Isn't This Great? Trump Ending DACA Will Create 700,000 Jobs

I have a serious question, and please no insults and mockery.

I myself an immigrant and now a naturalized a minority something have always puzzled me.

Why so called conservative Jesus lovers are the first to be against refugees, dreamers, immigrants and so forth....didnt Jesus call for compassion and helping the needy?
Because after all, most of those who come to the US they are running away, from wars, corruption, poverty ect....also the comments from the same group that claims that God plays a good role in their lives, are filled with mean stuff, why???
------------------------------------------------------------- USA is a secular society my muslim 'issa' . Jesus can say anything he likes but it has no meaning for anyone unless people want to take Jesus words seriously and then only in their private lives . USA is not the muslim world where people have to follow religious words , thinking and actions Issa .

There are lot of countries that are better than the US. They don't have bigger armies, but they have higher living standards, less homeless people, free health, free education, less homicides, less drug addicts ect....

Awesome, send the illegals there and lets see how long their pocket books hold out :)
I don't believe polls and anyone that does is foolish. Put Trump up against the democrats best and he will beat them easily

You can keep saying that and believe it all you want. If Biden had been the nominee, Trump would have lost big time. If Trump keeps backing policies that appeal to 30% of voters, he will lose.
Not necessarily.

Estimates put Trump's free press at 4.8 BILLION Dollars. More than double of every candidate from both parties put together. I don't think anyone could have beat him with that much help from the press he seems to despise.
95% of Dreamers are either working or in school. I doubt the GOP base is qualified for the jobs the Dreamers are currently holding. There are 6.2 million available now. We know the GOP base isn't qualified for those jobs.
95% of Dreamers are either working or in school. I doubt the GOP base is qualified for the jobs the Dreamers are currently holding. There are 6.2 million available now. We know the GOP base isn't qualified for those jobs.

Wrong on all accounts....
The Republicans are not going to deport 700,000 so-called Dreamers. Stop wasting your meager mental resources 'dreaming' about that happening...
and i don't know why any thinking person even if a Christian follower of Jesus would want to flood the USA , best country in the world with non Christian foreign third worlders 'issa' . I mean , look at what Americans , mainly Christian have built in the USA over the last couple of hundred years and compare that USA to any other country in the world . And then consider that all the third worlders in the world that can't build anything worthwhile want to flood the USA 'issa' .

Funny how the Leftist religion-haters try to pretend that religion supports their despotism.

The post is an indictment of YOUR pretending to be a Christian.
USA is a FREE COUNTRY, Americans do as they like within the bounds of secular USA laws and if they want to do charity like saving strangers with their boats in Houston then they do charity like the Cajun Navy using their own money and their own time to help AMERICANS Issa .
I have a serious question, and please no insults and mockery.

I myself an immigrant and now a naturalized a minority something have always puzzled me.

Why so called conservative Jesus lovers are the first to be against refugees, dreamers, immigrants and so forth....didnt Jesus call for compassion and helping the needy?
Because after all, most of those who come to the US they are running away, from wars, corruption, poverty ect....also the comments from the same group that claims that God plays a good role in their lives, are filled with mean stuff, why???
------------------------------------------------------------- USA is a secular society my muslim 'issa' . Jesus can say anything he likes but it has no meaning for anyone unless people want to take Jesus words seriously and then only in their private lives . USA is not the muslim world where people have to follow religious words , thinking and actions Issa .

There are lot of countries that are better than the US. They don't have bigger armies, but they have higher living standards, less homeless people, free health, free education, less homicides, less drug addicts ect....
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- take your homeland Egypt for example ISSA. Egyptian people starving and living and getting their daily food from the biggest garbage dump in the world --- Garbage City: The Side of Cairo No One Wants to See --- USA is the best for the most people , the freeest country in the world Issa . As i said , YOU third worlders have it nasty in your third world so YOU come here and YOU coming to the USA is what Americans need to stop Issa .
and i don't know why any thinking person even if a Christian follower of Jesus would want to flood the USA , best country in the world with non Christian foreign third worlders 'issa' . I mean , look at what Americans , mainly Christian have built in the USA over the last couple of hundred years and compare that USA to any other country in the world . And then consider that all the third worlders in the world that can't build anything worthwhile want to flood the USA 'issa' .

Funny how the Leftist religion-haters try to pretend that religion supports their despotism.

The post is an indictment of YOUR pretending to be a Christian.
---------------------------------------------------- i don't pretend anything and i never say what my religion is , the only thing i claim is to be an advocate of Western values , laws and traditions Carbineer .
and look at the foreign aid money and other things that we Americans give you Egyptians Issa . In 2016 we gave you beggars 1.46 billion in money alone . And how long are you 'egyptians' going to remain third world beggars ISSA .??
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Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
What do you mean by "wetbacks"?

a Mexican living in the US, especially without official authorization. are only concerned about the Mexicans? Not all the other dreamers from other countries?
mex are the biggest problem simply because of their geographical location close to the USA , we need to keep mex in the heiihole that they call home Bodecea .
and look at the foreign aid money and other things that we Americans give you Egyptians Issa . In 2016 we gave you beggars 1.46 billion in money alone . And how long are you 'egyptians' going to remain third world beggars ISSA .??
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i mean hey , Egypt is supposed to be an ancient civilization with all kinds of knowledge and brains in building tombs and pyramids . But looks like YOU guys from Egypt just can't build any kinda worth while society so you run to the American Westerners to save your lives and so you can maybe eat on a regular schedule . [its really kinda funny Issa]
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Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
What do you mean by "wetbacks"?

a Mexican living in the US, especially without official authorization. are only concerned about the Mexicans? Not all the other dreamers from other countries?

Oh make no mistake about it....Mexicans are THEE problem.
Illegals from other countries tend to be clean and respectful...they don't impose on others. They spend their lives growing and becoming better AMERICANS. Like Blacks, Hispanics are somehow able to find complacency in total filth, dependency and indecency. If we shared a border with Japan nobody would give two shits about illegal immigration. I've yet to see a Japanese wave their countries flag in the face of the American's that spoon feed them...I've never seen a Japanese leave dirty diapers and Bud Light cans on our beaches. Are you starting to get it? Mexicans fuck themselves by acting like the nasty third world filth they are.
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I have a serious question, and please no insults and mockery.

I myself an immigrant and now a naturalized a minority something have always puzzled me.

Why so called conservative Jesus lovers are the first to be against refugees, dreamers, immigrants and so forth....didnt Jesus call for compassion and helping the needy?
Because after all, most of those who come to the US they are running away, from wars, corruption, poverty ect....also the comments from the same group that claims that God plays a good role in their lives, are filled with mean stuff, why???
------------------------------------------------------------- USA is a secular society my muslim 'issa' . Jesus can say anything he likes but it has no meaning for anyone unless people want to take Jesus words seriously and then only in their private lives . USA is not the muslim world where people have to follow religious words , thinking and actions Issa .

There are lot of countries that are better than the US. They don't have bigger armies, but they have higher living standards, less homeless people, free health, free education, less homicides, less drug addicts ect....
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- take your homeland Egypt for example ISSA. Egyptian people starving and living and getting their daily food from the biggest garbage dump in the world --- Garbage City: The Side of Cairo No One Wants to See --- USA is the best for the most people , the freeest country in the world Issa . As i said , YOU third worlders have it nasty in your third world so YOU come here and YOU coming to the USA is what Americans need to stop Issa .

I'm not Egyptian. I've visited and I can assure there are more homeless in the US than any Arab country....and not a minute pass by without someone dogging into a trash don't play holly.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
What do you mean by "wetbacks"?

a Mexican living in the US, especially without official authorization. are only concerned about the Mexicans? Not all the other dreamers from other countries?

Oh make no mistake about it....Mexicans are THEE problem.
Illegals from other countries tend to be clean and respectful...they don't impose on others. They spend their lives growing and becoming better AMERICANS. Like Blacks, Hispanics are somehow able to find complacency in total filth, dependency and indecency. If we shared a border with Japan nobody would give two shits about illegal immigration. I've yet to see a Japanese wave their countries flag in the face of the American's that spoon feed them...I've never seen a Japanese leave dirty diapers and Bud Light cans on our beaches. Are you starting to get it? Mexicans fuck themselves by acting like the nasty third world filth they are.
I live in LA where most Mexicans live outside Mexico....the hardest working people, also the most humble and the nicest of all immigrants and I'm an immigrant myself. The US should be very thankful of the contribution of Mexicans to the American dream. And never seing them begging for money, the baggers somehow most of them are whites.
yeah , i wouldn't admit to being egyptian either Issa !!
Actually I would be super proud if I was Egyptian, great country with a lot of history that contributed a lot to humanity.
Why are you so mean and degrading ?
and the 'mex' , why can't they work hard in their third world he11hole and make it civilized Issa ??

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