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Israel annexing East Jerusalem

Is was the 1948 partition plan! Never would work. Sounds great in theory, but would lead to all kinds of problems!

Yeah, because the plan now is working sooo well... I think the UN had a reason - a real educated opinion as compared to our little guess games here - why it shouldn't be either Israeli or Palestinian (or Arab, as they called them at the time). I think we should focus on what is proven and what has happened rather on what would or wouldn't have been... But that's just my opinion... :eusa_whistle:

Israel has been the fastest nation to becoming a modern industrialized nation than any other in history! I would say she is doing fine!

YEA! It's amazing what hiding behind America's pant leg while hoarding nukes will allow a racist nation to accomplish. Hell, if Hitler had the same friends as isreal there wouldn't be a jew in Europe!
Look at Tel Aviv vs. Gaza City. Both receive billions in international aid yet the Jews decided to build a city full of life, commerce, cafes, restaurants and condos while the Muslims decided to build rockets and they live in piss-poor conditions.

That may have something to do with Israel bombing, shelling, and dropping white phosphorous haphazardly over Gaza for about a month earlier this year...

Which is the response you should assume will happen when you fire rockets into a country like Israel who has military superiority.

oh yes... blame the VICTIMS.. nice.. Hell, those fucking KURDS should have known better too, eh dipshit?


you know.. they DESERVE to be gassed by Saddam because they were fucking with someone with better MILITARY RESOURCES, right fukko?

Wow, David. You've shown yourself to be nothing more than a sick, deluded, racist dog. You should be ashamed.

If there's a Hell, I'll definitely see you there, buddy. I hope the blood-curling screams keep me from hearing your sorry ass for all eternity, though.

the punchline being: Jews wouldn't outlast ANYONE without goyim support. Hell, how many concentration camp heroics can you recall from ww2? Nadda. Meanwhile, ole Dave here thinks being jewish is nothing less than being from the same planet that gave the world superman.

it's a telltale sign of racist superiority complex. Anyone recall Aryans having the same tone during ww2? Master Race = Chosen Race.

zionism = Racism 100% of the time.
Wow, David. You've shown yourself to be nothing more than a sick, deluded, racist dog. You should be ashamed.

If there's a Hell, I'll definitely see you there, buddy. I hope the blood-curling screams keep me from hearing your sorry ass for all eternity, though.

yawn. Do you actually have something to say to counter the facts I laid out or are you angry at me because I told the truth about Muslim countries?

the only truth you could stumple upon, jew, is your lonely weekends and your monthly astroglide bill.

Like I said... your time is a coming...
You know what would help the Palis? If Hamas put on uniforms and declared war on Israel.

Oh wait, they're cowards.

OR, being treated as ethnic equals to jews under a single state that puts more emphasis on democracy than who is or isn't JEWISH...

indeed, but zionists are racists.

Did you chase a fucking mcnugget into this thread, ravi? If so, im pretty sure David ate it already.
the punchline being: Jews wouldn't outlast ANYONE without goyim support.
Just pointing out another racist remark by Soggy. This one is like saying blacks wouldn't outlast anyone without some kind of non-black support.


1. blacks didn't take themselves off the slave fields. White guys did that.

2. Jews didn't defeat Germany. Again, white guys did that.

Now, did you want to add something else or are you still in your hyper-extended donut morning ritual? By all means, if you dispute the above 2 points then feel free to provide evidence otherwise. I look forward to seeing if you can put down the sauce cup and use your fingers for more than moving calories to your gullet.
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You can twist around all you want, Soggy. You're still guilty of racism. Be proud of yourself, you deny your true nature as much as the Bass does.
You can twist around all you want, Soggy. You're still guilty of racism. Be proud of yourself, you deny your true nature as much as the Bass does.

Like I said, if you have accusations to support then, BY ALL MEANS, prove me wrong. Go ahead, i'll wait... But, if you stop by a drive thru on the way i'm outa here. Lord fucking knows how long you'll take when greasy meats and cheese get involved.
1. blacks didn't take themselves off the slave fields. White guys did that.

2. Jews didn't defeat Germany. Again, white guys did that.

1. Jews didn't commit genocide on themselves. The white guy Germans did that.

2. Blacks didn't end slavery. Again, white guys did that.

Your comment was racist and you are too much of a coward to admit it.
1. blacks didn't take themselves off the slave fields. White guys did that.

2. Jews didn't defeat Germany. Again, white guys did that.

1. Jews didn't commit genocide on themselves. The white guy Germans did that.

2. Blacks didn't end slavery. Again, white guys did that.

Your comment was racist and you are too much of a coward to admit it.

1. which invalidates my point how? Again, where were the army of jews to rise up and do what WHITE GUYS did in ww2?

2. Again, where was the BLACKS rising off of the fields in the south?

I assure you, your post might convince the voice behind the drive thru window but, really, all they want to do is sell you another dozen cheeseburgers. did you ever get around to finding support for your accusation that suggests either of my statements above is false?

I know I know... crying racist (antisemite) SURE is easier than taking that box of fries out of you rmouth long enough to provide evidence otherwise...

STILL WAITING, fat girl... What, did a fucking donut store catch your attention already?
My bad, I thought your yawn meant you fell asleep while trying to spin your way out of your racist remark.
My bad, I thought your yawn meant you fell asleep while trying to spin your way out of your racist remark.

no, your mistake.. That yawn was the direct product of waiting for you to get out of the KFC so you can go ahead and post all that evidence that you think you have that invalidates my points...

so, is that ever going to get posted or would that be taking away from your quality time with the colonel?
What point, Soggy? Your assertion that Jews are incapable of taking care of themselves...just like some people think blacks are incapable of taking care of themselves? Or your point that you aren't a racist when you make statements like that? bwahahahaha!

Next you'll be telling us that Jews have taken over the money system, control the USA and Hollywood...while at the same time not being able to take care of themselves.

What point, Soggy? Your assertion that Jews are incapable of taking care of themselves...just like some people think blacks are incapable of taking care of themselves? Or your point that you aren't a racist when you make statements like that? bwahahahaha!

Next you'll be telling us that Jews have taken over the money system, control the USA and Hollywood...while at the same time not being able to take care of themselves.


uh, the TWO specific points that you called out earlier today as racist statements rather than factual statements. Jesus fucking christ, ravir.. if your brain has as much trouble as your ass does walking up multiple flights of stairs then I'd seriously reconsider a significant lifestyle change.

Indeed, we saw jews taking care of themselves during WW2, didn't we? We sure did see blacks TAKING CARE OF THEMSELVES during slavery era America, didn't we?

Now, if you have any proof to offer besides posting on this forum like Slimer eating fucking hotdogs....

Yes Israel has some blame, but I put the primary blame on the Palestinians, the acceptance of terrorism and the highly highly corrupt PLO and Arafat government!
Acts of terrorism are Palestinian responses to Israeli oppression. Attacks targeting civilians are completely unjustified, yes, but you can't expect Palestinians to bend over and take it from Israel when Palestinians are attacked regularly and forced to live in completely inadequate conditions.

NO, Israel HAS to protect herself!
Israel could have protected itself by abiding by the terms of its cease-fire with Hamas. Israel failed to lift the blockade in accordance with the agreement, and Hamas renewed their Qassam rocket attacks.

Its simple the Palestinians lay down their arms and they have the FIRST EVER IN HISTORY PALESTINIANS STATE!
It's unrealistic to expect to demand that the Palestinians stop fighting while they continue to suffer from Israeli apartheid. Both sides have to make large concessions, which seems to be something that Israel is unwilling to do in this current conflict.

Operation Cast Lead was long over due and highly justified.
Needlessly causing thousands of civilian casualties and bombing targets that obviously had nothing to do with Hamas is completely unjustified. Operation Cast Lead was nothing short of a massacre. The fact that Hamas was foolish enough to lob homemade rockets towards Sderot does not justify a massacre, IMO.
Dont bother. Jewhook has no real interest in laying criticism on zion unless he can return tenfold criticism of non-jews. I promise, before yo know it you'll have Ravi the fat goofy bitch and DavidS the comfy American Jew giving you the Scarlet A treatment.
acceptance of terrorism and the highly highly corrupt PLO and Arafat government!

well... Arafat was corrupt... as is Hamas... yet the pals picked him. and even after Israel gave the Gaza UNCONDITIONALLY to the pals, they only used the land as a launching pad for missiles.

Maybe they should have used the money to build infrastructure? The pal goal isn't a state... it's goal is driving Israel to the sea. The arabs attacked israel.. Israel won land. Amazing how that works.

Acts of terrorism are Palestinian responses to Israeli oppression. Attacks targeting civilians are completely unjustified, yes, but you can't expect Palestinians to bend over and take it from Israel when Palestinians are attacked regularly and forced to live in completely inadequate conditions.

see above. your post is a lie... it's the pals who ATTACK regularly. Israel defends itself.

Israel could have protected itself by abiding by the terms of its cease-fire with Hamas. Israel failed to lift the blockade in accordance with the agreement, and Hamas renewed their Qassam rocket attacks.

more lies.... Israel took 3,000 rockets before it went in. too bad if you have a problem with that. if someone were lobbing missiles at your children, i'm pretty sure you wouldn't wait for 3,000 of them.

It's unrealistic to expect to demand that the Palestinians stop fighting while they continue to suffer from Israeli apartheid. Both sides have to make large concessions, which seems to be something that Israel is unwilling to do in this current conflict.

More lies... Israel gave the pals something like 98% of what they were demanding. Arafat walked away from the table saying if he made peace, he'd be drinking tea with Rabin.

Needlessly causing thousands of civilian casualties and bombing targets that obviously had nothing to do with Hamas is completely unjustified. Operation Cast Lead was nothing short of a massacre. The fact that Hamas was foolish enough to lob homemade rockets towards Sderot does not justify a massacre, IMO.

people die when they elect terrorists to represent them. Israel targeted terrorist installations. Hamas likes putting those installations next to civilians. Perhaps they shoudn't have allowed themselves to be represented by a terrorist group.
12 dead from rockets in how many years? Yea, princess, murdering over 1k arab civilians sure is "defending" itself.

hey, just wait until you and davidS do more than cry like bitches about temple mount! Like I've said, on this continuum the election of Bibi is the beginning of the end. The global community is not about to keep rationalizing jewish racism just because you keep screaming holocaust. Every time America refuses to attack iran you might want to keep that in mind. It's only a matter of a few more Cast Leads that will tip this scale against your pet racist nation. However, I'm sure you'll leap backwards 1000 paces regarding that whole "spoils of war" mentality that is convenient for you NOW when you find israel but a quaint memory following another destroyed temple of solomon.

when in doubt, play the victim though.. that seems to ahve worked out well for 6k years!

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