isnt any different between all of moslem?

barring ________ moslem from entering your country

  • Ban very religious Muslims

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Ban regular Muslims

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban all Muslims

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • Ban no Muslims

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters

malasyan are sunni too.

but problem is salafi/vahabi sunni.
I think it would be a good idea to close the border until we can investigate people coming in to our country.

We uh, already do that. Who in the world suggested we don't?

Donald Rump?
I can guess your point from some of the images. Worthy points. But your poll doesn't make sense.

Sorry, cannot speak Persian either. Do you know French?

Some people here are led by emotional shit-stirrers like Trump, and cannot see (or do not wish to see) the diversity between Muslims, and do not wish to consider the political forces using it such as you've noted (Wahabbis). On this message board many of us try to show them the error of their ways.

On the other hand Canada rejoices when refugees arrive. They do not have a Trump and are not as easily influenced.

Trump and Wahabbis do much the same thing for the same reason --- they stir up hate for their own gain.

Actually we need to look at "regions" more than religion. Which nations are more susceptible to growing terrorism and finding terror camps. Also if we have airports which promote security in screening each passenger before they board on a plane, why are we not implementing any security measures of those wishing to enter our borders? It's not racist to perform a background check, as we have immigrants overseas that must go through a federal immigration process in order to become citizens. The only foreigners that never get questioned are those who sneak across our borders from Mexico. Are liberal democrats so willing to jeopardize the safety of Americans with the chance that one terrorist or sympathizer is able to blend himself or herself in among the mass group of refugees? What good is all our efforts in airport security if these terrorist groups are able to exploit another weakness into this country? We are not living in the same world, where we could simply allow any immigrant to touch the shores of Ellis Island and we welcomed them with open arms.
We have about 70 million foreigners enter the US each year. Performing a real background would be nearly impossible. Yes, we should focus on regions. We can't really focus on religion because most countries do not provide that information and by law the US government can't ask a person their religion.

I'm probably in the minority, but I believe the Islamic terrorist threat to those in the US is grossly exaggerated thanks to the media seeking viewers, politicians seeking election, and the government seeking to encourage vigilance.

Although Islamic terrorist attacks are a favorite topic with both media and political candidates, the chance of being a victim in a terrorist attack is incredibly small. The chance of being a victim in an Islamic terrorist attack is even smaller because only about half of the terrorist attacks in American are committed by Islamic terrorist.

During the 14 years following 911 we have had 76 people die in Islamic terrorist attacks and 133 die in non-Islamic terrorist attacks. During that period we had approximately 250,000 murder.

I'm not saying we should ignore terrorism or reduce our efforts to stop it but I am saying we should keep a reasonable perspective and not go off the deep end with actions that will hurt a lot innocent people and may actual encourage more terrorism.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
Last edited:

malasyan are sunni too.

but problem is salafi/vahabi sunni.
I think it would be a good idea to close the border until we can investigate people coming in to our country.

We uh, already do that. Who in the world suggested we don't?

Donald Rump?
The head of the FBI said we cannot investigate everyone coming into this country. Until we can, the borders should be closed.

malasyan are sunni too.

but problem is salafi/vahabi sunni.
I think it would be a good idea to close the border until we can investigate people coming in to our country.

We uh, already do that. Who in the world suggested we don't?

Donald Rump?
The head of the FBI said we cannot investigate everyone coming into this country. Until we can, the borders should be closed.


At the risk of stating the obvious, "those coming into this country" is not the same as "immigrants". All you need to get in is a passport and a plane ticket or a car. Or walking.

Nobody intent on committing an act --- any act -- needs to immigrate in order to do it. And it would be highly inefficient to do it that way anyway. Waaaaaay more time and trouble than you need to go to.
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
I can guess your point from some of the images. Worthy points. But your poll doesn't make sense.

Sorry, cannot speak Persian either. Do you know French?

Some people here are led by emotional shit-stirrers like Trump, and cannot see (or do not wish to see) the diversity between Muslims, and do not wish to consider the political forces using it such as you've noted (Wahabbis). On this message board many of us try to show them the error of their ways.

On the other hand Canada rejoices when refugees arrive. They do not have a Trump and are not as easily influenced.

Trump and Wahabbis do much the same thing for the same reason --- they stir up hate for their own gain.

Actually we need to look at "regions" more than religion. Which nations are more susceptible to growing terrorism and finding terror camps. Also if we have airports which promote security in screening each passenger before they board on a plane, why are we not implementing any security measures of those wishing to enter our borders? It's not racist to perform a background check, as we have immigrants overseas that must go through a federal immigration process in order to become citizens. The only foreigners that never get questioned are those who sneak across our borders from Mexico. Are liberal democrats so willing to jeopardize the safety of Americans with the chance that one terrorist or sympathizer is able to blend himself or herself in among the mass group of refugees? What good is all our efforts in airport security if these terrorist groups are able to exploit another weakness into this country? We are not living in the same world, where we could simply allow any immigrant to touch the shores of Ellis Island and we welcomed them with open arms.
We have about 70 million foreigners enter the US each year. Performing a real background would be nearly impossible. Yes, we should focus on regions. We can't really focus on religion because most countries do not provide that information and by law the US government can't ask a person their religion.

I'm probably in the minority, but I believe the Islamic terrorist threat to those in the US is grossly exaggerated thanks to the media seeking viewers, politicians seeking election, and the government seeking to encourage vigilance.

Although Islamic terrorist attacks are a favorite topic with both media and political candidates, the chance of being a victim in a terrorist attack is incredibly small. The chance of being a victim in an Islamic terrorist attack is even smaller because only about half of the terrorist attacks in American are committed by Islamic terrorist.

During the 14 years following 911 we have had 76 people die in Islamic terrorist attacks and 133 die in non-Islamic terrorist attacks. During that period we had approximately 250,000 murder.

I'm not saying we should ignore terrorism or reduce our efforts to stop it but I am saying we should keep a reasonable perspective and not go off the deep end with actions that will hurt a lot innocent people and may actual encourage more terrorism.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

You don't need a large number of terrorists to create the kind of devastation we saw on 9-11, all you need is opportunity. Are background checks too time consuming and unnecessary? Consider the incident that took place in France. They didn't hesitate to open their hearts and borders to fleeing refugees. Yet, what happened in Paris and what became of that nation's position on its borders? How many terrorists were placed behind those deaths? Yet Obama would have this country believe that our greater concern and focus should be placed among those that are sympathizers of these extremists, the homegrown terrorist. Which is why this president is not opposed to bringing refugees over from some of those very regions that are highly susceptible to terrorist activity. Have we not learned anything from Paris? It's not about the frequency of attacks, as no one was at all concerned over our nation's vulnerability to terrorism on September 10th. It's about opportunity. Are we still vulnerable to attack, and is there any concern for having adequate security measures in place? Which would explain why the majority of Americans polled don't feel that this country is any safer now than when Obama took office. With San Bernardino still fresh on voters minds, I doubt many would agree with Hillary that we should be satisfied.
Last edited:

malasyan are sunni too.

but problem is salafi/vahabi sunni.
I think it would be a good idea to close the border until we can investigate people coming in to our country.

We uh, already do that. Who in the world suggested we don't?

Donald Rump?
The head of the FBI said we cannot investigate everyone coming into this country. Until we can, the borders should be closed.
Actually the FBI said they could not vet every single refugee. There is no way we can close our borders to 70 million people a year entering the US nor can we vet that many.
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
View attachment 58933
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
View attachment 58934
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
View attachment 58935
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
View attachment 58936
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
View attachment 58937
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
View attachment 58938
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
View attachment 58939
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.
Flopper seems to be another of those posters who pretend ignorance to give you the runaround. He also does a good line in deliberately misunderstanding posts. Waste of space.
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
View attachment 58933
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
View attachment 58934
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
View attachment 58935
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
View attachment 58936
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
View attachment 58937
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
View attachment 58938
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
View attachment 58939
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.
Flopper seems to be another of those posters who pretend ignorance to give you the runaround. He also does a good line in deliberately misunderstanding posts. Waste of space.

I don't understand how people can be online and not figure out how to do a simple search or read the news online. Can you imagine going back to a library and having to research everything by hand, often needing to order books, papers and journals from larger libraries?

It takes less time to run a search than to demand other to provide links and then reply

There are thousands of new sources out there. I enjoy reading and have been sharing information with others or doing research on topic for a long time. I have found information sometimes days before the major networks begin to broadcast, some even follow my sites. I get information sent to me and use that as a basis to do my own searches. Not all news is in english and it might take hours or days for it to hit the major english networks ans papers.

Every time I get a few minutes to sit down with a cup of tea I am reading news or online.

I share news with others, they share news with me
Last edited:
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
View attachment 58933
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
View attachment 58934
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
View attachment 58935
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
View attachment 58936
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
View attachment 58937
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
View attachment 58938
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
View attachment 58939
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.
Did the writers in any of the reputable sources accuse Muslims? No. What they reported were gang rapes which sources believed to be by Africans or Arabs. Some of those interviewed pointed at refugees and others did not. A lot different than the reporting, if you want to call it that, in Jihad Watch or Bare Naked Islam.
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
View attachment 58933
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
View attachment 58934
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
View attachment 58935
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
View attachment 58936
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
View attachment 58937
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
View attachment 58938
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
View attachment 58939
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.
Flopper seems to be another of those posters who pretend ignorance to give you the runaround. He also does a good line in deliberately misunderstanding posts. Waste of space.

I don't understand how people can be online and not figure out how to do a smile search or read the news online. Can you imagine going back to a library and having to research everything by hand, often needing to order books, papers and journals from larger libraries?

It takes less time to run a search than to demand other to provide links and then reply

There are thousands of new sources out there. I enjoy reading and have been sharing information with others or doing research on topic for a long time. I have found information sometimes days before the major networks begin to broadcast, some even follow my sites. I get information sent to me and use that as a basis to do my own searches. Not all news is in english and it might take hours or days for it to hit the major english networks ans papers.

Every time I get a few minutes to sit down with a cup of tea I am reading news or online.

I share news with others, they share news with me
I couldn't agree more. The thing is, every time they read something they don't like, the time wasting demands start. It's so tiresome, I've started putting people on ignore now, which I didn't want to do. I really enjoy reading your informative posts. Thank you for them. Your sites sound interesting. I wouldn't mind having a look, but understand if you don't want anyone from these boards doing that.

I will write this and hope you understand...

There is a difference between a Persian and a Arabian Muslim. Many here in the states do not understand the difference between a Sunni or Shiite. They watch their cable news channel and refuse to learn the differences between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Now I may not agree with the Iranian government but the Saudi Arabian government is no better and if they were not oil buddies with the states the reality is most Americans would hate them more than they do the Iran...

As for radicals many do not understand the differences between Hezbollah or ISIL. They would not be able to tell you the difference between Al-Qaeda or Hamas or tell you about the PLO. Many would not know where Abu Sayyaf is located at or that the Philippines has a Muslim community...

As for the Persian culture, well it is a beautiful culture and your women can be some of the most beautiful women in the world. Well educated people from the Persian people and I love doing business with them.

I have dealt with the Muslim community since my days in Geo-Tech Engineering to working in the Home Health field, and when I come across a Persian they usually are very good people...

I also enjoy the Kurds and find them kindhearted people but that is my opinion...

So do not judge all of us as being close minded individuals and some of us know the differences...
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
View attachment 58933
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
View attachment 58934
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
View attachment 58935
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
View attachment 58936
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
View attachment 58937
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
View attachment 58938
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
View attachment 58939
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.
Did the writers in any of the reputable sources accuse Muslims? No. What they reported were gang rapes which sources believed to be by Africans or Arabs. Some of those interviewed pointed at refugees and others did not. A lot different than the reporting, if you want to call it that, in Jihad Watch or Bare Naked Islam.

Epidemic has been going on for years across europe

Muslim gang-rapes across Europe under-reported in press
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
View attachment 58933
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
View attachment 58934
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
View attachment 58935
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
View attachment 58936
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
View attachment 58937
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
View attachment 58938
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
View attachment 58939
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.
Flopper seems to be another of those posters who pretend ignorance to give you the runaround. He also does a good line in deliberately misunderstanding posts. Waste of space.

I don't understand how people can be online and not figure out how to do a smile search or read the news online. Can you imagine going back to a library and having to research everything by hand, often needing to order books, papers and journals from larger libraries?

It takes less time to run a search than to demand other to provide links and then reply

There are thousands of new sources out there. I enjoy reading and have been sharing information with others or doing research on topic for a long time. I have found information sometimes days before the major networks begin to broadcast, some even follow my sites. I get information sent to me and use that as a basis to do my own searches. Not all news is in english and it might take hours or days for it to hit the major english networks ans papers.

Every time I get a few minutes to sit down with a cup of tea I am reading news or online.

I share news with others, they share news with me
Fine, as long as you're sharing news from reputable sources and opinion pieces presented as such. The problem is that much of the material presented on boards and blogs are opinion pieces presented as facts, in other words propaganda. Stating an opinion and supporting it not with facts but with just more opinion makes for a weak argument.

I will write this and hope you understand...

There is a difference between a Persian and a Arabian Muslim. Many here in the states do not understand the difference between a Sunni or Shiite. They watch their cable news channel and refuse to learn the differences between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Now I may not agree with the Iranian government but the Saudi Arabian government is no better and if they were not oil buddies with the states the reality is most Americans would hate them more than they do the Iran...

As for radicals many do not understand the differences between Hezbollah or ISIL. They would not be able to tell you the difference between Al-Qaeda or Hamas or tell you about the PLO. Many would not know where Abu Sayyaf is located at or that the Philippines has a Muslim community...

As for the Persian culture, well it is a beautiful culture and your women can be some of the most beautiful women in the world. Well educated people from the Persian people and I love doing business with them.

I have dealt with the Muslim community since my days in Geo-Tech Engineering to working in the Home Health field, and when I come across a Persian they usually are very good people...

I also enjoy the Kurds and find them kindhearted people but that is my opinion...

So do not judge all of us as being close minded individuals and some of us know the differences...
I agree most Americans and I include myself do not have near enough knowledge of the cultures nor the politics of the region. This applies not just to working class American, but leaders that should know.
Last Sunday, in an interview, Ben Carson, a candidate for president kept pronouncing Hamas as hummus. Dumb mistakes like this send a message that we have little familiarity with the subject.
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
View attachment 58933
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
View attachment 58934
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
View attachment 58935
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
View attachment 58936
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
View attachment 58937
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
View attachment 58938
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
View attachment 58939
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.

Did the writers in any of the reputable sources accuse Muslims? No. What they reported were gang rapes which sources believed to be by Africans or Arabs. Some of those interviewed pointed at refugees and others did not. A lot different than the reporting, if you want to call it that, in Jihad Watch or Bare Naked Islam.

Do you have a blind spot on your eyes that covers the word muslim on everything you read? Did you actually read the news sites?
I bet there are many Germans today, reeling from the sexual attacks by Muslims on New Years Eve, wish they could go back and ban Muslims from their country.

Beware liberals, they wish to walk us all down the garden path.

1000 arabs between the age of 15 to 35 attacked and raped 80 women. I would expect the rage would be very high
If there was any truth in it, I would expect some reputable media outlet would carry the story. And no, Bare Naked Islam, Jihad Watch, Reddit, Muslim Statistic, German Immigration Blog, Majority.Rights.Com, Irish Blog, etc are not reliable news outlets.

Germans Shaken By Mass Attacks On Women In Cologne At New ...
Huffington Post-11 hours ago
"We have one complaint that represents a rape," he added. ... Germany took in just over a million last year, far more than any other European ...
Cologne Police: Roving Packs Sexually Assaulted Dozens on New ... hours ago
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Highly Cited-BBC News-17 hours ago
String of New Year's Eve sexual assaults outrages Cologne
International-Deutsche Welle-Jan 4, 2016
Reports of New Year's Eve sex assaults in Cologne fuel German ...
In-Depth-CNN International-7 hours ago
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Highly Cited-The 4, 2016

BBC News

CNN International

The Atlantic

Breitbart News

Explore in depth (449 more articles)

New Year's Eve rape and riot spree by Muslim "refugees" in ...
The Rebel-1 hour ago
In the German city of Cologne on New Years Eve, 80 German women said they were raped or sexually assaulted. Mass rapes in the streets of ...
1000 Muslims rape, sexually assault women in Germany: Europe ... hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Giant cover-up in Muslim migrants' rape spree hours ago
German authorities and media outlets attempted to cover up details of a ... spree by Arabic and North African migrants on New Year's Eve.
View attachment 58933
Syrian migrant husband allowed people smugglers to rape his wife ...
Daily Mail-16 hours ago
Refugees wait in a registration centre in Passau, Germany. ... According to the New York Times, the unidentified woman - a mother-of-four - now ... Last year four women's rights organisations co-signed a letter to Germany's ...
Migrant Tried To Sell His Wife To Rapists To Pay People Smugglers
Breitbart News-Jan 4, 2016
Explore in depth (3 more articles)
View attachment 58934
Silence on sex crimes will make racism worse
The hours ago
Germany's authorities and media have been tiptoeing around the issue of ... crowds to sexually assault and even rape women - should set alarm bells ringing. ... committed by new arrivals bubbling up from Germany's regional media. ... where reports of sexual violence on New Year's Eve emerged late on ...
View attachment 58935
Opinion: German criticism of Poland hits wrong notes
Deutsche Welle-21 hours ago
After about a year, the states quietly resumed normalized relations with .... assault of women happened in Germany during the new year eve. 1. ... a confirmed rape and pick-pocketing.... and the same happened in Hamburg.
View attachment 58936
Brave Miss World: Behind The Scenes On A Seriously Harrowing ...
Marie (blog)-15 hours ago
During her reign as Miss World, the eighteen year old beauty queen fought ... Linor credits her mother's support at the time of the rape for giving ...
View attachment 58937
'Jihadi junior' in latest IS execution video is son of Lewisham woman
News Shopper-6 hours ago
... a black headscarf with an IS logo on it, is said to be five-year-old Isa Dare. .... 1000's of muslim men went on the rampage in Cologne, Germany on new years eve. ... adding that in one case the alleged crime fitted the legal definition of rape.
View attachment 58938
Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture
Breitbart News-Jan 2, 2016
According to the mullahs, it's quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as ... and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, ... One case of organized Muslim rape in the U.K. did make the news in ...
View attachment 58939
Police In Germany Warn Of Possible Terror Attack, Evacuate Two ...
International Business Times-Dec 31, 2015
German police evacuated two train stations in Munich late on Thursday, saying on Twitter they ... The threats followed Brussels cancellation of its annual New Year's Eve celebrations as ... Rape epidemic on the rise as well.

Did the writers in any of the reputable sources accuse Muslims? No. What they reported were gang rapes which sources believed to be by Africans or Arabs. Some of those interviewed pointed at refugees and others did not. A lot different than the reporting, if you want to call it that, in Jihad Watch or Bare Naked Islam.

Do you have a blind spot on your eyes that covers the word muslim on everything you read? Did you actually read the news sites?
That depends on what you call news, certainly not "Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture" on Breitbart News. That's not news. It's an opinion piece supported by rather questionable statistics, anecdotal evidence, and his opinion presented as common knowledge. The author, a rightwinger that specializes in anti-Muslim articles is a good convincing writer, at least until you read carefully what he says, separating real evidence to support his claims from anti-Muslim rhetoric.

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