Isn't This Great? Trump Ending DACA Will Create 700,000 Jobs

DACA is Obama's attempt to get around the Constitution, which means it is a violation of the Constitution. President Obama even said so HIMSELF:

"The Constitution gives Congress -- not the president -- the authority to determine who may legally enter and reside in the United States. One year before enacting DACA, President Obama himself explained "With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed."

Time for Trump to keep his promises: DACA is unconstitutional and bad for American workers
Isn't that the basis for Trump's Muslim travel ban though? If the President can decree that aliens from certain countries can't enter the country, surely the President can also decree that aliens from certain countries may enter the country.
we'll just have to see what the Boss President Trump decides , i guess that the decision is 100 percent his decision BBee !!!

Not if Democrats decide to make a issue of it. They and moderate Republicans will have at least 2 chances to force Trump to accept it. The budget bill, the disaster relief bill or the debt limit bill.

It doesn't matter what Obama lovers want either Trump ends it or the courts will...and DACA is not popular unless you work at NBC

You keep believing that. The SurveyMonkey poll on Trump's approvals/disapproval is in line with Fox's poll.
I don't believe polls and anyone that does is foolish. Put Trump up against the democrats best and he will beat them easily
we will see what happens , Trump decision may be coming as early as tomorrow and i don't think that TRUMP needs any help in rescinding mrobamas 'daca' BBee . We may see tomorrow BBee .
I don't believe polls and anyone that does is foolish. Put Trump up against the democrats best and he will beat them easily

You can keep saying that and believe it all you want. If Biden had been the nominee, Trump would have lost big time. If Trump keeps backing policies that appeal to 30% of voters, he will lose.
So not a single one of your can answer my question.

Here is another question. What happened if we cannot find enough workers to rebuild Houston and surrounding counties?
Are any of you lazy Americans will roll up your sleeves and start working? Remember the pay is good so there are no excuses.
So not a single one of your can answer my question.

Here is another question. What happened if we cannot find enough workers to rebuild Houston and surrounding counties?
Are any of you lazy Americans will roll up your sleeves and start working? Remember the pay is good so there are no excuses.
man you truly hate american workers.
i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
More right wing hatred from racists. The fact is that they are Americans not Mexicans. Their memories of Mexico are probably hazy at best. To send them home would be cruel. The fact is that DACA is more popular than Trump is. A new NBC/SurveyMonkey poll shows that 64% support DACA while 30% oppose it. Trump's approval is 36%. This garbage about jobs is exactly that garbage. It would not surprise me to see it reinstated through either the budget bill or the debt ceiling bill or even the bill for disaster relief for Texas.

Poll: Most oppose Arpaio pardon, booting 'Dreamers'

Me when thinking about those poor bean..uh..'dreamers':
i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
what do you do with children who have parents in jail?
Isn't that the basis for Trump's Muslim travel ban though? If the President can decree that aliens from certain countries can't enter the country, surely the President can also decree that aliens from certain countries may enter the country.

Can't the president issues pardons. Like Trump did to Arpaio, or blanket pardens, like Jimmy Carter did to the draft dodgers.

If the president pardoned all the dreamers, they would have no basis to deporrt them
Isn't that the basis for Trump's Muslim travel ban though? If the President can decree that aliens from certain countries can't enter the country, surely the President can also decree that aliens from certain countries may enter the country.

Can't the president issues pardons. Like Trump did to Arpaio, or blanket pardens, like Jimmy Carter did to the draft dodgers.

If the president pardoned all the dreamers, they would have no basis to deporrt them
so I see you're another anti american illegal lover. so you enjoy telling american children of US citizens fk you.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?
so I see you're another anti american illegal lover. so you enjoy telling american children of US citizens fk you.

Me and Ronald Reagan.
I thought he was dead.

Doesn't change what he did. Gave amnesty to millions of illegals.

Ronald Reagans legend leves on.
yep, pissed off quite a few folks. He's gone now, and no point arguing his service any further. He can't defend himself. you, useless american I bet.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?
like M13 in new york? those sort of punk ass kids that obummer allowed in?

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