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Israel annexing East Jerusalem

Uh, Gaza City has been a slum for decades, not just a few months,
The social, economic, and political crisis in Gaza is primarily an Israeli creation. Most of the city's residents are refugees.

HA! That's hilarious. Assign blame to the Jews because of your own inadequacies. My goodness.... how times change... or not. The Babylonians, the Philistines, the Romans, the Malmuks, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, the Arabs... all of you are the same and we will outlast each one of you. Gaza wasn't even under Israeli control until 1967. So what happened between 1948 and 1967? Why didn't Egypt do something about these so-called refugees? And these Arabs didn't belong in Israel to begin with! Palestine was created in the 1920s to solve the Jewish-Arab conflict. They split Palestine in two giving the Arabs Trans-Jordan and the Jews Palestine. Before that, there were few, if any Arabs living in the area known as Palestine under Ottoman control. Archeological records confirm this. Also, since the dissolution of Jewish Palestine, there is no longer any such things a Palestinian. They are just Arabs. They have always been just Arabs. There is no cultural history of an Arab Palestine, no history of a Prime Minister or defined borders or official language or any of that. Palestine is just another name for ISRAEL created by the Romans in the 300s. Before that, Palestine never existed and Israel had already existed for thousands of years.

The blockade forced on the Gaza Strip by Israel for the last few years has completely destroyed any hope of economic prosperity and has forced Palestinians to live in abject poverty. Here's what has happened: First, Israel turned what are now the residents of Gaza into refugees.

The blockade wasn't put into Gaza until 2007. What happened between 1967 and 2007? 40 years of hundred of billions of aid straming into Gaza and what do you have to show for it? NOTHING except conditions people lviing in a 3rd world country would find deplorable. Gaza could have used the billions of dollars to build cities, roads, cafes, restaraunts and villages. They could've worked with Egypt to build a strong alliance with other Arab countries. But they didn't. All they did was cry that they were victims, no matter how much support they received from the Soviet Union, from other Arab countries - you all failed. Gaza is a failed society. If you Muslims spent nearly 10% on infrastrucutre and jobs that you spend on bombs, most of your countries would at least be somewhat tolerable. But they're not - they're just rotting stinking pieces of shit. Look at Pakistan - poverty rate close to 30%. Look at Iraq over 20%. Look at Afghanistan nearly 80% poverty. The list of failed Arab Muslims countries goes on and on and your poverty rates would be higher if it weren't for the US and for the European countries who buy their fucking oil. Most of the Arab countries are all 3rd world countries mostly. And now you want yet another country? Fuck that. You can barely run a tiny one on your own.

Then, Israel crippled Gaza's economy by imposing a blockade. This also prevents food and adequate medical treatment from reaching Gazan civilians.

Gaza never had an economy to begin with! Unemployment in Gaza has always been above 60%. The blockade wasn't just imposed by Israel, but it was also imposed by Egypt - yet another Muslim country that wanted nothing to do with Hamas or these so-called make-believe people, the Palestinians. Your time has come and gone - you people were given a chance starting with Lawrence of Arabia and ending with 9/11. We gave you a chance, we offered our hands to you in friendship and all you did was slap it away.

Now see what happens when your customers for oil evaporate in the next century. See what roles of the global economy you're given. NONE. Because all you people know is violence and terrorism. Your brains have been fried from the heat of the desert and you're as stupid now as you were 1000 years ago.

Israel will outlast your terrorist movement and when the world has had enough of these temper tantrums of the Arab Muslims it will crush you. It will crush almost all of you. And then the survivors will be too chicken shit to ever mutter the word "Allah" again.

That my friend, that will be the next Jewish holiday.
Wow, David. You've shown yourself to be nothing more than a sick, deluded, racist dog. You should be ashamed.

If there's a Hell, I'll definitely see you there, buddy. I hope the blood-curling screams keep me from hearing your sorry ass for all eternity, though.
What a DOUCHE, and you're right up there with him. But sure, go on telling us how it's not ok for Germany to take the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, but it's ok for Israel to take PALESTINIAN land. Tell us why it's not ok for Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait, but it's ok for Israel to invade, occupy, and COLONIZE the West Bank. Tell us, tell us, tell us about how EVIL the Russians are for crippling a weak state (Georgia) or for downright invading Afghanistan. And fuck it, while you're at it, why don't you let us know your thoughts on the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, or the Italian Invasion of Ethiopia? Tell us how THAT isn't ok, but somehow, someway, it's OK for YOU to do it.

Are you being serious or facecious? I hope facecious.

Let's see: Were the Czechs and the Poles regularly bombing German civilians? No
Were Kuwait nationals launching suicide attacks against Iraqis? Er, no.
Were Abyssinians regularly launching rockets into Italy? Um, No.

Did the Czechs, Kuwaitis or Abyssinians launch three wars against Germany, Iraq or Italy respectively? A resounding no.

If you are going to give examples, at least put them in the correct context. You look like an idiot otherwise.
Wow, David. You've shown yourself to be nothing more than a sick, deluded, racist dog. You should be ashamed.

If there's a Hell, I'll definitely see you there, buddy. I hope the blood-curling screams keep me from hearing your sorry ass for all eternity, though.

yawn. Do you actually have something to say to counter the facts I laid out or are you angry at me because I told the truth about Muslim countries?
You know what would help the Palis? If Hamas put on uniforms and declared war on Israel.

Oh wait, they're cowards.
Wow, David. You've shown yourself to be nothing more than a sick, deluded, racist dog. You should be ashamed.

If there's a Hell, I'll definitely see you there, buddy. I hope the blood-curling screams keep me from hearing your sorry ass for all eternity, though.

Pot calling the kettle black! :cuckoo:
and, for a guy who says he DOES find fault with thirteen colonies you sure the fuck ride the irony all the way to zion, don't you? So, apparently, when Euros do it.. then it's bad... but when JEWS do it... well, thats what being chosen is all about, eh?

The Europeans have a history in America prior to 1492? Wow, I thought only the Mormons brought that BS...

America is the ONLY place where manifest destiny becomes a cultural shame?

Well, coming from a zionist jews....
I dont think the Palestinians are culturally developed enough to run their own modern day nation. Maybe after another 50 years or so they will catch up with the rest of the world, but until then, we will have to put up with their barbaric nature, which sucks. Given the murderous nature of palestinians in general, they are lucky Israel allows them to stay on Israeli land.

yea yea yea.. the same was said about ******* off the cotton field too. Maybe they could catch up if they were not constantly seeing their land being snatched away for the sake of some burning bush zionism.

"IN GENERAL" .. well, hey, at least you are honest about your racism.

Their land is not being snatched away. The Arabs have 22 countries that they can go to and there's plenty of open real estate. They moved, illegally onto land that was preserved for the Jewish people only in the 1920 and the 1930s. And then they intentionally had at least 10-20 kids per family, mooched off of Jewish Palestine aid and said the land belonged to them. The 1923 Jewish Palestine borders are what belongs to all of the Jews - nothing less, nothing more. No Gaza, no West Bank, no Golan Heights. None of that belongs to Arabs. Now, unfortunately, in exchange for peace, we've been blackmailed into giving them the West Bank. Fine. So be it under certain conditions that give the settlers there the same rights and freedoms that the Arabs have in Israel. But Gaza? Golan Heights? No. We will not give that up. That is our land we won in war. Just as the Europeans won American land in war and as have many other countries.

Read the OP. Jewish annexation of gaza and west banks and Golan ARE being canaanized once again.

Now, I realize that to you all arabs look the same but that doesn't mean palis are anywhere NEAR the same as muslims from any other muslim country. But hey, if I were to generalize your jewish ass in like fashion your pussy would be bleeding all talking about antisemitism and joooo hatred.

and, you are not an island. Without global support all your zionist amounts to is racism packed in good PR. Hell, even nazis had that while baking off a few jewish generations for years during WW2. Your time will come, jew. It's going to be rich wtching you cry foul when it does given all the racism you have shown to non jews in the area. Like I said, it's good to know that you'll be leaving quietly when the US starts taking a lesson from zionists about purging their unwanteds.
Their land is not being snatched away.

I guess the EU begs to differ...

Please tell me in what line of the Israeli Constitution does it say "Israel will listen to whatever the EU says."

I guess the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 of November 29, 1947 that created your beloved Israel begs to differ: Dude, you have some SERIOUS gaps in education... or you're just plain stupid ... or an ideologue in self-imposed denial.

You're quoting a six-decade old UN resolution on the borders of Israel? How many wars have there been since then? Which UN Resolution allowed Egypt, Jordan and Syria to invade Israel in 1967 again?

are you fucking kidding me? You want to criticize something that is 6 decades old given the burning bush BULLSHIT you use to rationalize jewish nazism?


now THAT is classic!
You're quoting a six-decade old UN resolution on the borders of Israel? How many wars have there been since then? Which UN Resolution allowed Egypt, Jordan and Syria to invade Israel in 1967 again?

UN Resolution 242 of 1967 basically tells Israel to GET THE FUCK OUT of the occupied territories... besides ceasing the armed conflict, etc...

There were no "occupied territories" in 1967. Nice try though.

Israel belonged to the Jews long before the phony "United Nations" even existed. Israel belonged to the Jews long before the Roman Empire was even around. Israel belonged to the Jews well after the Roman Empire collapsed and will continue to belong to the Jews long after the United Nations collapses.

and yet... didn't you JUST criticize something merely 6 decades old? And, without a second breth you leap right into the entire buring bush bullshit... as if NO ONE BUT JEWS EVER LIVED ON THAT LAND!


Do you feel the cracks in the foundation of your racist jew-hardon, pussy?
My solution to the question of Jerusalem is to give it to an International body that governs it that is contributed from the Muslim, Christians and Jews

Is was the 1948 partition plan! Never would work. Sounds great in theory, but would lead to all kinds of problems!

yea, kind like a "jewish isreal" sounded like a good idea in the shadow of ww2 until we rediscovered how indigenous people react to having their land carved into a racist state, eh?
Look at Tel Aviv vs. Gaza City. Both receive billions in international aid yet the Jews decided to build a city full of life, commerce, cafes, restaurants and condos while the Muslims decided to build rockets and they live in piss-poor conditions.

That may have something to do with Israel bombing, shelling, and dropping white phosphorous haphazardly over Gaza for about a month earlier this year...

Israel didn't rule the lands from '48-'67, yet they did nothing with the lands! They have had plenty of opportunity to do something with the lands and choose to go to war! Its ignorant to blame Israel for defending itself!
Come the Arabs in Gaza had many many years to do something with the lands and they kept in a desert.

leave it to a zionist jew to insist that a standard of living invalidates native homeland when it comes to carving out zion. Hell, in the same breath he cries for "defensive" consideration for jews he DEMONIZES the indigenous people for doing the exact same DEFENDING..

I guess this is what being chosen is all about.
Seriously... but you can't argue with a racist. It is almost vulgar- he has the nerve to compare Gaza City to Tel Aviv, AFTER his country bombed the fucking shit out of it. Whoopdidoo, Dave.
Exactly! That is why people should ignore your posts! I stopped reading when after this line!

no you don't, jew. you sit there and act like a fucking cyber mossad agent trying to polish the turd of your racist team jersey state while it takes advantage of post holocaust ironic racism. Give me a fucking break.
Uh, Gaza City has been a slum for decades, not just a few months, Sunni Man.

the IDF called. they're wondering where your yellow ass is.

i said hiding.

Get over it! Its getting very old. He lives in America, so quit being a troll!

fuck you. he HIDES in America while promoting the same kind of racism that Walt Disney did in 1945. If you have the balls to applaud killing arabs in your zionist quest for demographic control then the LEAST he could do is take his fat ass back to zion instead of becoming another generation of armchair jews hiding behind the pant leg of America.
Yes Israel has some blame,

HOLY SHIT. Did the Earth just fall off of it's axis?!?!?!

oh, silly me.. you followed it up with nothing less than another stale deflection at non-jews.. go figure.

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