Isn't This Great? Trump Ending DACA Will Create 700,000 Jobs

Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?
like M13 in new york? those sort of punk ass kids that obummer allowed in?
MS-13 started to come here during Reagan..
MS13 was born here. It started out as a Los Angeles street gang. El Salvadoran immigrants fighting the established Mexicans.

during the Reagan administration, loony one
they got his statue, the left are working on the destruction of america. seems it is what you want as well. wow.

Ronald Reagan still has an airport with his name. A great legacy to the president who let millions and millions of illegals stay in the USA.
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Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?
like M13 in new york? those sort of punk ass kids that obummer allowed in?
MS-13 started to come here during Reagan..
that sucks doesn't it? obummer wanted more of em

you're an idiot....

it's amazing how you loons care about nothing but your Obama-deranted insanity.

guess what president Obama was a thousand times smarter than the orange sociopath and a million times smarter than. you.
i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
-------------------------------------------------------- deport the illegal alien parents and let the kids freely travel and go with the parents . What so mysterious about that MGene .
they got his statue, the left are working on the destruction of america. seems it is what you want as well. wow.

Ronald Reagan still has an airport with his name. A great legacy to the president who let millions and millions of illegals stay in the USA.
------------------------------------------------------- Reagan fecked up , i think that his VP old pwick 'ghwb' had too much influence on Reagan MGene .
Isn't that the basis for Trump's Muslim travel ban though? If the President can decree that aliens from certain countries can't enter the country, surely the President can also decree that aliens from certain countries may enter the country.

Can't the president issues pardons. Like Trump did to Arpaio, or blanket pardens, like Jimmy Carter did to the draft dodgers.

If the president pardoned all the dreamers, they would have no basis to deporrt them
so I see you're another anti american illegal lover. so you enjoy telling american children of US citizens fk you.

The fact is that we are facing a baby bust in the future. Also American companies are struggling to find workers in high tech areas. Getting rid of dreamers would exacerbate that shortage. It would cripple many companies.
amazing to me , all the worriers about the economy and money by the rif raf and rabble and BusyBee . Its a rather recent concern of regular people , maybe 20 years or so . My DAD supported his Famliy of 7 on one good paycheck a week. I did the same on a blue collar paycheck but it was only 3 kids and a wife . ------------ Anyway , just seems funny with most husbands and wives working for a paycheck and with their kids out and about and fecking around , just a comment .
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

wet backs like you are the ones who need to be deported. I would rather have them here rather than white supremacists like you.

You display your economic ignorance. The fact is that there would be more jobs available but that does not mean these jobs would be filled. Many of these job losses would occur in areas in which employers are struggling already to find workers. This would hurt and maybe even cripple companies. That would lead to fewer jobs.

Trump was spawned in Hell itself. If it were God's doing, it would show that he hates this country. Maybe God is showing his displeasure with Trump. Thanks to Hurricane Harvey, no money will be budgeted for the wall. Even the so-called fake conservatives of the so-called Freedom Caucus has admitted that. Trump was forced to say that he will not shut the government down over funding for the wall.
amazing to me , all the worriers about the economy and money by the rif raf and rabble and BusyBee . Its a rather recent concern of regular people , maybe 20 years or so . My DAD supported his Famliy of 7 on one good paycheck a week. I did the same on a blue collar paycheck but it was only 3 kids and a wife . ------------ Anyway , just seems funny with most husbands and wives working for a paycheck and with their kids out and about and fecking around , just a comment .

Those jobs are gone. They are not coming back. We need to look to the future jobs in this country. This is the 21st century.
I have a serious question, and please no insults and mockery.

I myself an immigrant and now a naturalized a minority something have always puzzled me.

Why so called conservative Jesus lovers are the first to be against refugees, dreamers, immigrants and so forth....didnt Jesus call for compassion and helping the needy?
Because after all, most of those who come to the US they are running away, from wars, corruption, poverty ect....also the comments from the same group that claims that God plays a good role in their lives, are filled with mean stuff, why???
amazing to me , all the worriers about the economy and money by the rif raf and rabble and BusyBee . Its a rather recent concern of regular people , maybe 20 years or so . My DAD supported his Famliy of 7 on one good paycheck a week. I did the same on a blue collar paycheck but it was only 3 kids and a wife . ------------ Anyway , just seems funny with most husbands and wives working for a paycheck and with their kids out and about and fecking around , just a comment .

Those jobs are gone. They are not coming back. We need to look to the future jobs in this country. This is the 21st century.
------------------------------------------------- i'm just telling the clueless what things were like Penny . You guys go ahead and worry then , ok with me . As i have said before , its quite a busy society that you guys have created for yourselves and your adult kids still end up living in their parents basements Penny .
I have a serious question, and please no insults and mockery.

I myself an immigrant and now a naturalized a minority something have always puzzled me.

Why so called conservative Jesus lovers are the first to be against refugees, dreamers, immigrants and so forth....didnt Jesus call for compassion and helping the needy?
Because after all, most of those who come to the US they are running away, from wars, corruption, poverty ect....also the comments from the same group that claims that God plays a good role in their lives, are filled with mean stuff, why???
------------------------------------------------------------- USA is a secular society my muslim 'issa' . Jesus can say anything he likes but it has no meaning for anyone unless people want to take Jesus words seriously and then only in their private lives . USA is not the muslim world where people have to follow religious words , thinking and actions Issa .
and i don't know why any thinking person even if a Christian follower of Jesus would want to flood the USA , best country in the world with non Christian foreign third worlders 'issa' . I mean , look at what Americans , mainly Christian have built in the USA over the last couple of hundred years and compare that USA to any other country in the world . And then consider that all the third worlders in the world that can't build anything worthwhile want to flood the USA 'issa' .
i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
-------------------------------------------------------- deport the illegal alien parents and let the kids freely travel and go with the parents . What so mysterious about that MGene .

Pertinent to you post:

Generally 'unaccompanied alien minors' brings to mind 6 year olds....but in many cases, parents pay smugglers to bring their children over the border. In actuality, most of the UAMs are 17-18 years old, who file for 'special immigrant juvenile' status because they know that 'minors' are handled very solicitously by the law, to such a degree that Judge Andrew Hanen accused the government of assisting smuggling of children.

"...U.S. Department of Homeland Security is assisting in criminal conspiracies to smuggle children into the country when it helps reunite them with parents who are known to be in the U.S. illegally.

.... cases in which a child who arrived in the U.S. illegally alone was reunited with a parent who was herself in the country illegally pass through his court in the past month.

In the most recent case, Hanen sentenced a smuggler to 10 months in prison. But he saved his most withering words for the U.S. government for not arresting and deporting the mother who hired the smuggler.

"Instead of arresting (the child's mother) for instigating the conspiracy to violate our border security laws, the DHS delivered the child to her — thus successfully completing the mission of the criminal conspiracy," Hanen wrote.

Between 2008 and 2011, the number of unaccompanied minors who landed in the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, fluctuated between 6,000 and 7,500 per year. That number shot up to 13,625 in 2012 and surged even more — to 24,668 — this year (2013)."
Judge: US government assisting child smuggling

"Instead of arresting (the child's mother) for instigating the conspiracy to violate our border security laws.."

Picture Hussein Obama in an orange jump suit.......
Trump's latest position on this is that he wants DACA legalized, the egg is your face, OP and OP cheerleaders.
and i don't know why any thinking person even if a Christian follower of Jesus would want to flood the USA , best country in the world with non Christian foreign third worlders 'issa' . I mean , look at what Americans , mainly Christian have built in the USA over the last couple of hundred years and compare that USA to any other country in the world . And then consider that all the third worlders in the world that can't build anything worthwhile want to flood the USA 'issa' .

Funny how the Leftist religion-haters try to pretend that religion supports their despotism.
So not a single one of your can answer my question.

Here is another question. What happened if we cannot find enough workers to rebuild Houston and surrounding counties?
Are any of you lazy Americans will roll up your sleeves and start working? Remember the pay is good so there are no excuses.
man you truly hate american workers.

Wrong again kid. I'm just being realistic.
I have a serious question, and please no insults and mockery.

I myself an immigrant and now a naturalized a minority something have always puzzled me.

Why so called conservative Jesus lovers are the first to be against refugees, dreamers, immigrants and so forth....didnt Jesus call for compassion and helping the needy?
Because after all, most of those who come to the US they are running away, from wars, corruption, poverty ect....also the comments from the same group that claims that God plays a good role in their lives, are filled with mean stuff, why???
------------------------------------------------------------- USA is a secular society my muslim 'issa' . Jesus can say anything he likes but it has no meaning for anyone unless people want to take Jesus words seriously and then only in their private lives . USA is not the muslim world where people have to follow religious words , thinking and actions Issa .

There are lot of countries that are better than the US. They don't have bigger armies, but they have higher living standards, less homeless people, free health, free education, less homicides, less drug addicts ect....
I have a serious question, and please no insults and mockery.

I myself an immigrant and now a naturalized a minority something have always puzzled me.

Why so called conservative Jesus lovers are the first to be against refugees, dreamers, immigrants and so forth....didnt Jesus call for compassion and helping the needy?
Because after all, most of those who come to the US they are running away, from wars, corruption, poverty ect....also the comments from the same group that claims that God plays a good role in their lives, are filled with mean stuff, why???
------------------------------------------------------------- USA is a secular society my muslim 'issa' . Jesus can say anything he likes but it has no meaning for anyone unless people want to take Jesus words seriously and then only in their private lives . USA is not the muslim world where people have to follow religious words , thinking and actions Issa .
So in other words conservatives are just phonies. They practice compassion in church but in real life they don't wanna extend their hands to help.

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