Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

That's because we didn't attack his feelings. Instead he treated his political foes with contempt and bullied them around to protect his agenda.

The fuck you say!

I guess I forgot about the unprecedented level of respect Obama's foes showed him!



I guess he just couldn't contain himself. :coffee:

And yet he damned sure should have.

Please post the video for more relevancy. Well, these protesting leftists that are rioting, assaulting people, and destroying property should damned sure contain themselves as well.

However, they don't have the self-control to do so. That's why there's been well over 1k of them arrested.

As they should be.

You're better than this. Are you suggesting that, what, like 8 years ago, Joe Wilson was taking his behavioral cues from leftist rioters?????????

Listen gf: I'd been listening to Obama talk and screamed "You Lie" at the TV several times before that man stood up in Congress and did it. :dunno:
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

What has a bull in a china shop EVER accomplished?

In this case, if we go with the 'bull in the china shop' metaphor, we are getting rid of a lot of unnecessary and ugly bric a brac that should have been discarded long ago and making room for a brighter future.

Those of us who elected Trump didn't elect him for his dignified manner, and ability to play the part of the 'perfect politician'. We've had those types for far too long and all it has netted us is crushing debt, regulation, and taxes along with impossible mandates, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and a sluggish economy that has hurt many millions of Americans.

We didn't want another member of the professional politicians permanent political class. We want somebody who wasn't afraid to do things differently, who wasn't tied to the status quo, who didn't adhere to the principle of 'we've always done it that way.'

Just be careful that he only clears away what YOU want.

Thing is, in this metaphor, bulls don't have a hell of a lot of control.

Yep, sounds like Trump.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

What has a bull in a china shop EVER accomplished?

In this case, if we go with the 'bull in the china shop' metaphor, we are getting rid of a lot of unnecessary and ugly bric a brac that should have been discarded long ago and making room for a brighter future.

Those of us who elected Trump didn't elect him for his dignified manner, and ability to play the part of the 'perfect politician'. We've had those types for far too long and all it has netted us is crushing debt, regulation, and taxes along with impossible mandates, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and a sluggish economy that has hurt many millions of Americans.

We didn't want another member of the professional politicians permanent political class. We want somebody who wasn't afraid to do things differently, who wasn't tied to the status quo, who didn't adhere to the principle of 'we've always done it that way.'

Just be careful that he only clears away what YOU want.

Thing is, in this metaphor, bulls don't have a hell of a lot of control.

Yep, sounds like Trump.

The only thing I disapprove of Trump doing thus far is bombing a Syrian air base.
Actually, healthcare was passed after negotiations and compromise from both parties. No bullying.

Now we have a President who calls names for no other reason but to soothe his own hurt feelings.

Utter fucking bullshit. Obama's fascist care was passed in the dead of the night with zero input and zero votes from the Republicans.

Yes, yes, I forgot. It was the blue dogs that were the stubborn ones.

There was "zero input" from the Repubs because their stated goal was to not cooperate with anything the President wanted. Remember, obstruction at all turns?

Except there wasn't zero input.

Republicans had several opportunities to introduce amendments to the Affordable Care Act, in both the Senate and House bills. Ultimately, for procedural reasons tied to the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., the Senate version was the only one that moved forward. But Republicans offered changes in the committees that considered the bills before the whole chambers voted on them.

For example, 788 amendments were submitted during the ACA’s markup in the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee (HELP). Three quarters of them were filed by the committee’s Republican members, according to John McDonough in his book Inside National Health Reform. Of those, 161 were adopted in whole or revised form.[...]

The Senate Finance Committee took up another version of the bill. Senators initially offered 564 amendments. During that markup, about six Republican amendments were adopted via roll call vote, and others were adopted by unanimous consent, without objection, and via voice vote, according to coverage by Congressional Quarterly. Parts of this bill merged with the bill the HELP committee marked up to become the final law.[...]

It’s worth noting that many facets of the Republican’s health care agenda at the time made it into the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act was a private market plan, and it dropped a long-held Democratic priority to include a public option.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

They were so minor and you know it, if they were huge you would of had Republicans voting for the bill.


They weren't minor and it didn't matter what Democrats did, no Republican was going to vote for it. They'd had a meeting.

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama |

No matter how you want to spin it they were minor changes...if it was major changes you would of had Republicans on board like in Massachusetts..

The fuck you say!

I guess I forgot about the unprecedented level of respect Obama's foes showed him!



I guess he just couldn't contain himself. :coffee:

And yet he damned sure should have.

Please post the video for more relevancy. Well, these protesting leftists that are rioting, assaulting people, and destroying property should damned sure contain themselves as well.

However, they don't have the self-control to do so. That's why there's been well over 1k of them arrested.

As they should be.

You're better than this. Are you suggesting that, what, like 8 years ago, Joe Wilson was taking his behavioral cues from leftist rioters?????????

Listen gf: I'd been listening to Obama talk and screamed "You Lie" at the TV several times before that man stood up in Congress and did it. :dunno:

If you can't see the difference between yelling at your screen and interrupting the man in person, then you got no grip on reality.

Joe Wilson was no hero for that. He was a classless unprofessional bully.
Utter fucking bullshit. Obama's fascist care was passed in the dead of the night with zero input and zero votes from the Republicans.

Yes, yes, I forgot. It was the blue dogs that were the stubborn ones.

There was "zero input" from the Repubs because their stated goal was to not cooperate with anything the President wanted. Remember, obstruction at all turns?

Except there wasn't zero input.

Republicans had several opportunities to introduce amendments to the Affordable Care Act, in both the Senate and House bills. Ultimately, for procedural reasons tied to the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., the Senate version was the only one that moved forward. But Republicans offered changes in the committees that considered the bills before the whole chambers voted on them.

For example, 788 amendments were submitted during the ACA’s markup in the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee (HELP). Three quarters of them were filed by the committee’s Republican members, according to John McDonough in his book Inside National Health Reform. Of those, 161 were adopted in whole or revised form.[...]

The Senate Finance Committee took up another version of the bill. Senators initially offered 564 amendments. During that markup, about six Republican amendments were adopted via roll call vote, and others were adopted by unanimous consent, without objection, and via voice vote, according to coverage by Congressional Quarterly. Parts of this bill merged with the bill the HELP committee marked up to become the final law.[...]

It’s worth noting that many facets of the Republican’s health care agenda at the time made it into the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act was a private market plan, and it dropped a long-held Democratic priority to include a public option.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

They were so minor and you know it, if they were huge you would of had Republicans voting for the bill.


They weren't minor and it didn't matter what Democrats did, no Republican was going to vote for it. They'd had a meeting.

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama |

No matter how you want to spin it they were minor changes...if it was major changes you would of had Republicans on board like in Massachusetts..


Except they decided to obstruct everything Obama did.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Even slimy lying Ted Cruz would be more respectable. Trumps embarrassing but I love it! Republicans are proving they'll defend anything. This can not be fun for them or don. He's the king of snowflakes
Yes, yes, I forgot. It was the blue dogs that were the stubborn ones.

There was "zero input" from the Repubs because their stated goal was to not cooperate with anything the President wanted. Remember, obstruction at all turns?

Except there wasn't zero input.

Republicans had several opportunities to introduce amendments to the Affordable Care Act, in both the Senate and House bills. Ultimately, for procedural reasons tied to the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., the Senate version was the only one that moved forward. But Republicans offered changes in the committees that considered the bills before the whole chambers voted on them.

For example, 788 amendments were submitted during the ACA’s markup in the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee (HELP). Three quarters of them were filed by the committee’s Republican members, according to John McDonough in his book Inside National Health Reform. Of those, 161 were adopted in whole or revised form.[...]

The Senate Finance Committee took up another version of the bill. Senators initially offered 564 amendments. During that markup, about six Republican amendments were adopted via roll call vote, and others were adopted by unanimous consent, without objection, and via voice vote, according to coverage by Congressional Quarterly. Parts of this bill merged with the bill the HELP committee marked up to become the final law.[...]

It’s worth noting that many facets of the Republican’s health care agenda at the time made it into the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act was a private market plan, and it dropped a long-held Democratic priority to include a public option.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

They were so minor and you know it, if they were huge you would of had Republicans voting for the bill.


They weren't minor and it didn't matter what Democrats did, no Republican was going to vote for it. They'd had a meeting.

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama |

No matter how you want to spin it they were minor changes...if it was major changes you would of had Republicans on board like in Massachusetts..


Except they decided to obstruct everything Obama did.

That's what they were hired to do.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

What has a bull in a china shop EVER accomplished?

In this case, if we go with the 'bull in the china shop' metaphor, we are getting rid of a lot of unnecessary and ugly bric a brac that should have been discarded long ago and making room for a brighter future.

Those of us who elected Trump didn't elect him for his dignified manner, and ability to play the part of the 'perfect politician'. We've had those types for far too long and all it has netted us is crushing debt, regulation, and taxes along with impossible mandates, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and a sluggish economy that has hurt many millions of Americans.

We didn't want another member of the professional politicians permanent political class. We want somebody who wasn't afraid to do things differently, who wasn't tied to the status quo, who didn't adhere to the principle of 'we've always done it that way.'

Just be careful that he only clears away what YOU want.

Thing is, in this metaphor, bulls don't have a hell of a lot of control.

Yep, sounds like Trump.

Trump once again cleaned up in only 6 months Obama's mess of trying to fundamentally change America into Europe.


Except there wasn't zero input.

Republicans had several opportunities to introduce amendments to the Affordable Care Act, in both the Senate and House bills. Ultimately, for procedural reasons tied to the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., the Senate version was the only one that moved forward. But Republicans offered changes in the committees that considered the bills before the whole chambers voted on them.

For example, 788 amendments were submitted during the ACA’s markup in the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee (HELP). Three quarters of them were filed by the committee’s Republican members, according to John McDonough in his book Inside National Health Reform. Of those, 161 were adopted in whole or revised form.[...]

The Senate Finance Committee took up another version of the bill. Senators initially offered 564 amendments. During that markup, about six Republican amendments were adopted via roll call vote, and others were adopted by unanimous consent, without objection, and via voice vote, according to coverage by Congressional Quarterly. Parts of this bill merged with the bill the HELP committee marked up to become the final law.[...]

It’s worth noting that many facets of the Republican’s health care agenda at the time made it into the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act was a private market plan, and it dropped a long-held Democratic priority to include a public option.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

They were so minor and you know it, if they were huge you would of had Republicans voting for the bill.


They weren't minor and it didn't matter what Democrats did, no Republican was going to vote for it. They'd had a meeting.

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama |

No matter how you want to spin it they were minor changes...if it was major changes you would of had Republicans on board like in Massachusetts..


Except they decided to obstruct everything Obama did.

That's what they were hired to do.

They were hired to govern.
I guess he just couldn't contain himself. :coffee:

And yet he damned sure should have.

Please post the video for more relevancy. Well, these protesting leftists that are rioting, assaulting people, and destroying property should damned sure contain themselves as well.

However, they don't have the self-control to do so. That's why there's been well over 1k of them arrested.

As they should be.

You're better than this. Are you suggesting that, what, like 8 years ago, Joe Wilson was taking his behavioral cues from leftist rioters?????????

Listen gf: I'd been listening to Obama talk and screamed "You Lie" at the TV several times before that man stood up in Congress and did it. :dunno:

If you can't see the difference between yelling at your screen and interrupting the man in person, then you got no grip on reality.

Joe Wilson was no hero for that. He was a classless unprofessional bully.

I can, and it was unprofessional. However, I most certainly sympathize with the feeling. ;)
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

What has a bull in a china shop EVER accomplished?

In this case, if we go with the 'bull in the china shop' metaphor, we are getting rid of a lot of unnecessary and ugly bric a brac that should have been discarded long ago and making room for a brighter future.

Those of us who elected Trump didn't elect him for his dignified manner, and ability to play the part of the 'perfect politician'. We've had those types for far too long and all it has netted us is crushing debt, regulation, and taxes along with impossible mandates, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and a sluggish economy that has hurt many millions of Americans.

We didn't want another member of the professional politicians permanent political class. We want somebody who wasn't afraid to do things differently, who wasn't tied to the status quo, who didn't adhere to the principle of 'we've always done it that way.'

Just be careful that he only clears away what YOU want.

Thing is, in this metaphor, bulls don't have a hell of a lot of control.

Yep, sounds like Trump.

Trump once again cleaned up in only 6 months Obama's mess of trying to fundamentally change America into Europe.



Cool story.
They were so minor and you know it, if they were huge you would of had Republicans voting for the bill.


They weren't minor and it didn't matter what Democrats did, no Republican was going to vote for it. They'd had a meeting.

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama |

No matter how you want to spin it they were minor changes...if it was major changes you would of had Republicans on board like in Massachusetts..


Except they decided to obstruct everything Obama did.

That's what they were hired to do.

They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.
They weren't minor and it didn't matter what Democrats did, no Republican was going to vote for it. They'd had a meeting.

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama |

No matter how you want to spin it they were minor changes...if it was major changes you would of had Republicans on board like in Massachusetts..


Except they decided to obstruct everything Obama did.

That's what they were hired to do.

They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Even slimy lying Ted Cruz would be more respectable. Trumps embarrassing but I love it! Republicans are proving they'll defend anything. This can not be fun for them or don. He's the king of snowflakes

It is fun for us it's shock and awe at the liberal a cat fight liberal Trump goes after the liberal media..

So amusing.

No matter how you want to spin it they were minor changes...if it was major changes you would of had Republicans on board like in Massachusetts..


Except they decided to obstruct everything Obama did.

That's what they were hired to do.

They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No, it's not. You know who governs? :eek:

No matter how you want to spin it they were minor changes...if it was major changes you would of had Republicans on board like in Massachusetts..


Except they decided to obstruct everything Obama did.

That's what they were hired to do.

They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

Except they decided to obstruct everything Obama did.

That's what they were hired to do.

They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No, it's not. You know who governs? :eek:


They are all part of the government.
Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

What has a bull in a china shop EVER accomplished?

In this case, if we go with the 'bull in the china shop' metaphor, we are getting rid of a lot of unnecessary and ugly bric a brac that should have been discarded long ago and making room for a brighter future.

Those of us who elected Trump didn't elect him for his dignified manner, and ability to play the part of the 'perfect politician'. We've had those types for far too long and all it has netted us is crushing debt, regulation, and taxes along with impossible mandates, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and a sluggish economy that has hurt many millions of Americans.

We didn't want another member of the professional politicians permanent political class. We want somebody who wasn't afraid to do things differently, who wasn't tied to the status quo, who didn't adhere to the principle of 'we've always done it that way.'

Just be careful that he only clears away what YOU want.

Thing is, in this metaphor, bulls don't have a hell of a lot of control.

Yep, sounds like Trump.

Trump once again cleaned up in only 6 months Obama's mess of trying to fundamentally change America into Europe.



Cool story.

You hate the truth?


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