Isn't Government Compelled Speech Unconstitutional?

See what stupid shit the baker case brings out of the woodwork?

I have a student who has been transgender a long time, they tell me, and identifies as a she. But she doesn't shave so she's usually got a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut. The only indication it is a female is pretty fake nails.
It doesn't fail that I use "he" at least once during every lesson with that poor student. I have no problem with her name, but c'mon, give me a little help here!
See what stupid shit the baker case brings out of the woodwork?

I have a student who has been transgender a long time, they tell me, and identifies as a she. But she doesn't shave so she's usually got a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut. The only indication it is a female is pretty fake nails.
It doesn't fail that I use "he" at least once during every lesson with that poor student. I have no problem with her name, but c'mon, give me a little help here!

Well, you referred to the student as 'it'.

I recommend an Adams Family tv show binge watch for the class.

Linked article says the school policy is to call students by their preferred name. He was fired for violations of school policy. Government has nothing to do with it.

Next stupid strawman.
See what stupid shit the baker case brings out of the woodwork?

I have a student who has been transgender a long time, they tell me, and identifies as a she. But she doesn't shave so she's usually got a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut. The only indication it is a female is pretty fake nails.
It doesn't fail that I use "he" at least once during every lesson with that poor student. I have no problem with her name, but c'mon, give me a little help here!

Not sure what this has to do with the cake baker case. This boils down to a refusal to follow school policy, why'd the guy refuse to use the preferred name? I can't think of a good reason.

And what kind of help do you want? If you have a person who has a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut, then I think a little tolerance is in order for you.
See what stupid shit the baker case brings out of the woodwork?

I have a student who has been transgender a long time, they tell me, and identifies as a she. But she doesn't shave so she's usually got a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut. The only indication it is a female is pretty fake nails.
It doesn't fail that I use "he" at least once during every lesson with that poor student. I have no problem with her name, but c'mon, give me a little help here!

Not sure what this has to do with the cake baker case. This boils down to a refusal to follow school policy, why'd the guy refuse to use the preferred name? I can't think of a good reason.

And what kind of help do you want? If you have a person who has a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut, then I think a little tolerance is in order for you.

When I was in school our teachers would ask us on the first day if there was a preferred name/nickname that we went by. Of course mine was "Cornelius Bottomsniffer". My point is that respectfully calling a kid in school whatever name he/she chooses isn't a new concept.
Not sure what this has to do with the cake baker case. This boils down to a refusal to follow school policy, why'd the guy refuse to use the preferred name? I can't think of a good reason.

And what kind of help do you want? If you have a person who has a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut, then I think a little tolerance is in order for you.

In this case, the school policy is insane and immoral.

A boy is not, and never will be, a girl; and a girl is not, and never will be a boy.

It is madness to try to compel anyone to address one as the other, or to punish anyone for declining to do so.
John Kluge, a former Brownsburg High School orchestra teacher, said he submitted a tentative resignation letter because he was threatened with job termination for not falling in line with the school district’s new policy on how teachers should address students who identify as transgender.

He told the Indianapolis Star that he did not want to violate his conscience by calling transgender students by their preferred name, rather than those given at birth.

“I’m being compelled to encourage students in what I believe is something that’s a dangerous lifestyle,” the 28-year-old teacher told the newspaper. “I’m fine to teach students with other beliefs, but the fact that teachers are being compelled to speak a certain way is the scary thing.”

Me: So call the kid by whatever name he/she wants. If it's too outrageous then take it up with the school management. I think Mr. Kluge's 1st amendment rights are not being infringed.

The government had nothing to do with him getting fired. He went against school policy by not using the name the student preferred.

You guys were happy that Kaepernick got fired for going against NFL policy, why aren't you happy that the school is following their own rules?

Kaepernick got fired for sucking at QB, dumbass!

The government had nothing to do with him getting fired. He went against school policy by not using the name the student preferred.

You guys were happy that Kaepernick got fired for going against NFL policy, why aren't you happy that the school is following their own rules?

Kaepernick got fired for sucking at QB, dumbass!

Kaepernick didn't get fired at all. He voluntarily voided his contract.
Linked article says the school policy is to call students by their preferred name. He was fired for violations of school policy. Government has nothing to do with it.

Next stupid strawman.
Was it a private school or a public government school?
According to the write up, the teacher wanted to call the student by their last name. What was so bad about that? A lot of the time, kids get called by their last name anyways by the other kids.

God bless you and the former teacher always!!!

See what stupid shit the baker case brings out of the woodwork?

I have a student who has been transgender a long time, they tell me, and identifies as a she. But she doesn't shave so she's usually got a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut. The only indication it is a female is pretty fake nails.
It doesn't fail that I use "he" at least once during every lesson with that poor student. I have no problem with her name, but c'mon, give me a little help here!

Not sure what this has to do with the cake baker case. This boils down to a refusal to follow school policy, why'd the guy refuse to use the preferred name? I can't think of a good reason.

And what kind of help do you want? If you have a person who has a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut, then I think a little tolerance is in order for you.
I want a little help remembering that I am dealing with a female. I am not judging her.

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