Israel and Netanyahu standing with the Obama administration, end right wing luv?


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to travel to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday. Kerry was expected to brief Netanyahu on the agreement reached in Geneva with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov before flying to Paris for discussions with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Netanyahu expressed cautious hope Sunday that the U.S.-Russia agreement would prove effective, saying that Israel hoped the plan would lead to the "complete destruction" of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal and would push the world to stop Iran from nuclear weapons armament.

Read more: Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday praised President Barack Obama for speaking out against a nuclear-armed Iran earlier this week at the U.N.

“President Obama reiterated that the threat of a nuclear armed Iran cannot be contained. I very much appreciate the president’s position, as does everyone in my country,” Netanyahu said. “We share the goal of stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons programs. This goal united the people of Israel, it unites Americans — Democrats and Republicans alike — and it is shared by important leaders throughout the world.”

Read more: Benjamin Netanyahu praises President Obama's stance on Iran - Kevin Cirilli -


Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to travel to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday. Kerry was expected to brief Netanyahu on the agreement reached in Geneva with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov before flying to Paris for discussions with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Netanyahu expressed cautious hope Sunday that the U.S.-Russia agreement would prove effective, saying that Israel hoped the plan would lead to the "complete destruction" of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal and would push the world to stop Iran from nuclear weapons armament.

Read more: Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday praised President Barack Obama for speaking out against a nuclear-armed Iran earlier this week at the U.N.

“President Obama reiterated that the threat of a nuclear armed Iran cannot be contained. I very much appreciate the president’s position, as does everyone in my country,” Netanyahu said. “We share the goal of stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons programs. This goal united the people of Israel, it unites Americans — Democrats and Republicans alike — and it is shared by important leaders throughout the world.”

Read more: Benjamin Netanyahu praises President Obama's stance on Iran - Kevin Cirilli -



whats he supposed to say?.....:eusa_eh:
Shocking, Netty, the jews and israel in support of America and American soldiers doing their dirty work for them.
What's the issue?

He praised the Syrian deal and praised Obama for taking a stand against a nuclear Iran.

No brainer.
What's the issue?

He praised the Syrian deal and praised Obama for taking a stand against a nuclear Iran.

No brainer.

I seen grumblings from the right that are pretty pissed about this..
Where else would Israel go? Netanyahu is probably grateful that dumb ass Barry Hussein didn't go off and bomb the snot out of Syria to save his own ass.
Cautious hope isn't exactly standing shoulder to shouilder.

obama has publicly stated that he dislikes Netanyahu. Netanyahu has had so many obama knives in his back it would be an act of treason against Israel to trust obama. Publicly gladhanding one another doesn't come close to elevatng cautious hope to the level of wary optimism.
I think Bibi has been replaced by Glorious Leader Putin in hearts of American conservatives.
Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to travel to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday. Kerry was expected to brief Netanyahu on the agreement reached in Geneva with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov before flying to Paris for discussions with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Netanyahu expressed cautious hope Sunday that the U.S.-Russia agreement would prove effective, saying that Israel hoped the plan would lead to the "complete destruction" of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal and would push the world to stop Iran from nuclear weapons armament.

Read more: Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday praised President Barack Obama for speaking out against a nuclear-armed Iran earlier this week at the U.N.

“President Obama reiterated that the threat of a nuclear armed Iran cannot be contained. I very much appreciate the president’s position, as does everyone in my country,” Netanyahu said. “We share the goal of stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons programs. This goal united the people of Israel, it unites Americans — Democrats and Republicans alike — and it is shared by important leaders throughout the world.”

Read more: Benjamin Netanyahu praises President Obama's stance on Iran - Kevin Cirilli -



hold on a sec

You Fucking Hate Israel.

Shouldn't you be getting off obamas junk? railing against the injustice of us working with israel?


ahh, tyranny, always in style when the (D) is in the WH.

good to know we are Still the world police
What's the issue?

He praised the Syrian deal and praised Obama for taking a stand against a nuclear Iran.

No brainer.
Swallow is reaching for good news for his Boiking Obama...It's rather pathetic actually.
Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to travel to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday. Kerry was expected to brief Netanyahu on the agreement reached in Geneva with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov before flying to Paris for discussions with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Netanyahu expressed cautious hope Sunday that the U.S.-Russia agreement would prove effective, saying that Israel hoped the plan would lead to the "complete destruction" of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal and would push the world to stop Iran from nuclear weapons armament.

Read more: Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday praised President Barack Obama for speaking out against a nuclear-armed Iran earlier this week at the U.N.

“President Obama reiterated that the threat of a nuclear armed Iran cannot be contained. I very much appreciate the president’s position, as does everyone in my country,” Netanyahu said. “We share the goal of stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons programs. This goal united the people of Israel, it unites Americans — Democrats and Republicans alike — and it is shared by important leaders throughout the world.”

Read more: Benjamin Netanyahu praises President Obama's stance on Iran - Kevin Cirilli -



hold on a sec

You Fucking Hate Israel.

Shouldn't you be getting off obamas junk? railing against the injustice of us working with israel?


ahh, tyranny, always in style when the (D) is in the WH.

good to know we are Still the world police

Precisely. Swallow CAUGHT again...:lol:
Where else would Israel go? Netanyahu is probably grateful that dumb ass Barry Hussein didn't go off and bomb the snot out of Syria to save his own ass.
And Israel is officially dubious of the PUTIN they should be. THEY are going to judge it on what fruit it bears....
Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to travel to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday. Kerry was expected to brief Netanyahu on the agreement reached in Geneva with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov before flying to Paris for discussions with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Netanyahu expressed cautious hope Sunday that the U.S.-Russia agreement would prove effective, saying that Israel hoped the plan would lead to the "complete destruction" of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal and would push the world to stop Iran from nuclear weapons armament.

Read more: Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains | Fox News

In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday praised President Barack Obama for speaking out against a nuclear-armed Iran earlier this week at the U.N.

“President Obama reiterated that the threat of a nuclear armed Iran cannot be contained. I very much appreciate the president’s position, as does everyone in my country,” Netanyahu said. “We share the goal of stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons programs. This goal united the people of Israel, it unites Americans — Democrats and Republicans alike — and it is shared by important leaders throughout the world.”

Read more: Benjamin Netanyahu praises President Obama's stance on Iran - Kevin Cirilli -



whats he supposed to say?.....:eusa_eh:

Swallow would love the word "UNCLE" coming out of BB's mouth...It will make Swallow's heart go pitty pat....:eusa_whistle:

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