent 450,000 children to the front. This “man of the cloth” undoubtedly found it more wasteful to have ordered 50,000 extra keys than to have ordered tens of thousands of innocent children to their deaths.

Islamic extremist logic came into play during the war when some believers became concerned the childrens’ bodies were either being vaporized by the mines or body parts were being strewn about the battlefield. Not to be deterred by these concerns, the logic applied was the children were instructed to wrap themselves in blankets beforehand so their bodies would remain intact...

Iran's Brutality: Women and Children First | Human Events
they are just kurdish girl . and they are dancing in wedding party
they are just kurdish girl . and they are dancing in wedding party

So what's your plan since the jihadis are worthless excrement and the poor kurd girls would be taken as sex slaves and beaten by these animals. Shia would do the same to these girls. Shia just as worthless as the jihadis. One would think that after 1400 years of murder, rape, pillage that the ME would accidentally back into the enlightenment era.

sorry for bad english
1:what is your source?
propaganda from israel lobbyist media and suidi arabia money ?
slavery is forbideen in shia
kurdish are iranian too.iran have 10 million+ kurd.
AND THEY LIVING IN MUST STATES OF IRAN.half of them are shia and half of them are sunni
my uncle married with kurd

When are you guys going to test your nuke?
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british


MOD EDIT - image removed, please don't post graphic or morbid images, post a link with a warning.
Last edited by a moderator:
So what's your plan since the jihadis are worthless excrement and the poor kurd girls would be taken as sex slaves and beaten by these animals. Shia would do the same to these girls. Shia just as worthless as the jihadis. One would think that after 1400 years of murder, rape, pillage that the ME would accidentally back into the enlightenment era.

sorry for bad english
1:what is your source?
propaganda from israel lobbyist media and suidi arabia money ?
slavery is forbideen in shia
kurdish are iranian too.iran have 10 million+ kurd.
AND THEY LIVING IN MUST STATES OF IRAN.half of them are shia and half of them are sunni
my uncle married with kurd

When are you guys going to test your nuke?
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.
Last edited by a moderator:
sorry for bad english
1:what is your source?
propaganda from israel lobbyist media and suidi arabia money ?
slavery is forbideen in shia
kurdish are iranian too.iran have 10 million+ kurd.
AND THEY LIVING IN MUST STATES OF IRAN.half of them are shia and half of them are sunni
my uncle married with kurd

When are you guys going to test your nuke?
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.

You're messing with an apologist, Deltex
When are you guys going to test your nuke?
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.

You're messing with an apologist, Deltex[/QUOTE]
my english isnt good. i dont understand (You're messing with an apologist, Deltex)
what is deltex
When are you guys going to test your nuke?
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.

You're messing with an apologist, Deltex
I prefer the term "confronting".........yo.
When are you guys going to test your nuke?
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.

You're messing with an apologist, Deltex
my english isnt good. i dont understand (You're messing with an apologist, Deltex)
what is deltex
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.

You're messing with an apologist, Deltex
I prefer the term "confronting".........yo.

I suspect you'll be spinning your wheels
nuclear weapon?
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.

You're messing with an apologist, Deltex
my english isnt good. i dont understand (You're messing with an apologist, Deltex)
what is deltex

A Deltex is a patriotic American and someone I admire a great deal
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.

You're messing with an apologist, Deltex
I prefer the term "confronting".........yo.

I suspect you'll be spinning your wheels
Only long enough to run her over...
You said you are Iranian. Your country wants nuke weapons. Are you going to lie and say no?
we dont want nuclear weapon.
because we are aryan.we arent british

You sure found those pictures in a hurry.

You're messing with an apologist, Deltex
my english isnt good. i dont understand (You're messing with an apologist, Deltex)
what is deltex

A Deltex is a patriotic American and someone I admire a great deal

And that ^^ should tell you a lot. As we say in English, "consider the source".

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