Isn't Jesus a democrat?

Jesus never said it was the responsibility of Roman Government to care for the poor and needy FOR its citizens, he advocated the individual to take the initiative OVER government. Show me a scripture where Jesus forced the Roman Government to convert to His teachings and take on that responsibility over the role and responsibility of each and every man... each "individual"... to seek to the needs of the less fortunate. After all, who actually was viewed to be the "Good Samaritan", it certainly was not representative of a government official.
The story of the good Samaritan was a lesson on racism, not anything to do with the merits of giving.

Interesting how the parable doesn't go as far as to focus on the Good Samaritan's ethnic background. Are we to assume by your view, that only those who don't give money to a homeless man on a street corner are racist? So are we just looking for an excuse as to why an individual simply can't show compassion towards someone else? Usually if you view something solely through the prism of racism, then black and white is really all you'll ever see.
Samaritan IS his ethnic background. Two "respectable" members of Hebrew society pass by the beaten man but the despised societal outcast stops and helps the man. The point of the story was clear to all contemporary listeners but has since been lost to modern people. Samaritans practiced a more primitive form of Judaism and did not recognize Jerusalem is the place to go worship and were hated and persecuted by Hebrews of the time.

If you read the parable (LUKE 10: 25-36) it was a Jewish man who was attacked, a Jewish priest who walked to on the other side of the beaten man, and a Jewish Levi that also ignored him. The Good Samaritan, AIDED the beaten man by seeing to his wounds then paying for his stay as the robbed man rested. Again, where exactly is the racism? You haven't proven any actions of racism in the story except for your own twisted interpretation.
I already explained who the Samaritans were and that that they were the outcasts of Hebrew society and why, what more do you want? Just pick the group you hate the most and replace"Samaritan" in the story and then you will understand.

That parable was addressing compassion NOT racism. If you take it in context, you would have read that Jesus was talking about "love your neighbor" in the previous text. To say that passage was showing racism,would be the same as pulling out a passage to point out Jesus was a conservative because He blessed those from the right and cursed those of the left.
The story of the good Samaritan was a lesson on racism, not anything to do with the merits of giving.

Interesting how the parable doesn't go as far as to focus on the Good Samaritan's ethnic background. Are we to assume by your view, that only those who don't give money to a homeless man on a street corner are racist? So are we just looking for an excuse as to why an individual simply can't show compassion towards someone else? Usually if you view something solely through the prism of racism, then black and white is really all you'll ever see.
Samaritan IS his ethnic background. Two "respectable" members of Hebrew society pass by the beaten man but the despised societal outcast stops and helps the man. The point of the story was clear to all contemporary listeners but has since been lost to modern people. Samaritans practiced a more primitive form of Judaism and did not recognize Jerusalem is the place to go worship and were hated and persecuted by Hebrews of the time.

If you read the parable (LUKE 10: 25-36) it was a Jewish man who was attacked, a Jewish priest who walked to on the other side of the beaten man, and a Jewish Levi that also ignored him. The Good Samaritan, AIDED the beaten man by seeing to his wounds then paying for his stay as the robbed man rested. Again, where exactly is the racism? You haven't proven any actions of racism in the story except for your own twisted interpretation.
I already explained who the Samaritans were and that that they were the outcasts of Hebrew society and why, what more do you want? Just pick the group you hate the most and replace"Samaritan" in the story and then you will understand.

That parable was addressing compassion NOT racism. If you take it in context, you would have read that Jesus was talking about "love your neighbor" in the previous text. To say that passage was showing racism,would be the same as pulling out a passage to point out Jesus was a conservative because He blessed those from the right and cursed those of the left.
Argue with this guy, at this point I think you are just arguing for the sake of argument.
Jesus said help the poor and the sick
Jesus said WE should help the poor and sick. Us, the people. And He helped them Himself, too.

He was very much against the government of his time forcing people to do things.

And the government, typical of big-govt dictatorships, tortured Him and killed Him for it.

Jesus was the exact opposite of modern "liberals".

In fact, Jesus was a conservative.

Jesus was not concerned with politics, He was concerned about people. He was really clear about that. He didn't oppose taxation or government at all. "Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's".

And he was killed by the conservatives in the Jewish faith because they feared his King of the Jews tag line would cause an uprising against Rome and the Pharisees would lose power. Herrod feared the Romans would dump him in favour the new guy.

Jesus really opposed wealth though. To be His follower, you have give up your wealth.
Jesus said help the poor and the sick which sounds like every other democrat I know. I can't figure out why so many democrats in the last few years seem hostile to Christianity. I don't expect people to accept the miracles or the whole died for my sins stuff but what about the things he said about being compassionate. Why throw that out with it? It just seems that the teachings of Jesus goes hand in hand with what being a liberal is all about.

Don't be a retard.

Jesus was a Republican.


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