isnt any different between all of moslem?

barring ________ moslem from entering your country

  • Ban very religious Muslims

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Ban regular Muslims

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban all Muslims

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • Ban no Muslims

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
This is something the Muslim world needs to consider, a governing body that represents authority over all and is responsible for creating a charter or dictates that ALL Muslims follow, and why not?
The Quran is the immutable word of Allah. That's a tricky issue to get around. Have you read the Quran?

Double Standard fallacy.

We've done that, over and over. Most recently in another thread here -- post 76.
sorry for bad english
1:what is your source?
propaganda from israel lobbyist media and suidi arabia money ?
slavery is forbideen in shia
kurdish are iranian too.iran have 10 million+ kurd.
AND THEY LIVING IN MUST STATES OF IRAN.half of them are shia and half of them are sunni
my uncle married with kurd

Shiite Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, member of Iran's Assembly of Experts, declaring the permissibly of slavery in modern times

Why don't people know their own religion?

Slavery was only technically outlawed in 1965, but there is evidence in practice that it is still a massive operation across the muslim world.

We have heard sermons and seen television in recent years that tell muslims to make slaves of non-muslim. We have seen stories in the news of non-muslim forced into slavery.

Globally slavery should be criminal but it is still far too prevalent. Even muslims in the US have been charged with slavery.
basterd radical sunni salafi believed slavery.
slavery is forbidden in iran too
i dont like mesbah yazdi too.
i can find english quote from him
but he dont like slavery too
mesbah yazdi: rule of slavery, in koran is for destroying slavely system

Does not matter if you like him, he is the authority at least in 2007 or 2008, he was speaking of slavery being permitted. If you can't find a quote in english go to farsi or arabic or find him on youtube or maybe MEMRI.

The fact is slavery still exists

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Iran

Episode 70: Race, Slavery & Abolition in Iran | 15 Minute History

Islamic fundamentalism and the sex slave trade in Iran

Iran Politics Club: History of Slavery in Iran Started with Islam! - Ahreeman X

Iran Chamber Society: Iranian Society: Iran's Trafficking of Persons, Especially Women and Children

Muhammad’s Example Shapes Islamic State on Sex Slavery

just because it was "supposed" to be abolished does not mean there is no more slavery in Iran or the rest of the muslim world.

Till 50 yrs ago, slavery was still "legal". Too many muslim seem to believe it still is or should be.
I can't find that much in english.....

On the issue of slavery Mesbah Yazdi said

Today, too, if there’s a war between us and the infidels, we’ll take slaves. The ruling on slavery hasn’t expired and is eternal. We’ll take slaves and we’ll bring them to the world of Islam and have them stay with Muslims. We’ll guide them, make them Muslims and then return them to their countries.

In a lecture that was released on 15 February 2006, Mohsen Ghorourian who is a well-known student of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi said that using atomic bomb has religious legitimacy.

Like many prominent Shia clergies, he supports non-literal interpretations of various verses of the Qur''an and narrations attributed to the Prophet and his followers. Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi opposes bida''a or innovations in religion which he believes includes new interpretations of the Sunna and Qur''an. He has been quoted as saying: "If someone tells you he has a new interpretation of Islam, sock him in the mouth."

In August 2009 he is reported to have warned Iranian opposition groups against undermining supreme leader Ali Khamenei, stating,

"When the president is endorsed by the leader, obeying him is similar to obedience to God."

Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi has been described as "affiliated" with the Hojjatieh group. Ayatollah denies this and denounced the rumor, saying that if anyone finds a connection between him and Hojjatieh, he will renounce everything he stands for. Ayatollah Khomeini actually frowned on the Hojjatieh and the group was nominally dissolved in 1983, yet they secretly continued to maintain and strengthen their network.

Quotes by Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi
  • "If someone tells you he has a new interpretation of Islam, sock him in the mouth."
  • "The real and precious knowledge is the one that culminates in God fearing."
  • "If it is impossible to uncover the hypocrites faces other than through sacrificing our souls, therefore we are supposed to do so."(In Persian)
  • "We should know that 1,400 years ago the Koran said that the enemies of Islam will always fight while chanting peace-seeking slogans."
  • "Islam cannot accept that a group of people congregate and decide to initiate laws for themselves" (Ettela''at, 1 Oct. 1993)
  • " ...when protecting Islam and the Muslim `Ummah depends on martyrdom operations, it not only is allowed, but even is an obligation...<<
Iranian Culturebase : Person(Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi/)
Last edited:

I've been home a short time, read more than 40 threads, and managed to find information and links in english for this topic
It has been a very long hard day and I just took something for a migraine. Why is it so hard for other posters to find factual information?
I understand not everything is in english where the middle east and muslim topics are concerned, but there is still a lot out there.

There are people here that spend more time arguing, denying when told something and demanding links and information than anything else It seems people are intentionally ignorant and lazy sometimes. You don't have to wait for others to spoon feed you, do your own reading and research, pro and con.
sorry for bad english.
when i was 11.i visited copenhagen .i have uncle in denmark
when i was walking first time in street.i shoked and panic .
i saw more than 40 burke woman in street.i didnt saw burke woman in my country for all of mylife.
im from islamic republic of iran
im 28 now and maybe i saw 10 burke woman in my city

Iranian women warned about wearing chador - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iranian actress rejects chador, storms off show

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do

Sotoudeh Banned From Visiting Family for Refusing to Wear Chador

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Unveiling and Reveiling in Iran | Euphrates Institute

take your rose coloured glasses off and look around your country.
This is something the Muslim world needs to consider, a governing body that represents authority over all and is responsible for creating a charter or dictates that ALL Muslims follow, and why not?
The Quran is the immutable word of Allah. That's a tricky issue to get around. Have you read the Quran?
Have you read the bible?
sorry for bad english
1:what is your source?
propaganda from israel lobbyist media and suidi arabia money ?
slavery is forbideen in shia
kurdish are iranian too.iran have 10 million+ kurd.
AND THEY LIVING IN MUST STATES OF IRAN.half of them are shia and half of them are sunni
my uncle married with kurd

Shiite Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, member of Iran's Assembly of Experts, declaring the permissibly of slavery in modern times

Why don't people know their own religion?

Slavery was only technically outlawed in 1965, but there is evidence in practice that it is still a massive operation across the muslim world.

We have heard sermons and seen television in recent years that tell muslims to make slaves of non-muslim. We have seen stories in the news of non-muslim forced into slavery.

Globally slavery should be criminal but it is still far too prevalent. Even muslims in the US have been charged with slavery.
basterd radical sunni salafi believed slavery.
slavery is forbidden in iran too
i dont like mesbah yazdi too.
i can find english quote from him
but he dont like slavery too
mesbah yazdi: rule of slavery, in koran is for destroying slavely system

Does not matter if you like him, he is the authority at least in 2007 or 2008, he was speaking of slavery being permitted. If you can't find a quote in english go to farsi or arabic or find him on youtube or maybe MEMRI.

The fact is slavery still exists

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Iran

Episode 70: Race, Slavery & Abolition in Iran | 15 Minute History

Islamic fundamentalism and the sex slave trade in Iran

Iran Politics Club: History of Slavery in Iran Started with Islam! - Ahreeman X

Iran Chamber Society: Iranian Society: Iran's Trafficking of Persons, Especially Women and Children

Muhammad’s Example Shapes Islamic State on Sex Slavery

just because it was "supposed" to be abolished does not mean there is no more slavery in Iran or the rest of the muslim world.

Till 50 yrs ago, slavery was still "legal". Too many muslim seem to believe it still is or should be.
lie lie lie.propganda
very smart propganda.

episode 1:
usa and west country: child abuse-rape-prostitution and trafficking of women and children
its just crime.they are just bad people

episode 2: iran
child abuse-rape-prostitution and trafficking of women and children
its slavery.its coming from islam

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Iran
really ? Al Arabiya News ? .are you f.. kid........?

Islamic Fundamentalism and the Sex Slave Trade in Iran
just bullshit without any proof.just lie lie lie

History of Slavery in Iran Started with Islam
we arent talking about history of slavery

A previous poster claiming to be Iranian sunni stated that Islam does not preach terrorism. Well, then WHERE did Muslim terrorist get the idea they can perpetrate such evil with impunity? They got it from somewhere. Their personal interpretation of Islam (fed by a hateful imams) empowers them and so far, there isn't any central power in the Islamic world to correct their own from misinterpretations or just plain hate mongering demagogues from brainwashing folks. Islam NEEDS some kind of central power, other wise it's just a chaotic mess. THAT is the problem here, plain pure and simple.
There can be no central power due to the Sunni Shia divide. Anyway, the real problem is with a fundamentalist Sunni state having a natural resource pegged to the dollar. Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabi ideology is the root of the problem. They are the ones who have the resources and desire to spread their fundamentalist ideology in pursuit of geopolitical aims.
Last edited:
sorry for bad english.
when i was 11.i visited copenhagen .i have uncle in denmark
when i was walking first time in street.i shoked and panic .
i saw more than 40 burke woman in street.i didnt saw burke woman in my country for all of mylife.
im from islamic republic of iran
im 28 now and maybe i saw 10 burke woman in my city

Iranian women warned about wearing chador - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iranian actress rejects chador, storms off show

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do

Sotoudeh Banned From Visiting Family for Refusing to Wear Chador

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Unveiling and Reveiling in Iran | Euphrates Institute

take your rose coloured glasses off and look around your country.

its just show
they want controll people.but they cant
woman in iran


sorry for bad english
1:what is your source?
propaganda from israel lobbyist media and suidi arabia money ?
slavery is forbideen in shia
kurdish are iranian too.iran have 10 million+ kurd.
AND THEY LIVING IN MUST STATES OF IRAN.half of them are shia and half of them are sunni
my uncle married with kurd

Shiite Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, member of Iran's Assembly of Experts, declaring the permissibly of slavery in modern times

Why don't people know their own religion?

Slavery was only technically outlawed in 1965, but there is evidence in practice that it is still a massive operation across the muslim world.

We have heard sermons and seen television in recent years that tell muslims to make slaves of non-muslim. We have seen stories in the news of non-muslim forced into slavery.

Globally slavery should be criminal but it is still far too prevalent. Even muslims in the US have been charged with slavery.
basterd radical sunni salafi believed slavery.
slavery is forbidden in iran too
i dont like mesbah yazdi too.
i can find english quote from him
but he dont like slavery too
mesbah yazdi: rule of slavery, in koran is for destroying slavely system

Does not matter if you like him, he is the authority at least in 2007 or 2008, he was speaking of slavery being permitted. If you can't find a quote in english go to farsi or arabic or find him on youtube or maybe MEMRI.

The fact is slavery still exists

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Iran

Episode 70: Race, Slavery & Abolition in Iran | 15 Minute History

Islamic fundamentalism and the sex slave trade in Iran

Iran Politics Club: History of Slavery in Iran Started with Islam! - Ahreeman X

Iran Chamber Society: Iranian Society: Iran's Trafficking of Persons, Especially Women and Children

Muhammad’s Example Shapes Islamic State on Sex Slavery

just because it was "supposed" to be abolished does not mean there is no more slavery in Iran or the rest of the muslim world.

Till 50 yrs ago, slavery was still "legal". Too many muslim seem to believe it still is or should be.
lie lie lie.propganda
very smart propganda.

episode 1:
usa and west country: child abuse-rape-prostitution and trafficking of women and children
its just crime.they are just bad people

episode 2: iran
child abuse-rape-prostitution and trafficking of women and children
its slavery.its coming from islam

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Iran
really ? Al Arabiya News ? .are you f.. kid........?

Islamic Fundamentalism and the Sex Slave Trade in Iran
just bullshit without any proof.just lie lie lie

History of Slavery in Iran Started with Islam
we arent talking about history of slavery

Now we get the bottom of your posts, purpose here and the insults. That did not take long.

Who's hand is up your butt?

You say "A" and I counter with facts, quotes, articles and documents, some from Iran and Iranians, including a leader of your faith. I'm having a discussion and you are having a tantrum.
sorry for bad english.
when i was 11.i visited copenhagen .i have uncle in denmark
when i was walking first time in street.i shoked and panic .
i saw more than 40 burke woman in street.i didnt saw burke woman in my country for all of mylife.
im from islamic republic of iran
im 28 now and maybe i saw 10 burke woman in my city

Iranian women warned about wearing chador - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iranian actress rejects chador, storms off show

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do

Sotoudeh Banned From Visiting Family for Refusing to Wear Chador

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Unveiling and Reveiling in Iran | Euphrates Institute

take your rose coloured glasses off and look around your country.

its just show
they want controll people.but they cant
woman in iran



Your LadyPersia are women fighting for freedom and against the dress code since the revolution, not the average women walking around Iran. They don't have freedom, they are struggling to get it.
sorry for bad english.
when i was 11.i visited copenhagen .i have uncle in denmark
when i was walking first time in street.i shoked and panic .
i saw more than 40 burke woman in street.i didnt saw burke woman in my country for all of mylife.
im from islamic republic of iran
im 28 now and maybe i saw 10 burke woman in my city

Iranian women warned about wearing chador - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iranian actress rejects chador, storms off show

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do

Sotoudeh Banned From Visiting Family for Refusing to Wear Chador

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Unveiling and Reveiling in Iran | Euphrates Institute

take your rose coloured glasses off and look around your country.

its just show
they want controll people.but they cant
woman in iran



Your LadyPersia are women fighting for freedom and against the dress code since the revolution, not the average women walking around Iran. They don't have freedom, they are struggling to get it.

The last time Iranians stood up to struggle for more freedom, obama turned off the TV and went golfing while they were gunned down in the streets.
sorry for bad english.
when i was 11.i visited copenhagen .i have uncle in denmark
when i was walking first time in street.i shoked and panic .
i saw more than 40 burke woman in street.i didnt saw burke woman in my country for all of mylife.
im from islamic republic of iran
im 28 now and maybe i saw 10 burke woman in my city

Iranian women warned about wearing chador - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iranian actress rejects chador, storms off show

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do

Sotoudeh Banned From Visiting Family for Refusing to Wear Chador

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Unveiling and Reveiling in Iran | Euphrates Institute

take your rose coloured glasses off and look around your country.

its just show
they want controll people.but they cant
woman in iran



Your LadyPersia are women fighting for freedom and against the dress code since the revolution, not the average women walking around Iran. They don't have freedom, they are struggling to get it.

PS. those pretty Kurdish girls you posted before are from kudish Iraq and kurdistan several years ago.
sorry for bad english.
when i was 11.i visited copenhagen .i have uncle in denmark
when i was walking first time in street.i shoked and panic .
i saw more than 40 burke woman in street.i didnt saw burke woman in my country for all of mylife.
im from islamic republic of iran
im 28 now and maybe i saw 10 burke woman in my city

Iranian women warned about wearing chador - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iranian actress rejects chador, storms off show

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do

Sotoudeh Banned From Visiting Family for Refusing to Wear Chador

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Unveiling and Reveiling in Iran | Euphrates Institute

take your rose coloured glasses off and look around your country.

its just show
they want controll people.but they cant
woman in iran



Your LadyPersia are women fighting for freedom and against the dress code since the revolution, not the average women walking around Iran. They don't have freedom, they are struggling to get it.

The last time Iranians stood up to struggle for more freedom, obama turned off the TV and went golfing while they were gunned down in the streets.
im not sure but maybe obama had good choice

obama dont help iranian result:



obama helped lybia.obama helped syrian . result:

sorry for bad english.
when i was 11.i visited copenhagen .i have uncle in denmark
when i was walking first time in street.i shoked and panic .
i saw more than 40 burke woman in street.i didnt saw burke woman in my country for all of mylife.
im from islamic republic of iran
im 28 now and maybe i saw 10 burke woman in my city

Iranian women warned about wearing chador - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iranian actress rejects chador, storms off show

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do

Sotoudeh Banned From Visiting Family for Refusing to Wear Chador

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Unveiling and Reveiling in Iran | Euphrates Institute

take your rose coloured glasses off and look around your country.

its just show
they want controll people.but they cant
woman in iran



Your LadyPersia are women fighting for freedom and against the dress code since the revolution, not the average women walking around Iran. They don't have freedom, they are struggling to get it.
but this ladypersia are shia moslem too.
and you are telling all shia are bad people < extremist?isnt it?

iranian girl in shia ceremony

sorry for bad english.
when i was 11.i visited copenhagen .i have uncle in denmark
when i was walking first time in street.i shoked and panic .
i saw more than 40 burke woman in street.i didnt saw burke woman in my country for all of mylife.
im from islamic republic of iran
im 28 now and maybe i saw 10 burke woman in my city

Iranian women warned about wearing chador - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iranian actress rejects chador, storms off show

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Iran's big woman problem: All of the things Iranian women aren't allowed to do

Sotoudeh Banned From Visiting Family for Refusing to Wear Chador

Iran: Women not wearing the chador are banned from the first row in Rudaki Hall

Unveiling and Reveiling in Iran | Euphrates Institute

take your rose coloured glasses off and look around your country.

its just show
they want controll people.but they cant
woman in iran



Your LadyPersia are women fighting for freedom and against the dress code since the revolution, not the average women walking around Iran. They don't have freedom, they are struggling to get it.

PS. those pretty Kurdish girls you posted before are from kudish Iraq and kurdistan several years ago.
when i said that they arent?
title: >isnt any different between all of moslem?
iraq kurdish are good sunni

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